Case Officer: Sarah Kay File No: CHE/16/00175/FUL Tel. No: (01246) 345786 Plot No: 2/2404 Date: 16th May 2016 ITEM 4 DEVELOPMENT OF AN INDUSTRIAL UNIT FOR CLASS B8 PURPOSES WITH ANCILLARY OFFICE SPACE, GATEHOUSE PLUS CAR PARKING LORRY PARKING, SERVICE YARD & SPRINKLER TANKS WITH ASSOC. SITE ACCESS, DRAINAGE, SITE LEVELLING, ENGINEERING AND LANDSCAPING WORKS AT PLOT 13 MARKHAM VALE, CHESTERFIELD, DERBYSHIRE FOR HENRY BOOT DEVELOPMENTS LTD Local Plan: Unallocated Ward: Lowgates & Woodthorpe 1.0 CONSULTATIONS DCC Highways Comments received 20/04/2016 – see report Lead Local Flood Authority Comments received 14/04/2016 and 29/04/2016 – see report Derbyshire Wildlife Trust No comments received Environment Agency No comments received Historic England No comments received Yorkshire Water Services Comments received 13/04/2016 – see report Design Services Comments received 08/04/2016 – see report DCC Archaeology Comments received 12/04/2016 – see report Environmental Services Comments received 14/04/2016 and 03/05/2016 – see report Coal Authority No comments received Economic Dev. Unit Comments received 15/04/2016 – see report Highways England Comments received 11/04/2016 – see report Bolsover District Council Comments received 18/04/2016 – see report Ward Members No comments received Staveley Town Council No comments received Neighbours/Site Notice One letter of representation received 2.0 THE SITE 2.1 The site the subject of the application lies within the development platform of Plot 13 (as varied and approved by app. CHE/15/00291/REM1), which forms part of the wider Markham Vale Regeneration Area known previously as MEGZ. The site is approximately 9.02 hectares in area and is the north western plot of the Seymour Junction development phase (Phase Vb), which lies south of Woodthorpe village and north of the M1. 3.0 RELEVANT / ASSOCIATED SITE HISTORY 3.1 CHE/0502/0312 - Commercial (not major retail), office, industrial and warehouse development; new and altered road (including a new motorway junction); land reclamation, ground re-modelling, drainage, landscaping and re-use of railheads on 360 hectares of land in Bolsover, Staveley, Sutton-cum-Duckmanton on both side of the M1 in the vicinity of the former Markham Colliery, A632 (Chesterfield Road), Erin Road, Lowgates, Eckington Road, Hall Lane and the A619 south of Staveley at land off Chesterfield Road, Erin Road, Lowgates and Eckington Road. Approved 16/05/2005. 3.1.1 CHE/09/00778/REM1 – Variation of Condition 21 of Planning Permission CHE/0502/0312 (MEGZ). Approved 23/04/2010. 3.1.2 CHE/13/00014/REM1 – Variation of conditions 7, 11, 20, 21, 47, 49 and 50 of CHE/0502/0312 (Markham Vale). Approved 24/09/2013. 3.2 CHE/13/00781/EOT – Extension of time to CHE/0502/0312. Approved on 12/05/2014 3.2.1 CHE/15/00291/REM1 - Variation of conditions 6, 7, 9, 13, 18, 20, 21, 31, 32, 34, 37 and 39 of CHE/13/00781/EOT. Approved 17/11/2015. 3.3 CHE/15/00283/FUL - Development of 43,200 square metre industrial unit for B8 purposes with 1,264 square metres of office space, a 73 square metre gatehouse plus car parking, a service yard and lorry parking, site access, drainage and landscaping at Plot 1 south. Approved 04/09/2015. 3.4 CHE/15/00645/FUL - Erection of a warehouse and distribution unit (class B8), associated office accommodation, cycle shelter, smoking shelter, pump house and gatehouse with associated site levelling, parking and landscaping revised plans received on 25/11/2015 and 26/11/2015 on Plot 14. Approved 08/12/2015. 4.0 THE PROPOSAL 4.1 This planning application submission is seeking full planning consent for the ‘development of an industrial unit for Use Class B8 purposes, with ancillary office space, a gatehouse plus car parking; lorry parking, a service yard; and, sprinkler tanks, with associated site access; drainage; site levelling; engineering and landscaping works’ at Plot 13 North, Markham Vale. 4.2 The proposed building size is set out below: Distribution Centre – 43,588sqm Two Storey Office – 1,346sqm Gatehouse – 89sqm Total Development – 45,023sqm 4.3 The proposed site layout is shown on Drawing No. 5998-102C Proposed Site Plan. The proposed use will be served via an access point on the site’s eastern boundary that will connect to Seymour Link Road. Access into and out of the site for cars and HGVs will be via separate access points, with HGV access being controlled by security personnel stationed in the proposed gatehouse. A further access road is proposed along the northern extent of the site, which will serve the remaining development plot located to the rear of the proposed unit. 4.4 The main warehouse (with ancillary office space) unit is located along the western boundary of the site with car parking fronting the Seymour Link Road. Pedestrian access from the car park will be into the proposed two storey ancillary offices on the northern elevation of the building. 