US008389522B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,389,522 B2 Mochly-Rosen et al. (45) Date of Patent: Mar. 5, 2013 (54) MODULATORS OF ALDEHYDE (56) References Cited DEHYDROGENASE AND METHODS OF USE THEREOF U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 6,900.338 B1* 5/2005 Haj-Yehia ....................... 549/20 Inventors: Daria Mochly-Rosen, Menlo Park, CA 2002fOO34783 A1 3/2002 Meyers et al. (75) 2005, 0171043 A1 8/2005 Mochly-Rosen et al. (US); Che-Hong Chen, Fremont, CA 2008. O153926 A1 6/2008 Mochly-Rosen et al. (US); Wenjin Yang, Foster City, CA 2008, 0200461 A1 8/2008 Anderson et al. (US) 2009/0082431 A1* 3/2009 Mochly-Rosen et al. ... 514/466 2009,0163545 A1* 6, 2009 Goldfarb ....................... 514/312 (73) Assignee: The Board of Trustees of the Leland FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS Stanford Junior University, Stanford, WO WO 2008112164 A2 9, 2008 CA (US) OTHER PUBLICATIONS (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this Chen et al. CAS: 149:548594, 2008.* patent is extended or adjusted under 35 Goldfarb's CAS: 151:92837, 2009.* U.S.C. 154(b) by 576 days. STN: 1 1/16, 1984.* Fernholz et al. CAS:37:40468, 1943.* (21) Appl. No.: 12/581,704 Tracey et al. CAS: 145:488790, 2006.* Nicoll-Griffith's CAS: 107: 141210, 1987.* (22) Filed: Oct. 19, 2009 Gilman et al. CAS: 40:2074, 1946.* Chen etal. Activation of aldehyde dehydrogenase-2 reduces ischemic Prior Publication Data damage to the heart. Science. Sep. 12, 2008:321 (5895): 1493-5. (65) Davis et al. Requirement for Pax6 in corneal morphogenesis: a role in US 2010/O113423 A1 May 6, 2010 adhesion. J Cell Sci. Jun. 1, 2003; 116(Pt 11):2157-67. * cited by examiner Related U.S. Application Data Primary Examiner — Rei-tsang Shiao (60) Provisional application No. 61/109,081, filed on Oct. (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Paula A. Borden; Rudy J. 28, 2008, provisional application No. 61/225,827, Ng; Bozicevic, Field & Francis LLP. filed on Jul. 15, 2009. (57) ABSTRACT (51) Int. C. The present disclosure provides compounds that function as A6 IK3I/495 (2006.01) modulators of aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) enzymatic CO7D 22.3/00 (2006.01) activity, as well as compositions and formulations comprising the compounds. The present disclosure provides therapeutic (52) U.S. C. ......... 514/248: 514/218: 540/484; 544/233 methods involving administering a Subject compound, or a (58) Field of Classification Search .................. 514/248, 514/218: 540/484; 544/233 Subject pharmaceutical composition. See application file for complete search history. 10 Claims, 25 Drawing Sheets U.S. Patent Mar. 5, 2013 Sheet 1 of 25 US 8,389,522 B2 upCS C CC upCO O ups C e upcy va s d CD - up C aC cts e O O O C c C O O s N c c O r cN 3. 3 2 woe wers s (OJuoo 9%) AAW euAzu U.S. Patent Mar. 5, 2013 Sheet 2 of 25 US 8,389,522 B2 02|| 09 09 0:2 (Ouluoo 9.) AAOW euAzu U.S. Patent Mar. 5, 2013 Sheet 3 of 25 US 8,389,522 B2 s c O c O O 3 N se eue (osuoo 9.) AmoW euAzu U.S. Patent US 8,389,522 B2 ZHGpIVp????und 4.OV/N U.S. Patent Mar. 5, 2013 Sheet 5 Of 25 US 8,389,522 B2 U.S. Patent Mar. 5, 2013 Sheet 6 of 25 US 8,389,522 B2 U.S. Patent Mar. 5, 2013 Sheet 8 of 25 US 8,389,522 B2 r : ait s Ces co 2 OP cis C CC isas ve o a OO t; a s < 9 CD8s: 2 L as: ve o s SS < its ers g of CC is s w 8 e d e s 3 s CD C C O C c c CN N trol ve (oluoo 9%) AA}ow eu Azu U.S. Patent US 8,389,522 B2 (ouguoo 96) AAW euAZu U.S. Patent Mar. 5, 2013 Sheet 10 of 25 US 8,389,522 B2 (ouoo 9.) AAW eulu Azu U.S. Patent Mar. 5, 2013 Sheet 11 of 25 US 8,389,522 B2 3g2 ?s S. %3- a 8 %W3 . 2 CD * (N N 2% %2.% % - 2 & s 3%%2. % 2. % % % - c. a É. %2 % * 2 2. % 2 . 3.S O O O O O O O C w w O C w N 3 3 vo true *u. (ouog 9.) AA3W euAzu U.S. Patent Mar. 5, 2013 Sheet 13 Of 25 US 8,389,522 B2 cr) wo c -e- 92P CDs C-S2 88s: O - are sP O of Ol OC 2 C 4, Yose8 - -- : O O O O O O O O O O cy cy N (N reas xas (%) AApoe oeu Mizue HOTW U.S. Patent Mar. 5, 2013 Sheet 14 of 25 US 8,389,522 B2 d O 2 r vo as 2P CD: C-S2 88: 2 - : i s s (%) AAoe oeu Mizue HOTW U.S. Patent Mar. 5, 2013 Sheet 15 Of 25 US 8,389,522 B2 s a *.*.*.*.*.*.