INDEX S. No. INDEX PAGE Nos. 1 GENERAL INFO 2 TO 9 2 HEALTH CHECK-UPS 10 TO 13 3 CATH & DSA PROCEDURES 14 TO 23 4 PHYSIOTHERAPY 24 TO 43 5 BLOOD BANK PROCEDURES 44 TO 48 6 INVESTIGATIONS 49 TO 166 ALLERGY 49 BIO CHEMISTRY 49 TO 67 BLOOD BANK-1 PROCEDURES 67 TO 68 CT SCAN RADIOLOGY 68 TO 77 CARDIOLOGY 77 TO 78 COLOUR DOPPLER 78 DATAR GENETIC OUTSOURCE 78 TO 81 DENTAL 81 TO 82 FEATL MEDICINE 82 TO 84 GASTROENTEROLOGY 84 HAEMATOLOGY 84 TO 93 HISTOPATHOLOGY 93 TO 97 IVF LAB 97 LAB OTHERS 97 MEDICAL 97 MICROBIOLOGY 97 TO 119 MRI RADIOLOGY 119 TO 132 NUCLEAR MEDICINE RADIOLOGY 132 TO 135 ONCOLOGY MEDICAL 136 ONCOLOGY SURGICAL 136 PAEDIATRIC CARDIOLOGY 136 PSYCHIATRY 136 TO 139 PFL 139 TO 140 RADIOLOGY MOLECULAR IMAGING & NUCLEAR MEDICINE 140 TO 142 TMT 142 TRANSPLANTATION IMMUNBOLOGY 142 TO 147 ULTRASOUND RADIOLOGY 147 TO 1150 W.E.F. 1st January 2019 1 1 WARDS OTHERS 150 XRAY 150 TO 166 7 PKG CATH 167 TO 172 8 PKG CABG 173 TO 174 9 PAD CCS 175 TO 179 10 PAD CARDIOLOGY 180 TO 182 11 DAYCARE 183 TO 185 12 IVF PKG 186 13 PKG KIDNEY 187 14 PKG LITH 188 15 PKG GENERAL 189 TO 190 16 ONCOLOGY 191 TO 195 17 LIVER TX 196 18 ALLOGELIC AND AUTOLOGOUS BMT 197 TO 198 19 RADIO IODINE THARAPY 199 20 THERASPHARE Y 90 200 21 NEONATAL & PEAD 201 TO 205 22 BARIATRIC SURGERY 206 23 ORTHOPEDIC 207 24 INVASIVE PROCEDURES 208 TO 308 DENTAL 208 TO 210 ENT 211 TO 217 GENERAL 218 TO 236 IVPM 226 TO 229 NEURO 229 TO 231 O&G 231 TO 241 ONCO 241TO 247 OPTHAL 247 TO 250 ORTHO 250 TO 270 PEAD 270 TO 272 PEAD ORTHO 272 TO 284 PLR 284 TO 292 THOR 292 TO 298 URO 298 TO 304 VASC 304 TO 308 25 NON INVASIVE PROCEDURE 309 TO 376 ANAESTHESIOLOGY 309 TO 317 APOLLO SAARTHAK MENTAL HEALTH SERVICE 317 BODY MIND MEDICINE 317 TO 318 12 A W.E.F. 1st January 2019 CATH LAB 318 CTVS 318 DENTAL 318 TO 323 EAR, NOSE & THROAT 323 TO 326 ENDOCRINOLOGY 326 TO 327 FETAL MEDICINE 327 TO 328 GASTROENTROLOGY 328 TO 334 GENERAL SURGERY 334 HAEMATOLOGY 334 HOLISTIC MEDICINE 334 TO 337 HYPERBARIC 337 TO 338 IVF LAB 338 TO 339 NEONATOLOGY 339 TO 340 NEPHROLOHY 340 TO 342 NEUROLOGY 343 TO 348 OBS & GYNECHOLOGY 348 TO 349 ONCOLOGY SURGICAL 349 TO 355 OPTHALMOLOGY 355 TO 357 PLASTIC & COSMETIC SURGERY 357 TO 366 PUVA THERAPY 366 RHEUMATOLOGY CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY 366 TO 367 RESPIRATORY MEDICINE OTHERS 367 TO 368 SLEEP LAB 368 TO 369 C T SCAN RADIOLOGY 369 ULTRA SOUND RADIOLOGY 370 TO 371 X RAY RADIOLOGY 371 UROLOGY 371 WARDS OTHERS 371 TO 376 W.E.F. 1st January 2019 1 B 3 GENERAL INFORMATION OUTPATIENT DEPARTMENT: Tariff 1 ) REGISTRATION FEE Rs 350 2 ) CONSULTATION FEE Tariff a) OPD Consultation Fees (Platinum Louge) 1500 to 2500 b) OPD Consultation Fees 800 to 1500 c) Diet Consultation 460 d) CMO’s 550 e) Antenatal Classes Course Fees 5500 f) Diet Counselling General Ward 630 Semi Private / ICU 1050 Singal / Delux / Suit 1260 1) INPATIENT DEPARTMENT BED CHARGES Category of ward Bed Charges/ Day International (B) International (A) A/c Multi Bed Unit 5,600 6,200 6,700 Semi Private 8,600 9,500 10,300 Single Room 16,600 18,300 19,900 Deluxe 18,800 20,700 22,600 H1N1 Unit 16,600 18,300 19,900 LDR Room 20,900 23,000 25,100 Suite 41,500 45,700 49,800 High Dependency 9,100 10,000 10,900 ICU 16,600 18,300 19,900 2 W.E.F. 1st January 2019 GENERAL INFORMATION Isolation Room 12,000 13,200 14,400 Step Down 12,000 13,200 14,400 Emergency Ward 1,100 1,200 1,300 per Hour Subject to Rs 11000 per Day Triage 1,400 1,500 1,700 per Hour Subject to Rs 14000 per Day Day Care 1,100 1,200 1,300 per Hour Subject to Rs 11000 per Day Pediatrics ICU PICU 8,900 9,800 10,700 (if ventilator used Rs. 2750/-extra) PHDU 8,900 9,800 10,700 Neonatal ICU/ Nursery Nursery 5,800 6,400 7,000 NICU (I) 8,900 9,800 10,700 (if ventilator used Rs. 2750/-extra) Labour Room 5,500 6,100 6,600 New Born Baby 2,600 2,900 3,100 Care Charges (One Time Only) Note 1 When the patient is in ICU/HDU and the patient attendant is allowed to retain the bed, normal bed charges as above will be applicable. 