THE SIGNATURE BOX 200g Smoked Salmon Sliced Pack 170g Jar Inverawe Dill Sauce INVERAWE 115g Smoked Salmon Pâté AT OUR VERY 120g Duck Pâté with Apricots poached in Cointreau By Appointment to 120g Sliced Roast Smoked Salmon best Her Majesty The Queen 100g Gravadlax Sliced Pack Mail Order Smoked Foods & Hampers 2 x 80g Smoked Salmon Timbale Inverawe Smokehouses WT15 £49.95 INVERAWE SCOTTISH OAK SMOKEHOUSE ALL THE tastes OF SPRING Turn your next meal into a real showstopper Order now by calling 03448 475 490 Visit www.smokedsalmon.co.uk Order lines open Mon-Fri 9am to 7pm | Sat-Sun 9am to 5pm Created to be savoured INV001_80 SPRING 2017 MAILER aw1.indd 1-2 15/03/2017 16:32 A labour of love that goes beyond the normal You may come to us for the unique smoke that flavours our fresh fish, yet the smoke is just the grand finale of our masterful crafting. Our ability to harness every element around us – the environment, the climate, the oak, the brick kilns, the clear waters – sets us apart and creates the authentic smoked salmon that we are recognised for. This belief in a better standard is the hallmark of our history and one that we are proud to serve on your plates. Our award-winning food and exceptional service makes all the difference Throughout our spring selection you will find the very The most exceptional flavours best of Inverawe. Favoured by foodies and customers throughout the country, as well as being praised by are only ever crafted by hand chefs and judges alike. Our range impresses everyone There is no button to start the process and we never take the speediest or automated who tastes it. To ensure that it arrives with you in perfect route to smoking. Dependent on the temperature, humidity and the climatic elements condition, our parcels are carefully packed in insulated surrounding the kilns, our artisan smokers must judge the time period of the smoking boxes with chill packs and despatched at your request. to the tee. With a potential window of between 24 & 72 hours to wait, their discerning judgement, years of experience and a good dash of patience ensures an exquisite result every time. Always a sustainable approach from Inverawe Our belief is simple, to not only produce the finest tasting smoked fish but to do it in the most sustainable form possible. All our salmon comes from certified farms in the clear waters off the west of Scotland. These farms are committed to protecting and preserving this idyllic environment. It is vitally important to all of us that the fish have the highest standards of welfare and these farms ensure that the fish are healthy and well managed. INV001_80 SPRING 2017 MAILER aw1.indd 3-4 15/03/2017 16:32 1 5 2 6 4 7 3 1. INVERAWE CLASSIC 2. INVERAWE SMOKED 3. INVERAWE SMOKED 5. SMOKED 6. SLICED ROAST 7. SLICED ROAST SMOKED SALMON ORGANIC SALMON SALMON TERRINE INVERAWE TROUT SMOKED TROUT SMOKED SALMON C1 Sliced Pack 200g £12.95 ORC2 Sliced Pack 200g £15.95 TR0 Mini Terrine for Two 170g £5.95 A1 Sliced