INDIAN Police Response to Covid -19 GOA Police Headquarters, Near Azad Maidan, Panaji, Goa - 403001 | Web : citizen.goapolice.gov.in RD SROLFH ZRUH PDVNV JORYHV DQG DSSOLHG /3&%KDNWL'HYLGDVIURP9DVFR5DLOZD\36DQG/36, VDQLWL]HURQWKHLUKDQGVWRʐJKWWKHLQYLVLEOH 6DSQD*DZDVIURP&ROYD36SOD\HGDIHZSRSXODU Genemy. tunes. 7KHLUDYRZHGWDVNZDVWRNHHSSHRSOHLQGRRUVDQG Circulation of recorded messages by celebrities ZKHQ SHUPLWWLQJ WKHP RXWGRRUV WR HQIRUFH DQG helped change the perceptions of many people. advise them to observe social distancing. Accepting the request of Goa police, these celebrities reached out to public in Goa through 6LQFH LW ZDV JRLQJ WR EH D ORQJ GUDZQ EDWWOH ZH informative videos recorded by them at their decided to adopt persuasive policing by using the respective places. H[LVWLQJVNLOOVRI*RDQ3ROLFHRʒFHUVLQWKHʐHOGRI DUWFXOWXUHDQG0XVLF7KH\ZHUHPRWLYDWHGWRZULWH Actors Anil Kapoor, Suniel Shetty, and Bhumika FRPSRVH DQG VLQJ VRQJV ZLWK &RURQD SUHYHQWLYH &KDZOD XUJLQJ SHRSOH WR UHPDLQ LQVLGH DQG messages embedded in them. Appropriate FRRSHUDWHZLWK*RD3ROLFH LQIRJUDSKLFV ZLWK &29,' VSHFLʐF SUHYHQWLYH VWHSVZHUHDOVRGHVLJQHG $SSHDOZDVPDGHE\*RD3ROLFHWRUHOLJLRXVOHDGHUV IURPGLʏHUHQWIDLWKVZKRWKHQXUJHGSHRSOHWRVWD\ They approached religious leaders to record LQGRRUV7KH$UFKELVKRSRI*RDDQG'DPDQZDVNLQG their appeal urging people to stay indoors. The enough to accept our request to record a message. $UFKELVKRSRI*RDDQG'DPDQZDVNLQGHQRXJK 2WKHU UHOLJLRXV OHDGHUV DOVR FDPH IRUZDUG DQG appealed to the people. The holy month of Ramzan Persuasive Methods – From Lathi to Mike ZDVREVHUYHGLQWKHPRQWKVRI$SULO0D\ZLWKDOO 3HULRGLFDQQRXQFHPHQWVZHUHPDGHWKURXJK3&5V LWVHQWKXVLDVPDQGIHUYRUUHVSHFWLQJWKHORFNGRZQ and local police. guidelines and maintaining social distancing. While patrolling, the megaphones and loudhailers 1RWROHUDQFHZDVVKRZQWRWKHRQHVYLRODWLQJWKH RI SROLFH YHKLFOHV ZHUH XVHG &RXSOHG ZLWK WKH ORFNGRZQ DQG KHQFH SXWWLQJ WKHLU RZQ DQG RWKHU H[WHQVLYH PHGLD FRYHUDJH WKH DQQRXQFHPHQW SHRSOHşV OLIH LQ GDQJHU 'URQH VXUYHLOODQFH ZDV started paying dividends as instances of people used to keep a check on the same. coming onto the streets started to decline. Proactive Outreach to Vulnerable Sections &DWFK\ LQIRJUDSKLFV ZHUH SXEOLVKHG YLD SULQW Goa police gave priority to the vulnerable sections and social media highlighting social distancing. RI VRFLHW\ DQG FKDQQHOL]HG LWV PDQSRZHU DQG 7KH VRFLDO PHGLD FHOO ZRUNHG URXQG WKH FORFN WR resources accordingly. popularize these Infographics through various social media platforms. Visit by Police Inspectors/ Beat Constables to Old Age Homes& Orphanages ,QQRYDWLYH/\ULFVRQŞ6RFLDO'LVWDQFLQJşZULWWHQDQG VXQJ E\ SROLFH RʒFHUV ZHUH ZULWWHQ DQG VXQJ E\ Police reached out on regular basis to various Old SROLFHRʒFHUV*RDSROLFHRʒFHUVXQOHDVKHGWKHLU Age homes and orphanages. Senior citizens shared creativity and conveyed the message in the form WKHLUDQ[LHW\DQGDSSUHKHQVLRQVDQGWKHVDPHZHUH of melodious songs. DSP Sammy Tavares and PSI DGGUHVVHG 7KH YLVLWV ZHUH DOZD\V DFFRPSDQLHG 'LHJR *UDFLDV ZHUH WKH ʐUVW RʒFHUV ZKR VWDUWHG ZLWKVKDULQJRIIRRGLWHPVDQGRWKHUHVVHQWLDOVDQG WKHWUHQG/DWHURWKHURʒFHUVDOVRMRLQHGLQZKHQ medicines. Bureau of Police Research and Development 63 INDIAN Police Response to Covid -19 Reaching Out to Stranded Tourists/ Foreigners Locating and facilitating migrant labourers to State- $ VSHFLDO FHOO ZDV FRQVWLWXWHG WR IDFLOLWDWH Run Shelter Homes movement of stranded tourists and foreigners. The 7KHUHZHUHPRUHWKDQWHQWKRXVDQG PLJUDQW FHOO ZDV DEOH WR PDNH D GHSDUWXUH RI PRUH WKDQ ODERXUHUV ZKR JRW VWUDQGHG LQ *RD 7KH SROLFH 6000 foreigners to their respective countries. reached out to them at all the thirteen government VKHOWHUKRPHV7KHPLJUDQWZRUNHUVZHUHPHGLFDOO\ screened and sent to their respective states by maintaining social distancing on buses and trains. 9DULRXV 1*2V ZHUH URSHG LQ WR VWUHQJWKHQ RXU HʏRUWV 7KH\ KHOSHG XV LQ WKH IRUP RI WKHLU FRQWULEXWLRQZLWKIRRGDQGJURFHU\LWHPVUHDFKLQJ out to migrant labourers and senior citizens. 64 Bureau of Police Research and Development.
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