September 6, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H10211 refine that process. We need to be pro- that day has continued for thousands will be joining the working men and moting more nuclear. We need to have of our fellow Americans who are suf- women of New York City’s labor move- all the renewables that we can produce; fering with illnesses and injuries ment in a rally to send a message loud but, unfortunately, there are only a lit- caused by the attacks, but are not get- and clear that the time is now to sup- tle bit over a percentage today. And ting the help they need. port our heroes of 9/11. Six years is long many people are holding that out as When people hear that the men and enough. the answer. I wish that was the answer; women who rushed in to save the lives Along with the New York State AFL– I would be all for it. But those that are of others on that terrible day, who CIO, the New York City Central Labor telling us that we can conserve and re- worked to clean up the site, who Council and the Building and Construc- newables will be our energy portfolio worked in construction, I remember tion Trades Council, we will be showing are not being honest with the Amer- that day there were signs everywhere, honor, support and respect for the con- ican public. ‘‘iron workers, report for duty,’’ retired tributions and sacrifices of the heroes Just to show you, just a few months workers, all workers to the site. These and heroines of 9/11. And we will be ral- ago a bill was introduced in this body men and women rushed to the site lying for action from the government that said, if a bird or a bat is found at thinking of others, not of themselves; to care for the thousands of people who the foot of a windmill, it would be a and many of them are sick and they have become sick because of the toxins criminal act. And that same day I need our help now. of Ground Zero. think the Wind Association, and God The collapse of the World Trade Cen- With the strong support of the AFL– bless them, I’m for them, but they ter towers took nearly 3,000 lives in an CIO, Representative NADLER and I are stated that we would be at 20 percent instant and released a massive cloud of preparing to introduce, along with Con- of the energy portfolio in a very short asbestos, pulverized concrete and other gressman FOSSELLA and many others, time, I think in 10 years. I wish that poisons. These toxins have sickened new comprehensive legislation to do was true, but it’s not true. We can’t get thousands and have killed at least just that. The 9/11 Health and Com- there that quick. The wind only blows eight, but likely dozens more Ameri- pensation Act will ensure that every- a portion of the time, and we have not cans, in the years since 9/11. one exposed to the Ground Zero toxins been able to store the energy and keep On 9/11, 500 of my neighbors and con- has a right to be medically monitored, it and use it later. It only blows part of stituents lost their lives. That was and all who are sick as a result have a more than any other district. We lost the time. We have to have a redundant right for treatment. source, clean green natural gas, and a up to 3,000 people, but thousands and It will build on the expertise of the complete portfolio for America so we thousands more lost their health; and Centers for Excellence, which are cur- can have jobs in America, so Ameri- we need to be there to help them now. rently providing high-quality care to The gray dust that billowed through cans can heat their homes, run their thousands of responders and ensuring Lower Manhattan that day is said to businesses, and compete in the world an ongoing data collection and anal- have been as caustic as drain cleaner. economy. We can compete with any- ysis, expanding care to the entire ex- body if we’re given a fair shake; but we It settled in the homes of Lower Man- hattan, in downtown schools, play- posed community. must have available, affordable energy The bill also includes care for area grounds and parks, and in the lungs of if America is going to continue to be a residents, workers, and school children, tens of thousands of Americans. These leader of the world. as well as the thousands of people that forgotten victims of 9/11 either lived or f came from across the country to assist worked downtown, courageously volun- THE TIME IS NOW TO SUPPORT teered for rescue and recovery oper- with recovery and clean-up efforts. Finally, it provides compensation for HEROES OF 9/11 ations at Ground Zero, or merely hap- economic damages and loss by reopen- pened to be in Lower Manhattan, a The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under ing the September 11, 2001 Victims the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- school child, a worker, on one of the Compensation Fund. I have been work- uary 18, 2007, the gentlewoman from worst mornings our country has ever ing for years to make this happen, New York (Mrs. MALONEY) is recog- known. And right now, more than 6,500 along with all of the members of the nized for 60 minutes as the designee of responders, truly the heroes and hero- New York delegation. And I am very the majority leader. ines of 9/11, are being treated for 9/11- Mrs. MALONEY of New York. I related health problems through the proud to be working with Representa- thank the Speaker from the great federally funded World Trade Center tive NADLER, with the strong support State of New York for yielding me this Medical Monitoring and Treatment of the New York AFL–CIO, to move time on this incredibly important Program. And more than 5,000 have this comprehensive, bipartisan bill issue. been referred for mental health care, through Congress. And, Mr. Speaker, as we approach the often for conditions like post-trau- We are united as a delegation; we are sixth anniversary of the tragic events matic stress syndrome. Every month, united with labor; we are united at the of September 11, I appreciate the op- another 500 to 1,000 responders sign up various levels of government, and we portunity to speak today about one of for health monitoring, and those com- are truly committed. We will not stop, the most important issues facing my ing in are more sick than ever before. and we will continue to work every sin- district, my hometown of New York In all, more than 70,000 Americans re- gle day and hour to make sure that City and our Nation. ported to the World Trade Center this happens. Six years, six long years I am so proud to be here today with Health Registry, and they were near is long enough for the men and women my colleague and good friend from Ground Zero in the days following 9/11 who are sick because they rushed into Manhattan, JERRY NADLER, who has and have serious concerns about their burning buildings to save the lives of been a tireless advocate for everyone health. others, to work on a deadly pile where who has become sick from the toxins of As you would expect, the majority of the toxins infected their lungs. 9/11. His district includes Ground Zero, those registered are from New York, Once again, the 9/11 health crisis is a and our work together on this issue can New Jersey, and Connecticut. But what national emergency that was caused by truly move this forward. many people may not know is that an attack on our country. Only the I want to note that a number of New more than 10,000 Americans from out- Federal Government has the resources Yorkers will be with me today, Con- side the tri-state area have also signed and the reach to properly address the gressman FOSSELLA, YVETTE CLARKE, up for the registry. Amazingly, every health and compensation needs of JOHN HALL, ELIOT ENGEL. AND STEVE single State and 431 of the 435 congres- thousands of Americans from across ISRAEL, if he was not in the Chair being sional districts nationwide have some- this Nation whose health was com- the Speaker, he would be down here on one in the World Trade Center Registry promised by the World Trade Center the floor talking about the six men and in New York City. This is a health attacks. women from 9/11 who need our help, emergency on a national scale, and it I must say that we would not have and possibly Chairman PALLONE. requires a strong Federal response. moved forward as we have with some Mr. Speaker, the death toll from 9/11 This Saturday at Ground Zero, many funding and some help without the is still growing, and the nightmare of of us on the floor here this afternoon complete support of the Democratic VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:58 Sep 07, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00051 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K06SE7.077 H06SEPT1 bajohnson on PRODPC61 with HOUSE H10212 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 6, 2007 leadership. Chairman OBEY, who has gear.
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