2 Service charges will be added to investigations and procedures wherever they are not defined sepa- rately as per the category of ward. 3 Attendant Room: The Stay is only for ICU/ HDU patient’s attendants from 9 PM to 6 AM. Only one attendant may stay in a room. W.E.F. 1st January 2019 3 GENERAL INFORMATION 2 ) BILLING OF BED CHARGES: 1. Basis for computing bed charges: The Hospital follows a single discharge time at 9.00 a.m. Upto 6 hours is counted as half a day. 6 hours & above upto 24 hours is counted as one day 3 hours grace time is granted on the day of discharge. 2. Bed Transfer: In the event of a bed transfer during the course of treatment, the higher category bed charges will be applicable on the day of transfer. In the event of a bed transfer during the course of treatment, investigation, surgical/procedure charges will be charged as per the higher category of Ward. 3. Admission through Emergency Where a patient is admitted to the emergency ward and the desired category of the bed is not avail able, the charges applicable to desired category of bed is applicable if the same is lower than the emergency ward bed. In any other event, the charges applicable to emergency ward bed would prevail. 4. Admission directly into ICU Where a patient is admitted to ICU bed directly, the charges for procedures/surgeries will be in line with rates applicable for semi-private ward if they are not listed separately. However, if the patient opts for a category which is higher than than Semi-private bed at the time of transfer from ICU, the procedures/surgeries will be charged as per the tariff applicable to the type of higher category of bed. The bed charges will be as per ICU bed charges. 3 ) IN PATIENT CONSULTANT FEE Existing Fee International (B) International (A) 1 A/c Multi Bed Unit 1,100 1,210 1,320 2 Semi Private 1,400 1,540 1,680 3 Single Room 1,700 1,870 2,040 4 Deluxe 1,900 2,090 2,280 5 H1N1 Unit 1,500 1,650 1,800 6 Suite 3,500 3,850 4,200 7 High Dependency 1,400 1,540 1,680 4 W.E.F. 1st January 2019 GENERAL INFORMATION 8 Isolation Room 1,400 1,540 1,680 9 Step Down 1,400 1,540 1,680 10 ICU 1,500 1,650 1,800 11 Emergency Ward/ Day Care 1,400 1,540 1,680 12 Triage 1,400 1,540 1,680 13 Pediatrics ICU Level 2 1,400 1,540 1,680 Level 3 1,400 1,540 1,680 14 Neonatal ICU/ Nursery Neonatal Step Down 1,300 1,430 1,560 Neonatal ICU 1,400 1,540 1,680 15 Pre-Operative Evaluation Fee A/c Multi Bed Unit 1,600 1,760 1,920 Semi Private/ICU/HDU 2,100 2,310 2,520 /Day Care Single Room 2,600 2,860 3,120 Deluxe 3,200 3,520 3,840 Suite 4,200 4,620 5,040 Note I Fees are for visits from 7 A.M. to 10 P.M. II Two visit charges per day are permitted. The visits needs to be marked in the activity sheet by the consultant/treatment team at the time of visit. If the consultant is not physically present, no visit charges can be put. III Any visit after 10 P.M. Will be treated as Emergency visit and 100% extra will be charged. IV Two visit charges per day are permitted in ICU & HDU. V Post operative visit charges by operating Surgeon/ Surgical team will be charged as normal visit fees. IV Where two surgical procedures are carried out in the same site, the surgeon fees for the procedure costing less would be discounted by 50%. This will not be applicable in cases where a second surgeon has been called or where the same Surgeon operates on a different site. VII Consultation Fees for Normal New Born Baby in Apollo Hospital kept in NICU is nil upto 48 Hrs. W.E.F. 1st January 2019 5 GENERAL INFORMATION 4 ) Billing of Surgery, Anesthesia, Assistant Surgeon & OT Charges (A) Surgery Fee 1 Surgery fees are as defined in the Surgery tariff section (B) Anesthesia Fee 1 Anesthetist fees will be equivalent to 1/3 of Surgeon fees. If stand by 1/4 of Surgeon fees. 2 Minimum charges for General Anesthesia is Rs 500/- 3 Pre Anesthesia Checkup Rs 350/- (C) Assistant Surgeon Fee 1 25% on the Surgeon fee for all surgeries. The Assistant Surgeon fee shall not be applicable for surgeies performed in Day Care/OPD basis 25% on the Surgeon fee for Neuro surgeries.
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