First Class U.S. PostagePaid Permit#1 GDheBauibsoiuanDa^Dson,NC ♥"THE SOLTTHTS FOREMOST COLLEGE WEEKLY" + Davidson College Wednesday, January 19,2005 Volume 96, Number 13 Fighting Complacency Day's events raise Davidson meets $250 million goal inon-going capital campaign.A questions of commit- statement from President Vagt, ment toKing'slegacy page 4. By LaurknConn Staff Writer Wrestlers DavidsonCollege observedMar- regroup after tin Luther King,Jr.Day Mondayas students and the surrounding com- coach's firing munity embraced the past, present ByBobby Demuro and future ofcivilrights. Sports Writer Thisyear's agenda featured con- Staff vocation speaker Dr. Walter Earl Clockwise from left: Two daysbefore wrestling's Fluker, a gospel choir concert and dual Children's activities, season-opener severaleducational programsrelated against Duquesne, dialogues and Davidsonfiredhead wrestlingcoach to the theme "ThroughtheEyes ofa panels,a 'Walk for T.J.Jaworsky. Dream: ALook atDavidson." Peace,' and a lecture Accordingtothe Press, Thedayofcelebrationbeganwith by Dr. Walter Fluker Associated Jaworsky 2, the "Building the Dream 5K Race/ marked the day's was arrested on Jan. 2005 on chargesof cocaine posses- Fun Walk for Peace" sponsoredby events. sion, pos- the AlphaPhi Alpha fraternity. drivingwhileimpairedand sessionof drugparaphernalia. see MLK,page3 Furthermore,according to Char- lottepolicerecords,Jaworskyposted Davidsonians explore College'spainful history ofrace relations a bondof $5,800and was released day. By Katk Gillespie wereprecededbyatalk fromcollege dents were equally divided on the the same 34, Senior Writer archivistDr.Jan Blodgett, who dis- issue and endingwith the Boardof Jaworsky, hadbeenhead wres- Staff tling cussedthe impact of thecivil rights Trustees decision in 1961 to admit coachfor the'Catsforthreeand On Jan. 17, Davidson alumni movementonDavidsoninthe 1950s three Congolese students. She also one-half years,andheposteda 5-42 Calvin Murphy '70 andTony Perez and '60s. discussed the role that students record while at the helm. Despite poor over '92returned todiscuss "TheHistory "Complacentisoneofthe wordsI playedin sit-ins and protestsin the the record the past years, Jaworsky of the Minority Experience at wouldusetodescribeDavidsonwith surroundingcitiesofDurham,Rock few and his team signs progress Davidson College." The event was regard to change over the years," Hill,and Charlotte. hadshown of this held in the900 Room of the Union Blodgett said. "Thestudentswhoparticipatedin yearafter solid performances inthe pre-season tournaments, and was plannedby the college to Blodgett gave a timeline of inte- sit-ins felt ostracized on campus," and that Jaworsky commemorate Martin Luther King grationoncampus,beginningwitha Blodgettsaid. "There was thesense successcontinued without Day. YMCA poll conducted in October that they embarrassed Davidson. whenthe 'Catsopened aperfect6-0 Murphy and Perez's comments 1954 that found that Davidson stu- see Minorities,page3 see Coach,page14 ByLizBarry BeforeThomassends thedonation,he willreceive anin-depth NewsEditor report from Madras Christian College concerning what the money will beused for and who will benefit from it. Inresponse to the Dec. 26 tsunami that devastated coastal "Our goalisnot todosomethingimmediately toset sailand areasin SouthAsia,studentgroupsacrosscampushave begun smooth our conscience,"Thomas said. "We want to do some- to raise money for disasterreliefefforts. thingthat ismeaningful." According toarecentCNNreport,thetsunamikilled atleast For theDavidson students whoparticipatedinthe Semester- 1 peopleinover 11countries.InIndiaalone, thecurrent death in-India Program this past fall,thenews of tsunami has been toll hasreached 10,744,with over 5,600 peoplemissing. especially shocking. The SGAand RedCrossClublaunched a jointfundraising "It was surreal knowing wehadjustbeenthere andhad con- effort totakeplaceoverthenextweek.According toacampus- nections withkids wholiveinthose villages,"Amy Miller '06 widee-mail,if atleast 95 percentofstudentsdonateonedollar said. "We hadbeen to someof their houses,and theylive very to thecause,PresidentBobbyVagt willmatchthefundsraised. close tothe ocean.Ijust didnotknow how toreact." Dr.Job Thomas,professor of history and director of South Whileplans are not yet finalized,the Indiaprogrampartici- AsianStudies,hasearmarkedmoneyfromprogramfunds togo pants wantto compile acollection ofphotos, sketches,poems, to long-term relief efforts organizedby theMadras Christian Photoby PeytonPurcell and personal essays about their experiencesinthe villages. College in India. Davidson has a long-standing relationship Elizabeth Pandolfiand Amy Miller '06stand They will sell the publicationas a way to raise money for with the Madras Christian College through the