HYDRAULIC RESEARCH National Cl ol?“.Jirdr, • -■ Reference book not to be LibKiV, ii. W. m. 111 t ll C taken from the Library. SEP 2 51952 UNITED STATES Walerways Expcriinenl Slalion, Vicksburg, IVlississippi Memphis Harbor Model—Mississip|)i River U. S. DEPARTMExNT OF COMMERCE NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS WASHINGTON, D. C. VOLUME 12 APRtL 1918 V. S. DKI’AKTMKN r OF COM \1 FRCF \ \TI<)\AL lU KIvM' OK STANDARDS II . (ioixloM, I )ir<*<’l(»r W . Avcrcll 11 arritnati, Srcrctarv Nalioiial 11 \ draiilic l>al><)ral()r\ <>r (lie National Rurcaii ttf Slandanls I ItrlKTl N . Ivi Ion. (iliifl HYDRAIH.IC RESEAIU’H IN THE UNITED STATES I'.ililcd l>\ ('loreiicc L. Itain \ olume I 2 Ajiril 1948 CoM'KiNTS I'age ICdraiilic I .alioraloi it's. ii Foreword . V Kcn to K|-ojcctS. V (Airrent I’rojects. 1 (A)iii|)lt'led I’rojci’ts. 188 Foreign Publications. 167 Translations. 174 Committees. 176 T.aboratorv Notes. 181 Furopean Falioratories. 187 Subject Inde\ o( Frojeets . 189 11 HYDRAULIC LABORATORIES Armour Research Foundation . 25 Baldwin Locmotlve Works, The...1, 133 Beach Erosion Board...g4, 167 Bonneville Hydraulic Laboratory .... S9 Brooklyn, Polytechnic Institute of . ... 2 Byron Jackson Company.Igl California Institute of Technology . 3, 139 California, University of College of Agriculture, Davis . 7 College of Agriculture, Los Angeles . 9 College of Engineering, Fluid Mechanics Laboratory, Berkeley .10, l4o College of Engineering, Los Angeles, Calif. I6 California, The University of Southern . I6 Carnegie Institute of Technology.I7, 1^1-2 Case Institute of Technology. 16 Clemson Agricultural College, The . 181 Colorado A & M College.. 18, l43 Columbia University Department of Civil Engineering, Fluid Mechanics Laboratory . 22, 181 Department of Mechanical Engineering...186 Georgia School of Technology...23, 14-3, 181 Idaho, University of. l43, 182 Illinois Institute of Technology . 25 Illinois, University of. 25 Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research . 26, l44 Iowa, State University of.....26, l44 Irrigation Research Laboratory . 182 Lafayette College. 186 Leffel & Company, The James.182 Lehigh University . 33, l47 Louisiana State University and A & M College... 33 Maine, University of. 186 Maryland, University of . 182 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Civil and Sanitary Engineering ... 3^ Department of Mechanical Engineering . .... 36, l47 Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering . 36 Michigan, University of. 37* Minnesota, University of. 47, 149, 17^» 1^4 Mississippi State College . 37 Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy . .... 3® National Hydraulic Laboratory . , 119» I68, 175 Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Company.4o, I83 Hydraulic Laboratories ill New York University Department of Chemical Engineering . 4l Department of Civil Engineering . IS3 Northwestern University . 4l Oklahoma A & M College . ..183 Oklahoma, The University of.. 4-3 Pelton Water Wheel Company, The . IS3 Pennsylvania State College, The . 43, l4S Pennsylvania, University of . 4^ Princeton University . 45 Purdue University . 1S6 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute . .... IS3 Research Foundation for Cross-Connection Control.-. I6 Rochester, The University of.184 Rocky Mountain Hydraulic Laboratory . 47, 167, 1S4 St. Anthony Falls Hydraulic Laboratory.. 47, l49, 174, 184 S. Morgan Smith Company . I50 Southern Methodist University . 52 Stanford University.-.184 Stevens Institute of Technology . 53) 151 Syracuse University . 1S4 Taylor Model Basin. 130 Tennessee, The University of.57, 184 Texas A & M College. 58 Texas, The University of.58, 184 Union College.1S6 Utah State Agricultural College . 58 Washington, The State College of . 60 Washington, University of...60, 153 Waterways Experiment Station . 99, 155/ 175 Wisconsin, The University of.62, I53 Worcester Polytechnic Institute . I54 Yale University.IS5 U. S. GOVERNMENT LABORATORIES Department of Agriculture Forest Service California Forest & Range Experiment Station . 64 Central States Forest Experiment Station . * . I85 Intermountain Forest & Range Experiment Station . 64 Northeastern Forest Exoerlment Station . 67 Rooky Mountain Forest & Flange Experiment Station. 67 Iv Hydraulic Laboratories Department of Agriculture Forest Service Southeastern Forest Experiment Station . JO Southwestern Forest & Range Experiment Station . 72 Soil Conservation Service Division of Irrigation, Logan, Utah . 74 Everglades Experiment Station, Belle G-lade, Fla.185 Hydrologic Studies, Fennlmore, Wla. 7^ Irrigation Experiment Station, Prosser, Wash.. 79 Irrigation Researcn Laboratory, Logan, Utah . 80 Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station... 51 North Appalachian Exoerlmental V^atershed, Coshocton, Ohio. 81 Purdue Agricultural Experiment Station, Lafayette, Ind. 82 Stillwater Outdoor Hydraulic Laboratory . 