Drunk driving down in Gitmo Bay Sunday's flight G DUiDWi's ar down 32 percentfrm Water Usage C-141 the same period in FY89. We had 19 cases NAVAL STATION Guantanamo Bay -------- 10:00 a.m. of drinking and driving lastyear between W/owl Thursday, May 24 October th iu agh My, 13 cases this year I* Roosevelt Roads, P.R. 12:45 p.m. 2:05 p.m. andiithreast 'eek. Usable storage: 13.67 ML - 98% NAS Norfolk, Va. 5:40 p.m. 7:55 p.m. Continue this positive trend over Mc- Andrews AFB 8:40 p.m. morial Day weekend. If you drink, don't Goal: 1 ML dnve. Callabuddyor call Security at4105. A patrolman will behappy to give you a lifth Consumption: 1.17 K See page 3 home, no quetionsasked. I Guanta ao Daily Gazette Vol. 46 -- No. 107 U.S. Naval Base, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Friday, May 25, 1990 Congress passes spending bills AP - President Bush this include $4,000 to fill in a collapsed Battleship Iowa case reopened morning receives a present from utility tunnel in Salisbury, N.C. by Armed Services Committee Congress he's been eagerly await- Nearly $1-million to spruce up Bay ing, a Foreign Aid Bill. Bush had City, Michigan's waterfront park, requested lawmakers approve emer- and a $750,000 ferry boat for Samoa. AP - The Senate Armed a congressional report's gency aid to help the struggling Meantime, the Senate has put its Services Committee today expected to suggest that friction Lithuania - Lithuanian legislators democracies in Nicaragua and Pan- crime bill on hold until after the holds a hearing on the Navy's may have caused the blast. are meeting today to discuss Mikhail ama. The legislation includes $300- recess. Some lawmakers say the controversial investigation into Earl Hartwig, the father of Gorbachev's threat to impose the explosion aboard the USS the sailor blamed for the Iowa presidential rule in the Baltic million for the government of Vi- measure could be running into Iowa. The hearing comes a day explosion, says the new republic unless it freezes its olets Chamorro in Nicaragua. It also trouble. Among other things, the bill after the Navy began expressing declaration of independence. Lithu- contains $420-million for Panama, limits nine kinds of semi-automatic congressional finding will anian leaders say the Soviet president which is recovering from U.S. trade assault weapons. Senate Minority new doubts about the cause of reveal "what we've been could attempt to disband Lithuania's sanctions under the Noriega regime Leader Bob Dole says there's pres- the April 1, 1989 blast that saying all along. My son is not parliament, replace its government and last December's U.S. invasion. sure from certain groups to kill the killed 47 sailors. The Navy has guilty." All firings of 16-inch and declare martial law. The spending plan includes bill. blamed a gunner's mate who guns aboard the Navy's four nearly $4 in domestic spending for China is sure to be a dominant died in the explosion, Clayton battleships have been halted Romania - Protesters are accusing every dollar in overseas assistance. issue when Congress returns to work Hartwig. The Navy has said after several gunpowder bags Romanian President-elect Ion Iliescu Hartwig likely loaded an ignited at a Virginia naval and his National Salvation Front of It includes housing grants totaling June 5. Senate Majority Leader $28-million, most of them for com- George Mitchell vows to "aggres- explosive device between gun- weapons station yesterday stealing the recent election. powder bags used Thousands of demonstrators munities whose members in Con- sively" pursue legislative action on one of during testing prompted by the gathered in Bucharest's University gress serve on appropriations com- against extending China's trade the warship's 16-inch guns. But Iowa blast. Square last night shouting "thieves" mittees. Other pork-barrel projects benefits for another year. and calling for Iliescu's ouster. It was the biggest anti-govenmment rally since Sunday's election. Chai rs resentenced for killing 6 in Gitmo Bay Colombia - Colombian officials are blaming drug traffickers for another Editor's note: The following is The old sentence carried hope of The crash killed six people and in- U.S. Supreme Court heard another car bomb attack. A city spokesman in an excerpt of a Virginian-Pilot ar- parole. The new sentence offers no jured three others. appeal and ruled in early 1989 that Medellin says five people were ticle published yesterday. chance for parole, only time off for Judge Clarke initially sentenced the sentencing guidelines were con- killed and at least 21 injured good behavior. Chambers to 12 years in September stitutional. At that point, the fourth yesterday in the explosion at a By Joseph Cosco "He