Illustrations 1. Valentin Drausch and Hans Schlottheim, und vier weltlichen Kurfürsten mit Symbolen Trumpeter Automa ton, 1582, Kunsthistorisches ihrer Krönungsämters, 1500–1536, Aachen Museum, Vienna. Photo: KHM- Museum s- Stadtarchiv, DA 24. Photo: Anne Gold. 27 verband. 3 10. Christusmantel, 1525, Weltliche Schatz - 2. Hans Schlottheim, London Nef, 1580–1590, kammer, Vienna. Photo: KHM- British Museum, London. Photo © The Trustees Museumsverband. 29 of the British Museum. All rights reserved. 18 11. Christusmantel (detail), 1525, Weltliche 3. Hans Schlottheim, Écouen Nef, 1580–1590, Schatzkammer, Vienna. Photo: KHM- Musée national de la Renaissance, Écouen. Museums verband. 29 Photo: RMN- Grand Palais / Art Resource, New 12. Allegory of the Emperor and the Pope, ca. 1495, York (Hervé Lewandowski). 18 National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. 4. Burghley Nef, 1527–1528, The Victoria and Rosenwald Collection, 1958.8.157. Photo cour- Albert Museum, London. Photo © Victoria and tesy National Gallery of Art, Washington, Albert Museum. 20 D.C. 31 5. Limbourg Brothers, January: New Year’s Reception 13. Giuseppe Arcimboldo, Vertumnus, 1590, of the Duke Jean de Berry, from the Très Riches Skoklosters Slott, Stockholm. Photo courtesy Heures, 1411–1416, Musée Condé, Chantilly, of Skoklosters Slott, Stockholm. 34 Ms. 65, fol. 1v. Photo: RMN- Grand Palais / Art 14. Hans Schlottheim, Christmas Crib Automa- Resource, New York (René-Gabriel Ojéda). 21 ton, 1588, formerly in the Mathematisch- 6. Hans Schlottheim, London Nef (detail), 1580– Physikalischer Salon, Dresden. Photo: bpk 1590, British Museum, London. Photo © The Bildagentur / Staatliche Kunstsammlungen / Trustees of the British Museum. 24 Art Resource, New York. 38 7. Hans Schlottheim, Écouen Nef (detail), 1580– 15. Wenzel Jamnitzer, Prunkkassette, 1588, Grünes 1590, Musée national de la Renaissance, Écouen. Gewölbe, Dresden, Inv. IV 115. Photo: bpk Photo: RMN- Grand Palais / Art Resource, Bildagentur / Staatliche Kunstsammlungen / New York (Hervé Lewandowski). 25 Jürgen Karpinski / Art Resource, New 8. Hans Schlottheim, Écouen Nef (detail), 1580– York. 39 1590, Musée national de la Renaissance, Écouen. 16. Luleff Meyer and Dirich Utermarke, Photo: RMN- Grand Palais / Art Resource, Lüneburger Spiegel, 1587–1592, Grünes New York (Hervé Lewandowski). 26 Gewölbe, Dresden, Inv. IV 110. Photo: bpk 9. Hans Weiditz, Holzschnitt zu einer vierseitigen Bildagentur / Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Schrift über Einzug und Krönung Karls V. in Aachen / Jürgen Karpinski / Art Resource, New 1520 mit Darstellung Karls V. und den drei geistlichen York. 39 viii Keating BluesCorrex.indd 8 12/4/17 12:06 PM 17. Hans Schlottheim, Christmas Crib Automa ton 26. Verkehrte Welt Automa ton (detail), 1560–1570, (detail), 1588, formerly in the Mathematisch- Residenz Schatzkammer, Munich. Photo: Physikalischer Salon, Dresden. Photo: bpk Bayerische Schlösserverwaltung, Maria Scherf Bildagentur / Staatliche Kunstsammlungen / / Rainer Herrmann, Munich. 63 Art Resource, New York. 43 27. Swiss Tapestry Cushion with Reynard the Fox, 18. Hans Schlottheim, Christmas Crib Automa ton ca. 1525, Burrell Collection, Glasgow. Photo (detail), 1588, formerly in the Mathematisch- © CSG CIC Glasgow Museums and Libraries Physikalischer Salon, Dresden. Photo: bpk Collections. 