Semester-in- with boys from a coastalvillage in southIndia relief efforts and promote awareness in the community about IndiaProgram. hit by last month'stsunami. seeTsunami,page4 NEWS: Staff and faculty fall victim torobberies seepage 2 a Wilson's Wide Sounding off: Make " statement, World of Sports: a look at : men's basketball ljk_"**^*fl| knit a scarf fjt national media season report A&L,PAGE 7 SPORTS,PAGE 12 PERSPECTIVES,PAGE11 2 The Davedsonian News Wednesday, January 19,2005 Neighborhoodrobbed of holiday spirit Value totals $31,000; victims includeprofs andstaff ByBlevinShelnutt cember22 toDecember 29,andonDecember SeniorStaff Writer 26 neighborFrankMolinek noticed theback TheDavidsonConununityPlayersConnieCompanyandtheDavidsonCollegeTheatre door to their house was open. Departmentwill perform"Cinderella"in theBlack BoxTheatreonJanuary21at7:30 An eruption of burglaries occurred in the "The house was neat and very little was p.m.;January 22at 10:30 a.m.,2:30p.m.,and4:30p.m.; andJanuary 23 at3 p.m. and Davidson areaover the holiday season.Sev- taken,mostlyjewelry,"Ringle said."Someof 4:30p.m. Ticketsare$5.Reservationsareencouraged.Forinformation,call(704)892- eralDavidsonfacultyandstaffmembers were itwasniceandgold,butotherthings werenot 7953. affected by the thefts. expensive, like seed pearls. They[the The twenty-four break-ins took place be- burgalars] seemed tohavelookedinclosetsas tweenDecember 15andDecember26andwere well." ArtExhibition confined to theMcConnell neighborhoodoff The burglaries are unusual as the thieves Concord Road. oftenignored wrappedChristmaspresentsand TheThreadsof Conflict exhibitwillbe inthe William H.Van EveryGalleryof the Police are also aware of four other failed expensiveitems, and instead took items that VisualArts Center fromJanuary 21throughFebruary25. Theexhibition focuseson break-in attempts in the area. were worthless.Whiletheypassedupalcohol tapestriesthatillustrate socialunrestandoppression.Call(704)894-2519forinforma- Dr.DennisAppleyard,McConnellresident and weapons,the thieves didtakehomemade tion. and Chair ofDavidson's Economics Depart- cookies and barsof soap. ment, wasoutof townDecember21,thenight However,thetotalvalueofitems stolenstill the thievesbrokeinto his home. amounts to approximately $31,000. OperaPreview Appleyardbelieves the thieves used alad- Chief John Kearin of theDavidson Police deror eachother'sshoulders tocomethrough Department believes the thieves are young Brian SuntkenofOperaCarolinawillpreviewthecompany'sproductionofSamson one of twoprobable entry windows. adults familiar with theneighborhood. andDelilah at 12p.m.inTyler-TallmanHallof theSloanMusic Center. Forinforma- As the thieves covered their tracks well, Mostofthe thefts took placeduring theday tion,call(704)663-5659 or(704)332-7177. Appleyarddidnotimmediately realize some- when noonewas home,and the thieves most one hadbeeninhis houseuponhis returnthe likely priedopenadoor or window to enter. following morning. They were verycautious as they took care to Asian Studies Lecture Only after twodaysdidhediscover various leave things the way theyfound them. items, including jewelry and sterling silver, "Itis very disquietingtoknow that thieves Professor James Watson ofHarvardUniversity will speakon "BiotechBeancurd? were missing. are enteringneighbors' homes inMcConnell AmericanProducers,EastAsianConsumers,andGlobalization"onJanuary 26at 1:30 Appleyard said,"There is a greatsense of and areas adjoining ours," said Spanish pro- p.m.intheLectureHallof theBelk VisualArtsCenter.Call(704)894-2035 forinfor- violation,of course,and the items takenhad, fessorandMcConnellresident MaryVasquez. mation. as well as monetary value,high sentimental "The beliefheld by the DavidsonPolice that value tome.Iamshocked that arashofsuch thepersonresponsiblelivesrightinour neigh- theftshas occurred inDavidson." borhoodisevenmore troubling.Thecase will Theatrical Performance HealtheducatorGeorgiaRingle'shomewas eventuallybesolved,though,Ifeel sure.Mean- alsoburglarized. while, all of us are especially careful with WDAV announcer andprofessionalactressRachelJeffreys willperformher show Sheandher husband were outof townDe- locks." "Sheherazade BeginswithSHE"onJanuary26 at8:30p.m.intheSmith900Roomof Students adjust to "re-entry shock7 after studyingabroad 1/8 Martin Court FireAlarm By Liz Barry townof Seville,Haley Acuff '07 anticipated News Editor someofthechallengesofleavinghernewfound Officer wasdispatched toafirealarminHartapartments.Officer spoke withresident friends and returning to life at Davidson. At of the apartment, who had been defrosting a hamburger bun in the microwave and Davidson's Study Abroad Office,Dean times,Acuff saidthatthefirst fewnightsback forgotten hehad putitin there.
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