MS-763: Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman Collection, 1930-2004. Series H: United Jewish Appeal, 1945-1995. Subseries 2: Correspondence, 1947-1982. Box Folder 26 14 Rabbinical Advisory Council. 1970-1971. For more information on this collection, please see the finding aid on the American Jewish Archives website. 3101 Clifton Ave, Cincinnati, Ohio 45220 513.487.3000 AmericanJewishArchives.org BETH JACOB CONGREGATION-BEVERLY HILLS Excerpt from minutes of Board of Directors - February 201 1969 U. J. W. F . -- J oe Simon made a strong appeal for U. J . W. F. which is conducting its campaign in March, April and May. The Rabbi informed the Board that he has committed our Congregation t o 100% participation of its members in the .::urrent drive. Our Congregation will become a "pilot" Congregation in our community, and probably in the whol e country, insisting on 100% participation. A motion was made by Dr. Harow, seconded by Al Kayman, that our Congregation be committed to this program, as outlined by the Rabbi. The molion WO.ti una.uLmously adopt~d . R~CE HU E11·· 1 I I APR! rtlO ' : :.i ::~o - BY I REFER TO ·- I ·.. : (I I I i OAl't ·- ~~1 I - - I 4._. ~~~wrnm - • · j Page Two BETH JACOB CONGREGATION FROM THE RABBI'S STUDY N.C.S.Y-YOUTH GROUPS BETH JACOB VOICE Dear Friends: l had che privilege of The Installation Dinner, held oa Published monthly from reporting on our recent trip to lsra..-1, February 16, ~·itb over sixty )'Ouog September to July by and referring to it on various occa· people attending, was a great success. BETH JACOB CONGREGATION BEVERLY HILLS sions. There remains,. however, one On Sunday, March 23, all youth 9030 Olympic BIYd. Bl'\lerly Hrlls more matter th11t 1 • group members are invited. to join BR 2·1922- CR 6·7143 muse report. I have ~--. ·~ . the Men's Club in a sporrs outing to a Affill1ted with the Union ol Orthodo.it Jewish Con;;rt••tlOfla of AmenCI commited you, dear , Los Angeles-New York basketball DR. SIMON A. DOLCIN members of che Beth I ~ game. Tickeu are avail.able through DAVID N. SCHREIBER Jacob Congregation '°:)'4', -;- ~ N.C.S.Y. · Rabbis to which l minister. \ ·" All yourh are welcome co Bech Ja­ BlNYAMIN CLICKMAN. Cantor The situacion in ;;_._ Sponsor of HILLEL HEBREW ACADEMY cob's Purim Megillab readiog and the BR ·21934 Cll 6-6135 the Near East is '· ~-... /J Carni..,.al following. RABBI MENA.CHEM GOTTESMAN tense. le seems thac ) I We are currently making plans for Ecl11<:1ttonal Oirtctor war is inevitable- / \} a "Sh.abb:non" weekend conclave, URI HIRSCH if nor this year, chcn _ .,...._ __ Talmud Torah Pnnclpal on Much 14, 15, 16. The program Julius L- Samson •••.•.•••...• President next. Mny G-d spare mankind this calls for the youth to conduct the Mark Brass . • . • • • •••••• •• Vtee Presod~t dreadful progoosi.1. In any event, and Shabbat services. Ir also includes din­ DIYld S~pell •••••••.••••• Vice Prts•dent we pray w:u will be a\·crtcd, Israel is Joe Simon ••.........••••.. Voce Prn•dent ner on Friday oighr and lunch on Dr. M. Ir• Hu-ow •••.••••••••Vice Pruident oo a war-footing. Underlying all vi· Shabbat, followed by a variety of A.In Sand . • • • • • • ••••• Hon Vlca President\ braot activity. is the a1"'3tCoess, some· seminars. Saturday night wil I feature Jules 1. Sirman • • . • • • Hon. Va Prnldent rimes subConscious, that war is im· a gala Monre Carlo evening follo~·ed flichard Weiner ••••••••• Fln1nclal S.cretery miocnt, that cerroriscs are active nod ~ports Marvin .SChalit • • • • . • . ReQ><din• Secretary by a day in the park on Sunday. Nathan Serot ••••• Hon. Record•,,. Secretary thac enemies of Arab extraction are Further details are fort:hcoming. Joseph Schnitzer • • • • • • • . .•.T1u1urer I citizens of the State. This means coo· We urge all co continue cheir sup­ Shebse Landa ••••••.••• Pres. Chevra M1kr1 stant '"igilaoce, expenditure of nstro­ port of N.C.S.Y. Those few v.•bo haYe Eva Chudnor • • • • • • • • Pres. Sisterhood nomical sums for defense and yielding not yet paid membership dues, are i Dr. M. Ira HJOrow. • • ••••.. Pres. M1111'a Club Herry Pn&•r • • Admin1stntor human victims on the altar of warlike urged t0 do so immediately. ·J Edith A1nterlltz • • . ... omco Secretary activity of surrounding neighbors. l Subscription ••• $1.00 per JU• Israel is commi«cd with life and for· TALMUD TORAH NEWS r rune to defend icsclf, our pcople--yes, Uri Hirsch, Principal I .ind our own dignity :ind security. Tu·B'Sh't-at was celebrated b;· :t dc­ RABBI SCHREIBER LECTURING \'Vho can assess correctly the extent of ligbcful Assembly ieaturing tho:: stu­ Israel's s:icrifice? dcou of the rhird grade under the dj. TO UCLA YAVNEH-HILLEL I have committed Beth Jacob to