83 Sub-Tropical Experiment Station, Homestead, Fla. 83 Department of the Army Corps of Engineers Beach Erosion Board.84, 167 Buffalo District. 87 Los Angeles District.88, 154 Portland District . 89 St. Paul District. 9^ Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Miss.99» 175 Department of Commerce National Bureau of Standards ..119. I68, 175 Weather Bureau. 122 Federal ’Works Agency Public Roads Administration . 123 Department of the Interior Geological Survey . 123 Bureau of Reclamation.127. 162, 172, 125 Navy Department David Taylor Model Basin. I30 U.3. Naval Engineering Experiment Station . I34 The Panama Canal.135 FOREIGN LABORATORIES Ecole Poly technique de Montreal .. I36 European Laboratories . 187 McGill University . 186 National Research Council, Canada ..I36, 125 Queen's University . I65 Toronto, University of.. I65, 186 V FOREWORD "Hydraulic Research In the United States", a publication of the National Hydraullo Laboratory of the National Bureau of Standards, has been Issued annually since January 1933 with the exception of the war years 19^3 19^6. As heretofore, the information contained In this bulletin Is compiled from reports by the various hydraullo and hydrologic laboratories in the United States. The coopera¬ tion of these agencies Is greatly appreciated. It Is our aim to make this as complete a summary as possible of hydraulic research now In progress In the United States, as well as researcn which has been completed since the last bulletin was Issued. There¬ fore the editor will appreciate receiving names of agencies and Information on research projects which have been omitted, so that they may be Included In future Issues. Projects are reported under the two general headings, "Current Projects" and "Com¬ pleted Projects". The first group Includes all work now In progress; the second group, work completed since the Issuance of Volume XI. Short abstracts of published reports are Included In some Instances. A list of foreign publications and translations which may be obtained on a loan basis, a list of active committees, and short notes of gen¬ eral Interest concerning activities of hydraulic laboratories are also given. Projects are numbered chronologically, and the number once assigned Is repeated from year to year for Identification purposes until a project Is completed. A new numbering system was started last year, and munbers assigned to continuing projects prior to 19^7 are now discontinued. Numbers commencing with 27I refer to projects which are reported for the first time In this Issue. References to publications which have appeared in earlier editions are not repeated unless such repetition Is necessary for an understanding of the project report. It Is emphasized again that the National Bureau of Standards does not have In Its files reports or detailed Information regarding the research projects reported by other organizations. Such Information may be obtained from the correspondent listed under (d) or Immediately following the title of the organization reporting the work. It Is of course understood that any laboratory submitting reports on work at their Institu¬ tion will be willing to supply detailed information to properly qualified Inquirers upon request. Copies of this bulletin are available to Interested persons and organizations without cmrge, and may be obtained by writing to the Chief, National Hydraulic Labora¬ tory, National Bureau of Standards, Washington 25, D. C. A mailing list Is maintained which Includes the names and addresses of persons and organizations who have requested this service In writing. Volumes X and XI of the bulletin are available for general distribution. The supply of earlier Issues Is exhausted. KEY TO PROJECTS (a) Title of project. (d) Correspondent. (g) Scope and method. (b) Project conducted for (e) Nature of project. (h) Present status. (c) Investigators. (f) Purpose. (1) Remarks. I S’ > ■ 1 HYDRAULIC RESSjVRGH IN THE UNITED STATES CURRENT PROJECTS THE BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE WOFIKS, I. P. Morris Department, Eddystone. Pa. Inquiries concerning Projects Nos. 27I to 273 • Incl., should be addressed to Mr. H. J. Davis, Supervisor of Hydraulic Laboratory, I. P. Morris Department, The Baldwin Locomotive Works, Eddystone. Pa. (271) ADJUSTABLE AND FIXED BLADE PROPELLER TYPE TURBINE MODELS - EFFICIENCY, HORSEPOWER, CAVITATION, AND RUNAV/AY SPEED TESTS. (b) Laboratory project. (c) R. B. Willi, Supervising Engineer; H. J. Davis, Supervisor of Hydraulic Labora¬ tory. (e) ExiDerlmental research In connection with future design. (f) To modify existing designs and to obtain new designs with the view of Improving overall turbine performance. (g) Runners of various designs In combination with different turbine settings are being tested In a closed
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