University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Clayton News, 1915-1922 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 3-9-1918 Clayton News, 03-09-1918 Suthers & Taylor Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/clayton_news Recommended Citation Suthers & Taylor. "Clayton News, 03-09-1918." (1918). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/clayton_news/166 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Clayton News, 1915-1922 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Start Over the Top" with Guy Erapey in the News of March 23 Ths gripping story of the war, the most thrilling story of the day; in serial form in the News. Don't miss the opening chapters. TUB NEWS stands for the ETilTTninl VOTE II the Interest proeecntloa at DF. f gcod eltlseashla) aa tha war against militarism te the apballdlna-- o( a larger the elimination of all fads and imwuatr --war movements! and better Clayton and Unto (or I i r 1 Cuaaty. Official paper ( tha drmocraey, and against all Clayton Jlagolim ii it II dlafrlct Land OffUe 0SbL, aTí1i AT Lñ and of Union County .11 11 v,. VOLUMN ELEVEN SUBSCRIPTION HATS Nt'MBER KIEVEN Clayton, New Mexico, March 1 1 9, 9 8 111.00 PER YGATI GOVERNMENT MAY GALL FOR UNION COUNTY PINTO BEANS WITHIN WEEK w. s. s. Farmers Th coatrncted witu the GERMAN PHOTOGRAPH OF BOCHES FIGHTING IN SHELL HOLES government for the sale of their pinto henna may expect to be enllrd upon for ABOUT PEOPLE YOU delivery of their ervps within a few nreks, ncrurdliig to a telegram recclr-e- d here ly the Fonr states Seed 'Co., KNOW ABOUT Friday, which atntea that the Food eee;;1::!!""'!"!'!! s st Adnilnliatratloa plan has been adopted mmMmmxivmmmk find the mnvrment of beans will com-nira- re w. s, s. VX- W v " :!' next week. , plnn to buy It. F. .Mo oro, of Mosquero, was la the 7Í V - ................ ... .... .... , ( The the beans from the rw - county on .... - scat ; s , .' 4 I rowr business Thursday, and ' ' , , and distribute them In In the ji. :v - ... ' ... ! v - '.. ... .. .,.X. East and wherever food was acarne dropped Into the News office to renew his subscription to popular paper. thrn the Tailed Mate Gain i'orpn-ratio- n, the B. ... noting under supervivían of the W. 8. Food ArtmlalKtrntiou, han been, held In "I'd bo all firod happy to send my ' slvynnee to determine he muuy old , ; i of the clothes to the Belgians," remarked . - - . growers would market: their crop In Harry Thompson, as ho filled our gaso- Ihln manner. The plnn wan not lo br- line can from Bob Isaacs' pump, "but eóme effective unless seventy-fiv- e per- I just can't do it. I'm wearing them." cent of the lirans In the hands of the W. S. S. - f .n inert were contracted to the govern- ment. I'ntil a dny or so ngo thnt quan- John U. Tobler was up from Mosquero tity wan not In sight and the time was In ed his membership in the News family extended which the contracts ettnld year. bp signed, ns explained In Fnrin Com- another ment In this issue of the News. W. f. S. It is evident, however, that the Fuod Allen Wycoft of the Plrneor Garage, Administration believes n sufficient attended the meeting of the Colo-Ne- w unnihrr of contracts will be signed to Mex Auto Association in Trinidad last merit Kolng ahead with the plnn aad week and took in the auto show at starting the movement of the brnn-ero- Albtiquniuo before returning home. to the eastern piarkets. W. S. 9. As far ns ran lie learned the Union "i fel- County growers are signing the con- never see a more free hearted tracts nnd practically the whole of the ler than him," Seth Edwards remark- Inst bean crop of Mia county will be ed as one of our misleading flnaniuera distributed by the government. passed ua too intent upon business af- fairs to notice a school child selling ...... .... ...... The Four Stntrs Seed J.'o., the Coanty rt rini ii i, .. w.... tickets to a Red ..i Aarleultarnl agents anil the II. Ilers-stel- n Cross Benefit. "That guy Is plumb determined the Red Cross tnkou a ciipc.ii'im) tici-inn- ollictT. hlmwn (ici-iui- QglUliifc s Seed Company have been active .This reiiuirkiiblu iiitoKi'iit)b troni trooper irum bel will have plenty of funds even If It ("11- In coopratloa lióles before the barrage Pre ot the utiles. A ilistiatob Uo Is Kctii gturling bnck with n message callins for - with hn food adminis- everyone In the seeurlnft-pint- o takes the last dollar ele has