Spring 2005 The Esoteric Volume 1 Number 3 Quarterly A publication of the School for Esoteric Studies Esoteric philosophy and its applications to individual and group service and the expansion of human consciousness. The School for Esoteric Studies 275 S. French Broad Avenue, Asheville, North Carolina 28801 www.esotericstudies.net/quarterly e-mail: [email protected] The Esoteric Quarterly The Esoteric Quarterly is published by the School for Esoteric Studies. It is registered as an online journal with the National Serials Data Program of the Library of Congress. International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) 1551-3874. Further information about The Esoteric Quarterly, including guidelines for the submission of articles and review procedures, can be found at: www.esotericstudies.net/quarterly. All correspondence should be addressed to [email protected]. Editorial Board Donna Brown (United States) Barbara Domalske (United States) Gail G. Jolley (United States) Bruce Lyon (New Zealand) Kathy Newburn (United States) Editor: John F. Nash Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly, 2005. All rights reserved. Copies of the complete journal or articles contained therein may be made for personal use on condition that copyright statements are included. Commercial use without the permission of The Esoteric Quarterly and the School for Esoteric Studies is strictly prohibited. The Esoteric Quarterly Contents Volume 1, Number 3. Spring 2005 Page Page Features Short Papers Editorial 4 Becoming Receptive to 47 Publication Policies 5 Purpose Yves Chaumette Quotes of the Quarter 5 In the Tracks of Hercules 48 Articles Angela Lemaire The Sacred Rule of Life: 7 Book Reviews The Idea of Hierarchy John Hinds The Roman Cult of Mithras 51 by Manfred Clauss Affirming Planetary 13 Purpose The Sophia Teachings 51 Temple Richmond by Robert Powell The Qabalah and the 25 Aquarian Avatar Donna Brown The Trinity and Its 33 Symbolism John Nash Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly, 2005. 3 The Esoteric Quarterly Editorial Divine Purpose and Symbolism Our field of interest is not known for its de- plane of intuition, wisdom and synthesis: the pendence on dogma, but there are certain core plane, indeed, where the masters can be found. beliefs to which most esoteric students sub- Richmond provides meditation exercises to scribe. One of these is the notion that the uni- help us move to this higher level. Finally, the verse and its lives are purposeful and unfold short paper by Yves Chaumette stresses that within a framework of Divine Will. As finite Purpose is to be sought in our receptivity to the beings we cannot pretend to comprehend Will whole human experience and—echoing the in its entirety. In fact we are told that even the conclusions of the earlier studies—our com- evolved beings who comprise the Hierarchy of mitment to serve. Masters understand only a small part—albeit The other three articles in this issue all address much more than we do. That part is referred to aspects of symbolism. Symbols speak to the as Purpose (with a capital “P”). The masters intuition as much as to the intellect, and have give us occasional glimpses of Purpose to provided a basis for esoteric study since the guide the course of human affairs. time of the ancient mystery schools. To the extent that we have free will, we are not Donna Brown’s article explores the Qabalistic constrained to go along with the Hierarchy’s Tree of Life and its esoteric companion, the wishes; but through trial and error we discover Tarot, to provide insights into the coming of that voluntary compliance increases collective the Teacher for the Aquarian Age. This Avatar success and happiness. At some point—a most will express itself both in an individual out- important one in the unfoldment of conscious- pouring, comparable to the Christ experience ness—mere compliance gives way to enthusi- of 2,000 years ago, and also in a rapid expan- astic collaboration, allowing us to realize much sion of group consciousness in all who open more of our human potential. The Aquarian themselves to its influence. The last full- Age, perhaps more than any previous age, of- length article draws on the wisdom of the Qa- fers rich opportunities for humanity to work balah, as well as on Egyptian, Neoplatonic and with the masters to express Hierarchical Pur- Christian theology, in an attempt to formulate pose and make the world a better place. a consistent symbolic model of the trinity. Clearly there is much to be gained by studying Emphasis is placed on the process by which Hierarchical Purpose to understand how it the trinitarian aspects emerge and on their nu- works and discover what specific plans may merological and gender symbolism. have been made for the years and decades This issue