Wilkie Collins, a Biography

Wilkie Collins, a Biography

INDEX Achurch, Janet, 284n. Bancroft, Squire, 239, 253-5, Addison, Joseph, 293. 282, 286, 323. Adelphi Theatre, 205, 210, Barnaby Rudge, 258. 225-6, 304. Barrett, Wilson, 252. After Dark, 92, 313. Bartley, H. P., 288. Ainsworth, Harrison, 38. Basil, 68-72, 85, 128-9, 161, Alexander, George, 305. 239, 291, 329. Alexandra Theatre, Liverpool, Bateman, Miss, 286. 284. Beard, Francis Carr, 134, Alison, Rev. Dr., 19. 164-5, 167-8, 188, 230, 236, Allston, Washington, 14, 21, 243, 249-51, 307, 317, 46. 321-4. All the Year Round, 61, 127, Beard, Nathaniel, 230, 249-51, 142-3, 157, 159-60, 162, 265. 169, 174, 179, 187, 202, Beard, Thomas, 126, 165. 205, 207, 212, 215-17. Bedford, Duke of, 20. Andersen, Hans, 113. Beethoven, 156. Anderson, Mary, 213-4, 307-8, Belinfaute Bros., 233-5. 314. Bellini, 156. Anson, G. W., 305. Bentley, George, 53, 57, 71, Antiquary, The, 329. 75, 246-7. Antonina, 54-5, 58, 70. Benzon, Mr., 199. Antrobus, Mr., 32-3, 37-8, Beppo, 28. 40-1. Berger, Francesco, 106. Archer, Frank, 54, 133, 261, Bernard, W. B., 174. 263, 271-2, 280, 283-4, 288, Besant, Walter, 304, 321, 300, 304, 311, 313, 316, 324. 321. Black, William, 326. Armadale, 97, 163, 173, Black and White, 225-7. 187-96, 198-9, 200, 218, Black Robe, The, 298-9. 228, 239, 284, 289-91, 326. Blanchard, E. M., 189, 208. Arnold, Matthew, 261. Bleak House, 65, 75, 167. Arrowsmith, J. W., 311-2. Blind Love, 318-22. As You Like It, 99. Bolton Weekly Journal, 310. Athenaeum, The, 71, 123, 194, Book of Nonsense, The, 93. 228, 247. Boston Advertiser, 268. Boston Evening Transcript, Balzac, 118, 329. 272. 341 342 . INDEX Bradbury and Evans, 111, 127. Cole, Mr., 29-30. Braddon, Miss, 323, 326. Coleridge, Sara, 15. Bradlaugh, Charles, 266. Coleridge, S. T., 15, 65, 164, Bramwell, E. J., 286. 280. Brandling, H. C, 55, 57. Collins, Charles Allston, 21-3, Bride of Lammermoor, The 30, 36, 43, 52, 67, 80, 114, 280. 123, 125-7, 129, 131, 133, Britannia Saloon, Hoxton, 165, 177, 199, 205, 211, 158-9. 243, 252, 255-6, 294, 324. Bronte, Charlotte, 112. Collins, Francis, 13, 22. Brooks, Shirley, 114, 208, 294. Collins, Mrs. (Harriet Geddes) Brougham, Lord, 238n, 288. 17-19, 21-3, 29, 32-3, 39- Browning, Robert, 187, 228. 43, 44-6, 50, 65-6, 116, 130, Bruce, Edgar, 305. 133, 147, 168, 175, 185-6, Bullar, Henry, 145, 165. 196, 210-2, 280. Bulwer-Lytton, Edward, 54-5, Collins, William (the elder), 59, 63-4, 108, 119, 127, 11-12. 154, 160, 254. Collins., William, R.A., 11-43, Byron, Lord, 28, 97, 293. 47, 50-1, 70, 280. Colomba, 289. Cain, 97. Communistic Societies of the Caine, Hall, 147, 281-2, 314-6, United States, The, 292. 318, 323. Constable, John, 14. Canadian Monthly, 290, 298. Contemporary Review, 149, Carlyle, Thomas, 90, 108, 149. 313. Carpenter, Mrs., 17. Cook, Dutton, 208, 226, 255, Cassell, Petter & Galpin, 232-3. 285. Cassell's Magazine, 231-2, 236, 246. Cooper, Fenimore, 329. Castelnau, Dr., 318-9- Coquelin, 316. Cavendish, Ada, 261, 263, Cornhill Magazine, 178-80, 271-2, 283-4, 286, 314, 323. 