--N, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18, 1952 t w e n t y -ETGHT ATcnce Daily Net Press Ron iManrIfpatpr lEw ttng H|pral& For tbe Week Haded - The Weather - ^ if June 14, 1953 ' Forecast of U. ft'W eather BttraaB ijocal Navy Ment pjMptice, fon mr Mr. M Joberl- ter C. AbWt of Charter Oaik, Wrinkle-Free tverciaze ^ 10,5% - Oleartng lenlghf. "Lew In upper About To wn Engaged street, la serving abbard the at­ Member of the Andlt 50a, F air and cooler Friday. ^ Thomaa Poole waa the boy Cover Wide Area tack cargo ship USS Antares In Persoual Shower winper of a Robertson Scholar- BenM at Obenlatlone Manchetter-^A City of VUk^e Charm Mra. Hi D. WUion of Phrker ahlp award made during grad­ the Atlantic Fleet. The Antarea who hy Mrs: Ruth Jobert, the fornicr uation—eKerclaee-—at -HoUiater- Manchester I currently la one of tbe-many-.MecchantLMar. men serving In the Atlantic, the rlne ships that were transferred for Northern Irdand, errived ««fe- Ruth Gibson, was honored with a Street .School yeaterday morn­ (ChMrifled AdverUsIng on Pago 18) ly end had kn enjoyable trip, ac- personal and linen shower last ing. The Herald erroneously Caribbean and In California, it to the Navy after World War II. VOL. LXXI, NO. 222 MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 1952 (TWENTY PAGES) PRICE nVB CENTS * g -tfr-* «aw aipr»m received night at a party given by Miss published the name of 'Thomas waa learned-today. Fna. Andrew V. Rlker, III, son CBISKAY day by her daughter!. Mra. Barbara Jackie and Miss Georgia Woods as the wdnner. Lt. Ruasell P. Sweet, husband of Mr. and Mrs. A. Lawrence Rlk­ ^ waa accompanied by Mtaa Dolan at the latter’s home. ,')5 of Mrs, Madeline B. Sweet of 39 er of 680 Spring street. Is serving i'lla Preacotl. B. N. Formerly of Deming street, with 23 young O’Leary drive la serving on the with Naval Attack Squadron 923, CaUfomia, Mlaa Preacott has a unit of the Air Force. Pacific Women present, for the most part wrapped them and later read staff of Commander Transport Di­ Fast Move made her home, with Mra. W ilaon rachoolmatcs of the bride at high vision 21, aboard the amphibious Fleet, stationed at the Naval Air for the paat alx months. i achool. them. force flagship USS Chilton, which SUtlon. Miramar, Calif.,' which Cost of Living ; The hoBtc39cs ijscd n::,.chipi^' Is taking an active part In the has recently completed training On G l Vote "Scheme of- pink -and -bjue;-filream- ■ .Navy's,, training ..exerolatM.. in . the execciaea .in ..rocket.AwJ,. ^ngunnery -Covehant-Oongregatlonal Church ' era in ' 'lhesc"”c'6ir)rs and ’ WPTTCllng" he— Women’s — AttxUlary of Caribbean •waters. - —,— - -practice - at- the -etr- station-In-El ^tnnehester— Memorial— Hi Centro,- CaHfc —-Ooodwtn Park. Hartford. A bu.a 'The buffet table waa alao dccoral- win hat's two more work meetings “a jg prl^ t* ••»!* « will leave froiw^ eo With flBwera and catuUealiT th e before -t he. ae.s.son- eleses on J u ly- -AblO- the church at 1 p. m. The chil­ ■anie colora. 1, namely Monday, June 23, and dren are requested to report at One of the amu.semnni fcat\ires . "e 30. It h hoped mem­ W'gshington, June 19—(IP) the church; cars that call for them wa.s the recording of the com- bers will reserve these dates as It Washington, June 19—(A>)—The government’s latest, cost- —President Truman prodded on Sunday morning will not be mpnta and exclamations over the will he nece:'aary to fold a large AMERITEX CLOKAY of-liVing barometer moved up today under pressure of rising Congress today with a state­ availiabTe. ^ gifts by MTS. ■ Jobert "as she^tnr- number of aurgical -dresslnga. —- food'arid teiit costs to within a tiny fraction of the record ment th a t “clcise to a mitlibri high reached last January. The living-cost index, measuring members of our armed serv­ A group of member! of Zion prlcea of food, clothing, shelter andW ices” may be unable to vole Church Ladiea Aid Society left a host of other things climbed dur- this year unless special yeaterday for Lutherland, Pqcono !ng the month ending May 15 two. Plnaa, Pa., to attend the conven­ 7 9 c r-l tenths of one per cent to iS9, per Milk Dealers Hit legislation is passed before Steel Union tion of the Lutheran Women’s cent of (he 1935-39 average. That Congress adjourns. States 15^ Mlaalonary League, la 4.1 per cent over the mark of Price Hike Plan The President wrote Vice Presi­ 18 months ago when price and ■ dent Barkley and H°uae Speaker A daughter was born June 15 at wage controls .took affect. The | Rayburn urging that Osngreaa Feels Pinch Tax Cut Is tha Hartford Hospital to Mr. and Nancy Kennedy peak figure last January was 189.1. j Hartford, Jnne IS— (IPi —In "give early and favorable atten­ jlra. Edmund Co* of 11 Nye A million and a quarter rail-1 an unprecedented move calling tion’’ to Soldier vote leglqlaUon atraet. Mr. and Mra. John Helm Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Kennedy workers will get an autoniatic for immediate action, the milk now pending In both Houses. In Finances of Woodland terrace, Columbia, of 256 Middle turnpike e a s t. an­ two-cent hourly wags boost *s ,a. drsdera of the state today de­ Oltes Message Impossible had Sisson the same day. nounce' the engagement o f, their , result of the latest increase In manded that milk ndminlstm- He.referred to bills introduced daughter. Nancy, to Louis Pllver, 1 living costa. |Thelr, work contract tor p, 0._ Hammerberg revoke by Sen. Green (D., RIl and Rep. Pitt.sburgh, June 19—:^ I WHsliiiiBtfln.-June 10—<A*) * Mra! BkUlma Beaulieu of Hart- Son of Mrs. Thelma Roger^oj 991 ties wages to the cb'iit^f-living In- Ms order for a one-cent In- McCormack (D'.'. 'Maas). He said —Philip Murray’s striking . ft«cd.-Tnot»»«r ,<rf M "; 'Oak :fltrcet'.' - .......— -1 ~-.nssnfs.:;ta-Hjst-.ns4e».'-M'ta>lk.d?M;- J-iAea».:WeM-4a-4toe,-irtth-.*ja4aaaee, L —faeajdenLJE^utnatt 8aiA.to> Berry of Crfvenlry. died at Ml. Miss Kennedy graduated with each iJiMe' monThic................ ' ' ' ■"! ' quart July 1.” he 'aeht'fo'Caplfb) Hill 'March ‘28 ^ (lay ' tliat Corigfciis 'cariT till Sinai Hospital yeaterday after a honor from Manchester High I Another 100,000 wage earners Hammerberg’a order issued asking steps be taken to facilitate beginning to show aigns of fi­ dhe administration what to do long lllnwi School this year. Mr. Pllver | In textiles, aircraft and oil refln- June S affects only the farmer’s voting by service personnel and nancial hardship as the 18- about invoking ’ the Tflft- graduated from Manchester High pvMeiit price of 14' cents a certsdn federal emptoyea serving " liig Ihduatries also' 'get at least dai^-old "yaikouf bites ever Hai’tley Law . but use o f T -JI Ttony C B righfa Legion Orchea- In 1950 and now has - a position | a o>ie*?4oO’?°?t., _ _ _ . quart for Class 1 milk which la overseas. 'Truman - said that a deeper into the national de­ tra wfll'i^otfiae.._J the........................... danjflng music With the Aelns Life Tnimranre; Leading the overfall llvVng-cbat uaid ' for fluid " cohSiime'r' sluay"" by the'f American Political is under conBideration'in-tiie this Friday and Saturday wt con- Company. No date ha* been set rise was a boost of four tenths of poaea. But dealers wUl pass It fense program. .steel strike and has bflcn Science association pointed out . Walter-Jtlla. ppeaident of .a ,bigi. "vantiom of the state AL 40 Md 8 for the wedding. - --------- - i “ OneJk!!*' eerit in ■ rent acros* -th r on to rorisumera' briHgtug the the' ■ obstaclea to ' abldlcr"’ voting fight Alfirik, ------ --------- -------------- and Ita women’s auxiliary, the 8 country. The price of food at the. steelworkers’ local at Jones• and' |f45« fl7J3 price-of tarolly . grade milk to presented by many state laws. Laughlin Steel ’ COrp., in P itts­ among other things, that the strike and 40, In New Britain. 3103 grocery store moved up three U cents. The Green bill has been re­ Manchester Association for the SimplUity Frim4f4 burgh, says several requeats for Truman told hla news conference, help of Retarded Children will i tenths of one per cent' Strong language la used In ported out by the Senate Commit­ la creating a aerioua situation, Gan. Memorial Lodge 38. Knlghta of . But the price of clothing, of fuel financial asaistanca hnv« bean re­ meet Thursday- at 8 p. m. In the the State Milk PesUera as­ tee on rulea and adminlatraUon, ceived from steelworkers' families. Eisenhower still la hla friend and Pythias, win hold lU Slat anniver­ CovenAnt-Congregatlpnal ’ Church, Beautiful crisp wrinkle resi.vlflnt, preshrunk, soil re.sialant and electricltv and of house fur- Truman noted, ■’ __ ~ .*'v sociation petition signed hy The powerful union doea not pro­ neither a Democratic nor a Repubr sary crtebratloH" a t 8 o’clock to­ on Spruce street. Dr. Frank H. || fabrica that Will wash so easily with hai-dly any Ironing. All the —^ iiishlngs an dropped fractionally. John R. Thlm, attorney, He quotM Secretary of Defense llcan President, can roduce taxaa 15 night at the Lithuanian Hall on vide strike benefits. However,tfiost Horton, pediatrician, will be guest, newest colors. Effective July I daring that the Increase "win Lovett as saying th at efforts Lovett of ita locals are reported in healthy per can t Ctolway Mriwt- Invitations have apeakar.
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