Pack 200g £12.95 CLASSIC CLASSIC C3 Sliced Pack 400g £23.95 ORC22 Sliced Pack 2 x 200g £29.95 TR5 Terrine 500g £13.50 A2 Sliced Pack 400g £23.95 RT4 Sliced Pack 120g £5.50 RS4 Sliced Pack 120g £5.50 C5 Trimmed Side 750g £35.75 (Serves 5-6) A6 Sliced Pack 680g £31.50 RT42 Sliced Pack 2 x 120g £10.45 RS42 Sliced Pack 2 x 120g £10.45 C7 Sliced Side 750g £37.95 SMOKED SALMON & TR52 Terrine 2 x 500g £25.65 A8 Trimmed Side 600g £27.95 RS2 Sliced Pack 750g £32.95 (Serves 10-12) TROUT TRIMMINGS WITH CRUSHED BLACK PEPPER Multi Buy - SAVER PACKS Multi Buy - SAVER PACKS RT5 Sliced Pack 120g £5.50 WITH CRUSHED BLACK PEPPER B9 Sliced Packs 6 x 100g £43.50 TAP0 Trimming 120g £4.95 4. CATHERINE WHEEL B8 Sliced Packs 6 x 100g £39.55 RT52 Sliced Pack 2 x 120g £10.45 RS5 Sliced Pack 120g £5.50 B5 Sliced Packs 5 x 200g £59.95* TAP02 Trimming 2 x 120g £8.95 ROULADES B2 Sliced Packs 6 x 200g £73.75* HT41 One of each 2 x 120g £10.45 RS52 Sliced Pack 2 x 120g £10.45 B7 Sliced Packs 3 x 400g £68.50* B6 Sliced Packs 4 x 400g £89.95* CW2 Roulades 2 x 112g £12.95 WITH CITRUS & BLACK PEPPER CW4 Roulades 4 x 112g £24.50 ROYAL FILLET RS6 Sliced Pack 120g £5.50 CW6 Roulades 6 x 112g £35.95 RS62 Sliced Pack 2 x 120g £10.45 RF2 Royal Fillet 300g £25.95 HT40 One of each 3 x 120g £14.95 *Includes UK Mainland Delivery. *Includes UK Mainland Delivery. INV001_80 SPRING 2017 MAILER aw1.indd 5-6 15/03/2017 16:32 1. SALMON MOUSSE 1 2 1 1. SMOKED HALIBUT TIMBALES WITH CAVIAR L0 Sliced Pack 100g £10.95 CM2 Timbales 2 x 80g £7.95 L02 Sliced Pack 2 x 100g £19.95 CM4 Timbales 4 x 80g £15.10 CM6 Timbales 6 x 80g £21.95 CM10 Timbales 10 x 80g £35.75 2. FISH PIE BOX 250g Smoked Haddock • 400g Salmon 2. SMOKED SALMON Cutlets • 150g Smoked Prawns • BLINI KIT 400g Fish Pie Sauce FB01 £29.95 150g Mini Blinis (16) 200g Smoked Salmon 140g Loreto Capers 3. FRESH SALMON FBK01 £21.25 FILLETED SIDES TROUT & LUMPFISH FFS1 One Fresh Fillet 700g £16.50 CAVIARS SALMON CUTLETS (PACKED IN PAIRS) FSC2 Salmon Cutlets 2 x 200g £7.75 J0 Trout Caviar 50g £6.95 FSC4 Salmon Cutlets 4 x 200g £14.75 J90 Lumpfish Caviar 50g £4.95 FSC6 Salmon Cutlets 6 x 200g £19.95 J22 One of each Caviar £10.75 3 2 3 SMOKED SALMON 4. HANDMADE FISH CAKES MOUSSE TIMBALES FC02 Fish Cakes 2 x 100g £4.95 FC04 Fish Cakes 4 x 100g £9.40 ST2 Timbales 2 x 80g £7.50 ST4 Timbales 4 x 80g £14.25 ST6 Timbales 6 x 80g £20.85 SAUCES ST10 Timbales 10 x 80g £33.75 GK15 Dill Sauce 170g £4.95 GK38 Hollandaise Sauce 250g £5.75 3. SMOKED MACKEREL GK69 Sauce for Fish Pie 250g £6.95 GK86 Tartare Sauce 200g £5.25 MF1 Pair Smoked Fillets 180g £4.95 GK91 Seaweed 200g £5.75 MFP1 Pair Peppered Fillets 180g £4.95 Mayonnaise HT10 One of each Pair 2 x 180g £9.25 4. ARBROATH SMOKIES 5. HAGGIS GB13 Haggis 500g £8.50 ARB1 One Pair (approx.) 370g £8.65 ARB2 Two Pairs (approx.) 