5564 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE April 4, 2001 In 1996 Teresa tested in Pittsburgh MORNING BUSINESS the Finance Committee. He had a place her idea on how best to ensure early Mr. STEVENS. Mr. President, I now on the Banking Committee. He was childhood education development was ask unanimous consent there be a pe- chairman of the Aging Committee. It not just talked about but actually pur- riod for morning business with Sen- was rumored that he intended to run sued. With a coalition of business lead- ators permitted to speak for up to 10 for Governor of Pennsylvania in 1994, ers, the Heinz endowments launched minutes each. and that he had aspirations for the Teresa’s early childhood initiative, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without White House. Of course, those called ECI, to begin to tackle the objection it is so ordered. potentialities were snuffed out by his issues of early childhood education and f untimely death. make sure that no family was left be- John Heinz had unlimited political hind. In 1998 Teresa founded the Wom- SENATOR JOHN HEINZ potential and was really one of the ris- en’s Institute to secure retirement, Mr. SPECTER. Mr. President, 10 ing stars on the American political called WISER, to ensure that women, years ago today a tragic accident oc- scene. His death left an enormous void whether they work in or out of the curred in the Philadelphia suburbs in Pennsylvania politics, in American home, would understand pension and claiming the life of a very distin- politics, and in the Senate. retirement issues. Through a partner- guished United States Senator. In addi- I had seen him just the day before ship with Good Housekeeping maga- tion, two 6-year-old girls were killed at when we were in Altoona, PA, together. zine, a magazine and supplement enti- the Marion Elementary School, as well We were speaking at a lunch for the tled ‘‘What Every Woman Needs to as four pilots who were in charge of hospital association and had become Know About Money and Retirement,’’ two aircraft which collided in suburban very good friends after our tough pri- women are better able to be informed Philadelphia—a small charter plane mary battle which had occurred some and educated on how to prepare for carrying Senator Heinz from Williams- 15 years before. Senator Hugh Scott their financial future. That supplement port, PA, with the destination of Phila- and his administrative assistant, Bob has reached more than 25 million read- delphia, and two pilots on a Sun Oil Kunsic, had counseled John and me ers and is available in English, Chinese, helicopter which had attempted to ob- when he was elected to the Senate in Portuguese, and Spanish today. serve the landing gear of the small pri- 1980, that together we wouldn’t be vate plane, which, according to the twice as strong but we would be four Perhaps the most notable is the work dashboard, were not in place. times as strong. that Teresa has done to help explain to Those two planes collided in midair I used to drive John Heinz home. We legislators at the State and Federal resulting in the deaths, as I say, of the both lived in Georgetown—he in a man- levels, Jack Heinz’s vision which he ar- four pilots and wounding many on the sion and I in a condominium. In the ticulated, by the way, more than 14 ground, including one young man who early 1980s, Senator Baker used to years ago, that we need to make avail- had 68 percent of his body covered with work us very late, as did Senator Dole, able a prescription drug benefit to all burns, and the deaths of two 6-year-old and then Senator BYRD and then Sen- people 65 and over. girls, and it was a fatal accident for ator Mitchell, our majority leaders. I Through her work at Heinz family Senator Heinz. would drive him home in the wee hours philanthropies, Teresa has spearheaded Senator Heinz had an illustrious ca- of the morning. And sometimes after 1 an effort to help legislators understand reer in the Congress of the United a.m., after one of those 20-hour days, this complex issue and how states can States. I first met him in 1971 when he we would sit and talk in his back alley design solutions to solve this prob- was running for the seat of former Con- before he entered his home, and we lem—now reaching a crisis state in our gressman Robert Corbin, who had died. called it an end to the day. country. Dubbed HOPE, the Heinz plan And Elsie Hillman, the matriarch of The day before he died, I had Joan to meet prescription expenses is used Pennsylvania politics, and a leading with me. I called her Blondie, which I by many States such as Massachusetts, figure nationally, had asked me to do from time to time, and he was sur- Maine, Mississippi, and Pennsylvania come be a speaker for a John Heinz prised. The last words I heard John which work with the foundation on fundraiser in her home. Heinz say was, ‘‘Does she call you strategies to provide prescription drugs I was then the district attorney of Dagwood?’’ I said, ‘‘No, she doesn’t, for the elderly. Philadelphia. I recall very well meet- John.’’ That is perhaps the best example of ing this good-looking young man who But in memory of John Heinz there what I believe is the spirit of John was 32 years old, soon to be elected to have been many posthumous recogni- Heinz, designing a blueprint to help the House of Representatives, and saw tions. The most important of all are states determine whether and how they him in one of his maiden speeches the Heinz Awards, established by his can and whether they will address such charm the crowd and move on to the then-widow Teresa Heinz, with very a crisis. House of Representatives. substantial endowments in five cat- My next extensive contact with John Because of Teresa Heinz, the Heinz egories which were of greatest impor- Heinz was in the 1976 primary election tance to John Heinz. They were: First, Family Foundation pursues efforts to where we squared off in what was a tra- arts and humanities; second, environ- keep Jack’s spirit and vision alive. ditional Pennsylvania battle of east ment; third, human condition; fourth, That is why I am here. And for that, versus west. I was no longer the dis- public policy; and, fifth, technology, each of us should be grateful. I person- trict attorney but had a significant fol- the economy, and employment. ally thank her for all she has done. lowing within the metropolitan area in John Heinz left behind three extraor- Mr. President, John Heinz, as I said, eastern Pennsylvania, and John Heinz dinary sons, Henry John IV, Andre, and was my friend. In my own way, I cele- was the ‘‘Zion’’ of the west. It looked Christopher. Hardly a day goes by that brate his spirit each day when I walk promising for a while when Philadel- I don’t think of John Heinz and the on the Senate floor. He is no longer phia came in 10 to 1 in my favor and great contributions he made to the with us in person, but his spirit, his vi- then United Press International de- United States Senate. sion, and his unrelenting belief in hope clared me the winner at 1:30. But Alle- I am advised that once a Member has lives with all of us. gheny County and some of the western been gone for 10 years, the Member is I am proud to have known this man, counties came in as much as 15 to 1. then eligible to have a stamp named John Heinz, and I am proud he was my This was a very close vote by 2.6 per- after him. I am sure there will be many friend. To Teresa and his three sons, cent. With 26,000 votes out of a million awards given to John Heinz. Already John, Andre´ and Christopher, I send cast, John Heinz became the U.S. Sen- the numbers are significant, with the this message: Jack’s spirit is right here ator following the 1976 election at the John Heinz Pittsburgh Regional His- on the Senate floor. Be assured we will age of 38. tory Center; the H. John Heinz Center never, ever forget who he was, what he He was a very distinguished Senator, for Science, Economics and the Envi- stood for or his dream for America. as the record shows. He had a place on ronment; the H. John Heinz, III School VerDate Aug 04 2004 11:23 Feb 16, 2005 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00071 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR01\S04AP1.002 S04AP1 April 4, 2001 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE 5565 of Public Policy and Management at Meritorious Service Medal, the Navy which brought Vojislav Kostunica to Carnegie Mellon University; the John Commendation Medal, the Navy the presidency. For years, I had worked Heinz National Wildlife Refuge at Achievement Medal, the Sea Service to bring about democratic changes in Tinicum; and the H.J. Heinz Depart- Ribbon, Battle ‘‘E’’ Ribbon, Navy Meri- the FRY working with opposition lead- ment of Veterans Affairs Medical Cen- torious Unit Commendation and the ers to Slobodan Milosevic in diaspora. ter. Navy Unit Commendation. Since coming to the Senate, I have f The Department of the Navy, the made a handful of visits to the region Congress, and the American people to get first-hand perspectives on the CAPTAIN WILL BROWN have been defended and well served by situation in the Balkans and I have vis- Mr.
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