NOTICE OF MEETING ORDINARY COUNCIL Members of Council are advised that a meeting will be held in the Council Chambers 83 Mandurah Terrace, Mandurah and via eMeeting on: Tuesday 25 August 2020 at 5.30pm MARK R NEWMAN Chief Executive Officer 13 August 2020 AGENDA 1. OPENING OF MEETING AND ANNOUNCEMENT OF VISITORS 2. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF COUNTRY 3. APOLOGIES Leave of Absence Apology Councillor D Lee 4. IMPORTANT NOTE: Members of the public are advised that any decisions made at the meeting tonight, can be revoked, pursuant to the Local Government Act 1995. Therefore, members of the public should not rely on any decisions until formal notification in writing by Council has been received. 5. ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS TAKEN ON NOTICE 6. PUBLIC QUESTION TIME Public Question time provides an opportunity for members of the public to ask a question of Council. For more information regarding Public Question Time please visit the City’s website www.mandurah.wa.gov.au or telephone 9550 3787. 7. ANNOUNCEMENTS Modification to Standing Orders Local Law 2016 - electronic attendance at meeting. 8. PUBLIC STATEMENT TIME Any person or group wishing to make a Public Statement to Council regarding a matter concerning local government must complete an application form. For more information regarding Public Statement Time please visit the City’s website www.mandurah.wa.gov.au or telephone 9550 3787. 9. LEAVE OF ABSENCE REQUESTS COUNCIL AGENDA: 25 AUGUST 2020 Page 2 10. PETITIONS 11. PRESENTATIONS 12. DEPUTATIONS Any person or group wishing to make a Deputation to Council regarding a matter listed on this agenda for consideration must complete an application form. For more information regarding making a deputation please visit the City’s website www.mandurah.wa.gov.au or telephone 9550 3787. 13. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES: 12.1 Ordinary Council Meeting: 28 July 2020 Minutes available via https://www.mandurah.wa.gov.au/council/council- meetings/agendas-and-minutes 14. ANNOUNCEMENTS BY THE PRESIDING MEMBER (WITHOUT DISCUSSION) 15. DECLARATIONS OF FINANCIAL, PROXIMITY AND IMPARTIALITY INTERESTS 16. QUESTIONS FROM ELECTED MEMBERS (WITHOUT DISCUSSION) 16.1 Questions of which due notice has been given 16.2 Questions of which notice has not been given 17. BUSINESS LEFT OVER FROM PREVIOUS MEETING 18. REPORTS Item Page No 1 Finance Report July 2020 1 - 32 Absolute majority required 2 2021/2022 CSRFF Forward Planning 33 – 38 Applications 3 Wellness Weekend 2022 - 2024 39 – 43 4 Mandurah Masters Golf Tournament 44 - 47 2021 – 2023 COUNCIL AGENDA: 25 AUGUST 2020 Page 3 19. MOTIONS OF WHICH NOTICE HAS BEEN GIVEN 20. NOTICE OF MOTIONS FOR CONSIDERATION AT THE FOLLOWING MEETING 21. LATE AND URGENT BUSINESS ITEMS 22. CONFIDENTIAL ITEMS 23. CLOSE OF MEETING MINUTES OF COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON TUESDAY 28 JULY 2020 AT 5.30PM in Council Chambers, 83 Mandurah Terrace Mandurah and via eMeeting PRESENT: MAYOR R WILLIAMS COUNCILLOR C KNIGHT NORTH WARD COUNCILLOR P JACKSON NORTH WARD COUNCILLOR A ZILANI NORTH WARD COUNCILLOR L RODGERS [5.37pm] EAST WARD COUNCILLOR D PEMBER EAST WARD COUNCILLOR D LEE EAST WARD COUNCILLOR M DARCY COASTAL WARD COUNCILLOR J GREEN COASTAL WARD COUNCILLOR C DI PRINZIO COASTAL WARD COUNCILLOR D SCHUMACHER TOWN WARD COUNCILLOR P ROGERS TOWN WARD MR M NEWMAN CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER MR A CLAYDON DIRECTOR WORKS AND SERVICES MR G DAVIES DEPUTY CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER MRS C MIHOVILOVICH DIRECTOR CORPORATE SERVICES MRS L SLAYFORD MINUTE OFFICER OPENING OF MEETING AND ANNOUNCEMENT OF VISITORS [AGENDA ITEM 1] At 5.31pm prior to commencement of this electronic meeting Elected Member connections by electronic means were tested and confirmed. The Mayor declared the meeting open at 5.33pm welcoming the Mandurah Environmental Advisory Group representative, Murray Love, and new media representative from the Mandurah Mail to the meeting. MINUTES OF COUNCIL MEETING: TUESDAY 28 JULY 2020 PAGE 2 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF COUNTRY [AGENDA ITEM 2] Mayor Williams acknowledged that the meeting was being held on the traditional land of the Bindjareb people, and paid his respect to their Elders past and present. APOLOGIES [AGENDA ITEM 3] Leave of Absence Apologies Councillor Matt Rogers DISCLAIMER [AGENDA ITEM 4] The Mayor advised that the purpose of this Council Meeting is to discuss and, where possible, make resolutions about items appearing on the agenda. Whilst Council has the power to resolve such items and may in fact, appear to have done so at the meeting, no person should rely on or act on the basis of such decision or on any advice or information provided by a Member or Officer, or on the content of any discussion occurring, during the course of the meeting. Persons should be aware that the provisions of the Local Government Act 1995 (Section 5.25(e)) and Council’s Consolidated Local Laws (Section 4.86) establish procedures for revocation or rescission of a Council decision. No person should rely on the decisions made by Council until formal advice of the Council decision is received by that person. The City of Mandurah expressly disclaims liability for any loss or damage suffered by any person as a result of relying on or acting on the basis of any resolution of Council, or any advice or information provided by a Member or Officer, or the content of any discussion occurring, during the course of the Council meeting. ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS TAKEN ON NOTICE [AGENDA ITEM 5] Nil. PUBLIC QUESTION TIME [AGENDA ITEM 6] Nil. ANNOUNCEMENTS [AGENDA ITEM 7] G.1/7/20 STANDING ORDERS LOCAL LAW 2016 The Mayor advised the meeting that the City of Mandurah Standing Orders Local Law 2016 will be modified to ensure Council Members and the public can participate in and follow the meeting as it progresses. MINUTES OF COUNCIL MEETING: TUESDAY 28 JULY 2020 PAGE 3 MOTION Moved: Mayor R Williams Seconded: Councillor P Jackson That Council: 1. Suspend the operation of the following provisions of the City of Mandurah Standing Orders Local Law 2016 for the duration of this electronic meeting to ensure Council Members and the public can follow and participate in the meeting as it progresses: 1.1. Standing Orders 3.3 Public Question Time and 3.4 Public Statement Time pertaining to public participation in meetings continues via electronic means only with public submissions received to be read aloud by the Presiding Member at the relevant agenda item. 1.2. Standing Order 7.2 Members to occupy own seats whilst present in meeting room. Relevant only for Elected Members attending the Council Chambers. 1.3. Agree under Standing Orders 8.1(1) and 12.2, that instead of requiring a show of hands, a vote will be conducted by exception with the Presiding Member calling for those Members against each motion. If no response is received the motion will be declared carried and minuted accordingly. 1.4. Reiterate the requirement as per Standing Order 7.3 for Members to advise the Presiding Member when leaving or entering the meeting at any time. CARRIED: 11/0 PUBLIC STATEMENT TIME [AGENDA ITEM 8] Nil. LEAVE OF ABSENCE REQUESTS [AGENDA ITEM 9] Nil. PETITIONS [AGENDA ITEM 10] G.2/7/20 MAYOR WILLIAMS: OFF ROAD VEHICLE AREA Mayor Williams submitted a petition to the meeting in relation to creation of an Off-Road Vehicle Area in the Mandurah/Murray vicinity. The petition was generated via Change.org and contained 1,642 signatures. The petition was presented to assist in supporting Council’s decision in relation to this matter. MINUTES OF COUNCIL MEETING: TUESDAY 28 JULY 2020 PAGE 4 MOTION Moved: Mayor R Williams Seconded: Councillor A Zilani That the petition for an Off-Road Vehicle Area within the Mandurah/Murray area be received to assist in supporting Council’s decision in relation to this matter. CARRIED: 11/0 5:37pm: Councillor Lynn Rodgers joined the meeting electronically PRESENTATIONS [AGENDA ITEM 11] G.3/7/20 CITY OF MANDURAH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: ACCESS AND INCLUSION PLAN 2019 / 2020 The City’s Team Leader Community Sector Support and Community Development Officer (Access and Inclusion) delivered a visual presentation on the 2019 – 2020 achievements towards the City’s Access and Inclusion Plan. The presentation provided a brief overview of the achievements that the City has made over the last 12 months towards the outcome areas in the City’s Access and Inclusion Plan. Information about the positive impact that these achievements have made on the lives of local people who have a disability, their family, friends and wider community was included. DEPUTATIONS [AGENDA ITEM 12] Nil. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES [AGENDA ITEM 13] G.4/7/20 CONFIRMATION OF COUNCIL MINUTES: TUESDAY 23 JUNE 2020 MOTION Moved: Councillor A Zilani Seconded: Councillor C Knight That the Minutes of the Council Meeting held on Tuesday 23 June 2020 be confirmed. CARRIED: 12/0 MINUTES OF COUNCIL MEETING: TUESDAY 28 JULY 2020 PAGE 5 G.5/7/20 ANNOUNCEMENTS BY THE PRESIDING MEMBER [AGENDA ITEM 14] At the invitation of the Mayor, Councillors updated the meeting on the following recent activities: • Councillor Knight – 3 July 2020 Strategic Community Plan 2020-2040 launch. • Councillor Pember – 20 July 2020 City of Mandurah brand launch. • Councillor Lynn Rodgers 3 July 2020 Skate Park tour of site. • Councillor Jackson 23 July 2020 Citizenship Ceremony. G.6/7/20 DECLARATION OF INTERESTS [AGENDA ITEM 15] Councillor Knight declared an indirect financial interest in Minute G.11/7/20 Report 3 Rates Concession 2020 / 2021 as she has a financial relationship with Peel Harvey Catchment Council as Chairperson. Councillor Knight will vacate the Chamber when the report is discussed and voted upon. Councillor Knight further declared an impartiality interest in Minute G.11/7/20 Report 3 Rates Concession 2020 / 2021 through her association with Allambee Counselling.
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