Legal Rights at 18 Up for Vote Today SEE STOBY PAGE 2 Gearing, Cool Clearing late today, high in THEDAILY FINAL 60s. Fair, cool tonight and to- /' morrow. Cloudy, cool Wednes- ' Ked Bank, Freehold day. I Long Branch 7 EDITION Monmouth County's Home Newspaper for 92 Years VOL. 93 NO. 219 RED BANK, N.J., MONDAY, MAY 10,1971 TEN CENTS Army Hair Code Assailed • m ByJANEFODEBABO FT. HANCOCK-An Army reservist took the bobby pins out of his hair yesterday - af- ter a routine inspection of bis unit here touched off a heated dispute in the ranks over hair- cut regulations. He was one of approximate- ly 90 men in the 298th Army Security Co. called down for disregarding an Army regu- lation on hair style.- These men were told that fiutner in- fractions would lead to active duty. Long hair... extended, side Richard Kantor Stanley Retllker Victor YepeBo burns... drooping mustaches regularly scheduled weekend their sideburns and/or hair years, said he would file a ... and short-hair wigs worn session. They lined up for in- length. They were ordered to complaint under the Military oirer long hair, are all forbid- spection by two junior officers den by the code. go home - an order that car- Code of Justice. under the command of Capt. ries with it an automatic "U" A sergeant, who drives to Bobby pins and hair sprdy, Herman Redd of Neptune. (unsatisfactory mark). Five reserve meetings from Con- sometimes used to plaster Sent Home "U's" can mean automatic necticut, "had to be physi- down a full head of hair under According to Reservists active duty. cally restrained." Others ex- a hat, also'are out. who were there, a number of. Reaction in the ranks was pressed shock. Many of those GET HAIR ORDER — Members of 298th Army Security Co. of Army Reserves/ meeting at Ft. Hancock The trouble started eariy men, representing approxi- swift. A 26-year-old attorney who had not been called down yesterday, hear commanding off iper (on porch) give warning about further disregard of Army regu- yesterday after the unit ar-. mately one third of the unit, from Oakhurst, who has termed the action "unfair." lation of hair length. He said further infractions can lead to active duty. rived at Tt. Hancock for a were singled out because of served in the unit for three (See Army, Page 2) \ixon* Visiting'Hook NEWARK (AP)-President At the southern end is For years nature lovers and on/. Sandy Hook- to dispatch their hands on Sandy Hook. Nixon arrives today for an Sandy Hook State Fark-750 students of marine lite have boats into the Atlantic to aid After the war, some progress feerial inspection of Sandy acres of land leased to New studied the flora and offshore distressed ships. To this day, was made, but during the * Hook—a spit of land that long Jersey. Last year more tiian waters of Sandy Hook, but there is a Coast Guard rescue Korean War the fort was housed soldiers for the 700,000 persons used the park until recently only the milit- unit on the peninsula. enlarged again. defense Of New York Harbor' and its beaches. ary seemed to take an active Before the Civil War, the The establishment of the from invasion by sea. But in the past five years, role in inhabiting the place. government began building a missile base halted plans Now the eroding six-mile 15 acres of prime beach front massive stone fort as part of devised between 1953 and peninsula at the mouth of the on Sandy Hook have eroded The first white man to New York Harbor's defense. 1956 harbor is under attack by the away and the stale looked to report seeing Sandy Hook was The granite foundation was sea itself and Nixon is ex- Washington for the)money Henry Hudson, who sailed laid, but work was abandoned Since the state park at the pected to give his blessing to needed to build jetties and into New York Harbor in 1609. in 1861. southern end opened in 1962, a plan to stem the tide with restore the beachps ,, Not much was built on the, Ft. Hancock was built and the state has been looking at federal money. peninsula until 1762, when the manned in 1895 and used as the rest of the peninsula with The plan is to turn Sandy The peninsula, which British constructed a 103-foot a garrison for troops in eager anticipation. Hook in New Jersey and measures one-mile at its high lighthouse to help guide defense of New York. State Environmental Prot- several New York beaches widest point, has ten miles of ships into the harbor. During World War II, the ection Commissioner Kichard into a national recreation area beaches on both the ocean and Army kept 10,000 men stat- Sullivan said that 20,000 with 20,000 acres of land and bay fronts. Near the lighthouse was a ioned at the fort, including people used the state beach 10 miles of beachfront. Besides its fine, yellow cemetery containing the ' members of an anti-aircraft at Sandy Hook on an average The federal government sand, the peninsula has wild bodies of shipwrecked battery. In 1956, the anti- weekend in 1970. owns Sandy Hook and main- beach plum bushes growing mariners washed up from the aircraft batteries were Other attractions are the tains a Nike missile base at along its length and in the sea. replaced by Nike missiles, lighthouse, a nautical museum its northern end at Ft. Han- center of Sandy Hook is one Since World War II, and a U.S. Interior Depart-' - cock, as part of the met- of the largest groves of holly In 1848, the U.S; govern- recreation officials in New ment marine biology research ropolitan defense system. bushes in the United States. ment built a life-saving station Jersey have wanted to get station. " " APWIropholo CHEMICAL FIRE ON SHIP — Firemenfrom New York and Newark use chemical foam to attack a fire injthe hold of the S.S. President Harding, docked at Port Newark. The fire began in a hold Containing sodium Hydr- bsulfite,. a non-explosive chemical. The fire began Saturday and burned for more than 22 hours before it was brought under control. So much wa- Conflicts Bill Up Again ter was pumped into the ship, that the vessel listed nine degrees. TRENTON (AP)-The Today's session was the last the legislature. It had passed today on bills to tem- key feature of the bill would State Legislature planned, to regularly scheduled meeting the Senate but last Thursday porarily halt cable television prohibit legislators who are try again today to pass a of the current legislative fell four vptes short of pas- licensing in the state, to lawyers from representing- • controversial conflicts of term—although both houses sage in the Assembly. It is regulate franchising and to clients before many state interest bill and^ scheduled an probably will return in June considered a key item by Gov. lower the age of majority agencies. • Fair Haven Getting initial date on a proposal that for a two day session dealing William T. CaMU who lias from 21 to 18. The bill passed in the would require full disclosure with congressional redis- firmly supported it The- conflicts bill would Senate on April 19 and was of financial information by tricting. Besides the conflicts and tighten control over outside sent to the Assembly which legislators and other govern- The conflicts bill has had disclosure bills, the legislature activities of public officials, amended it. The Assembly First Black Policeman ment officials. a rocky and uneven course in was also scheduled to act particularly legislators. The amendments increased the number of state agencies ByBENVANVLIET man, said there was no par- Rumson-Fair Haven Regional before which a lawyer- FAIR HAVEN - This ticular pressure on the council High School. legislator could practice. borough will officially have its to appoint a black policeman. He is unmarried and lives Assembly Speaker Barry T. first fulltime black policeman "We needed another police- with his mother, Mrs. Ann Parker, R-Burlington, said tonight. man," he said, "and of the Towler of 38 Cedar Ave. Thursday he would schedule He is 22-year-old Richard D. five applicants, we felt that he Last Friday, he was gradu- FBI Chief Cites Crime Job Towler Jr., who started out as was the best qualified." the bill for another vote ated from the seven-week today. a special policeman here a Of the. five applicants, Mr. training program sponsored . NEWARK (AP) - The head of the F,BI for New Jersey black areas for the purpose of deterring racial troubles. year ago, and says now he 'Beattie said, three were re- by the Monraouth County Po- says he considers his agency's job detection of crime rather Bachman said, however: "We are more of an in- Parker also said he in- tended to schedule a vote on wants to make police work his jected because they lived out lice Academy. He hopes to at- than its deterrence and says his agency engages in no special vestigative'agency, a fact-finding organization. And while we career. of town. tend the state police academy surveillance on black militants and wouldn't watch a U.S. sen- would hope that the general public would assist in taking steps the disclosure bill sponsored by Assemblyman William E. He is scheduled to be sworn "We had another well-quali- in Sea Girt this fail. ator. for a better society and so forth, our prime function is law en- in as a fulltime patrolman at fied man," he said, "But he forcement rather than the deterrence of crime.' Schluter, R-Mercer, before "I've always been inter "I wouldn't say we had agents working in ghetto areas tonight's Borough Council was married and had three ested in police work," Mr any more than in other areas," R.
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