nnrj he seeus quftc, únperturbol by the shell Are which In concentrated on the Boches. tration work of ; bean entraets. got." w. s. HCHWESTKA I.m,TOLOIC AI. l.I.FTl IM PIPILS RECITAL W. H. Taylor, of Denver, an exper- ni PENNINGTOX AND RALSTON AY ENJOYAELK EVENT ienced Ford accepted a H. JIVKX I TUn E ST1 , i FACTS LAST INCREMENT OF FIRST RETIRN FROM TAOS TRIP méchenlo has m 8. a. position as shop foreman the Ploaeer w n . W. S. 9. ' W. at L The voice recital given at the Fishcr- - Garage. Taylor worked In .the Ford The Cllmritoloriical Hulletln, wnlch Ira Pennington, the land man, and factory a length DRAFT LEAVES FGR CAMP üeorgo Raíste returned Mou 1T from Davls hall, Friday night, by the pupils for considerable ef Mr. ico iui iriiiiiMiv r Ti;iiQ iticailH an auto trip thru the Taos aoyutry. ot I Lyla Pchtvesiha, taaeher of voice, time and knows the Innards of a Ford ' assisted by Miss Agnes from a to Bill Owen says. monthly luimphlvt .published In w. s. .' The trip was made in I'cnnlngtorvs Schwestka at lizard. s. .s plane, Santa Fr by the weather bureau and car. They went as far as Ute Park on the was one of the best affairs w. a. a. nnf ii In It. ir A r i-- .i i , f th. ..huurtio Eighteen Union county young men, the usuiil road, encountering mud that of its aort ever given In Clayton. Those "Five cents looks like a whole lot ion malc by government observers completely who took part showed an aptitude for for one egg, said A. E. Sny- comprlslnu the last Increment of the at times nilrcd the car and vocal I'll admit' in varlnuH pnrt of the Htate, mimmar-íiin- ií arriving were tho music and the excellence of the der as he brot In Hlfrh's weekly con first draft for the National Army left there lnfurmod that speaks, tlie innthly reporta for 1917 con- roads were so bnd they could not iiol numbers well for the training signment, "but you must remember that tain some InlireHtliiK Infornuitlon Clayton Monday, on the noon train over the 'inouutalnn thut way. of their voices by Mr. Kchwestka. one egg represents a whole days work I'nlon county. for Camp Funstou, Kansas, where Rturnlng to Sprlnser they went to Tho following program was rendered; for one hen." . Union county weather whs mllü. they will go into training for service up "One Happy Day", sola Miss Elcnor Santa Fe and tire Rio Urande river Thompson. W. S. S. Various reorts of nine ami ten detfrees overseas. to the old Indian settlemi-nt- , being the "Chasing Mar- Hunter Packwood and PhariB Uow-eilo- n k1ow In Clayton during the year are Clayton turned out en masse to bid llrst to make tho trip In three werks. Kutterflyn". solo, Miss not recoinlnd by the weather bureau these eighteen God speed and the plat- They ie Thompson. have moved to their cluims near visited tho free homestead "Whispering Hope", an aulhetntlc. At least that matter form at the.'..'C. & S. was crowded with country on the west side of the river duet, Mrs. lirow.i W. S. Hoggs. of fact department of the United anxious relatives and friends endeav- unci were not greatly impressed with and Miss Merle W. It. Spanu, of Amarillo, spent the .states Kovernnient which deals In oring to say a parting word to the Pennington Is "Winter Lullaby." solo, Miss Lillian week with his family on their el-il- its possibilities. quite Guy or. lacts rend tiKurn only aays that two departing soldier boys. frank in saying In his opinion the ' near Seneca. that "Llndy", negro solo, -- degrees below was he coldet wesather The Royal Neighbors thotfully had aveaago farmer could not make n liv- dialect Mies e W. S. S. rxeiienccd in. this Immediate vicinity provided a good big bos of good things ing on the greater part of it. Kate Sullivan. j Fred Wilhite and family have moved luring the year. And that wasn't re- to eat and presented It to the boys ns "Sweet and Low", duet. Elcnor Tomp-H,- m to Texline. ' cently. It was lust March, on the the train pulled out. FOI'R" STATES SEED COMPANY. and Lillian Cluyer. I W. N. 8. - iourth day, This is probably the last quota of HAS 'A NIFTY "Yo Han", en costume solo, .Merle lien Melton, who Is teaching at the SEED CATALOG Uoggs. ' The same duy the' government ther- men to be drafted from th county this W. it. Guy school this year, spent Sunday mometer1 at Des Moines. regitered spring, unless the War Department One of tho handsomest catalogs to "His Lullaby", solo Miss Edna.
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