740g £15.50 4 6. SMOKED CHICKEN 5. SMOKED HADDOCK CH5 Whole Smoked 900g £13.95 FILLETS Chicken CH52 Whole Smoked 2 x 900g £25.95 HAD1 Smoked Haddock 250g £6.95 Chicken HAD2 Smoked Haddock 2 x 250g £13.25 CH0 Whole Smoked 250g £7.35 Breast CH02 Whole Smoked 2 x 250g £13.95 Breast 4 5 5 6 INV001_80 SPRING 2017 MAILER aw1.indd 7-8 15/03/2017 16:32 COME & FIND THE MOST authentic tasteOF SCOTLAND A family home A thriving business A place of craft & skill A much-loved smokehouse A landmark for unrivalled quality YOU’RE WELCOME HERE TIME AND AGAIN INV001_80 SPRING 2017 MAILER aw1.indd 9-10 15/03/2017 16:32 1 5 6 2 7 3 5. WHOLE SMOKED TROUT 7. CHICKEN LIVER PÂTÉ TWO SMOKED 4 Q0 Single Fish (approx.) 150g £4.95 WITH PORT & BRANDY SALMON PÂTÉS Q1 One Pair (approx.) 350g £8.95 FCP1 Chicken Pâté 120g £4.95 H0 Smoked Salmon Pâté 115g £3.95 FCP12 Chicken Pâté 2 x 120g £8.95 RSP0 Roast Smoked Pâté 115g £3.95 6. SMOKED VENISON HT21 One of each Pâtés £7.50 V2 Sliced Pack 100g £9.85 DUCK PÂTÉ WITH V22 Sliced Packs 2 x 100g £18.95 COINTREAU & POACHED SMOKED TROUT PÂTÉ APRICOTS T0 Smoked Trout Pâté 115g £3.95 VENISON SALAMI FDP1 Duck 120g £4.95 T02 Smoked Trout Pâté 2 x 115g £7.50 1. POTTED ROAST POTTED SELECTION BOX 3. BEETROOT GRAVADLAX VS1 Sliced Pack 80g £8.95 & Apricot Pâté SMOKED SALMON 2 x 57g Potted Shrimps BG02 Sliced Pack 2 x 100g £10.95 VS12 Sliced Packs 2 x 80g £16.25 FDP12 Duck 2 x 120g £8.95 SMOKED MACKEREL PÂTÉ RG12 Potted Salmon 2 x 80g £6.50 2 x 57g Potted Crab BG04 Sliced Pack 4 x 100g £19.25 & Apricot Pâté MP0 Mackerel Pâté 115g £3.95 RG14 Potted Salmon 4 x 80g £11.65 2 x 80g Potted Salmon SMOKED DUCK MP02 Mackerel Pâté 2 x 115g £7.50 BX33 £21.95 INVERAWE GRAVADLAX VENISON, PANCETTA & D2 Sliced Pack 100g £8.25 KIPPER PÂTÉ MORECAMBE BAY G02 Sliced Pack 2 x 100g £10.65 D22 Sliced Packs 2 x 100g £15.50 WHISKY PÂTÉ KP1 Kipper Pâté 115g £3.95 POTTED SHRIMPS G04 Sliced Pack 4 x 100g £18.95 2. KIPPER FILLETS FVP1 Venison Pâté 120g £4.95 KP2 Kipper Pâté 2 x 115g £7.50 PS02 Potted Shrimps 2 x 57g £9.95 KF1 One Pair (approx.) 160g £3.95 G2 Pre-Sliced 680g £32.25 SMOKED ARGYLL HAM FVP12 Venison Pâté 2 x 120g £8.95 PS04 Potted Shrimps 4 x 57g £18.90 KF2 Two Pairs (approx.) 320g £7.50 P2 Sliced Pack 112g £6.25 SMOKERY PÂTÉ PACK 4. SMOKED PRAWNS P22 Sliced Packs 2 x 112g £11.85 MEAT PÂTÉ SAVER PACK VALUE PACK POTTED CRAB INVERAWE KIPPERS SP1 Pot 150g £9.95 One of each Meat Pâté selection 115g Roast Smoked Salmon Pâté PC02 Potted Crab 2 x 57g £8.95 K1 One Pair (approx.) 400g £7.95 SP2 Pots 2 x 150g £18.95 SMOKED MEAT SELECTION HT03 £13.95 115g Smoked Trout Pâté PC04 Potted Crab 4 x 57g £16.95 K2 Two Pairs (approx.) 800g £14.95 112g Smoked Argyll Ham 115g Kipper Pâté K3 Three Pairs (approx.) 1.2kg £19.95 SMOKED MUSSELS 100g Smoked Venison 115g Smoked Salmon Pâté 100g Smoked Duck K4 Four Pairs (approx.) 1.6kg £26.50 HT31 £14.25 SM1 Tub 200g £7.85 250g Smoked Chicken Breast SM2 Tubs 2 x 200g £14.50 HT07 £28.50 INV001_80 SPRING 2017 MAILER aw1.indd 11-12 15/03/2017 16:32 Wonderful smoked fish, Gifts for springtime THE TIREE HAMPER it’s what we’re famous for Perfect for two to share.
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