The Clinton Independent. VOL XXXII.—NO. Y.'J ST. JOHNS, MICH., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21 1897. WHOLE NO.—1617 FOUR WENT TO DETROIT. BY HOME TALENT. Wanted. Cash paid for Cider Apples delivered SHIP CAMP DELUGE at my Mill in St. Johns. “Chime* of Normandy ” Will Be Present, Local Rider* Were Not In Trim for E. E. Emmons. Thursday'* Race*. ed Next Thursday and Friday Lost. T. J. Gristock, of ShepardsvUle, A number of people witnessed the The Experience of a Man Who Evenings. Commissioner of Insurance Ex­ Between St. Johns and the Fair Burned Out. races at the Athletic Park last Thurs­ • “Chimes of Normandy, Planquett ’s day afternoon. They were held under Lost Everything. poses “Outlaw” Companies. Grounds, September 25, two pieces of L. A. W. rules. Summaries: popular opera, will be presented to the sheet music, one of them a duet. If found please return to Mrs. Price, St. VKKV LITTLK .SAVED FROM HIS LAST One-mile novice, tiro heat*—Edgar Rice, of music-loving element of St. JohDS on St. Johns, first: B. 8. Gilmer,of Ionia, second; RESEMBLED THE JOHNSTOWN FLOOD the evenings of next Thursday and Johns, Mich. FIRE. Roy V. Henderson, of St. Johns, third. Time. TWENTY-TWO concerns without ■ 19 2-a. IN ITS DESTRUCTIVE POWER. Friday. It pays to trade at John H icks ’. One-half mile professional, threeheats —J. J. LEGAL EXISTENCE ANYWHERE. Hlouin, of Detroit, first; Sam Amspaoker. of This production is being given under Cured of Deafness. A Defecllve Chimney Is Supposed to Have Owosso,second; W. J. Burhans.of Ionia, third. the auspices of the Ladies ’ Library Time. 1.12. To my friends and the public: I wish Hern the Cause—He Wai Burned Out One mile amateur, three heals— E. A Mo- H. C. Ingle* Hardy Escapes With His Association and great preparation have Person* Insured In These Companies to say a word concerning deafness. On ross, of Detroit, first; Sam Shaffer, of St. On October 17, 1889, And On Life Hut 1* Not Discouraged Yat and been made to make it a success. Have No Legal Remedy In Case June 13th, 1897, my hearing left me and Johns, second: Hoy V. Henderson, of St. The opera is under the direction of I was most entirely deaf in the left ear October 1«, 1897. Johns, third. Time, 2:56 4-5. May Return In the Spring. of Fire. One mile professional, one heat—J. J. Blouln, Mr. G. Van Demorest, the well-known —could not bear my watch tick. I con ­ From Our Sliepardsvllle Correspondent, Among the gold seekers who suffered of Detroit, first; W. p. Burhaus. of Ionia, sec­ baritone, with Mrs. Price, pianiste. The following is copy of a letter to sulted a noted pLysician of Detroit, Last Saturday, Oct. 16, at 2 p. m., the ond; Sam Anspaoker, of Owosso, third; Time, in the recent deluge at Sheep Camp, was The costumes were secured from Lor- Mich., but obtained no satisfaction 15:35 1-3. The Independent regarding the One-mile lap race, 3 heats—E. A. Moross, of II. C. Ingles, of Memphis, Tenn., hus­ inger, Detroit. whatever. My friends thought there farm residence of T. J. Gristock, to ­ The following cast of characters in­ outlaw” insurance companies doing Detroit, first; Sam Shaffer, of St. Johns, sec­ band of Mrs. II. C. Ingles, now at Hotel was no help for me. Finally 1 concluded gether with nearly all of its contents, ond; Sam Anspaoker, of Owosso, third. Time, cludes the representative talent of the business in tbe state of Michigan: to consult Dr. Ottman. of the medical 2d»l-5. St. Johns. Mr. Ingles has returned to was destroyed by Ore. village: “It has come to the knowledge of the firm of B. S &Co.,of Muskegon, Mich., On October 17, 1889, all the farm Pearl Hathaway, of Owosso, took a Seattle for the winter months, to recu OASPARD, a Miser.............G, VanDEMOKEST and with great thankfulness I can header in the first lap of the one-half Henry. Marquis of CornviHe, .. .John Collins insurance department that the citizens buildings of this gentleman were des ­ perate his health and consider the advi ­ of this state are, in many localities, cheerfully say that after about two mile open professional aud broke his Jean Grenicbeux, a fisherman, Claud Emmons months’ treatment with this skillful troyed by the same agency; two practi­ arm near the wrist. sability of another dash for Klondike in The Bailli.................................... Henry Washburn being swindled aud defrauded by worth­ Notary, ....................................... Harry Walsworth less and irresponsible insurance com ­ physician my hearing has been restored cally coinciding dates of heavy losses, Carl Shaw, of this village, was unable the spring. In the following letter, Serpolette. good for nothing,. ... Miss Emmons panies. to me. Hoping that many w ho are deaf to ride on account of sickness. Germaine, the lost heiress................Mrs. Tromu may consult Dr. Ottman, I will say to aud under distressing circumstances. written to a friend in Memphis, Tenn., Gertrude ..................................... Mrs. Edna Smith “Companies that have any financial Between these dates have come at a copy furnished us by Mrs. Ingles, Mr. Nanette.................................. Mrs. Edward Nesblt standing desiring to do busiuess in the such that they will find him very rea­ Jeanne ........................................ Miss Rose Moloet sonable in his charges and interested in various times losses of fence, of crops, Ingles gives a graphic account of the state will and do comply with our laws. Suzanne ...................................... Miss Thurza Judd “No man insuring his property in their welfare. Yours truly, of pasture and of timber from this A VALUABLE CANINE experience of his party when the deluge Veloutine ................................. Miss Helen Corbit M. L. WELTER, Ovid, Mich. Billottl .................................... Miss Edith Dunn companies from outside of the state source, and it wouM seem that if there came: need no more than to ask his local This eminent specialist will visit St. is any such thing as being pursued by I am back in Seattle with nothing but MARRIED. agent to show his certificate of author- Johns Wednesday, Nov. 3, in the pri­ a tale of misfortune to tell, and so are a ty to write the policy he offers. He vate parlor of the Steel Hotel, from 9 any especial agent of hate and destruc ­ Was That Owned by Frank Wa­ a. m. until 7:30 p. m. One dav only. number of prospective miners who were ENGLE—SHAVER. must have such certificate. tion. the tire fiend is on the track of Mr. ters, of This Village. on the trail in my locality at the time. 1 “Companies who are not authorized Consultation free aud strictly confiden ­ Gristock with more than ordinary per­ am more than thankful to be alive, and At the residence of the bride's sister, to write insurance in this state jiave no tial. sistence. as I look back at the scene that took Mrs. Geo. S. Corbit,by Rev. G. C. Long ­ standing here whatever, and should a Let No Man Suffer. place at 6 a. m. September 18th, I only loss occur, the insured would be with­ The fire Saturday started presumably COST WILLIAM WILHOl'SEN |59|0 man, pastor of the First Congregational When you are hungry come to our from a defective chimney. Mrs. Gris­ wonder that I am alive at the present church of St. Johns, Tuesday morning, out a legal remedy in the state. TO KILL THE DOG. time. I will now explain. At Sbeep “Companies that are authorized may restaurant, head of Clinton avenue, tock was alone, had built a fire in the October 19, 1897, Mr. Geo. S. Engel, of east side, and we will satisfy you for a diuing-room stove aud was engaged in Camp, about seventeen miles up the Chicago, and Mrs. Matilda S. Shaver, of be sued, if occasion requires, in the Chilkoot Pass from Dyea, on the above home courts where the fire occurs. small outlay of money. sewing. While thus occupied, uncons ­ St. Johns. W. II. Watts . cious of danger. Daniel Weaver pass­ He Had a Moral If Not a Legal Bight to morning, there came a flood of dirt and The wedding was a quiet one, only the “The agents who solicit for such ing along the road, saw smoke pouring Shoot It. water, rocks and trees, that swept eve­ local relatives and a very few friends fraudulent companies or aid in placing rything before it,au irresistible wave of Placing pollicies for them are criminals Notice to Shareholders. from the roof and gave the alarm. Of late there lias been considerable being present. The ceremony was per­ The pipe from the dining room and destruction lasting about twenty min­ formed promptly at 7 o'clock, aud was >efore the law. Several fires have The shareholders in the Greenbush kitchen stoves entered the the chimney interest and excitement hereabouts oc ­ utes, that was as destructive in power the initial number by the recently or ­ lately occurred with insurance in such Mutual Stock Company are hereby noti ­ below the ceiling, the chimney passing casioned by the large numbers of sheep as the bursting of tbe reservoir at dained clergyman, Rev. Longman, who companies and not a dollar of loss has fied to call upon the undersigned at any Johnstown, Pa. A glacier up tbe can ­ has been recovered and the department on up through a half-story room above and lambs that have been injured and acquitted himself upon this occasion in time up to Jan. 1, 1898, and receive and through the roof. The room was yon two miles above Sheep Camp gave a manner very pleasing to the contract ­ of insurance is helpless to aid.
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