187, 278. Chambers, Robert, 67. Court Duel, A, 53. Chapman and Hall, 39, 245. Coutts, Miss, 120. Charing Cross Theatre, 271-2, Cruikshank, George, 189. 283. Cruise of the Tomtit, The, 92. Chatto, Andrew, 276, 317, 323. Daily Telegraph, 325. Chatto and Windus, 276, 291, Daily Tribune, 268. 297, 311, 313. Daly, Augustin, 201, 255, 268. Chesterton, G. K., 245. Dana, R. H., 46, 48, 51. Cheveux De Ma Femme, Les, Daudet, Alphonse, 289. 97. David Copperfield, 59, 258. Chorley, H. F., 126, 194, 228. Da Vinci, Leonardo, 79. Claude, 26. Day's Ride, A, 160. 226. Dead. Hand, The, 116. Clow, J. C, 134-5, Coghlan, 254. Dead Secret, The, 106, 110-2, Colburn, Henry, 53. 264, 286. INDEX 343 De La Mare, Walter, 48, 150, Eliot, T. S., 191, 195, 224, 219, 331-3. 289, 331. Delane, John, 122. Ellis, F. S., 236. De Quincey, Thomas, 164, 281. Ellis, S. M., 193, 292, 301. Desclee, Aimee, 262. Evil Genius, The, 306, 309-11. Devil's Spectacles, The, 311. Fallen Leaves, The, 290-3, Devonshire, Duke of, 63, 106. 300. Diary of Anne Rodway, The, Farren, 316. 101. Fechter, Charles A., 126, 205- Dickens, Mrs. Catherine, 62, 209, 215, 225-6, 231, 264, 65, 81, 121, 294. 267, 273, 294. Dickens, Charles, 46, 50, 52, Fergusson, Sir William, 282. 59-65, 68, 72, 73-127, 132, Ferrari, 261. 141-2, 144-5, 149, 155-68, Ferrier, Prof. David, 301. 170, 175, 177-9, 186-8, 196, Field, Cyrus T., 273. 200-10, 214-6, 218, 225-6, Fielding, Henry, 293. 231-2, 242-6, 249, 256, Fitzgerald, Edward, 149. 258-60, 262, 264, 273, 278, Fitzgerald, Percy, 60-1, 101, 293-4, 300, 307, 327, 333. 122, 226, 263. Dickens, Charles, Jnr., 245, Foley, Inspector, 220. 294, 323. Foote, Lydia, 254. Dickens, Sir Henry, Bt, 113. Forgues, Emile, 96. Dickens, Kate (afterwards Forster, John, 60-3, 64, 75, 77, Mrs. Charles Collins and 107, 111, 121-2, 126, 141-2, Mrs. Perugini), 66, 103, 190, 228, 243, 246, 257-60, 125-7, 131, 134, 199, 255, 263. 2$3, 294, 323. Fortunio and his Seven Gifted Dickens, Mamie, 126-7, 323- Sons, 88. Dickinson, Mrs., 132. Franklin, Sir John, 102. Didier, 215. Fraser's Magazine, 74. Dolby, 156. George, French Revolution, The, 149. Dombey and Son, 258. Frith, William, 52, 275. Donizetti, 156. Frozen Deep, The, 102-3, 106- Douhault, Mme. de, 137-8. 108, 110, 112-4, 122, 195-8, Downey, Edmund, 217. 273-4, 294, 297. Dream Woman, The, 91, 267, 272, 274. Gabriel's Marriage, 73. 137-8. Dulude, M., Garibaldi, 186. Dumas, Alexandre, 329. 315, George IV, 18, 20. Dyas, Ada, 253. Germ, The, 66. Ghost's Touch, The, 311. Echo, 233, 235, 293. Globe, 139. Egg, Augustus, 52, 59, 64-5, Globe Theatre, 285. 74, 76-7, 80, 82-5, 89, 114, Goldsmith, Oliver, 53, 293. 145, 177, 294, 300. Good-natured Man, The, 53. Eliot, George, 155, 178n, 228, Good Words, 180. 306, 327. Gosse, Edmund, 323. 344 INDEX Got, 316. Horaces, Les, 38. Gounod, 262. Household Words, 60, 67-8, Graves, Caroline, 129-36, 157, 73-5, 91-2, 94, 100-1, 103- 161, 165, 167, 182-4, 186, 105, 110-1, 115-9, 123, 127, 188-9, 204, 226-7, 241, 271, 129, 180, 220. 