PE $evera! lL Peki 4. She Dedicoted Her Life to the Psrty - Advonced deeds of outstonding comrnunist A iighter Shen Hsiu-chin Joint Statement of Kingdom of Carmbodia and ,{L Democratic PeopEe's RepubEic of Korea QuoTfiItots Fn0fit GHfiIRffiAil fflo T$ETUIIG People of the world, unite and defeat the U.S, aggressors and all their running dogs! U.S. imperialism is our common enemy, and we all stand on the same front and need to unite with and support each other, Communists rnust have the proletarian thoroughgoing rev-' olutionary spirit; they neither seek fame or gain nor fear hardship or death; they are completely dedicated'to the revolution and the people, serving the people of China and the world whole-heartedly; they are houndlessly loyal to the revolution and toil body and soul for the people, Severol Hundred Thousqnd Feople ln Peking Turn Out to trYelcome Somdech Sihonouk qAI,IDECH Norodom Sihanouk, Head of State of Peopie's Liberation Army; Li Hsien-nien, Vice-Premier xJ Cambodia and Chairman of the National United of the State Council; Li Tso-peng and Chiu Hui-iso, Front of Kampuchea, arrived in Peking on Jr.ily 2 by Deput;- Chiefs of the P.L.A. General Staff ; a.nd Kuo special train after successfull;r concluding a state visit Mo-jo, Vice-Chairman of the Standing Committee oI to the Democratic People's Repubiic of Korea. Several the National People's Congress, r,vere at the railr,r'ay hundred thousand revolutionary people in the Chinese staiion to lr.armiy rvelcorne the distinguished Cambod.ian capi.tal lined the streets to give him a tremendous wel- guests. come. Arriving in Peking together lvith SamCeclr Noro'j Samdech Nor:odom Sihanouk has first visited the dom Sihanouk and lVIadame Sihanouk were: Samdech Democratic Republic of Viet Nam and then the Demo- Penn Nouth, Chairman of the Political Bureau of the cratic People's Republic of Korea at a time wheir the Central Committee of the National United Front of struggle against U.S. imperialism rvaged by the people Kampuchea and Prime Minister of the Royal Govern- of Asia and the whole world is in a new upsurge. ment oI National Union of Cambodia, and Madame Penn Nouth: Prince Norodom Yuvaneath, son of Sam- Cherishing the profound militant friendship of the dech Norodom Sihanouk; Princess Norodom Ket Kanya, Chinese people for the Cambodian people, Peking's rev- aunt Samdech Norodom'Sihanouk; Major-General olutionary masses rvarmly congratulated Samdech No- of DuL)ng Sam Ol, Member of the Political Bureau of the rodom Sihanouk on his successful visits to Korea and N.U.F.K. Central Committee and Minister of Military Viet Nam. They heartily hailed the signal victories Equipment and Armament of the Royal Government vl,on by the people of Cambodia and Indo-China in the National Union Cambodia. and Madame Ducng rvar of resistance against U.S. aggression and for na- of of llIeas. Ambassador of the Kingdom of tional salvation, and the daily consolidation and de- Sam Ol: Ker Ambassador of velopment of the militant friendship and great unity Cambodia to China: Ang Kim Khoan, Kingdom Cambodia to Korea. and Madame Ang betr,veen the people of Cambodia, Viet Nam,.Laos, Ko- ttre of Khcan: and other distinguished Cambodiah guests. rea and China in the comrnon struggle against the U.S. Kirr aggressors. The special train pulled in at 9 a.m. amid the beat- drurns and gongs and an outburst of cheers. On July 2, Peking, capital of our great socialist ing of Samdech Madame Sihanouk, Samdech and motherland, was in a revolutionary atmosphere of unity As and Madame Penn Nouth, and other distinguished Cambo- in struggle. The portraits of the Chinese people's huge guests alighted from the train, Premier Chou great leader Chairman Mao and the Carnbodian Llead dian of the P.L.A. General Staff Huang Yung- of State Samdech Norodom Sihanouk stood high at the En-lai. Chief others warmly shook hands with them. Peking Railr,vay Station and at the intersections of sheng and thoroughfares through which the distinguished 'guests A grand ceremony of welcome was held at the would pass. Red banners and the national flags of station which was bedecked with the national flags of China and Cambodia fluttered in the breeze all al.ong China and Cambodia. The band played the naticnal the more than 1O-kilometre-long route frorrr the rail- anthems of Cambodia and China. Samdech Norodom way station to the Gues{ House in the western suburbs Sihanouk, Prime Minister Penn Nouth and other- dis- of the city. Big streamers with slogans o{ welcome tinguished Camhodian guests, accompanied. by Premier hung from tall buiidings. Early in the mornlng, Peking Chou En-iai, Chief of the General Staff Huang Yuirg- rvorkers, rural people's cornmune members, eommand- sheng and others, reviewed a guard of honour com- ers and fighters of the People's Liberation Army. mi- posed of the P.L.A. ground, naval and