Ramen Nirvana Ramen Ramen Topping Choices Kae-Dama

Ramen Nirvana Ramen Ramen Topping Choices Kae-Dama

WESTSIDEEAST WEEKDAYS VILLAGE ADDITIONAL $4 IPPUDO NY LUNCH SET $4 LUNCH Ramen, a small salad, and your choice ofof ricerice bowl:bowl: MENU Pork Soboro / ChickenChicken Karaage / MentaikoMentaiko Spicy Cod Roe V = VEGETARIANVEGETARIAN G = GLUTENGLUTEN FREEFREE = SPICYSPICY RAMEN NIRVANA RAMEN VEGETARIAN 白丸元味 白丸ニューヨーク V SHIROMARU HAKATA白丸元味 CLASSIC 14 SHIROMARU NEW YORK 白丸ニューヨーク V 15 The original “Tonkotsu” (pork) broth with IppudoIppudo’s A silky, rich sesame broth with IppudoIppudo’s Westside’s signature signatureWestside’s Dashi; signature thin noodlesDashi; thin topped noodles with topped pork Dashi;signature thin Dashi; noodles thin topped noodles with topped tofu chashu,with tofu sesame chashu, chashu,with pork sesame loin chashu, kikurage sesame mushrooms, kikurage menma, mushrooms, red kikuragesesame kikurage mushrooms, mushrooms, menma, menma,red pickled red ginger,pickled and pickledmenma, ginger, red pickled and scallions ginger, and scallions scallionsginger, and scallions Topping suggestions: KarashiKarashi TakanaTakana $3$3 // ShigureniShigureni $4$4 Topping suggestions: KarashiKarashi TakanaTakana $3$3 赤丸新味 赤丸ニューヨーク V AKAMARU MODERN赤丸新味 14 AKAMARU NEW YORK 赤丸ニューヨーク V 15 A more bold translation of the original pork broth; thin A silky, rich sesame broth with IppudoIppudo’s Westside’s signature noodles topped with Ippudo’s secret “Umami Dama” Dashi;signature thin Dashi; noodles thin topped noodles with topped Ippudo’s with secret Ippudo’s miso paste, pork chashu, cabbage, sesame kikurage “Umamisecret “Umami Dama” Dama”miso paste, miso tofupaste, chashu, tofu chashu, sesame sesame mushrooms, scallions, and fragrant garlic oil kikurage mushrooms, scallions and fragrant garlic oil Topping suggestions: NitamagoNitamago $2$2 // ShigureniShigureni $4$4 Topping suggestions: NitamagoNitamago $2$2 からか麺 V KARAKA-MENKARAKA SPICY からかスパイシー 14 KARAKA SPICY NEW YORK V 15 The original “Tonkotsu”(pork) broth with an added からかスパイシーニューヨーク kick; thin noodles with Ippudo’s special blend of hot kick; thin noodles with Ippudo’s special blend of hot A silky, rich sesame broth with an added kick; thin spices, topped with pork chashu, cabbage, sesame spices, topped with pork chashu, cabbage, sesame noodles topped with Ippudo’s special blend of hot kikurage mushrooms, scallions, and fragrant garlic oil kikurage mushrooms, scallions, and fragrant garlic oil spices, topped with tofu chashu, cabbage, sesame Topping suggestions: NitamagoNitamago $2$2 // BakudanBakudan $2$2 kikurage mushrooms, scallions, and fragrant garlic oil Topping suggestions: BakudanBakudan $2$2 サラダ混ぜ麺 山葵醤油 B.B.C. SALAD MEN B.B.C.サラダ混ぜ麺 V 14 WASABISHOJIN 精進SHOYU V G V 1517 Our Chopped Salad Mazemen comescomes withwith kale,kale, mixedmixed VegetarianInspired by soythe sauceintricacy based and broth delicate with flavors inari-age of Zenbean lettuce,lettuce, avocado,avocado, beets,beets, croutons,croutons, cherrycherry tomato,tomato, andand curd,Buddhist menma, cuisine, seaweed, Ippudo’s scallions, Shojin istempura made from flakes, extract pomegranate seeds.seeds inServed an Ippudo chilled original with our dressing, exclusive served kizamiof vegetables, wasabi stem,beans and and wasabi-infused seaweed; with Koshihikarioil thickwith ourwavy exclusive noodles, thick in an wavy Ippudo noodles, goma chilled, wasabi in dressing a goma Toppingrice noodles, suggestions: sansai mountain Nitamago vegetables, $2 six-grain Toppingwasabi dressing. suggestions: Poached Egg $2 / Bara Chashu $3 rice, goji berries, yuzu viniagrette, and a seasonal Topping suggestions: Poached Egg $2 / Bara Shashu $3 topping RAMEN TOPPING CHOICES NITAMAGO 煮卵 Seasoned boiled eggRAMEN* TOPPING2 KARASHI CHOICES TAKANA辛子高菜V Pickled mustard leaves 3 POACHED EGG 温泉卵 Poached egg* 2 MENMA メンマ V Seasoned bamboo shoots 4 NITAMAGO 煮卵 Seasoned boiled egg 2 KARASHI TAKANA辛子高菜V Pickled mustard leaves 3 SHIGURENI チャーシュー時雨煮 Pulled chashu pork 4 TOFU CHASHU 豆腐チャーシュー V 3 POACHED EGG 温泉卵 Poached egg 2 MENMA メンマ V Seasoned bamboo Shoots 3 BARA CHASHU 豚バラチャーシュー 3 CORN とうもろこし V G 2 SHIGURENI チャーシュー時雨煮 Pulled chashu pork 4 TOFU CHASHU 豆腐チャーシュー V 3 CHEESE チーズ 2 BAKUDAN 爆弾 V Ippudo original spicy paste 2 BARA CHASHU 豚バラチャーシュー 3 CORN とうもろこし V G 2 CHEESE チーズ 2 BAKUDAN 爆弾 V Ippudo original spicy paste 2 KAE-DAMA 替え玉 $2 Kae-dama is a system that offers you an extra serving of noodles. When you have almost finished your first serv- ing of noodles, order by saying, “Kae-dama,KAE-DAMA please.” In a few 替 えminutes玉 $2 the server or chef will bring you another Kae-d‘ball ofama noodles’ is a system for you that to offersput in theyou soup. an extra You servingwill need of tonoodles. have enough When yousoup have in the almost bowl finishedto accommodate your first the serv - ing of noodles,new noodles; order that by saying,is, you shouldn’t“Kae-dama, drink please.” too much In a few soup minutes if you theare servergoing toor orderchef will the bring Kae-dama. you another ‘ball of noodles’ for you to put in the soup. You will need to have enough soup in the bowl to accommodate the new noodles; that is, you shouldn’t drink too much soup if you are going to order the Kae-dama. *Consuming raw or undercooked meats, seafood, shellfish, poultry, or eggs may increase your risk of foodborne illness. None of our menu items are available for Take Out or Take Away, including leftovers. None of our menu items are available for Take Out or Take Away, including leftovers. EAST VILLAGE WEEKDAYWESTSIDE APPS WEEKDAYS DRINKS ADDITIONAL $4 IPPUDO NY LUNCHV = VEGETARIAN SET G = GLUTEN FREE = SPICY LUNCH Ramen, a small salad, and your choice of rice bowl: MENU Pork Soboro / Chicken Karaage / Mentaiko Spicy Cod Roe V = VEGETARIAN G = GLUTEN FREE = SPICY APPETIZERS EDAMAME 枝豆 V GRAMEN 6 IPPUDO BUNSNIRVANA 一風堂バンズ RAMEN PORK OR CHICKEN 9 with yuzu citrus salt VEGETABLE V 8 Steamed buns (2pc) filled with your choice of pork, 白丸元味 白丸ニューヨーク V SHIROMARUやみつき胡麻きゅうり V 14 chicken,SHIROMARU or eggplant NEW & eringi YORK mushrooms, served with 15 GOMA-QThe original “Tonkotsu” (pork) broth with Ippudo 6 A silky, rich sesame broth with Ippudo Westside’s Cucumber seasoned with Ippudo’s original sesame Ippudo’s original spicy sauce and mayo Westside’s signature Dashi; thin noodles topped signature Dashi; thin noodles topped with tofu chashu, oil sauce with pork loin chashu, sesame kikurage mushrooms, IPPUDOsesame kikurage SALAD mushrooms, 一風堂サラダ menma, V red pickled 11 menma, red pickled ginger, and scallions Noodle-cutginger, and scallionscucumber, carrot, chopped kale, tomato, SHISHITOTopping suggestions: しし唐の素揚げ Karashi V Takana $3 / Shigureni $48 beets,Topping and suggestions: mixed greens Karashi with TakanaIppudo’s $3 original soy Flash-fried Japanese peppers with yuzu salt dressing ADD TOFU 2, AVOCADO 3 IPPUDO WINGS 一風堂手羽 7 Fried chicken wings (3pc) glazed with