www.ukrweekly.com INSIDE:• Ukraine debuts, and wins, at Cannes film festival — page 3. • Thousands attend “Providna Nedilia” services — page 9. • Winnipeg General Strike is topic of new musical — page 12. Published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal non-profit association Vol. LXXIII HE KRAINIANNo. 23 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 5, 2005 EEKLY$1/$2 in Ukraine YanukovychT calledUU.S. energy secretary advises Kyiv to Wboost its energy independence by Olga Nuzhinskaya for questioning, Special to The Ukrainian Weekly KYIV – In what appeared to be a but fails to appear recognition of Ukraine’s continued vul- by Olga Nuzhinskaya nerability to fuel shutoffs from Russia Special to The Ukrainian Weekly and other suppliers, Samuel Bodman, the top energy official of the U.S., met in KYIV – Of the group of officials of Kyiv on May 27 with Prime Minister Ukraine’s former administration who Yulia Tymoshenko to declare that have been implicated or are to be ques- Ukraine must boost its energy independ- tioned in connection with any crimes, ence and diversify sources. none are considered as important as for- After talks with U.S. Energy Secretary mer Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych. Bodman, who arrived in the Ukrainian Last week Ukrainian police sum- capital on May 26, Ms. Tymoshenko moned Mr. Yanukovych who lost the said, “the issue of diversification of ener- presidential election to Viktor gy supply resources is of the utmost Yushchenko, for questioning in connec- importance.” tion with alleged mishandling of govern- Fuel shortages had erupted in Ukraine ment funds. However, he failed to appear earlier in May after Russian oil exporters on Monday, May 30. reduced supplies to this country of 48 According to the Internal Affairs million. Prime Minister Tymoshenko Ministry’s website, Mr. Yanukovych was herself came under fire over her attempts summoned to testify as a witness about to institute restrictive fiscal and mone- AP/Sergei Chuzavkov alleged illegal government donations tary policies, which were blamed for the U.S. Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman (left) and Petro Poroshenko, secretary of amounting to approximately 4.8 million shortages. Ukraine's National Defense and Security Council address journalists following hrv ($950,000 U.S.) for the overhaul of But Ukrainian authorities also seized their meeting in Kyiv on May 27. the airport in his hometown, Donetsk, the opportunity to seek alternative fuel located in eastern Ukraine. and crude oil sources in Kazakhstan, ence, diversify its energy trade and rods produced by the U.S.-based “Yanukovych was summoned through Azerbaijan, the United Arab Emirates, restructure its energy sector into a more all TV channels,” said Valerii Geletei, a Westinghouse company. Libya and elsewhere. robust part of the economy. It is one of police official. “We are waiting for an “We welcome activities tailored to After meeting President Viktor the reasons I am here this week.” explanation.” diversify sources of nuclear fuel, and we Yushchenko on May 26, Secretary Ms. Tymoshenko and Mr. Bodman Mr. Yanukovych’s Party of the believe that such activities will improve Bodman said that U.S. President George also discussed replacement of Russian- Regions accused police of persecuting our energy independence,” Ms. W. Bush “is very committed to help made nuclear fuel in the country’s 15 the government’s political opponents and Ukraine to increase its energy independ- operational nuclear reactors with fuel (Continued on page 17) said that “Yanukovych and his lawyer did not receive a proper subpoena.” “The authorities want to present the opposition as the people’s enemy, and Yushchenko addresses conference on local government reform they are using the Internet and TV to summon opposition leaders for question- by Sherri Alms governance are probably back in the past, greeted participants, welcoming them ing,” the statement said. the deep past. Starting from that time, and lauding the important role the foun- Olena Lukash, a Kyiv-based legal KYIV – President Viktor Yushchenko people realized their interest in local dation plays in Ukraine. The conference expert, described the police’s move as was the keynote speaker at the U.S.- communities ... Developing local govern- agenda included a number of national Ukraine Foundation’s recent Community “the abuse of power and apparent legal ment is the first priority. Jobs will only government officials who are involved Partnerships Project (CPP) conference, illiteracy of law enforcement bodies.” be created with economic growth, with with local government and the process of which was held May 13-14 in Kyiv. “Authorities can summon someone the creation of small and medium-sized reform, including the secretary of the More than 330 attendees, including only through subpoena and ways and businesses.” Verkhovna Rada Committee on State 104 mayors, journalists, government offi- means of delivering it (the suboena) are The priority of government, he said, is Building and Local Government, Borys cials, and a group of American trainers, clearly defined by law,” she explained. to