65 Bildagentur / Staatliche Kunstsammlungen / 28. Pabenham- Clifford Hours (formerly the Grey- Art Resource, New York. 43 Fitzpayn Hours), Ms. 242, fol. 55v, 1315–1320, 19. Kreibitz School, Electors Tankard, 1588, Grünes Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge. Photo Gewölbe, Dresden, Inv.-Nr. 37085. Photo: bpk © Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge / Bildagentur / Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Art Resource, New York. 66 / Jürgen Karpinski / Art Resource, New 29. Minnekästchen, fifteenth century, Bayerisches York. 45 Nationalmuseum, Munich, Inv.-Nr. MA 2398. 20. Persepolis Eastern Stairway, 522–486/485 bce. Photo © Bayerisches Nationalmuseum. 67 Photo: Bridgeman-Giraudon / Art Resource, 30. Franco- Flemish Book of Hours, Ms. 104, New York. 47 fol. 28, fourteenth century, Walters Art 21. Petrus Schoyff, Presentation Scene with Duke Museum, Baltimore. Photo courtesy of The Charles of Orleans, from Justinian, Institutions, Walters Art Museum. 68 before 1458, Bibliothèque nationale de 31. Abraham Gessner, Verkehrte Welt Platter, France, Paris, Ms. fr. 497, fol. Av. Photo: 1580, Schweizerisches Nationalmuseum, BnF. 48 Zurich, DEP-265. Photo: Schweizerisches 22. Epitaph for Heinrich von Schönberg, in Gottfried Nationalmuseum. 69 Michaelis’s Dresdenisch Inscriptiones und Epitaphia, 32. Georg Pencz, The Content of Two Sermons, welche auf denen . in und außer der Kircher 1529, Kupferstichkabinett, Berlin. Photo: bpk zu unser Lieben Frauen . zu finden, 1714, Bildagentur / Staatliche Museen / Jörg P. Kupferstichkabinett, Dresden. Photo: bpk Anders / Art Resource, New York. 71 Bildagentur / Staatlichen Kunstsammlungen 33. Pancratz Kempf, The Difference between the True / Herbert Boswank / Art Resource, New Religion of Christ and the False Idolatrous Teachings York. 53 of the Antichrist, 1550. Photo © The Image Works 23. Luleff Meyer and Dirich Utermarke, / AKG Images. 71 Lüneburger Spiegel (detail), 1587–1592, Grünes 34. Hans Brosamer (attrib.), The Seven Heads Gewölbe, Dresden, Inv. IV 110. Photo: bpk of Martin Luther, 1529. Title page from Bildagentur / Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Johannes Cochlaeus, Sieben Köpfe Martin / Jürgen Karpinski / Art Resource, New Luthers: Vom hochwirdigen Sacrament des York. 54 Altars (Leipzig: Valentin Schumann, 1529). 24. Lorenz Faust, Anatomia Statua Danielis, fold- Bayerische Staatsbibliothek München, Res/4 out from Lorenz Faust’s Anatomia Statuae Polem. 1917#Beibd.1. Photo: Bayerisches Danielis, 1586. Bayerische Staatsbibliothek Staatsbibliothek. 75 München, Res/4 H.un. 53. Photo: Bayerische 35. Pashas on Horseback, 1580–1590, Newark Museum Staatsbibliothek. 55 of Art, Newark, New Jersey. Collection of the 25. Verkehrte Welt Automa ton, 1560–1570, Newark Museum, 67.309. Bequest of Susan Residenz Schatzkammer, Munich. Photo: Dwight Bliss, 1967. Photo: Newark Museum of Bayerische Schlösserverwaltung, Maria Scherf Art. 78 / Rainer Herrmann, Munich. 60 36. Sultan on Horseback with Attendants, 1590, ix Illustrations Keating BluesCorrex.indd 9 12/4/17 12:03 PM Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna. Photo: (detail), 1620, Freer and Sackler Galleries, KHM- Museumsverband. 