BE TBUE, AHD FAITHFUL, AHD VALUHT FOB THE PUBLIC LIBEBTIES. NUMBER 45. VOLUME XXII. BIDDEFORD, ME., FRIDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 2, 1866. SPARE LIHE8, PRY Ac. MEDICAL. "HOTHDTG BUT A MAlf." THE RE8UBRE0TI0N. THE UNION AND JOURNAL. GOODS, it Is idle It In the spring of 1864, i attended the laat In the defence of miracles Wanted by • confectionrr—a candid J. a. BOTlaB*. Kdilo*. the between §0*ttg. fgiscdlanMuis. morning reception of the season, at parley, impossible to distinguish woman. muin it young la mum imv mtir with me little the and tbe All stand — White House, my New Fall Goods! Acta db Mao-tolia. Tha prettleet thine the taking probable improbable. at tb« altar are of- desire to see or if The of lorera J*. 23. BUTLER Sm CO. I i«mM lhli|* and the moat of It for the leaat THE LITTLE BOY THAT DIED. IBIBH BULLS. daughter who bad an intense tall together. But select, you will, feelinjri overoomea the odor raosi ten altered afterward*. money. It ot poraplratlnn \ the good President who bad set the poor that which, in itself considered, is the Tmm: aof\en«aad addadelloaay to the akin la a dellrbl and ItWpwjMf.vllNirriUvliUalWjw>«■ a •« W ( am >11 alone In mr chamber new. slaves free. them—the greatest on the kindneaa ot |l N t« Ml iraUi. Wt ml «rr year rul perfume ; allaya bead ache «n1 Inflammation, One or the richest of a rea | improhsble among Home permit* lire < Ire arw Nlacfllan, mm And the midnight hoar Is Mr. specimens mo« the last |we*>u grtuug up I dab aad It a naoiaaary companion In the ilek room. In I had not seen Mr. Lincoln for mora than wonderful of their number to be their benefactor*. at >11 u And the fecrot'a oreek. and tha clock'a dull tick, frith bull which haa ever fallen under oui other*, and ciaiin •*«4»c |I«MI«J>UN. IMitmJ aay I'M FOSS BROTHERS, ih« nonerr and apon the toilet fid aboard. It be snd climax of tbe series—the Resurrection Art the mily Kiund'1 I bear I ant a and aa I drew near to where U) c«ui4/ m af | <ni. can bt ottolNd at on* dollar bot- notice was by the clever I year, everywhere par And ovar my aoal. In IU perpetrated of Christ from the dead. Inasmuch as the ladiea are very economical. The) tla. eolltnde, 8ii stood, going through hia weary, monoto Young Hweet feellnga of aadneaa glide t witty, but blundering Irish knight, in order to avoid waiat Saratoga Waawr.aold by all Drartf't* nous task of 1 wondered if greater includes the leas, if the fret reaort to tight lacing 16 Main Rprtag For my heart and By aye* ara ftall, wban I think Richard Steele when • certair hand-ehaking, always N'o. Street, inviting 1 can Of tha little " be would face the of the Resurrection lie established, tbe fullneas. boy thai died. nobleman to visit him. If air,' remember among English my whole aeries must follow. a o countless faces that had beset and credulity of the like Mock) I want ona nlcht to hther'a I said evef tome within a mile [■ besieged ia a convalescent (CftM my he,44 jou 1 of the fsct of tbe the ve- Why dyspeptic di- M nine him. or in mute renew before hun, Hut Resurrection, Becauae lie can't 8. T.-IMH-X —Tha amount or Plantation fllt- ant to tha daar onaa all. / will there!' passed criminal ? tv» -UMHM n w»> my house, hope you dop con- existence of the Christian Church is In* reprieved >rL'!^Ly! tora la o»o la omowhat atartHac Thar And aoftlr 1 opened Ilia garden rate. since the eve on which 1 bad ry la * aald year Another the same is wel | pleasant •« UrfW VP* And tha door of tha hall \ by gentlemen feat yet. AdaartlMM**®* woald III B mad way all foot hleh from tbo Park to anflly versed most with and heard comestible evidence. Without that fket, aUiia««l ilM MaMVk FACTORY ISLAND, A CO, Mv eame aon. asked how he ac freely him, can- 4th n treat. l>rake*a manufoctory la oao o! tbo ln- mother oat t« maat har worth recording. Being not unac- with a common Ut< tba m W ika »«#«• ma some of his cordial talk. tbe of tbe Church is only 8na Poland March atltatloiu oT New York. It la aald that l>rako Bhe klaaad and than aha algbed. for his makinr sc essy, charming, and counted countrymen origin of cause not atick to tlje iron, I a Baatera Htatoa with bla And har haa<l Ml on ray neck, and aha wapt " 1 could be be but to all laws dle, and it will JOB ^RIMTINQ. pa tod all tha rooka la tbo he 1 cannot i But, before presented, gare countable, contrary oi than tbo old For lha llttla boy that dlad. many hulls, replied: tell, to the nicer. .. .