Ippudo’s special AKAMARU 赤丸新味 14 blackAKAMARU pepper sauce NEW YORK 赤丸ニューヨークADDITIONAL PIECE, V 15 2 A more bold translation of the original pork broth; thin A silky, rich sesame broth with Ippudo Westside’s noodles topped with Ippudo’s secret “Umami Dama” signature Dashi; thin noodles topped with Ippudo’s miso paste, pork chashu, cabbage, sesame kikurage secret “Umami Dama” miso paste, tofu chashu, sesame mushrooms, scallions, and fragrant garlic oil kikurage mushrooms, scallions and fragrant garlic oil Topping suggestions: Nitamago $2 / Shigureni $4 Topping suggestions: Nitamago $2 KARAKABROOKLYN SPICY KAEDAMA からかスパイシー ALE 149 KIRINKARAKA ICHIBAN SPICY FROZEN NEW YORK V 7 15 The original “Tonkotsu”(pork) broth with an added からかスパイシーニューヨーク kick;ASAHI thin noodles SUPER with DRY Ippudo’s IMPORTED special FROM blend JAPAN of hot 8 KIRINA silky, richICHIBAN sesame broth with an added kick; thin 6 spices,ORION topped IMPORTED with pork FROM chashu, JAPAN cabbage, sesame 8 KIRINnoodles LIGHTtopped withBOTTLE Ippudo’s special blend of hot6 kikurage mushrooms, scallions, and fragrant garlic oil spices, topped with tofu chashu, cabbage, sesame ToppingSAPPORO suggestions: Nitamago $2 / Bakudan $2 6 ASAHIkikurage KURONAMAmushrooms, scallions, BLACK and BOTTLE fragrant garlic7 oil Topping suggestions: Bakudan $2 B.B.C. SALAD MEN B.B.C.サラダ混ぜ麺 V 14DRINKS SHOJIN 精進 V G 17 Our Chopped Salad Mazemen comes with kale, mixed Inspired by the intricacy and delicate flavors of Zen lettuce, avocado, beets, croutons, cherry tomato, and Buddhist cuisine, Ippudo’s Shojin is made from extract pomegranate seeds in an Ippudo original dressing, served of vegetables, beans and seaweed; with Koshihikari WINE (G) (B) SAKE (G) (B) with our exclusive thick wavy noodles, chilled, in a goma rice noodles, sansai mountain vegetables, six-grain CABERNETwasabi dressing. SAUVIGNON (CA) 8 IPPUDOrice, goji berries, NIGORI yuzu viniagrette, and a seasonal8 19 Topping suggestions: Poached Egg $2 / Bara Shashu $3 topping CHARDONNAY (CA) 8 HAKKAISAN HONJOZO (NIIGATA) 9 50 MALBEC (ARGENTINA) 10 38 FALANGHINA (ITALY) 13 55 SPECIALTY SAKE / PLUM WINE RAMEN TOPPINGIKEZO CHOICES BERRY SPARKLING SAKE (CAN) 7 NON-ALCOHOLIC SARARI UMESHU PLUM WINE, LIGHT & REFRESHING 8 NITAMAGO 煮卵 Seasoned boiled egg 2 KARASHI TAKANA辛子高菜V Pickled mustard leaves 3 SODA COKE, DIET COKE, SPRITE, GINGER ALE, SELTZER 3 “KOKUTO” BROWN SUGAR PLUM WINE 8 POACHED EGG 温泉卵 Poached egg 2 MENMA メンマ V Seasoned bamboo Shoots 3 ORANGESHIGURENI / CRANBERRY チャーシュー時雨煮 JUICE Pulled chashu pork 34 YUZUTOFU CHASHU CITRUS 豆腐チャーシュー SAKE V 3 11 ICEDBARA JASMINE CHASHU TEA 豚バラチャーシュー 3 CORN とうもろこし V G 2 CALPICOCHEESE WATERチーズ OR SODA 32 SHOCHUBAKUDAN 爆弾 HIGHBALL V Ippudo original spicy paste 2 LYCHEE SODA / YUZU SODA 4 GRAPEFRUIT HAI FRESHLY SQUEEZED 8 AQUA PANNA / SAN PELLEGRINO KAE-DAMA4 替CALPICOえ玉 $2 / LYCHEE / YUZU HAI 7 Kae-dama is a system that offers you an extra serving of noodles. When you have almost finished your first serv - ing of noodles, order by saying, “Kae-dama, please.” In a few minutes the server or chef will bring you another ‘ball of noodles’ for you to put in the soup. You will need to have enough soup in the bowl to accommodate the new noodles; that is, you shouldn’t drink too much soup if you are going to order the Kae-dama. Please let us know if you have any food allergies or dietary restrictions so we may better accommodate you.

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