72502 Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 226 / Wednesday, November 23, 2011 / Notices SOROUSH SARZAMIN ASATIR SHIP Background Telephone No. (218) 214870714; MANAGEMENT COMPANY (a.k.a. On February 25, 2011, the President Telephone No. (218) 214870745; RAHBARAN OMID DARYA SHIP issued Executive Order 13566, Telephone No. (218) 213338366; MANAGEMENT COMPANY), No. 5 ‘‘Blocking Property and Prohibiting Telephone No. (218) 213331533; Shabnam Alley, Golzar Street, Fajr Certain Transactions Related to Libya’’ Telephone No. (218) 213333541; Street, Shahid Motahari Avenue, Tehran (‘‘E.O. 13566’’), pursuant to, inter alia, Telephone No. (218) 213333544; 193651, Iran; P.O. Box 19365–1114, the International Emergency Economic Telephone No. (218) 213333543; Tehran, Iran; Business Registration Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701–06). E.O. Telephone No. (218) 213333542; Document # 341563; alt. Business 13566 blocks all property and interests Fax No. (218) 214870747; Fax No. Registration Document # 5466371 in property that are in the United States, (218) 214870767; Fax No. (218) issued 2009 [NPWMD] that come within the United States, or 214870777; Fax No. (218) Dated: November 7, 2011. that are or come within the possession 213330927; Fax No. (218) or control of any United States person, 213333545 [LIBYA2] Adam J. Szubin, 3. AL WAFA BANK (a.k.a. MASSRAF Director, Office of Foreign Assets Control. including any overseas branch, of the Government of Libya, its agencies, AL WAFA), Dat El Imad [FR Doc. 2011–30108 Filed 11–22–11; 8:45 am] instrumentalities, and controlled Administrative Complex, Al BILLING CODE 4810–AL–P entities, and the Central Bank of Libya; Thawra Street, P.O. Box 84212, the persons listed in the Annex to E.O. Tripoli, Libya; Email Address [email protected]; Telephone DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY 13566; and any person determined by the Secretary of the Treasury, in No. (218) 214815123; Fax No. (218) consultation with the Secretary of State, 214801247 [LIBYA2] Office of Foreign Assets Control 4. ARAB TURKISH BANK (a.k.a. A AND to meet the criteria set forth in E.O. T BANK; a.k.a. ARAB–TURKISH Removal From the List of Specially 13566. BANK; a.k.a. ARAP TURK Designated Nationals and Blocked General License No. 8A authorizes BANKASI), Valikonagi Cad. No: 10, Persons of Certain Entities Listed prospective transactions involving the Nisantasi 34367, Istanbul, Turkey; Pursuant to Executive Order 13566 Government of Libya, its agencies, instrumentalities, and controlled P.O. Box: 150, Sisli 34360, Istanbul, Turkey; Havuzlu Sok. No: 3, 06540 AGENCY: Office of Foreign Assets entities, and the Central Bank of Libya, Asagi Ayranci, Ankara, Turkey; Control, Treasury. as of September 19, 2011. Funds, P.O. Box 38–06552, Canakaya, including cash, securities, bank ACTION: Notice. Ankara, Turkey; Derya Sol., accounts, and investment accounts, and Sisilkler Plaza, D Blok No: 14/1, precious metals that were blocked SUMMARY: The Treasury Department’s Sahrayi Credit, Kadikoy, Istanbul, pursuant to E.O. 13566 as of September Office of Foreign Assets Control Turkey; Musalla Baglari Mah., 19, 2011, continue to remain blocked, (‘‘OFAC’’) is removing from the list of Ahmet Milmi Nalcaci Cad., 1–Evkur except as otherwise authorized by Specially Designated Nationals and Ishani No: 112/B–C, 42060 OFAC. Blocked Persons (‘‘SDN List’’) the names Selecuklu, Konya, Turkey; Accordingly, OFAC is removing from of 42 entities that are listed pursuant to Cumhuriyet Mah., Vatan Cad. No: the SDN List the names of the following Executive Order 13566 of February 25, 22, 38040 Melikgazi, Kayseri, 42 entities with whom prospective 2011, ‘‘Blocking Property and Turkey; Incilipinar Mah., Kibris transactions are authorized pursuant to Prohibiting Certain Transactions Related Cad., Zeugma Is Merkezi, No: 13– General License No. 8A: to Libya.’’ 