air forces, mi- litiamen, Red Guards, revolutionary cadres and resi- ]itiamen and Red Guard^s, and walked round to meet dents in the city began to eonverge frorn all directions the crorvds. The whole station was astir, and cheers on the railway station and the thoroughfares to of "Long live Samdech Norodorn Sihanouk!" and "Long await the arrival of Samdeeh Norodom Sihanouk and Iive Chairman Mao!" rent the air' his wife Princess Monique Sihanouk as well as the Riding in open cars from the raihvay station to the other distinguished Cambodian guests. Guest House, Samdech and Madame Sihanouk, in the Chou En-lai, Premier of the State Council; Huang eompany of Premier Chou En-lai, and Prime Minister Yung-sheng, Chief of the General Staff of the Chinese and Madame Penn Nouth, in the corrlpany of Vice- Jul11 10, 1970 Premier Li Hsien-nien, were given a rousing welcome vailed throughout the square. Innumerable red bal- by several hundred thousand revolutionary peopie in loons floated to the sky, and several thousand Little the capital rvho lined both sides of the route. Loud- Red Soldiers on the reviewing stands held up the col- speakers by the roadside broadcast Remembrance of ourful bouquets in their hands to form in beautiful China and Song of Phnom Penh, both composed by patterns the word "welcome" in both Chinese and Samdech Sihanouk, as well as Chinese, Korean, Viet- Cambodian. To the strains of revolutionary songs namese and Laotian revolutionary songs. The wel- played by a band, 5,000 revolutionary artists sang and coming crowds waved the national flags of China and danced v',ith joy. Cambodia and shouted again and again: "We firmly Among the welcomers were more than 30,000 mi- support the people of the three Indo-Chinese countries litiamen in the capital. With arms in their hand.s and in their war of resistance against U.S. aggression and looking brave and vigorous, they saluted Samdech Si- for national salvation!" "We firmly support the Korean hanouk and Prime Minister Penn Nouth and expressed people's just struggle against U.S. imperialism and the Chinese people's determination to provide a power- Japanese militarism!" "People of the world, unite and ful backing for the Cambodian people and other h-rdo- defeat the U.S. aggressors and aII their running dogs!" Chinese peoples in the war of resistance against U.S. and "IJ.S. imperialism is bound to be defeated! The peo- aggression and for national salvation. ptre of Indo-China are sure'to win!" When Samdech and Madame Sihanouk and Prime Nine big red bailoons rcse high over Tien An Men Minister and Madame Penn Nouth drove past the con- Square when the distinguished guests passed through tingents of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, the it, trailing large streamers with the siogans "Warm commanders and fighters of the ground, naval and air tvelcome to Cambodian Head of State Samdech Noro- forces u'aved the red-covered From Chair- don-i Sihanoukl" "Warm \^/elcome to the distinguished Quotations man Mao Tsetung and repeatedly shouted: "Long live Cambodian gu.ests!" "Long live the mititant friendship Samdech Sihanouk!" and "Long live Chairman Mao!" a-nd great unity of the people of Cambodia, Viet Nam, The P.L.A. artists, who were gathered in front of the Laos, Korea and China!" "Long live Cambodian Head huge portraits of Chairman Mao and Samdech Siha- of State Samdech Norodom Sihanoukl" and "Long live nouk, performed dances of welcome to the melodies of our great leader Chairman Mao!" revolutionary songs, The P.L.A. commanders and As the distinguished guests arrived in open cars, fighters warmly praised the Cambodian, Vietnamese ancl an extremely animated atmosphere of welcome pre- Laotian peoples for their splendid fight in the rvar of re- i :,,!{&::{lil+in*i.r : lar :. 1fl ,",;i:*,ffi"*, , i ", Riding in open cars from the raihvay station to the Guest House, Samtlech and Madame sihanouk, in the company of Premier chou En-lai, and prims Minister antt Madame Penn Nouth, in the company of vice-Premier r.i frsien-nien, receive a warm welcome all along the way from the revolutionary masses in peking. Peking Reuieu, No. 28 sistance against U.S. aggression and for national sal- nese People's Liberation Army, the Peking Municipal vation, and pledged to firmly support the three Indo- Revolutionary Committee and the Chinese people,s As- Chinese peoples in carrying the struggle against the sociation for Friendship With Foreign Countries. U.S. aggressors and their running dogs through to the end. Chinese Ambassador to Cambodia Kang Mao-chao and his wife, who had made a special trip to Pyongyang All along the u'ay, Samdech and Madame Sihanouk to rvelcome Samdech and Madame Sihanouk, accom- and Prime Minister and Madame Penn Nouth ciapped panied the distinguished Cambodian guests to Peking.
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