May 2, 1984 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 10775 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS EX-AGENTS WESTERN er of the law, a blackmailer of presidents I do not remember the character who pop­ REGIONAL CONFERENCE and members of congress, a bigot, a racist, ularized the phrase "you ain't seen nothing an incompetent bumbler. yet," but in my considered opinion the evi­ My friends, if we believed what ABC and dence of increased terrorism in the United HON. MICHAEL G. OXLEY NBC said about our director and about us States gives new meaning to that phrase OF OHIO we should be meeting secretively and under­ "You ain't seen nothing yet." IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ground, wearing masks and swearing to false But then I guess we have seen something, identities, something these networks appar­ for we have seen the White House now Wednesday, May 2, 1984 ently welcome in interviews with their guarded by concrete barriers. There are e Mr. OXLEY. Mr. Speaker, as a masked and anonymous sources in Central more guards and new devices on Capitol former special agent for the Federal America. Hill. Bureau of Investigation, I would like Surely this past decade will live in infamy The tragedy is that in a free society, and to share with my collegues the re­ as the time when faithful, competent de­ may we continue to be that, the law is virtu­ fenders of the public safety were persecuted ally helpless to protect the citizen from the marks delivered last month at the Ex­ for following orders, for their efforts to pen­ dedicated terrorist: the suicide driver of Agents Western Regional Conference etrate the secrets of a terrorist organization. that bomb truck in Lebanon; the fanatic as­ by another former agent, our col­ I do not know what inspired these as­ sassins in Western Europe. league Mr. Runn of Arizona. I believe saults. I have no way of judging motives. The almost successful attempt on the life Members will find the gentleman's re­ For I was trained to deal with facts and to of President Reagan. marks most enlightening. base my conclusions on the facts available. All these suggest that unless we greatly REMARKS OF CONGRESSMAN ELDON RUDD TO And I must sadly conclude that in the past strengthen the power of the intelligence­ THE EX-AGENTS WESTERN REGIONAL CON­ ten years the efforts to discredit law en­ gathering and law enforcement agencies in FERENCE forcement and, particularly, to destroy the the United States, the future will be contin­ Gatherings such as this are cherished by reputation of J. Edgar Hoover have served ually darkened by successful acts of terror­ all of us who remember with pride our serv­ the interest of those who would destroy this ism. ice in the FBI. Republic and enslave the American people. I was in Los Angeles a few weeks ago, We took an oath of office. We pledged our If it was a sin to serve in the FBI, to where all of the enforcement agencies in­ lives. We eagerly submitted to the discipline follow the instructions of the director, to at­ volved were gathered to consider how ter­ of duty. tempt to apprehend the real wrongdoers, rorism at the Olympic Games can be pre­ We are drawn together. We are held to­ and to prosecute the criminal syndicates, vented. gether by something more than nostalgia. then I am an unrepentant sinner. I slip back in memory to that moment in We are united by love of country, by rever­ The media, print and electronic, sanctimo­ 1942 when eight Nazi saboteurs were landed ence for decency and truth, and peace and niously maintain their mission is to hold up on our shores by submarine. honesty. a mirror so that society may see itself. If You will remember the ABC news report We do not gather here as warriors in a this be their aim, then I must say their mir­ used this as an exhibit to promote the common cause anxious to revive the past. rors are like the bent and crooked glasses in notion that the FBI was a bumbling bunch This association is more than a gathering of a funhouse, dedicated to distortion. of bureaucrats unable to stop the entrance the old grads, an alumni meeting to revise I am proud and pleased to report that in of the saboteurs. past victories and renew that sense of fra­ the Congress of the United States these dis­ In a letter to The Arizona Republic by Dr. ternity which once bound us. tortions have not gone unchallenged. In the William Helm, M.D., who is now a Phoenix We may have retired from or left active House of Representatives, where I now neurological surgeon and a former agent of service with the FBI but we have not retired serve this nation, H.R. 3142, the Federal the FBI, Helm states "that a number of FBI from active participation in the affairs of Tort