. /\ 4- ' \ -Al we K141 \' \l\ .@\@' / [1 @112 N“ rth Coaster _\/qr. ;<§u Number 5 guonrasnu PACIFIC RAILV/AY—Mein stmisrglls umamql ‘September-October, 1952 NORTH COAST LIMITED GOES ON FAST SCHEDULE NOV. 16; NP TO OPERATE SECOND COAST TRAlN—Tl-IE MAINSTREETER ‘VISTA-DOME5 COMING} $5,800,000 Qrder for New Equipment Includes 16 Luxurious Vista-Dome Cars for Chicago—Pacic Coast streamliner '5.‘ Q‘ The North Coast Limited. Northern Pacic's famous Chicago-North ~ ' ~\ Pacic coast streamliner. will begin operation on a new fast schedule / ‘ii ._ Sunday. Nov. 16. (Turn to Page 4 for new schedule.) Reduction of the transcontinental running time by 12 hours west- bound and 9'21 hours eastbound is announced bv President Robert S. [Macfarlane, who also reveals that: NP is ordering $5,800,000 worth of new equipment, includ- ing l6 luxurious Vista-Dome cars for the North Coast Limited, which will provide three dome cars for each train, and that A second transcontinental train, to be called The Main- strcetcr. will begin operation also on Nov. 16 on approximately the present schedule of the North Coast Limited and will operate via Helena. Mont. The Mainstreeter will become Trains 1 and 2 and the North Coast Limited will be designated Trains 25 and 26. Both trains will operate via the Burlington between Chicago and St. Paul. * Equipment on the streamliner will be the modern. matched, light- weight all-room Pullmans, Pullman-observation cars. de luxe “Day- Nite" and day coaches, coach-buet-lounge and dining cars, which '.-; Arne-€<"-.‘ -‘--. were built only ve years ago and were completely reconditioned this year. Other travel renements, in addition to the Vista-Dome cars, will Northern pacigs transcontinental be added as soon as possible, Mr. Macfarlane said. The Vista Dome cars, route. famous for its scenic beauty. when received, will provide two coach Domes and a Pullman Dome Wlll be even more spectacular when for each train viewed from the vantage point of a _ 1 mxurious VjSta_D0me can The Mainstreeter Wll carry con\en- be- tional equipment including standard and It will bg “synogth Rgiling” A fl t 1 16 Cl '1 . ' . ' - orderefle to: ser\'id::ml3>n( ldtreaii ioiiplllnsleeleilsla 0382155‘ a lull dmer and on the Ndw Fast Schddule lined North Coast Limited. This will n u ‘mp 0 g 2 provide three Dome cars for each U"d°" tho North Co1}51 L1"\ltod'$ "ow How will the new fast schedule n.ain_ fast schedule. the Chicago-Seattle run affect ghe riding qualities of the will be made in 46!: hours in both dirPc- , Norm C0351 Limited? tions. a reduction of 12 hours westbound Obviously numerous Station stops and 9'4 eastbound. The Chicago-Portland now made by the streamliner cannot Railway Ticket Agents GO Wesfgozggrglnqzsrllinbj igslgggf; be_made when the fast 46%-hour “To sch”°l" in Yellowstone lfours a cut of 113‘; hours. The train will 1 Clh'cag°'N°'£th gaclgq Coaiz S'l’\"~‘" Pa"i£‘5 of railroad lick?! leave Chicago Union Station at 11:30 am gteogeofztillngostipiclélsoovvgill 'be 111:? 