was sentenced to a harsher 1988, when thelegal community was Circuit Court sent Chambers' case police post near a luxury hotel. It's Virginian-PIotl/Staff Writer term," defense attomey James 0. debating the constitutionality of new back for resentencing. the sixth powerful bomb to go off in Broccoletti said. "He's been sen- federal sentencing guidelines that Colombia in the last two weeks. Before the accident, Chambers Norfolk -- Michael P. Cham- tenced in effect to twice whathe was went into effect in November 1987. twice had been caught driving under Geneva - The United Nations Se- bers, the drunken driver who killed before." In Chambers' original sentenc- the influence of alcohol. He had been curity Council meets today in five sailors and a cab driver on the Chambers pleaded guilty to six ing, prosecutors asked for a prison administratively reprimanded, and Geneva to hear Arab calls for a Guantanamo Naval Base, was resen- counts of involuntary manslaughter term of 18 years. The new guidelines his driving privileges at the base had United Nations observer force for the tenced Wednesday and came out a in connection with the fiery automo- recommended a total prison term of been suspended. occupied West Bank and Gaza strip. loser in the deal. bile accident April 30, 1988, at the 24 to 30 months for all six man- With the new arrangement, good But Israel says even if the world U.S. District Judge J. Caivitte U.S. Navy base in Guantanamo Bay, slaughter counts against Chambers. behavior offers the only possibility body creates a special force to protect Clarke knocked two years off Cham- Cuba. Clarke declared the guidelines un- for a reduced sentence. Chambers Palestinians, the Jewish state won't ber's original 12-year sentence, but Chambers, a clerk at the base, constitutional and imposed the 12- can allow it to enter the territories. earn credit for two months per the Jamaican citizen probably will admitted he Meanwhile, the Israeli army says was drunk and driving year sentence. Government prosecu- year served. Broccoletti said that Palestinian laborers stabbed a Jewish end up spending more time in prison between 70 and 110 mph when his tors later appealed Clarke's ruling. would reduce the time served to settler in the chest today while as a result. car slammed into the rear of a van. Before the appeal was decided, the about eight years. working in his orchard in the West Bank. d itmoites, reenlist, get your full SRB USA Guantanamo Bay - With SRB multiples that are presently in that is by controlling how many SRB NAVOP 056/90 does. It also con- improving retention stats throughout effect. If the award level for their reenlistments we permitto takeplace tains the right safety clauses so no- News the Navy, it's expected that money rating or Navy Enlisted Classifica- early. In the beginning of the year we body loses any SRB money. In fact, for Selective Reenlistment Bonuses tion code (NEC) increases or de- allowed SRB reenlistments up to it gives you the option to go for Kansas - Authorities in Kansas say (SRB) will run out before the end of creases in the FY 91 SRB plan that four months early. Then as the higher rates if the September updates nine tomadoes hurtled across the cen- the fiscal year. comes out September1990, they will money spends down we start to con- raise your SRB for your rating/NEC. tral part of the state, derailing a Because of the shortfall, the be allowed to reenlist for the higher trol that so, by Sept. 30, the account The end result of doing it this way is freight train, demolishing homes and Navy is cutting back the four month of the two levels during the transition will be totally expended just as the more SRB money to sailors and bet- injuring at least four people. early reenlistment window for the period. fiscal year ends. That's exactly what ter retention in the Navy. remainder of the fiscal year. "This is a great change," said Florida - There's a showdown Starting June 1, with brewing over the trial of ousted sailors an Foley. "More ratings are now eli- Panamanian dictator Manuel Noriega. End of Active Obligated Service gible for higher SRB award levels. A federal judge has thrown out a (EAOS) that is Oct. 1, or later who Adm. Boorda is really working hard deal for the government to pay the request to reenlist will be delayed for our bluejackets." Secretary of Defense general's heavy legal fees, saying the until after Sept. 30, 1990. Reenlist- In a Naval Operations (NAVOP Memorial Day Message federal law on defense spending limits ments on or before Sept. 30, 1990 056/90) message released Wednes- would not permit the $250 to $350 an will only be granted for "obligation day, Vice Adm.
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