4.5 The proposed service yard will be in the eastern part of the site, with 47 no. dock leveller doors and 5 no. level entry doors along the eastern elevation to manage Goods In and Out Lorry parking will also be provided in the Service Area, as will a HGV fuelling area. The car park will provide 261 no. car parking spaces, including 10 no. disabled spaces. The development also includes 98 no. lorry parking spaces. Two sprinkler tanks are proposed to be installed to the rear of the main warehouse unit. 4.6 The internal layout for the building is shown on Drawing Nos 5998- 104A. The office accommodation is proposed over two floors; the ground floor will includes a driver reception, lift, locker area, kitchenette, canteen, male and female W/Cs, disabled W/C, and a main warehouse office; and the first floor will include further office space, meeting rooms, and male and female W/Cs. The proposed office space will have access from, and windows overlooking the eastern elevation of the building, to provide an active frontage overlooking the car parking area. 4.7 The proposals have been submitted as a full planning application, as opposed to an application for reserved matters under the extant outline planning permission, due to the fact the building for which consent is being sought is higher than the AOD building height parameter set out in the approved Markham Vale Design Framework (required by condition of CHE/13/00781/EOT and CHE/0502/0312). Overall, the development height of the plot will be 2.75m higher than that approved in the outline planning permission (by virtue of the Plot level AOD also now being lower as the revised Plot levels were approved in accordance with app. ref CHE/15/00291/REM1). This comparison is set out in the table below: Plot Level Building Overall AOD Height in development Metres Height Approved Outline 61m 20m 81m AOD Planning Permission CHE/13/00781/EOT – Design Framework Proposed 59m 24.75m 83.75m AOD Development the subject of this application 4.8 The application submission is accompanied by the following documentation: Plans and Drawings Design & Access Statement; Planning Statement; Coal Mining Risk Assessment; Ground Condition Summary Report; Land Drainage Consent; Ecology Surveys; Flood Risk Assessment; Heritage Statement (received on 30/03/2016); Transport Statement & Travel Plan; and Visual Representations 5.0 CONSIDERATIONS 5.1 Planning Policy Background & Principle of Development 5.1.1 Since granting outline planning permission in in 2005 and the adoption of the 2006 Local Plan the land the subject of the MEGZ permission was allocated as a proposed employment development site. Since then the policy framework has seen a number of key changes including publication of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) in 2012 and in July 2013 adoption of the Chesterfield Local Plan: Core Strategy. The Markham Vale Design Framework (MVDF) has also now been in place since April 2008 and the site became part of the Sheffield City Region Enterprise Zone in April 2012. 5.1.2 In assessing proposals the subject of this application for full planning permission regard must be had primarily to policy PS4 of the Core Strategy. Regard must also be had to the objectives of the NPPF to “support sustainable economic growth” (para. 17 & 19) and that plans “should recognise and seek to address potential barriers to investment, including a poor environment or any lack of infrastructure, services or housing” (para 21). Policies CS1 (Spatial Strategy) and CS13 (Economic Growth) of the Core Strategy also seek to support economic regeneration and facilitate inward investment. 5.1.3 The principles of Policy PS4 are clearly met having regard to the nature of the development hereby proposed, which assists to deliver the principal objectives of Markham Vale. The development will create jobs, support regeneration and in all but one aspect adhere to the guidelines of the MVDF. Furthermore in regard to Policy CS13 the development is located in area purposely regenerated for new employment development, will deliver inward investment and in respect of largescale B8 uses comply with criteria d) of the policy. The principle of development is considered to accord with the provisions of policies CS13 and PS4 of the Core Strategy. 5.1.4 Having regard to the detailed material issues set out in turn below Policies CS7, CS9, CS18 and CS20 of the Core Strategy are also considered to apply. 5.2 Neighbour Effect 5.2.1 The principle of a certain development scale and its relationship with the surrounding neighbouring business units and wider neighbouring properties is established by the parameters set under the approved outline planning permission and the Markham Vale Design Framework (MVDF).
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