38°m5- oumborin 520- °".loY9d odd‘ and arrive Seattle 8:00 am and Portland duced and mewonsumin head_end ilOIl2ll ll‘lpS i0 Yellowstone Park am thg secgnd morning following_ . g . g:‘lW'~‘°" Sol)‘ 3 ‘"141 20 35 20°53 of Eastbound the streamliner will leave ‘Fame will be earned on other trams‘ the Nurthc-~n Pacic r=\i1wa>-- Seattle 1=15 pm, Portland 3 pm and arrive m'1i"3§f§)rflallgfgv H113: fgéflnailgl 9;; - ' ' : f . ¢.?..':'=..§‘.'*‘;;%:::..*§:.:2°l>.:tr§ 12%;: .*::::%:; *5 “"~‘ W‘ 8 and <x»@?l‘~e m- G"! 'pLil\o Cody in" Norther" ldoiel Th schedule rovides convenient con- Siallanon of heal“-er rail apd heavy r ' Cod 0 ll3'lli chm and dude -e Ch'p 'th th " " 1 '-°°k ban“ °°"‘b‘“° “? ‘;f‘"° °°"' l‘)a¢hlf-‘ns: the Cody mild Red Lodge iigfriholiiaihls €8Sltc‘:\€\(:l sloluth arid laltlnPSdlrill- unualilce of i-he sgieamlm -ls pres€nl' Roads Ci)-‘;)p9tl"2(\ii€‘(:). ‘A Wyallgood lanld with streamlined trains to and from ilgglgtéacciilgzioxh i:5,e‘_::i::gc‘:::l_l giilisctifile dldil; "les,so:s': albdlilltg tra\'el Ca llormal ’ ~ e ' mem from patr°ns' by rail to national parks. Pa¢i¢ A8871 , , (T N0rthW¢8l Tl'Hv¢| I T0 RI-ISI~IIt\'l-I sci. 4-oacu SEATS ¢.S.°.':...:?":~:€:...i.<:::. ;:i..:'.‘..a.T€‘1f._..‘i:1.'.:*1 Elm F- 6- Sew P'==-M ll\l'lt'Ll ‘ln tho Nuvc|nlx-r-[)1-cclnln-| l". (Z. Scull. N1|l'lllt'l'Il l*’ucilic's we-stern \lII'lll FUJI-\| |1l||ll|l‘d ll"“»'*' 0" 3 l\'\m_ ilmm, “mm pi(_ulH_> Wm ppvm.‘ ||;|:~r\\-Il}.{t'l‘ tmllic |tm|iugt*|' at Seattle war. “W1 ;“‘|"‘4l|||", all 9034'“ 59315 0|! wu“.h fm. the ML.“ Hf yum. friends clt~L'lcd picsitlciit ol the Pacific NtJl'illW'USl Ill!" -§'ll'1'ilIIlllIll'l' will he rt‘§<:P\'Pll1 ii U1. next numbm._ . i o Travel Association recently; and B1llO\'es (I. \\ - Rodlllo» l'lL*'§¢‘"i£l'l' 'll'llm¢ of Spokane was selected secretary. “1\l\l‘\§-11'?‘ IIll0llIl(‘1‘§- ti *2 ARE YOU IN ONE OF THES Pil‘lUl‘t'd nn lha->0 p;|}.{1‘.\ arc mzmy ’ and lhvir fmnilu-> whu lnudv 1-dun-utim S1-ptomhm". Wzntuh fur ‘ndditmnul phnlu; n* “F-" I ‘ % , .1‘ It a» '_\'ibv~. -4Pf-,',\ QQ-L §-—¢“‘< - -_, .- ._ - J- . -- 3.?!» ¢ .. 0* -up -. a=£=":.~- -II‘ I.- —vv—_.- YELLUWSTUNE PICTURES? the xn<»11- than 5170 milruud ticket zu.:0n1.~ t<>ur_~ In Y(-ll<>w.~t<>m- National Park in ph.~ in Ihv N<>\'cn1b0r-December issm-. - . ""9-" w-' ._----¢--.&»wsu' '-’ 2": "-I- ~. _:.-ii t \ ‘Q 4 The!hnnh'Coannr i AI 7‘; North ' New Fast Schedule of NQRTH COAST LIMITED i .¢\ K @033“? Effective November 16 I ,/1"‘ \\'ES'I‘Il0l' NI)—'l‘rain 25 l~).\ S'I‘B()l' N D—'I‘raln 26 Published by the ,lllOIl‘' Trne Department E)_(ample of Example of Dally Service D il Se ice '°""""'“°'"°_"_“l“'“ "UL "'1'" Lv Chicago (via cam) 11:30 am Sun. Lv Seattle (PST) 1?15ypm gun. Rom“; ,._m"" Tum "nu" I “ St. Paul (N. P.) 6:30 pm “ " Tacoma 12:55 pm “ coonslu. .. 1;.