STUDENTS recdon of l\f.ts. Celia Rabinowitz.. be the pilot Congregation in our Fruit, toys nnd a film were also fea· Ya~neh and Hillel Found11cioo of community, and perhaps in the ruuion, rures of the program. UCLA are sponsoring n debate series for the 1969 li.J.A. drive. We shall All classes of our elementary school enticled "Tradition and Innovation." campaign to have 6VCrJ membu of began regular weekly music lessons This series presents the Orthodox and Beth Jacob be a conu·iburor to the under the direction of Cantor Binyn· Reform philosophy of Judaism. Rabbi United Jewish Welfare fund Drive. min Glickm:in. This inno\1ltion "'"35 David Schreiber and Rabbi Richard Anyone desen·ant of being a member warmly accepted and the students are Levy, direcror of Hillel, will discuss of our Congregation muse share in already humming new Purim songs. their movement's ideology and atti· Israel's suuggle. A second PTA meeting of the Ye­ tudc on this subject. These gatherings I have said, in the past, that he who sbi va Junior High School was held re· a.re well attended and provide a Utt docs not contribute wholeheartedly co cently in the school library. The guesc exchange of ideas between the sru­ the defen~ of Israel, is not 'W'Orthy of speak.er was Rabbi Simon Dolgin who dents and Rabbis. Topics of concern prayer before the Almighty and of discussed several pertinent issues with tmd fundamentals of Judaism arc pre­ affiliation in Beth J :icob. Now I the parents. 1 sented. AU students are invited to at· shduld pl.ace this contention .in posi· I A.. addicional course will be .intro· ·I tend these stimulating debates at 4: 15 tive form by declaring that :ill worthy duced to our Senior High School p.m. every \Vedoesday ac tbe Universi­ of membership in the Beth Jacob group. The new course will be Jewish I ty Religious Conference Building, 900 family. muse be oo the rolls of the Ecbics and Philosophy under the direc­ I Hilga.rd Avenue. For further informa· Welfare Fund drive and share in Is­ tion of Moshe Stern. Mr. Stem's ,: tioo concaet the Yavneh-Hillel office, rael's Hfc-dcath Struggle. course for the Junior High, in progress ti GR 4-1531. I commirted you and me co the since September, bas bocn highly sue· l leadership of our efforcs in Israel, in ces.sful. HILLEL HIGHLIGHTS New York and in Los Angeles. 1 cry ·1 Ctmtinutd from P11g• .( out with Moses :and rhc Maccibean If you are interested In a i! HOUDAY ASSEMBUES Mat:lthi:is, "Whoever is unto G-d, join PUBLIC SEDER . •1 me," in defense of lsrnel and World •: In keeping '"ith Hillel's tradition Please ret1.1rn this form or cell tho Jewry by responding [O rhe Welfare of observing American and Jewish Shul office by March 5. '• fund dr-ive and the Emergency fund . holidaysl Miss Joanne Bodin's third I am Interested in a Seder on I 1 committed our membership IOO"c. grade clllSS presented a beautiful and O first Nisht of Passover ' Please help me meet tbnt commitment. origwl r.laylet on February 11 in O Second night; O Both nights. Let us derive inspiration from the honor o Lincoln's birthday. Mn. Name • •••••••.••••••••••• • •• • • • Betty Dickcrmnn's thin.I grade clnss heroism of Purim'.) Mordcc:ii anJ was fc:iturcd io a dramatic prescnca· ~ther and mecc rhc g-r<:o1t chnllengcs Address ...•.....•...•..•.•. •... before us. G-d bless you. tioo on Friday, February 21, in honor City ..•••••••..• Phone .......... of Washington's birthday. -Simon A. Dolgi" UNITED. JEWISH APPEAL, INC • I MEMORANDUM Date February 11, 1970 To ,/Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman Fr"m Rabbi Earl A. Jordan Subject A Proposal I have been, and am currently, making visits to as many Boards of Rabbis as I can induce to invite me . The major message that I bring, in addition to a twinge of guilt about their own giving, is the "Dolgin Plan", 100% participation by members of congregations. In the course of my talking with so many rabbis, two things have become increasingly clear. 1 . There is a great disaffection with the rabbinate, especially among the younger men. They feel useless and unimportant. They are over­ trained in some areas (Talmud, Jewish law, Bib1e, etc. ) because they have little or no opportunity to use their training. It is also difficult for them to see its relevance to the nitty-gritty of the modern world. In shor t, they are ripe to be recruited for a meaning­ ful cause if it can be made to satisfy both their idealism and their egos. 2. There is a great vacuum in their knowledge of the Middle East, Israel's politics, sociology, economic situation; Arab sociology, geography, history, politics are all mysteries to them (or to most of them).
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