streamline processes through legisla- Bezpalyi, Verkhovna Rada Deputy Lately, law enforcement officials in speakers and staff, attended the confer- Volodymyr Stretovych and Valerii ence. The conference theme was tion and ensure that citizens can get what Ukraine have summoned persons wanted they need from the government efficient- Asadchev. The Chairman of the Center for questioning via public announce- “Integrity, Transparency, Professionalism: for Political and Legal Reforms, Ihor Is Local Government in Ukraine Ready ly and easily. “Our task is to create an ments on television and the Internet. official who is like a doorman, standing Koliushko, also spoke to conference par- Earlier this month Ukrainian prosecu- for Europe?” ticipants. Michael Kulesza, an expert President Yushchenko discussed the on the pavement inviting citizens in to tors also questioned Mr. Yanukovych create their own businesses ... There is from Poland, shared the experiences and over the business dealings of Borys importance of municipal government, lessons learned from Poland’s adminis- including the need to prepare for entry only one way out and that is to consider a Kolesnikov, a jailed regional official very different option to release the ener- trative reforms. from Zakarpattia, but no charges were into the European Union. He also com- In addition to several question-and- mented on Ukraine’s position and the gy of local communities and every citi- brought. zen of Ukraine. We must conduct reform answer sessions with the general session Mr. Yanukovych, who heads opposi- need to reach out both to the West and speakers, conference attendees also par- the East. “Whenever we speak of integra- of the public administration ... If you tion Party of the Regions, earlier would like to bring freedom and develop- ticipated actively in three breakout ses- described his appearance before the tion, we should consider two things. sions intended to ultimately result in ini- ment to local communities, we should do investigators as “political persecution” of Integration should be done from our tiatives that will improve local govern- this [reform the public administration].” opposition leaders. national interests and we should act fairly ment. Each session included a staff mod- Local governments play a key role in Mr. Yanukovych and Viktor and honestly. Secondly, integration to the erator, an American expert and a the reform, he said, and they must make Medvedchuk, a former chief of staff of East should not block the road to Western Ukrainian mayor. their citizens partners in the planning and ex-President Leonid Kuchma, also were integration,” he said. The first working group focused on summoned to appear as witnesses in a He went on to say that “the main sub- reform process. In conclusion, he told the integrity and discussed whether city gov- land misappropriation case on ject of this conference is local self-gov- audience that “the president is your part- ernments could use a code of ethics, with ernment and responsibility available for ner in creating change.” (Continued on page 27) people in our society. The roots of self- U.S. Ambassador John E. Herbst (Continued on page 3) 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 5, 2005 No. 23 ANALYSIS NEWSBRIEFS Analysts turn a critical eye NEWSBRIEFS Prosecutors probe alleged beating cases against citizen Yanukovych,” Mr. Lutsenko added. Moreover, Interfax toward Yushchenko’s early record KYIV – Deputy Procurator General reported on May 27 that Mr. Yanukovych Viktor Shokin told lawmakers in the was called to appear at the Internal by Taras Kuzio Standard (December 27, 2004) that had Verkhovna Rada on June 1 that prosecu- Affairs Ministry’s Ivano-Frankivsk Eurasia Daily Monitor applauded the Orange Revolution. tors have opened two criminal investiga- Oblast Directorate on June 1 to provide Other Western and Ukrainian com- tions into the alleged beating of opposi- explanations in connection with a land Ukraine watchers are abuzz about a mentators have provided mixed reviews tion lawmakers Nestor Shufrych and plot he obtained for construction purpos- May 25 article in Lvivska Hazeta, in on President Yushchenko’s first 100 days Tamara Proshkuratova by a police squad es in the region during the time he served which the paper’s Moscow correspon- in office. One author described this mood in Uzhhorod on May 20, Ukrainian as prime minister. (RFE/RL Newsline) dent called upon Ukrainian President swing as an “Orange Depression” lead- media reported. Mr. Shokin was speaking Viktor Yushchenko to dismiss Prime ing to “post-revolutionary apathy” at a plenary sitting devoted to a discus- Former PM fails to appear Minister Yulia Tymoshenko. (Ukrayinska Pravda, May 18). sion of the incident in Uzhhorod. He KYIV – The Internal Affairs According to an eyewitness account Nevertheless, Dr. Aslund’s article was by specified that one probe focuses on Ministry’s Kyiv Directorate for Fighting published in Dzerkalo Tyzhnia/Zerkalo far the most scathing attack to date on exceeding the authority by policemen Organized Crime wants former Prime Nedeli on May 21, Mr.
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