* r * * * * * * 'lear O * **** * * * * * : * * * * a. * * *es* . x . * . x ."8 e . .. i.e.. e.. * * 2 . O v 8 .8 .8' . .x 8. - . - - . - . x88 * * : " : . " ' " - CD . .. .. .. .. .. x ...s. ". a . .2 . .. .. O O O O O c CO s (C s r 3. 8 (%) AA be oeu Azue SHOW U.S. Patent Mar. 5, 2013 Sheet 17 Of 25 US 8,389,522 B2 O s D. O S ve CD is t . D. S s D. s (%) AAOe oeu Azue ZHOTW i U.S. Patent Mar. 5, 2013 Sheet 18 of 25 US 8,389,522 B2 (68-epiv)ajou?es (Wn000L)?IOugeS 0 0"| (uu Ove O'O) AA3e ahov U.S. Patent Mar. 5, 2013 Sheet 19 Of 25 US 8,389,522 B2 Untreated + ALDA-1 6 Gy Radiation F.G. 19 U.S. Patent Mar. 5, 2013 Sheet 20 of 25 US 8,389,522 B2 {}{}{} {}{}Z {}{}} SS3.xt euliapi U.S. Patent US 8,389,522 B2 (sÁed)uo?eunpquæuu?eau1 eunioA Ioun emee. U.S. Patent US 8,389,522 B2 U.S. Patent Mar. 5, 2013 Sheet 23 Of 25 US 8,389,522 B2 OOO · (uu usuno eouen) AAOW 6uee U.S. Patent US 8,389,522 B2 eloose oAeueg U.S. Patent Mar. 5, 2013 Sheet 25 Of 25 US 8,389,522 B2 AOO 350 300 | 250 2OO vehicle Control Alda-1 + Aid-89 FIG. 25 US 8,389,522 B2 1. 2 MODULATORS OF ALDEHYDE FIG. 4 schematically depicts an exemplary fluorescent DEHYDROGENASE AND METHODS OF USE aldehyde dehydrogenase enzymatic assay. THEREOF FIG. 5A and FIG. 5B provide the amino acid sequence of human ALDH2 (SEQID NO: 1) and the amino acid sequence CROSS-REFERENCE of an E487K variant of human ALDH2 (SEQ ID NO:2), respectively. This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional FIGS. 6A and 6B provide exemplary ALDH1 amino acid Patent Application No. 61/109,081, filed Oct. 28, 2008, and Sequences. U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 61/225,827, filed Jul. FIG. 7 provides an exemplary ALDH3 amino acid 15, 2009, which applications are incorporated herein by ref 10 Sequence. erence in their entirety. FIG. 8 depicts the effect of four exemplary activator com pounds, Alda-52, Alda-81, Alda-83 and Alda-84, on ALDH1 STATEMENT REGARDING FEDERALLY enzymatic activity using octylaldehyde as a Substrate. SPONSORED RESEARCH FIG.9 depicts the effect of four exemplary activator com 15 pounds—Alda-52, Alda-81, Alda-83, and Alda-84—on ALDH1 enzymatic activity using phenylacetaldehyde as a This invention was made with Government support under substrate. contract AAO 11147 awarded by the National Institutes of FIG. 10 depicts the effect offive exemplary activator com Health. The Government has certain rights in this invention. pounds—Alda-52, Alda-81, Alda-83, Alda-84, and Alda-1— BACKGROUND on ALDH2 enzymatic activity using acetaldehyde as a Sub Strate. FIG. 11 depicts the effect of four exemplary activator com Aldehyde dehydrogenases (ALDH) constitute a family of pounds—Alda-52, Alda-81, Alda-83, Alda-84, and Alda-1— enzymes that play a critical role in detoxification of various on ALDH2 enzymatic activity using phenylacetaldehyde as a cytotoxic Xenogenic and biogenic aldehydes. There are at 25 substrate. least 19 members/isozymes of the ALDH family, where the FIG. 12 provides an exemplary ALDH5 amino acid various isozymes may exhibit different substrate specificity Sequence. and/or cellular location relative to other members of the fam FIG. 13 depicts activation of ALDH3 by various com ily. pounds using acetaldehyde as Substrate. Cytotoxic aldehydes derive from a variety of sources. For 30 FIG. 14 depicts activation of ALDH3 by various com example, environmental (external) sources of aldehydes pounds using phenylacetaldehyde as Substrate. include those that result from ethanol consumption, from FIG. 15 depicts dosate effect of safrole on ALDH3 enzy consumption of food sources, from ingestion of hazardous matic activity using acetaldehyde as Substrate. materials such as vinyl chloride, pesticides, herbicides, etc., FIG. 16 depicts the effect of various compounds, desig or from inhalation of hazardous materials such as those found 35 nated Alda-101 to Alda-112, on ALDH3 enzymatic activity in cigarette Smoke, industrial pollution, etc. Aldehydes that acetaldehyde as Substrate. may be cytotoxic can also be produced biologically (e.g., FIG. 17 depicts the inhibitory effect of high concentration endogenously), e.g., as a result of oxidative stress Such as of safrole on ALDH2 enzymatic activity using acetaldehyde occurs in ischemia, irradiation, or metabolism or bioconver as Substrate.
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