14, 27090 Sehitkamil, Gaziantep, 1. AFRIQIYAH AIRWAYS, 1st Floor, Turkey; Registration ID 146103 DATES: The removal from the SDN List Waha Building, 273, Omar (Turkey); SWIFT/BIC ATUBTRIS of the 42 entities identified in this Almokhtar Street, Ali Khalifa Zaidi (Turkey); Tel. No. (90) 2122250500; notice is effective on November 18, Street, Tripoli, Libya; 273 Omar Al Tel. No. (90) 3124195101; Tel. No. 2011. Mokhtar Street, P.O. Box 83428, (90) 3124195102; Tel. No. (90) FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Tripoli, Libya; Email Address 3124195103; Tel. No. (90) Assistant Director for Sanctions [email protected]; alt. Email 3124195104; Tel. No. (90) Compliance & Evaluation, tel.: (202) Address [email protected]; Web 3124190883; Tel. No. (90) 622–2490, Assistant Director for site http://www.afriqiyah.aero; 3124190884; Tel. No. (90) Licensing, tel.: (202) 622–2480, Telephone No. (218) 214442622; 2163580800; Tel. No. (90) Assistant Director for Policy, tel.: (202) Telephone No. (218) 214444408; 2163580801; Tel. No. (90) 622–4855, Office of Foreign Assets Telephone No. (218) 214444409; 2163580802; Tel. No. (90) Control, or Chief Counsel (Foreign Telephone No. (218) 214449734; 2163580803; Tel. No. (90) Assets Control), tel.: (202) 622–2410, Telephone No. (218) 214449743; 2163580805; Tel. No. (90) Office of the General Counsel, Fax No. (218) 213341181; Fax No. 2163580806; Tel. No. (90) Department of the Treasury (not toll free (218) 214449128; Fax No. (218) 3322360716; Tel. No. (90) numbers). 213614102 [LIBYA2] 3322360718; Tel. No. (90) 2. AGRICULTURAL BANK (a.k.a. AL 3322360719; Tel. No. (90) SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: MASRAF AL ZIRAE; a.k.a. LIBYAN 3322360791; Tel. No. (90) Electronic and Facsimile Availability AGRICULTURAL BANK), El 3322360792; Tel. No. (90) Ghayran Area, Ganzor El Sharqya, 3322360793; Tel. No. (90) This document and additional P.O. Box 1100, Tripoli, Libya; Al 3522213933; Tel. No. (90) information concerning OFAC are Jumhouria Street, East Junzour, Al 3522213934; Tel. No. (90) available from OFAC’s Web site (http:// Gheran, Tripoli, Libya; Email 3522213935; Tel. No. (90) www.treasury.gov/ofac) or via facsimile Address [email protected]; 3522213936; Tel. No. (90) through a 24-hour fax-on-demand SWIFT/BIC AGRULYLT (Libya); 3522213980; Tel. No. (90) service, tel.: (202) 622–0077. Telephone No. (218) 214870586; 3522213981; Tel. No. (90) VerDate Mar<15>2010 17:03 Nov 22, 2011 Jkt 226001 PO 00000 Frm 00116 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\23NON1.SGM 23NON1 sroberts on DSK5SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 226 / Wednesday, November 23, 2011 / Notices 72503 3422326200; Tel. No. (90) Tripoli, Libya; Telephone No. (218) Ganfouda area, 15 Km Qaminis 3422326201; Tel. No. (90) 214843304; Telephone No. (218) Road, P.O. Box 9019, Benghazi, 3422326202; Tel. No. (90) 214843273; Telephone No. (218) Libya; 15 Km Qaminis Road, 3422326203; Tel. No. (90) 