concludes with a short paper by An- ahead. Three articles in this issue of the Eso- gela Lemaire, which turns to the symbolism of teric Quarterly address this important issue. mythology. The paper explores the 12 labors John Hinds’ article deals specifically with our of the Greek hero Hercules, viewed as symbols relationship to the “great chain of being” that of initiation. Lemaire challenges artists around links all life, from the lower kingdoms to the the world to express the meaning of the twelve masters and beyond. It is within this chain that Herculean labors through the creative arts. we find our place and discover our service re- At the time of writing (early April 2005), the sponsibilities. Temple Richmond’s article world mourns the death of Pope John Paul II. seeks to contact Purpose through the expansion We might disagree with some of John Paul’s of consciousness to the buddhic plane: the positions on doctrine and church discipline, but 4 Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly, 2005. few could question his commitment to world Publication Policies service. Untiring in his ministry, he shared his energy, humanity, joy and suffering to within a Articles are selected for publication in The few days of his passing. His life made a dif- Esoteric Quarterly because we believe they ference, and we are challenged to do likewise. represent a sincere search for truth, support the service mission to which we aspire, or contrib- Publishing the Esoteric Quarterly would not ute to the expansion of human consciousness. be possible without the tireless support of au- thors, reviewers, members of the editorial Publication of an article does not necessarily board, and everyone else involved. We thank imply that the Editorial Board or the School them all for sharing their time, talents and en- for Esoteric Studies agrees with the views ex- ergy. This is a wonderful service opportunity, pressed. We encourage critical thinking and and we encourage you, our readers, to partici- evaluation of ideas. However, we will not al- pate also, by submitting your own articles and low this journal to be used as a platform for book reviews. As should be clear by now, the attacks on individuals, institutions or nations. Quarterly covers a wide variety of esoteric This policy applies to articles and features as topics. What might seem to be a unique inter- well as to comments from readers. est may be of great interest to our readers; so In turn, we understand that the author of an please don’t be shy. article may not necessarily agree with the In particular we welcome letters to the editor. views, attitudes or values expressed by a refer- Please share your views on the articles, re- enced source. Indeed, serious scholarship views, or any other aspects of the Quarterly. sometimes requires an author to cite work that he or she finds abhorrent. We will not reject John Nash an article for publication simply on the www.uriel.com grounds that it contains a reference to an ob- jectionable source. Quotes of the Quarter From the point of Light within the Mind of From the centre which we call the race of men God Let the Plan of Love and Light work out. Let light stream forth into the minds of men. And may it seal the door where evil dwells. Let Light descend on Earth. Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan From the point of Love within the Heart of on Earth God The Great Invocation, Universal Prayer Let love stream forth into the hearts of men. for the Aquarian Age May Christ return to Earth. From the centre where the Will of God is known We shall then be led to the consideration of the Let purpose guide the little wills of men— evolution of intelligence, or of the factor of The purpose which the Masters know and mind which is working out as ordered purpose serve. in all that we see around us. This will reveal to us a world which is not blindly going on its Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly, 2005. 5 The Esoteric Quarterly way, but which has back of it some plan, some this esoteric tradition was dedicated to transmit co-ordinated scheme, some organised concept had its origin with the ancient Hebraic priest- which is working itself out by means of the hood… The sacred science that engaged the material form. One reason why things appear priest-scientists of the Hebrew Temple, as of to us so difficult of comprehension is involved so many ancient cultures, was focused on the in the fact that we are in the midst of a transi- three areas that could demonstrate the same tion period, and the plan is as yet imperfect; unification of the finite with the infinite… we are too close to the machinery, being our- These three areas are geometry (both earthly selves an integral part of the whole.
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