279, 283, 288, 290-1, 314, House to Let, A, 123. 321, 323-4, 326, 333. Hugo, Victor, 205, 262, 315, Graves, G. R., 132, 135. 329. Graves, Harriet Elizabeth Hunt, Holman, 52, 65-6, 123- (afterwards Mrs. Bartley), 126, 145, 177, 323-4. 132, 134-5, 182-3, 186, 227, Hurst and Blackett, 123, 159. 288, 321. Hyder, Clyde K., 137. Great Expectations, 160, 216. Griffith Gaunt, 200-1. Ibsen, 150. Guilty River, The, 311-2. Iggulden, Mr., 80. Gumb, Daniel, 57. Illuminated Magazine, 34. Illustrated London News, 289, Hardy, Thomas, 324, 330. 321. Hare, John, 254. Illustrated Review, 263. Harper Brothers, 143, 145-6, / Say No, 303. 149, 188, 212, 218, 231, Isherwood, Christopher, 172. 262, 264, 275-6, 303, 311, 317. Jerrold, Douglas, 34, 64, 112, Harpers' Monthly, 188. 114. Harpers' Weekly, 212, 231, Jezebel's Daughter, 297-8, 310. 264, 303. John Jago's Ghost, 21A. Harris, T. L., 292N. John Jasper's Secret, 245. Harte, Bret, 266. Haunted Hotel, The, 289-90. Kean, Charles, 316. Hawthorne, Julian, 241-2. Kendal, Mr. and Mrs., 286. Hawtrey, Charles, 305. Kent, Charles, 163, 205. Heart and Science, 301-2. Kent, Constance, 219. Heathcote, Sir Thomas, 13-14. Kingsley, Charles, 238. Henriade, Le, 31. Hide and Seek, 85-7, 111, 161, Lady of Glenwith Grange, 247. The, 92. Hiiler, Ferdinand, 263. Lafont, 316. History of England (Macaulay), Lambe, 261. 50. Lane (Manager of Britannia), History of the United States 158-9. (Bancroft), 308. Lang, Andrew, 149. Hogarth, Georgina, 62, 79, 85, Last Chronicle of Barset, The, 89, 99, 126, 158. 188. Holborn Amphitheatre, 272. Last Stave Coachman, The, 34. Hollingshead, John, 180. Law ana the Lady, The, 276-7. Holly Tree Inn, The, 91. Lazy Tour of Two Idle Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 272- Apprentices, The, 115-7. 274. Leaaer, The, 92. INDEX 345 Lear, Edward, 93. Marston, Edward, 143, 148, Leclercq, Carlotta, 208, 225-6, 159, 169. 268. Martin Chuzzlewit, 258. Leech, John, 52. Mathews, Charles, 64. Legacy of Cain, The, 311, 317, Mejan, Maurice, 98, 118, 137- 320. 138. Lehmann, Frederick, 67, 126, Melville, Lewis, 303. 135, 145, 156, 165-6, 180, Memoirs of a Picture, 12. 190, 199, 202, 227-8, 230, Memoirs of Wilkie Collins 237, 269-71, 279, 281, 296, R.A., 13N, 22, 25-8, 32, 307, 314, 322. 46-9, 58. Lehmann, Nina (The Padrona), Meredith, George, 324. 67, 176, 196-9, 214, 250, Merimee, Prosper, 289. 288, 295-6, 301, 312, 322. Message from the Sea, A, Lehmann, R. C, 67, 228-9. 158-9. Lehmann, Rudolf, 163, 281, Metz, Juliana, 318-20. 296. Meyerbeer, 156. Leicester, Sir John, 16-17. Millais, John Everett, 52, 58, Lemaitre, Frederic, 97, 316. 65-6, 67, 92-3, 130-2, 188, Lemon, Mark, 64, 75, 88-90, 228. Millais, 114, 121, 294. J. G., 130. Lever, Charles, 160, 326. Milnes, Monckton, 155. Leverson, Mme. Rachel, 193. Miss Gwilt, 199, 284-6. Lewes, G. H., 155, 228. Modern Painters, 49-50. Lighthouse, The, 89-91, 102, Moonstone, The, 154, 164, 112, 120, 297. 173, 202, 212-24, 226-7, Lincoln, Abraham, 166.

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