79 Washington, D.C. Photo: Freer Gallery of Art 37. Sultan on Horseback, 1580–1595, Mathematisch- and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery, Smithsonian Physikalischer Salon, Dresden, Inv. D V 1. Institution, Washington, D.C.: Charles Lang Photo: bpk Bildagentur / Staatliche Kunst- Freer Endowment, F1942.16z. 99 sammlungen / Michael Lange / Art Resource, 48. Albrecht Dürer, Crucifixionfrom the Small New York. 79 Passion, 1511, Victoria and Albert Museum, 38. Pieter Coecke van Aelst, Procession of Süleyman London, E.4644-1910. Photo: V&A Images, the Magnificent through the Hippodrome, 1533, The London / Art Resource, New York. 102 Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 49. Christophe Plantin (publisher), frontispiece of 28.85.7a, b. Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1928. the Polyglot Bible, 1568–1573, Biblioteca Nacional Photo: www.metmuseum.org. 81 de España. Photo: Album / Art Resource, New 39. Pieter Coecke van Aelst, Procession of Süleyman York 102 the Magnificent through the Hippodrome(detail), 50. Abraham Ortelius, frontispiece of the Theatrum 1533, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New Orbis Terrarum, 1570. Photo: Alfredo Dagli Orti York, 28.85.7a, b. Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, / Art Resource, New York. 103 1928. Photo: www.metmuseum.org. 81 51. Abu’l Hasan, Study of Saint John the Evangelist 40. Nicolas de Nicolay, Delly, from Les quatre pre- after Albrecht Dürer, 1600, Ashmolean Museum, miers livres des navigations . , 1568. Photo: © The Oxford, EA1978.2597. Photo © Ashmolean Image Works / The British Library. 84 Museum, University of Oxford. 104 41. Selin, from Capitolo a Selim imperator de Turchi 52. Georg Braun and Frans Hogenberg, Aden, from . , 1580. Photo © The Image Works / The Cities of the World, 1572–1618, private collection. British Library. 85 Photo: Album / Art Resource, New York. 105 42. Pietro Bertelli, Mahometto Imp. IX, from Vite de 53. Jahangir in Boat with Attendants, 1620, gl’ imperatori de Turchi . , 1599. Photo © The British Museum, London. Photo © The Image Works / The British Museum. 85 Trustees of the British Museum. All rights 43. Portrait of Sultan Ahmet I, ca. 1600, The reserved. 105 Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 54. Abid (attrib.), Jahangir Receiving Prince Khurram, 44.30. Rogers Fund, 1944. Photo: www.met Ajmer, April 1616, Windsor Padshanama, fol. 192v, museum.org. 86 1630, Royal Collection Trust, Windsor Castle. 44. Albert de Wyt, Presentation of the Tribute Photo: Royal Collection Trust / © Her Majesty to the Sultan, Cod. 3325*, fol. 164r, 1574, Queen Elizabeth II, 2016. 106 Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Vienna. 55. Hans Weiditz, Charles V, 1519, British Museum, Photo: ÖNB Vienna. 90 London. Photo © The Trustees of the British 45. Joachim Friess (attrib.), Diana Automa ton, 1610– Museum. All rights reserved. 107 1620, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New 56. The Holy Family on the Way to Nazareth, York, 17.190.746. Gift of J. Pierpont Morgan, from the Jahangir Album, Bl. 7b, 1605– 1917. Photo: www.metmuseum.org. 96 1618, Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Stiftung 46. Abu’l Hasan, Jahangir Entertains Shah Abbas, Preussischer Kulturbesitz, Inv. A 117. Photo: 1620, Freer
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