December 7, 1995 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S18127 ‘‘He had a hand or influence on every law- In addition to his wife and son, survivors had the great privilege of knowing him yer in the state for 35 years,’’ said Thomas include four other children: James, Los An- and benefiting from his special min- Barnett, executive director of the South Da- geles; Marguerite Moreland, Littleton, Colo.; istry. kota Bar Association in Pierre. Elizabeth Squyer, Sioux Falls; and Robert, His daily prayers and his words of Sahr, 71, who was serving as secretary- Boulder, Colo. treasury of the State Bar Association, died Services, for Sahr, begin at 11 a.m. Thurs- greeting, whenever we met, were most Monday, Dec. 4, 1995, at his home, due to day in Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church comforting. History should record that lung cancer. in Pierre, with burial in Riverside Cemetery. as a result of his guidance, many unfor- ‘‘He had a history of over 30 years in Bar Visitation will be from 3 to 9 p.m. Wednes- tunate adversarial crises were success- leadership,’’ said Barnett. ‘‘I was fortunate day in the Feigum Funeral Home in Pierre. fully averted in the Senate. I believe he to work with him through most of my ca- Prayer service begins at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday succeeded to helping maintain the Sen- reer.’’ in the funeral home. During his career, Sahr, through the Bar ate on a even keel. The family requests that expressions of We will miss him. I will miss him. Association, established the nation’s first sympathy take the form of donations to the prepaid continuing legal education; he spear- Countryside Hospice of Pierre or to the f headed legislative approval for passage of South Dakota Law School Foundation. CONCLUSION OF MORNING funding for a new University of South Da- kota Law School; and worked for improve- f BUSINESS ment of judicial compensation. THE BAD DEBT BOXSCORE The PRESIDING OFFICER. Morning He also introduced the first bill for a state business is closed. employee retirement system. ‘‘This was a Mr. HELMS. Mr. President, almost 4 biggie for the state,’’ said Sahr’s son, Dan of years ago I commenced these daily re- f Sioux Falls. ‘‘Before that there was nothing ports to the Senate to make a matter DEPARTMENTS OF COMMERCE, for state employees.’’ of record the exact Federal debt as of JUSTICE, AND STATE, THE JUDI- Barnett said, ‘‘He worked to serve the peo- CIARY, AND RELATED AGENCIES ple of South Dakota. He was instrumental in the close of business the previous day. lobbying pieces that helped everybody.’’ As of the close of business Wednes- APPROPRIATIONS ACT, 1996—CON- Beresford attorney Robert ‘‘Bob’’ Frieberg day, December 6, the Federal debt FERENCE REPORT acknowledged Sahr’s contribution to the stood at exactly $4,988,640,469,699.34. On The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under state. a per capita basis, every man, woman, the previous order, the Senate will now ‘‘His influence shaped the Bar, judiciary and child in America owes $18,936.97 as proceed to the consideration of the and modern legal system in South Dakota,’’ his or her share of the Federal debt. he said. ‘‘His was the biggest influence of a conference report accompanying H.R. single person.’’ f 2076. Frieberg said that Sahr was committed to The clerk will report. improve the legal system whenever he could. FLAG PROTECTION The legislative clerk read as follows: Although he didn’t know for sure, Frieberg CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT The committee on conference on the dis- believed that Sahr had a sense that he had Mr. SHELBY. Mr. President, I agreeing votes of the two Houses on the an obligation to leave the world better than strongly support Senate Joint Resolu- amendment of the Senate to the bill (H.R. he found it. 2076) making appropriations for the Depart- ‘‘He was just a neat guy,’’ he said. ‘‘One of tion 31, which amends the Constitution ment of Commerce, Justice, and State, the a kind. I’m gonna miss him.’’ to protect the flag of the United States With a tear sliding down his face, Frieberg from those who would desecrate it. Judiciary, and related agencies for the fiscal added, ‘‘He was a great friend.’’ year ending September 30, 1996, and for other The American flag is a national sym- purposes, having met, after full and free con- Sahr’s legal career began in 1957, when he bol of the values this country was opened a law practice in Pierre. He served for ference, have agreed to recommend and do two terms as the Hughes County States At- founded on. Many Americans have recommend to their respective Houses this torney, from 1958 to 1962. He then served two fought and died to defend these values report, signed by a majority of the conferees. terms in the South Dakota House of Rep- and this country. It is an insult to The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without resentatives, from 1962 to 1967. He was elect- these patriots, their relatives, and all objection, the Senate will proceed to ed in 1961 as secretary-treasurer of the state other citizens who hold this country the consideration of the conference re- Bar. He retired on July 31, 1989, from his po- dear, to burn or desecrate the symbol port. sition as executive director of the Bar Asso- of our Nation and our freedom. (The conference report is printed in ciation, after 28 years with the organization. I certainly support the right of all William Karcher Sahr was born July 21, the House proceedings of the RECORD of 1924, in Pierre. He attended Pierre Public citizens to freedom of speech, but that December 1, 1995.) School and was graduated from Lake Forest right has never been absolute in our Mr. GREGG addressed the Chair. Academy, Lake Forest, Ill., in 1942. country. That is why there are laws The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- He served in the Army from 1943 to 1946, against libel, slander, perjury, and ob- ator from New Hampshire. during World War II. He served in the Battle scenity. Similarly, our freedom of po- Mr. GREGG. Mr. President, it is my of the Bulge. He received the European litical expression is also limited. No pleasure to proceed today with the con- Medal with four Battle Stars. In 1954, he graduated from Northwestern one can legally deface the Supreme ference report on the Commerce-State- University in Evanston, Ill., and from its law Court building or the Washington Justice appropriations. school in 1957. Monument, no matter how much he or This legislation comes forward after He married Carla Aplan in 1953. she might wish to protest a particular a considerable amount of activity and, From 1973 to 1978, he was a member of the government policy or law. The Amer- obviously, some ups and downs on the Pierre Board of Education. He also served on ican flag, deserves special protection road to passage. It is, however, I be- the St. Mary’s Hospital Law Advisory Board, under the Constitution. It simply is president of the Pierre Carnegie Library lieve, an excellent piece of legislation Board for 19 years, and on the Pierre City not necessary to commit an act of vio- in light of the hand which has been Board of Adjustment for 10 years. lence against this flag to register pro- dealt. Clearly, in an attempt to balance He was a member of the Pierre Area Cham- test against the Government. Passage this budget, we have had to make some ber of Commerce, American Legion, VFW, of Senate Joint Resolution 31 will help significant reductions in this account the Elks Club, Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic ensure our national symbol receives overall in order to meet our goal of a Church, the American Bar Association, the the respect and protection it deserves. balanced budget within 7 years. The Jackrabbit Bar Association, and the Na- Again, Mr. President, I offer my tional Association of Bar Executives. numbers which were assigned to us by He received a Recognition Award from the strong support for Senate Joint Reso- the Budget Committee and then allo- University of South Dakota Law School in lution 31 and I urge my colleagues to cated to us by the Appropriations Com- 1982, the Appreciation Award from the South support it as well. mittee put us to the test in the area of Dakota Trial Lawyers Association, and the f trying to reach this goal. But I believe McKusick Award from the USD School of we have reached it in a very positive Law in 1987. REV. RICHARD C. HALVERSON and responsible way. ‘‘He was proud of this,’’ Dan Sahr said, of his father receiving the McKusick Award. Mr. INOUYE. Mr. President, our The essential thrust of this bill is to The award recognizes an outstanding mem- former Senate Chaplin, the Reverend make sure that we adequately fund the ber of the South Dakota legal community for Dr. Richard Halverson, will be sorely activities of our criminal justice sys- contributions to the profession. missed, especially by those of us who tem and to make sure that we have VerDate Aug 31 2005 03:35 May 29, 2008 Jkt 041999 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 J:\ODA15\1995_F~1\S07DE5.REC S07DE5 mmaher on MIKETEMP with SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS S18128 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 7, 1995 adequate moneys and make available So, overall, this is a bill which ac- and, after the funds were terminated, to the States adequate funds to under- complishes our major goals, the first in our opinion, would have been less.
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