Claims Reform, which I co-sponsored agents, including myself, arrested Herbert the Republic-in the defense of freedom-in will, in my opinion, rule out any repetition Hoff and Herman Neubauer on June 27, the proclamation of liberty-in the war of the charges and allowing the prosecution 1942, and the other six saboteurs were ar­ against injustice-or in the struggle for of Mark Feldt, Edward Miller and Pat Gray. rested by Bureau agents in the East." truth. <This bill is now in committee and I am con­ Thanks to the politicians and the media, We have survived an agonizing decade of fident it will eventually be reported out and the Bureau is not now in a position to iden­ constant assault on law enforcement in gen­ adopted>. tify and apprehend potential terrorists. And eral, and on the Bureau and the intelligence I am co-sponsoring 11 measures to correct where the politicians have not prevailed in gathering agencies of the United States in some of the evils which have threatened the shackling the Bureau, the courts have. particular. existence of the Republic. There is not In late January the FBI managed to have Under President Jimmy Carter the politi­ space here to itemize each of these pieces of video tape recorders and cameras photo­ cians, in a great frenzy of self-righteousness, legislation but all of them taken together graphing the illegal activities of four mem­ succeeded in emasculating the CIA, the represent a return to sanity. And in my bers of the F ALN in Chicago. These terror­ Bureau and most of the military intelli­ opinion such a return is long overdue. Three ists were making bombs and assembling gence organizations. of these measures-the Control Substance weapons. But after their arrest a Chicago On two of the major television networks, Robbery Act, the Federal Anti-Tampering U.S. District Judge, George N. Leighton, NBC in a mini-series entitled "Kennedy" Act and a bill to close loopholes and in­ banned the use of the video tapes on the and ABC in an hour-long program entitled crease penalties against child pornogra­ grounds that they were unreasonable search "J. Edgar Hoover," the networks presented phy-have been passed by the House. and seizure. Judge Leighton said "the home a distorted, dishonest description of Mr. On March 26, President Ronald Reagan is a sacred place in this country." Hoover and the Bureau. As I reviewed these conferred the Medal of Freedom posthu­ Indeed it is, judge, so long as it is a shelter programs my anger turned to sadness. I was mously on Whitaker Chambers, which took for law abiding peaceful citizens. When it overwhelmed by a sense of frustration. How a lot of guts for the President in a political becomes a laboratory for the preparation of could it be? How could it be that those two year to tell the story the way it is. He recog­ bombs and weapons, it is ridiculous to claim major networks would resort to calumny? nized Whitaker Chambers' act on behalf of the home privacy protection. With all the artistry at their command, our country in identifying espionage by the The courts, no less than the Congress, ABC and NBC pictured the Bureau as an Soviets against the U.S. Chambers provided have contributed to the immunity which almost terrorist organization. contrivable evidence to uncover espionage now surrounds the active terrorists in this Director John Edgar Hoover, the man despite efforts to denounce him. nation. who single-handedly elevated law enforce­ The Weathermen, for so long the darlings To complain about a condition without ment to a professional status, was by innu­ of the liberal press and the liberal academic proposing a remedy is an exercise in futility. endo and direct accusation presented as a community, were but prologue to the grow­ What then is the remedy? The remedy, my petty tyrant, a homosexual, a willful break- ing terrorist threat throughout the world. friends, is to speak up. For you have special e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor. 81-059 Q-87-24 CPt. 8) 10776 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS May 2, 1984 understandings of this terror which threat­ Mr. Speaker, the Dorie Miller Coop­ suring that subsequent adjustments in ens us all. Speak out at public meetings. erators Council helps its community the reduced-price reimbursement Seek a forum where your voice can be and membership maintain a vibrant levels more accurately reflect changes heard. Recite the dismal facts. Write letters to your congressmen-after and healthy environment, and sets an in the Consumer Price Index for food all Congress is the government of all of the example for other organizations to away from home; and U.S., they must listen to citizens.
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