-an-1 Palwnger Agent “ Minneapolis 7:00 pm “ " Portland SCOTI‘ --- "rue"! Pan. Trdir "gr. Ar Staples 9: Rm “ “ Ellensburg Al\'DER§0i'\' - -- - - - -- Editor i 5 pm 14 “ Yakima' “- °"%'~“@ nun: nt u. I. A. nu Duluthpe .1 “ Pasco | Su nor pm ' Ar Staples - pm “ SP0kane Montana’: Queen Travels ,Lv Staples .. “ Missoula (MST) on. .. Ar Garrison via North Coast Limited “ F"8° Jamestown Mon. Lv Garrison Bismarck u" Ar Helena Mandan (MST) ¢ H Lv Butte . Dickinson -¢ Lv Helena G . Ar Glendive -- Ar Logan ‘ “ Miles City " Forsyth “ Ly’ Logan " Billings " “ Bozeman in “ " Livingston “ " Livingston am “ " Bozeman “ " Billings pm :1 " Logan 04pm “ " Forsyth Pm Lv Logan 2110 pm " I M“°§.C“Y Pm A_r Helena 4:05 pm “ _, glelzhve Pm Ar Butte 4:04 pm “ ¢- Mlgndgion pm tn 7 Pm I-V Helena 350019!" u " Bismarck (CST) 9pm Ar Garrison 4:45 pm “ " Jamestown 7 am Tues. Lv Garrison 5:09pm “ “ Fargo 7 am “ Ar Missoula 27pm “ Ar Staples am “ " Spokane (PST) 5 pm ‘ -< Pasco 30 am Tues. Lv staples u “ ,_ Ar Superior m u “ Yakima ,_ A1 Duluth “ Ellensburg m “ Ar Minneapolis Al “ Tacoma n “ Portland ““ St. Paul “ Seattle " " Chicago (C.B.&Q.) " Schedule of 71¢ %¢'0l4¢'l¢¢Z6¢ Mis Karen Whittet, who represented! Effective November 16 Montana in the Miss America Pageant at ‘ Atlantic City, and Miss Maurine Clow, \\'I-IS'I'll()l'XIb—'l'raln 1 I-1.\S'I‘l$0l'NI)—'I‘raln 2 Kai-en’s chaperon, stop at Fargo, North Example 05 E¥al'nP|° ‘Pf Dakota, enroute to Chicago and Atlantic Daily service Dally $°YV1°9 City. Lv Chicago (C.B.&Q.) 11:00 pm Sun. Lv Seattle 9:30 pm Sun. “ St. Paul (N.P.) 8:45 am Mon. " Tacoma 9:10 pm “ mi ' Minneapolis 9'20 am “ “ Yakima 2:30 am Mon. Holiday Season Brings . Ari 5,9179%? 11;“; am ~~ I P35“, am m u Northern Pacic Cakes Lv Duluth 6:30 am " n " Superior 6:45 am “ , ~- to Tempt Your Appetite' M staples 11:30 .. A, Gamson The famous Northem Pacic fruit “ Lv Garrison A1 cakes, baked as a holiday delicacy for Lil $31195 1- “ ‘ Ar Butte 6:25 pm . dining car patrons" on the North Coast Jamgesmwn 2. Limited, are again being made available .. Manda“ .. Lv Helena ti§35_prn_" for sale. advises W. F. Paar, superintend- .. Dickinson 2- Lv Butte 5:45 pm “ ent of the Dining Car department. The .. Glendivc -- Ar Igan V8:*10 pm "V_ cakes are packed in colorful Christmas .. FMS 1h ues. Lv Logan 8:30 pm designed metal boxes. making them an .. Bum)‘ " “ Livingston 10: 15 pm unusual palate-tempting yuletide gift. .. Livingston " Billings am Tues. 2 * " - -1 Ngrighsn f-3~’.}‘Z}ii'Z‘1§l°ih3§§‘s§" P1251 liziilirl A‘ ">83" 9*“ 3"‘ “ .. g‘f'"${l‘.l‘ 1- l\ nesota. The 3-pound fruit cake is $3.45, L“ Igan am ,, -~ Digzirgfn and the 5-pound cake is $5.75, both in Ar Bulle ' pm -- Manda“ it decorated metal boxes, express prepaid. Lv Helena 11:55 am .. Jamestown -. Canada Canal Zone, ~- For shipment to - L Bum; 12; 10mp " -~ 1- .- Philippine Islands, and Hawaii, please A: Garrison 11259111 “ Ar Slggloes t. “dd “~°°' Lvcmon 1=45Pm30pm 1: M...P1.. " " Missoula .. Ar Superior Wed. 1952 the Spokane At the beginning of railroads “ .. Ar Duluth owned and operated about 223.500 miles “ Pasco of railroad and 396,000 miles of all rail- " Yakima Wed.
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