,,. , Vol. 57-No. 2 Philadelphia, March 18, 1911 Price 5 Cents President Johnson, of the American League, in an Open Letter to the Press, Tells of Twentieth Century Advance of the National Game, and the Chief Factors in That Wonderful Progress and Expansion. SPECIAL TO "SPORTING LIFE." race and the same collection of players in an HICAGO, 111., March 13. President exhibition event in attracting base ball en Ban B. Johnson, of the American thusiasts. An instance in 1910 will serve to League, is once more on duty in illustrate the point I make. At the close C the Fisher Building, following the of the American League race last Fall a funeral of his venerable father. While in Cincinnati President John team composed of Cobb, the champion bats son held a conference with Chair man of the year; Walsh, Speaker, White, man Herrmann, of the National Commission, Stahl, and the pick of the Washington Club, relative to action that should be taken to under Manager McAleer©s direction, engaged prevent Kentucky bookmakers from making in a series with the champion Athletics at a slate on American and National League Philadelphia during the week preceding the pennant races. The upshot is stated as fol opening game of the World©s Series. The lows by President Johnson: ©©There is no attendance, while remunerative, was not as need for our acting, for the newspapers vir large as that team of stars would have at tually have killed the plan with their criti tracted had it represented Washington in the cism.- If the promoters of the gambling syn American League. dicate should attempt to carry out their GAME NEEDS LEAGUE©S STAMP. plans, we surely will try to stop them. I "Although the All-Stars demonstrated their think we will be successful, too." Bruce class by repeatedly defeating Mack©s cham Bielaski, special examiner of the Department pions, many admirers of the Athletics pre of Justice at Washington, says an inspector ferred reading the scores to seeing the con Will be sent to Kentucky to investigate. tests. It was not lack of loyalty to the THE PLAYING RULES. home team nor of appreciation for the visi President Johnson is in receipt of a let tors that was responsible for this apathy, ter from President Lynch, of the National but simply indifference toward base ball of League, in reply to suggestions for changes in a high quality unless it be vouched for by the playing rules. Mr. Lynch said there a league. On the Tuesday following th« was only one of the several rules under last of these exhibition games 26,891 people dispute that his league cared to remedy at saw the Athletics defeat the Cubs, and 24,- this time. In rule 32 the word "no" is to be 597 came back the next day. No better substituted for the word "either." The rule ball was played in these games, for which ad as it now reads means, if literally followed, vanced admission rates were charged, than that when the bases are unoccupied the man in the All-Star-Athletic series, but the World©s at the bat automatically gets a base on balls. Series games were conducted under the aus President Johnson has also received a com pices of the National Commission and the munication from the National Base Ball Writ result of each figured in the winning of the ers© Association to the effect that that body game©s highest honors, whereas the exhi recommends an amendment of the sacrifice bition events of the preceding week were hit rule so that hereafter the "fielder©s meaningless in the estimation of the public. choice" be abolished and the batsman given THE SCALPING EVIL. safe hit whenever he attempts to sacrifice, "One of the great problems the National and the fielder, in attempting to get the run Commission is called upon to solve each year ner at second base, fails to get either man. is a system to be employed in conducting FOR CLEAN SPORT. the world©s championship games. It is our President Johnson has also given out for desire to give the public the best possible publication the following review of the pres accommodations and eliminate from the ent condition and status of the National series tiqket scalping and kindred evils. game: "Preliminary to discussing twentieth Nothing will do more to estrange patrons century base ball, I desire to state that I from the game than the treatment accorded do not subscribe to the opinion, entertained them in this city in the last World©s Series by a majority of patrons, that the game©s between Detroit and Chicago. It is a pru progress in prestige and popularity in recent dent and sensible club owner who does not years is due solely to the improvement in have the dollar always in mind in the opera individual and team work on the ball field. tion of his base ball property. The National I do not yield to any one tn admiration for game©s best asset is the public©s faith in its and appreciation of ball players as a class, honesty. Destroy that confidence and base but, while according them full credit for con ball will decline as a nation©s sport. There tributing to the advancement of the game as CAN BE NO JOCKEYING an attraction through the elevation of the in base ball. On this point we all agree. standard of play within the last decade, I The men who control the affairs of the game cannot withhold recognition from other agen must establish and maintain the highest type cies that, each in its peculiar province, have HARRY B. HOOPER, of honor and sportsmanship. They must aided in putting the people©s pastime on. a never falter in the path of duty and should higher plane. Outflelder of the Boston American League Club. lend a willing hand to correct the evils that STRICT DISCIPLINE HELPS GAME. Htrry B. Hooper, outflelder of the Boston American League Club, is a native of California, sometimes invade the ranks of professional "The splendid governmental system under liaring been born at Santa Clara, in that State, August 24, 18S7. He started his professional ball. It is to the credit of the American which organized base ball has been operated career with the Sacramento Club in 1907, after having made a great reputation with the St. League that since the World©s Series was in since 1902, the strict enforcement of disci Mary©s College team. He started as a pitcher, but was developed into an outflelder owing to augurated it has never had a player re pline by league executives, and the capable great batting and throwing ability. He played with Sacramento in 1907-03. President Taylor. moved from one of its teams because of of administration of club affairs without con of Boston, who, during a. trip to California, saw the youngster in action, at once purchased fensive conduct on the field. From its begin sideration of cost in securing a first-class his release. He joined the Boston team in 1909, made good at onc«, and ©has since been a. valued ning one of the main planks in the organi team and providing patrons with superior member of the team- zation has been clean ball. Our Philadelphia accommodations, have all been potent fac Club is a worthy, a shining, type of that tors in developing a large and loyal following principle. In the hard campaign of last sea for professional base ball. Skill and sports son I did not have occasion to discipline an manship in the players, fairness and firm Athletic player, and it is gratifying to know- ness in the umpires, well kept fields, of one or more occasions during 1910 in every nually, and the American League purposes that their conduct was just as commendable such dimensions that a fast runner may com major league city which had a modern base to meet it. No club owner can assure its in the world©s championship series. plete the circuit of the bases on a fair hit ball plant, and within another year two patrons a championship team, but the guar THE WORLD©S SERIES to their limits in any direction, skirted with more at the farthest every scheduled game antee of the American League goes with the has been important in stimulating interest in mammoth fireproof stands and crowded to purchase of every ticket to one of its parks of the American League will be contested on that the game will be decided on merit and base ball. There are other features, how their capacity with real enthusiasts from all ever, that have contributed much, to bring walks of life, are, from my viewpoint, essen- grounds owned by the home club and pro will not be marred by rowdyism. vided with steel and concrete structures for the game to its present standard. The enact tian elements in twentieth century base ball, PUBLIC©S CONFIDENCE BEST ASSET. ment and enforcement of wholesome laws, whether a position in a league race or the the accommodation of patrons. The ©invest ments that have been or will be made in "Public confidence in the integrity of or the confidence of those who supplied the championship of the world hinges on the capital. when investment was a speculation, result. realty, building material, and skilled labor ganized ball is its best asset. This absolute by major league clubs will aggregate an enor reliance does not extend to exhibition events as well as the conduct of those who have MORE NEW PLANTS IN SIGHT.
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