Za Zee, Nedca Ozater4 Let 212 -288-0737 7Et 310-275-9266 Seu.Tiag Ese Áaaa.Dcaat R%Rdccabuy Avr Ewer 'Neal *Ea,Ra

Za Zee, Nedca Ozater4 Let 212 -288-0737 7Et 310-275-9266 Seu.Tiag Ese Áaaa.Dcaat R%Rdccabuy Avr Ewer 'Neal *Ea,Ra

Stations in the U.S. Nebraska 500 Faro 77ík St. scare 1909 9454 7lRlaáke atad.. 6rk 9teea ?leu. 72.*. /0021 aeaertq erQ 90212 . Za Zee, Nedca Ozater4 let 212 -288-0737 7et 310-275-9266 Seu.tiag ese áaaa.dcaat r%rdccabuy Avr ewer 'Neal *ea,ra. lax 2/2- 249 -1957 9ecz 310-274-4076 aud: General. Spec prog: ReIg 4 hrs, oldies 12 hrs wkly. 729 -3382. FAX: (402) 729 -3446, Licensee: Siebert $190,000; FTR 1- 13 -92). Net: MBS, ABC /D, Jones Sat- Cris Averett, opns mgr, progmg dir; Tom Sitteny, sls dir, Communications Inc. (acq 8 -1.84; $375,000; FTR 6 -18- ellite Audio; Mid -American Ag, Brownfield. Format: Mary Collins, prom dir, James Nickel, chief engr. 84). Net: ABC /D. Rep: Farmakis. Wash any: Fisher, Way- C &W, oldies. Jim Lambley, pres. land, Cooper, Leader & Zaragoza L.L.P. Format: Adult KKOT(FM)-Listing follows KTTT(AM). contemp, oldies, news. News staff one; news progmg 30 Grand Island KLIR(FM)-Listing follows KJSK(AM). hrs wkly. Target aud: 25 -52. Spec prog: Farm 18 hrs wkly. Rick Siebert, pres & gen sls mgr; Randy Bauer, gen KMMJ(AM) -November 1925:750 khz; 10 kw -U, DA -1. 1974: mhz; 100 w. Ant 78 ft. TL: KTLX(FM)-July 91.9 mgr & progmg dir; Brad Achtemeier, adv mgr; Nikki TL: N410805 W97 5938. Hrsopn: Sunrise -sunset. 3205 14. c/o Trinity Lutheran Church, 2200 N41 26 26 W97 21 Coiling, news dir, Don Denver, chief engr. W. North Front St. (68802). (308) 382 -2800; (308) 381- -8548. FAX: (402) 562-6003. 25th St. (68601). (402) 564 3697. FAX: (308) 384 -7514. Licensee: JRK Broadcast- TLC Educational Corp. Format: Educ, relg. KUTT(FM)-Co -owned with KGMT(AM). December Licensee: ing L.P. (acq 9- 25-96; $700,000 with KLRB(FM) Aurora). & mgr. 1983: 99.5 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 692 ft. TL: N40 10 57 W96 Gary Spuit, pres gen ABC AP. Rep: McGavren Guild, Howard An- 58 33. Stereo. Firs opn: 24. (402) 729 -3382. FAX: (402) Net: /SMN, News 2; news KTTT(AM) -Dec 2, 1962: 1510 khz; 500 w -D. TL: N41 729 -3446. Net: ABC. Format: Hot country. Spec prog: derson. Format: News, farm, talk. staff Spec 27 14 W97 24 20. 1367 33rd Ave. (68602 -0518). (402) NASCAR 4 hrs, farm 12 hrs wkly. Randy Bauer, stn progmg 39 hrs wkly. Target aud: 25 plus; general. hrs wkly. Shawn Schleif, gen 564.2866. FAX: (402) 564 -2867. Licensee: Three mgr, Brad Achtemeier, rgnl sis mgr; Rick Siebert, advdir; prog: Sports talk, polka 3 Logry, dir. Eagles Communications Inc. (group owner; acq 1996). Don Denver, engrg dir. mgr; Chris progmg Net: ABC /I. Format: Oldies. Target aud: 25 -65. Gene KRGI(AM) -Apr 1, 1953: 1430 khz; 5 kw -D, 1 kw -N, mgr & gen sis McCoy, gen mgr; Michael O'Connor, stn DA -N. TL: N40 62 26 W98 16 24. Box 4907 (68802- mgr, Baumann, progmg dir; Rachelle Glaser, news Curt LAUREN A. COLBY 4907); 3205 W. N. Front St. (68803). (308) 381 -1430. dir; Bob Cook, chief engr. 301 -663 -1086 FAX: (308) 382.6701. Licensee: JRK Broadcasting Ltd. (acq 10.1.91; with co-located FM; FTR 10- 14 -91). Net: KKOT(FM)-Co -owned with KTTT(AM). Nov 25, 1969: 93.5 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 981 ft. TL: N41 32 28 W97 40 45. ABC /I, Talknet. Rep: Christer'. Wash atty: Fletcher, Heald Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Prog sep from AM. Net: ABC /I. For- ATTORNEY & Hildreth. Format: Adult contemp. News staff 3. Target Kidd, Shaun D. Schleif, gen mat: Country. Target aud: 18 -49; young families. Spec Special Attention aud: 25 -54. John R. pres; prog: Farm 8 hrs wkly. mgr; Chris A. Loghry, opns mgr & progmg dir, Shaun to Difficult Cases Schleif, gen sis mgr; Chris Loghry, mus dir, Tracy Over- street, news dir; Gene Hornung, chief engr. Cozad KRGI- FM-Oct 30, 1975: 96.5 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 416 ft. KAMI(AM )-November 1965: 1580 khz; 1 kw -D. TL: Falls City TL: N40 51 53 W98 23 47. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Prog sep N40 W995620. Hrs opn: 8 AM -5 PM. 835 Meridian from AM. Net: ABC. Format: C &W. 5018 KLZA(FM) -Not on air, target date unknown: 101.3 St. (69130). (308) 784 -1580. Licensee: VectoRadio Inc. mhz; 6 kw. Ant 328ft. TL: N4006 54 W95 3906. Box 104, KROA(FM) -Aug 11, 1967: 95.7 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 460 (acq 7- 1 -85). Format: Talk. News progmg 6 hrs wkly. Hiawatha, KS (66434- 0104). Licensee: KNZA Inc. ft. TL: N40 47 11 W98 22 00. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Box Target aud: 25 -54. Chuck Larsen, pres & gen mgr, (group owner). Greg Buser, gen mgr. 495, Doniphan (68832). (402) 845 -6595. FAX: (402) Jerry Johnson, chief engr. 845-6597. Licensee: Grace University (acq 3 -77). Net: KTNC(AM )-Aug 3, 1957: 1230 khz; 500 w -D, 1 kw -N. KAMI -FM -Aug 4, 1983: 104.5 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 360 ft. Moody. Format: Relgg Target aud: General. Spec prog: TL: N40 03 57 W95 36 55. Hrs opn: 5:25 AM -10:30 PM TL: N40 46 35 W100 0147. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Format: Class one hr wkly. Dr. Neal McBride, pres; Gordon (M -S); 6:30 AM -10:30 PM (Su). Box 589, 1602 Stone St. Country. Wheeler, stn mgr; David Vaughn, mus dir. (68355). (402) 245 -2453. FAX: (402) 245 -5862. Licen- see: C.R. Communications Inc. (acq 8 -1 -81; $270,000 KSYZ -FM-November 1982: 107.7 mhz; 100 kw. Ant Crete with co- located FM; FTR 7- 13.81). Net: ABC/E; Brown- 899 ft. TL: N40 5153 W98 2347 (CP: TL: N4042 07 W98 field. Rep: Farmakis; Howard Anderson.Format: Adult 35 20). Stereo. Box 5108 (68802); 3532 W. Capital Ave. `KDNE(FM )-Aug 30,1993: 91.9 mhz; 200 w. Ant 66 ft. contemp, oldies, country. News staff one; news progmg (68803). (308) 381-1077. FAX: (308) 384 -8900. Licen- TL: N40 37 16 W96 57 04. Stereo. 