§ 87.73 47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition) (c) When an operating frequency has (4) T–3 Third Class Radiotelegraph shifted beyond tolerance. Operator’s Certificate (radiotelegraph operator’s special certificate) § 87.73 Transmitter adjustments and (5) MP Marine Radio Operator Permit tests. (radiotelephone operator’s restricted A general radiotelephone operator certificate) must directly supervise and be respon- (6) RP Restricted Radiotelephone Op- sible for all transmitter adjustments or erator Permit (radiotelephone opera- tests during installation, servicing or tor’s restricted certificate) maintenance of a radio station. A gen- eral radiotelephone operator must be § 87.89 Minimum operator require- responsible for the proper functioning ments. of the station equipment. (a) A station operator must hold a commercial radio operator license or § 87.75 Maintenance of antenna struc- ture marking and control equip- permit, except as listed in paragraph ment. (d). (b) The minimum operator license or The owner of each antenna structure permit required for operation of each required to be painted and/or illumi- specific classification is: nated under the provisions of Section 303(q) of the Communications Act of MINIMUM OPERATOR LICENSE OR PERMIT 1934, as amended, shall operate and maintain the antenna structure paint- Land stations, all classes ing and lighting in accordance with —All frequencies except VHF teleph- part 17 of this chapter. In the event of ony transmitters providing domes- default by the owner, each licensee or tic service ............................................RP permittee shall be individually respon- sible for conforming to the require- Aircraft stations, all classes ments pertaining to antenna structure —Frequencies below 30 MHz allocated painting and lighting. exclusively to aeronautical mobile services ................................................RP [61 FR 4368, Feb. 6, 1996] —Frequencies below 30 MHz not allo- cated exclusively to aeronautical § 87.77 Availability for inspections. mobile services ....................MP or higher The licensee must make the station —Frequencies above 30 MHz not allo- and its records available for inspection cated exclusively to aeronautical upon request. mobile services and assigned for international use .................MP or higher RADIO OPERATOR REQUIREMENTS —Frequencies above 30 MHz not as- signed for international use ..............none § 87.87 Classification of operator li- —Frequencies not used solely for tele- censes and endorsements. phone or exceeding 250 watts car- rier power or 1000 watts peak enve- (a) Commercial radio operator li- lope power...............................G or higher censes issued by the Commission are classified in accordance with the Radio (c) The operator of a telephony sta- Regulations of the International Tele- tion must directly supervise and be re- communication Union. sponsible for any other person who (b) The following licenses are issued transmits from the station, and must by the Commission. International clas- ensure that such communications are sification, if different from the license in accordance with the station license. name, is given in parentheses. The li- (d) No operator license is required to: censes and their alphanumeric desig- (1) Operate an aircraft radar set, nator are listed in descending order. radio altimeter, transponder or other (1) T–1 First Class Radiotelegraph aircraft automatic radionavigation Operator’s Certificate transmitter by flight personnel; (2) T–2 Second Class Radiotelegraph (2) Test an emergency locator trans- Operator’s Certificate mitter or a survival craft station used (3) G General Radiotelephone Oper- solely for survival purposes; ator Licenes (radiotelephone operator’s (3) Operate an aeronautical enroute general certificate) station which automatically transmits 192 VerDate Mar<15>2010 17:40 Dec 15, 2011 Jkt 223206 PO 00000 Frm 00202 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\47\47V5 ofr150 PsN: PC150 Federal Communications Commission § 87.107 digital communications to aircraft sta- omitting the prefix letter ‘‘N.’’ When tions; communication is initiated by a (4) Operate a VHF telephony trans- ground station, an aircraft station may mitter providing domestic service or use the type of aircraft followed by the used on domestic flights. last three characters of the registra- tion marking. Notwithstanding any § 87.91 Operation of transmitter con- other provision of this section, an air- trols. craft being moved by maintenance per- The holder of a marine radio operator sonnel from one location in an airport permit or a restricted radiotelephone to another location in that airport may operator permit must perform only be identified by a station identification transmitter operations which are con- consisting of the name of the company trolled by external switches. These op- owning or operating the aircraft, fol- erators must not perform any internal lowed by the word ‘‘Maintenance’’ and adjustment of transmitter frequency additional alphanumeric characters of determining elements. Further, the the licensee’s choosing. stability of the transmitter frequencies (3) The FAA assigned radiotelephony at a station operated by these opera- designator of the aircraft operating or- tors must be maintained by the trans- ganization followed by the flight iden- mitter itself. When using an aircraft radio station on maritime mobile serv- tification number. ice frequencies the carrier power of the (4) An aircraft identification ap- transmitter must not exceed 250 watts proved by the FAA for use by aircraft (emission A3E) or 1000 watts (emission stations participating in an organized R3E, H3E, or J3E). flying activity of short duration. (b) Land and fixed stations. Identify OPERATING PROCEDURES by means of radio station call sign, its location, its assigned FAA identifier, § 87.103 Posting station license. the name of the city area or airport (a) Stations at fixed locations. The li- which it serves, or any additional iden- cense or a photocopy must be posted or tification required. An aeronautical retained in the station’s permanent enroute station which is part of a records. multistation network may also be (b) Aircraft radio stations. The license identified by the location of its control must be either posted in the aircraft or point. kept with the aircraft registration cer- (c) Survival craft station. Identify by tificate. If a single authorization cov- transmitting a reference to its parent ers a fleet of aircraft, a copy of the li- aircraft. No identification is required cense must be either posted in each air- when distress signals are transmitted craft or kept with each aircraft reg- automatically. Transmissions other istration certificate. than distress or emergency signals, (c) Aeronautical mobile stations. The li- such as equipment testing or adjust- cense must be retained as a permanent ment, must be identified by the call part of the station records. sign or by the registration marking of [53 FR 28940, Aug. 1, 1988, as amended at 54 the parent aircraft followed by a single FR 11720, Mar. 22, 1989] digit other than 0 or 1. (d) Exempted station. The following § 87.105 Availability of operator permit or license. types of stations are exempted from the use of a call sign: Airborne weather All operator permits or licenses must radar, radio altimeter, air traffic con- be readily available for inspection. trol transponder, distance measuring § 87.107 Station identification. equipment, collision avoidance equip- ment, racon, radio relay, radio- (a) Aircraft station. Identify by one of navigation land test station (MTF), the following means: and automatically controlled aero- (1) Aircraft radio station call sign. nautical enroute stations. (2) The type of aircraft followed by the characters of the registration [53 FR 28940, Aug. 1, 1988, as amended at 71 marking (‘‘N’’ number) of the aircraft, FR 70676, Dec. 6, 2006] 193 VerDate Mar<15>2010 17:40 Dec 15, 2011 Jkt 223206 PO 00000 Frm 00203 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\47\47V5 ofr150 PsN: PC150.
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