■_■., MW ta the mtmmt tM*7 in m i m« u4 mII nInM Hook aahallatlo"8.T-IWI.-X."and got me a stretch- and effect. Picture will be much k_ UM I opaatag dia- not 1 ii shock of pleasant by yourselvea Apos- to paaa a law "preventing is the effect of tho climate. fancy, surprise sad truth first fraaay lejjlflatora a mo- And whan I gated on hla Innooant free, his hand over the shoulder of a ties and when tbe nn wonder figuring tha fooo or nature,* wh'ch rlraa him an icat born in Ireland he would ing gentle- disciples The aayw it is Wo do not know bow tbla la, bat wa da A* ■till and ©old ha lay. En/flishman man was and came home to them that their Master was Philoaopher ao nopoly. as with whom he falae calvea are in demand, since many Floatation Rlttora ami. aa no othor ar- Ami thought what a lovely ah I Id ha had bean, make just many." conversing, know tbo me name, with the smile snd dead and buried. had trusted in Him ara all alaaaaa or tha And how anon ha ranat decay t A bull is recorded of an frishmar greeted by They are rv-Maferf In theae ticle ever did. Tbay aaod by M rich limba day*. on Oh, •tenth, thoa loreat tha beantltol," tone of an old friend. When he as tbe One 'which should hare redeemed TRAVEL. oomaanlty, aad ara daath Dvapepala—oertaln, at carda. on the lound perceived other GOODS! when and weak. In tha wo« of my I erled who, inspecting pool, a true were sure had seen in came acroas a mnn the DRY aplrlt " A Israel.' Theyaroverylavlcoratlng laagald little , the look of tha and tha forehead waa it deficient: Here is a said pleased they 8podger a creat anneflaee. For anarkled eyea, Mr, shilling short," They Messiah. who ao conaervatire that he refW* the that died I M child lover came into hia sad eyes, "la this liim the evidences of the great day ia •A RATvKI A MPRINQ WATER,aold by all DrtfjctaU Of llttla boy he: who put it in ?" bocauao it X*»W to Town ami Cnuntrr Tr»l«. awl of th« little ?* he said. "How do All manner of disease hail been healed at to taka a medicine AdapUd This hull was ; sc your daughter particular UUit M) 1m, tulUiUiUf of ft full lift* of A rain I will go to my father^ hooae, actually perpetrated dear? As he took her hand, the His word; demons bad fled at His pres- to work a radical cure. 00 home to the d«*r onea all. also was the Two eminent you do, promiaea LINE following: child rained to his face her brown the winds and the waves obeyed STEAM And aadly I'll open the cardan gate, members of the Irish and Yel< large eyes ence; Does the to make tawa for the peo- imiiu "In tbo kettle from the Are I aoalded ay- her, Doyle Him right liftlnt And aadly the door of the bail i full of tender reverence. Thellook seemed Him; universal nature had recognized in a t-on- — a 00 of the United Statea reside •air v-rv aevarely one hand almoat to erlap. I ehall meet hat nerer mora verton, one violently, ple • • • my mother, day, as the of waa The Mailcan quarreled to touch he smiled a smile that was a her Lonl; from heavens legions or a 8A00 AID B08T0I! BROWN H BL'C'D The torture unbearable. With her darling by her aide that words csme to hurrl him; greaa elected by the ballet, in President BIDDEFORD, COTTONS, l.lalmeot relieved the almoet Imme- fmm|hard they had waited His to Muatang pala Dat ahe'll klaa me and algh and weep again benediction, then bent snd kissed her. angels a bullet ? haalad aad left little Mow*. the more man ol only bidding elected by diately. It rapidly, very For the little boy that died. Doyle powerful till we had down to His aid. And this Lord "ENTER. two at knocked down 8ho blushed, but said nothing sweep yet TScflna A I Prop*l1er the (at the fats, least) are a but 4V Droad Pbllada." on a or she exclaim* of all had been arrested, triod.coodemned, The Polea bravo people, they PltlSK" MtJi her Aret trip to DEN IMS, Cl A a. Foarta, Rt, I ahall talae him when the flowera coma his twice, exclaim- passed step two, when a or what tbo Maataar antagonist vehemently been are not the of Thla la merely aample In the garden where he t M he is a after sll I" like criminal, had in enjoyment liberty.
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