214843310; Telephone No. (218) Benghazi, Libya [LIBYA2] 3422326204; Tel. No. (90) 214808094; Fax No. (218) 17. LAFICO ALGERIA HOLDING (a.k.a. 3422326205; Fax No. (90) 2134843288; Fax No. (218) LAFICO ALGERIA), Street 19, 2122255299; Fax No. (90) 2 214843272; Fax No. (218) 4843305; Freres Addour, Bir Mourad Rais, [LIBYA2] Fax No. (218) 214808094; Email Chafaa Adour, Algiers 16300, 5. ARABIAN GULF OIL COMPANY Address [email protected]; Web site Algeria; Email Address laficoalgeria (a.k.a. AGOCO), AGOCO Building, http://www.gnmtc.com [LIBYA2] @hotmail.com; Telephone no. (213) P.O. Box 263, Al Kish, Benghazi, 12. GHANA LIBYA ARAB HOLDING (21) (541703); Telephone no. (213) Libya [LIBYA2] COMPANY (a.k.a. GHANA LIBYAN (21) (541110); Fax no. (213) (21) 6. AZZAWIYA OIL REFINING ARAB HOLDING COMPANY (541704) [LIBYA2] COMPANY (a.k.a. AZAWIYA OIL; LIMITED; a.k.a. GLAHCO), 1st 18. LIBYA AFRICA INVESTMENT a.k.a. AZZAWIYA OIL REFINING Circular Road, Opposite Midini PORTFOLIO (a.k.a. LAIP; a.k.a. COMPANY INC; a.k.a. ZAWIA OIL Hotel, Cantonments, Kumasi, LAP), Jumhoria Street, P.O. Box REFINING COMPANY; a.k.a. Ghana; Plot F32 and 33, 5th 91330, Tarabulus, Tripoli, Libya; ‘‘ARC’’), Azzawiya Oil Refining Circular Road, East Cantonments, Email Address [email protected]; Web site Building, 45 Km West of Tripoli, Al P.O. Box AN7281, Accra, Ghana; http://www.lap.ly [LIBYA2] Harsha Area, Azzawiya, Libya; Telephone No. (233) 21774962; 19. LIBYAN AFRICAN INVESTMENT Azzawiya Oil Refining Building, Al Telephone No. (233) 21762481; COMPANY (a.k.a. LAAICO; a.k.a. harsha Area, P.O. Box 15715, Az Telephone No. (233) 302774962; LAICO; a.k.a. LIBYAN ARAB Zawiyah, Libya [LIBYA2] Telephone No. (233) 302762454; AFRICAN INVESTMENT 7. BREGA PETROLEUM MARKETING Telephone No. (233) 244322261; COMPANY; a.k.a. THE LAICO COMPANY (a.k.a. BPMC; a.k.a. Fax No. (233) 21774839; Email GROUP), Janzoor (neighborhood), BREGA MARKETING COMPANY), Address [email protected]; Tripoli, Libya; P.O. Box 81370, P.O. Box 402, Tripoli, Libya; Coast Email Address [email protected] Tarabulus, Tripoli, Libya; Email Road, P.O. Box 16649, Az Zawiyah, [LIBYA2] Address [email protected]; Web site Libya; Ben Shatwan Street, P.O. Box 13. GLAHCO HOTELS AND TOURISM http://www.laaico.com [LIBYA2] 1278, Benghazi, Libya [LIBYA2] DEVELOPMENT COMPANY 20. LIBYAN ARAB FOREIGN BANK 8. DALIA ADVISORY LTD, 11 Upper LIMITED (a.k.a. GOLDEN TULIP LIMITED (a.k.a. LAFB; a.k.a. Brook Street, London W1K 6PB, HOTEL ACCRA), Liberation Road, LIBYAN ARAB FOREIGN BANK; United Kingdom [LIBYA2] Opposite Police Church, P.O. Box a.k.a. LIBYAN FOREIGN BANK), 9. FIRST GULF LIBYAN BANK, The 7th 16033, Accra, Ghana; Telephone P.O. Box 2542 Tower 2, Dat Al- of November Street, P.O. Box No. (233) 21775360; Telephone No. Imad Complex, Tripoli, Libya; Dat 81200, Tripoli, Libya; SWIFT/BIC (233) 21775362; Telephone No. Elemad Administrative Complex, FGLBLYLT (Libya); Telephone No. (233) 21775366; Telephone No. Tower No. 2, Tripoli, Libya; Web (218) 213622262; Fax No. (218) (233) 21213161; Telephone No. site www.lafbank.com; alt. Web site 213622205 [LIBYA2] (233) 202013326; Telephone No. http://www.lfbank.ly; Telephone 10. GENERAL COMPANY FOR (233) 21775361; Email Address No. (218) 213350160; Telephone CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES (a.k.a. Herbert.friese@goldentuli No. (218) 213350161; Telephone ABU KAMMASH; a.k.a.
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