1014 Boswell Ave. 23 hrs wkly. Target aud: 25 plus; farmers, businessmen, see: Mid -Nebraska Broadcasting (acq 10 -88). Format: (68333). (402) 826-8611. FAX: (402) 826 -8600. Licen- employees, retirees. Spec prog: Christian mus one hr Adult contemp. Target aud: 25 -54. Dick Chapin, CEO; see: Doane College Board of Trustees. Format: Progsv. wkly. Charles A. Radatz, Ares, gen mgr & gen sis mgr, Jay Vavricek, gen mgr. Target aud: General. Fred Brown, pres; Lee Thomas, Darlene Tisdel, rgnl sis mgr; John Nixon, progmg dir & gen mgr; Andy Sewell, stn mgr, Brandon Bell, progmg news dir, M ilesA. Ruch Jr., pubaff rs dir. Rates: $15.88; dir; Dave Johnson, mus dir, Aaron Korb, engrg mgr. 15.88; 15.88; 15.53. Hastings KKNB(FM) -Aug 20, 1976: 104.1 mhz; 50 kw. Ant 613 KCNT(FM)-Feb 22, 1971: 88.1 mhz; 2 kw. Ant 182 ft. ft. TL: N40 31 06 W96 46 07. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Suite Fremont TL: N40 34 52 W98 19 58. Box 1024 (68902). (402) 200, 4630 Antelope Creek Rd., Lincoln (68506). (402) 461 -2580. FAX: (402) 461 -2507. Licensee: Central L. 483 -1517. FAX: (402) 483 -1579. Licensee: Triathlon KHUB(AM)- December 1939: 1340 khz; 500 w -D, 1 Community College. Format: CHR, educ. John Broadcasting of Lincoln Licensee Inc. Group owner. kw -N. TL: N4125 58 W962716. Hrsopn: 5 AM- midnight. Brooks, gen mgr; Tim Kalvelage, chief engr. Fifth (68025). (402) 721 -5012. Triathlon Broadcasting Co. (acq 1996). Format: New Box 669 (68026); 118 E. KEZH(FM) -Listing follows KICS(AM). rock. News staff one. Target aud: 18 -34. Julie Gade, FAX: (402) 721 -5023. Licensee: Mitchell Broadcasting stn mgr, Charlie Thomas, progmg dir. Fremont Inc. Group owner: Mitchell Broadcasting Co. of KFKX(FM )-Aug 30, 1997:90.1 mhz; 1 kwvert.Ant292 Iowa Inc. (acq 6-6-97; $422,300 with co- located FM). ft. TL: N40 38 56 W98 23 01. Stereo. Hrs opn: 4 PM -mid- Net: ABC /I. Format: News/talk. News staff one; news night. Box 269, Hastings College, 700 Turner St. Crookston progmg 25 hrs wkly. Target aud: 35 plus; mature adults. (68901). (402) 461 -7342; (402) 461-7367. FAX: (402) Spec prog: Farm 6 hrs wkly. Del Meyer, gen mgr & sis 461 -7442; (402) 461 -7480. Licensee: Hastings College. KINI(FM)- January 1978: 96.1 mhz; 57 kw. Ant 500 ft. dir, Chris Walz, opns mgr, progmg dir & news dir. Wash atty: Booth, Freret, Imlay & Tepper P.C. Format: TL: N43 07 50 W100 54 02. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Box Div, AOR. News progmg 7 hrs wkly. Target aud: General. 419, 100 S. Main, St. Francis, SD (57572). (605) 747- 1972: KFMT(FM) -Co -owned with KHUB(AM). July Spec prog: Jazz 3 hrs, relg 3 hrs, urban contemp 8 hrs 2291. FAX: (605) 747 -5791. Licensee: Rosebud Educa- N41 40 31 53. 105.5 mhz; 1.2 kw. Ant 450 ft. TL: 24 W96 wkly. Richard E. Hoover, pres; Sharon Behl Brooks, tional Society Inc. (acq 1.78). Net: AP. Wash atty: Haley, Target Stereo. Hrs opn: 5 AM- midnight. Format: Oldies. gen mgr & progmg dir; Matt Assmus, stn mgr; Terry Bader & Potts. Format: Adult contemp, rock, country. aud: 25 -54. Glaze, opns dir & engrg dir; Andra Hall, dev mgr, Nikki News staff one; news progmg 12 hrs wkly. Target aud: Collier, mus dir. General; Indian & white. Spec prog: American Indian 15 hrs, gospel 6 hrs, relg 6 hrs wkly.

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