Missouri University of Science and Technology Scholars' Mine The Missouri Miner Newspaper Special Collections 29 Sep 1924 The Missouri Miner, September 29, 1924 Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarsmine.mst.edu/missouri_miner These newspapers reflect the attitudes, perspectives, and beliefs of different times. Neither the library nor the university endorses the views expressed in these collections, some of which contain images and language which may be offensive to some readers. Recommended Citation "The Missouri Miner, September 29, 1924" (1924). The Missouri Miner Newspaper. 324. https://scholarsmine.mst.edu/missouri_miner/324 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by Scholars' Mine. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Missouri Miner Newspaper by an authorized administrator of Scholars' Mine. This work is protected by U. S. Copyright Law. Unauthorized use including reproduction for redistribution requires the permission of the copyright holder. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THE MISSOURJ MINER.. ==~.~==================' e=I===*~__ =~~~=:======================~4= Missouri School of Mines and Me.tallurgy, Rolla, Missouri. ..... Vol. 11, No.2. Monday, September 29, 1924. Price, 8 Cents. PLAYERS TO PRESENT RECRUIT,s1 NEEDED ON . MINER. MINERS WORK HARD "CLARENCE." The Missouri iManer is publishe<.l FOR OPENING GAME. Booth Tarkington's phenomenal by a staff complo sed of students of With the olpening game of the sea­ stage success "Clarence" has been the school. New members are elected son less tha n a week off, Cdach Mc­ selected as the first play to 'be give:n. by the staff fro!ffi: thos e who are try­ Collum has bean. driving his charge.~ by the M. S. M. Players this year. ing. out for places. Any student i,; at a fJaste.r clip than ever. Barring This play enjoyed a very decided eligible to compete for a place· on thr: injuries, whiclh are e'Ver a source of success both on thJe legitimate stage Boa,rd, and anyone who shows an l worry, the IManers should present a and in the movies when Wallace Reid abiLty or determiin!a.tion will have n ::>' formidable eleven when the refleree's took the pa.rt of "Clarence". The difficulty in beCio ming 3J member of whistle brin(zs the two teams togeth­ picture, incidentally, was th;e last one the Board. er. thatJ W allace Reid made before his When vacancies aJ'e made on the Competition for places on the back death. Board, a call is issued flor recruits. field is just as keen as was predicted The pLay is a four act com'edy de­ After tryir,s out for three mo'nths, a it would be. Thomas and Mlodaff are picting the home life of an American studenB si eliog-ible for e'lection. At fighting it 'o,ut for the quar t(:)r:baIC K family. Cla.rence is a returned soldier t '; e J Jr(,~E:nt time thele ar'3 vacancies berth, wh:le Tucker rJn.d Lee are stag­ who, as an entomologist, found a in uotr. t,1 e edItorial and bt;sir·ess tie­ ing a friendly rivalry at fullbaCk place in the army driving mules. He part;nents. Hasselman, Fisher and Lemon arc proved to be an all-around handy v'\f orking on tre school paper take 'S showing up well at ha lfback positions man, even fixing the bathroom quit!' '3 bit ef the student's time, bue and it is still doubtful just who will plumbing and playing the saxaphon.e . it i8 time we!l spent. The training draw the opening game 'assignments. Try-outs for parts in this play WIll recE:i,'ed is invaiuable, and the ser· McCoy, a 170-lb. Fresruman, has also be held Sunday, October 2, at 2 p. m. vice to the schad is great. Nio one been going good at halfback, and is in the auditorium of Parker Hall. The who h a.il t[.·e t:me (and (l'rtost student,; putting up a hard fiJght for a perm a .. play will be presented some time near h ave) will l"(!1:ret that spent on the nent place. the first of November. school paper. On the· Lne Oapt, Ledford is s'hlOw­ Membership in the Players is se- W e earnestly invite 'all who will to il'.!!. his old fght, ai~d is und Jubtedly com~ to th'e n ext relsular meeting of cured by competition. Any student of a p erma·ne.nt fixtnrf" at <'nd. the Miner Board next Tuesday ni,giht th,e Missouri School of Mines or M"J~ride, Buck, Y,lUllg" and J ohn· at 7 o'clock, and g,et full details o,f young lady of Rolla is eli.gible to com­ 3011 an, fc:st apprJ:l,<-hing mid-sea!';lIn the work. The meetings are held O,li pete for a part in the plays. Those f Ol';n, and are t~ ving t ·, be h fl rd men the second flo or of the Power Plant to keep o~t of the line·!lp. caring to try oub may secure a copy building. Cammack has been forced to the <.n 'He play fro,ill! Valerius or Doc 1Most students, ana especially the side lines dur ing th'e past week owin g ArlDEby before the' try-outs and be .. freshmen ,are' b ackward about com­ to injuries, but it is expected that he! come 11 .:miliar with it. The cast is 5!~­ ing out . VI! e hope all who care tv will be able to don the nl oleskins lected by the director and advisory di will feel free to :.ome up Tuesday. lagain :n time to face Me Kendree. !"ector ul' tJf' c Players. Anyone wh·) We wish that we. could give y'ou successfully carries two parts :5 Mt NERS VS. McKE.NDREE. tf-,e Lne-up which will start the open­ elig·.bie for election to the 'P'layer ~. T h( M:l,ers ~·dl bl;;st open t hei r inl; glme. W e catJ't. We ·~ an't eve'l A notice will be posted (/:1 the bulletin 19?4 f'ootball schedule F riday , Octo­ give a probable line-up and b e' some­ board when tl':le copies of the pl,ay a'r , b e~ S, w hen they engage M'cKenon,e wr.ere n ear right. If you ask!.! rl rive. All who have had any dramati·: CoJlege, of Lebanon, Ill., .0 '1 .Jacklin.:; C c·a·ch McCollum himself he woul·j C)··~ erience, or who th'ink they have Field. Just :hlow much O'pp as:tion th l!' undf/uhtedly t ell you that he hasn't : ny abil;t y aL ong that line are askel; l\~' :(\ers will run up against is not as yet picked the varsity. C o mp e ~ ,. to ·', :> me CIUt next Su,~ day for the try . known, as they have. never before met. tion for posit ions is too stiff to p:ck :'\ outs. :1 l\1:·cKendree team o'n the gridiron, t mm yet, but one thing is certain: but re ~' n dl ess of the· oppositicu t he the team tJ]at take.s the fi eld Friday FATHER OF HARRY MinH s will be in there to win. is gO';'nog to b ~ a ftghting eleve':! . BIRCHARD KILLED. 1'1Ie game will start promptly at ::1 Mr. H. R. Birchard, father of p. m., and admi.ssion will ~e $1.00, 0r HAROLD DROUOT MARRIES Harry Birchard, '26, M. S. M., was pr::sentabcn \of an atheltic card by MISS DALLIS THOMPSON. killed a short time proir to Harry's the owner. Harold R. Drouot, '24, and Miss - intended return to school this fall, D'allis Thompson of Rolla, were mar­ when he crashed into an interurban NOTICE. ried Saturday, September 27, in train while returning to his home in Petit.ions for substitutions will not Rolla. Mr. and Mrs. Drouot will re­ East St. Louis, Ill. be considered by the committee un­ side in Tu~ sa, Okla., where Harold Mr. Birchard was secretary of the less they beal!" the approval of, o~· is employed as civil engineer with, Y. M. C. A. there, where he continu­ some recommenqation from, th~ head the county. The Miner joins with of the work in which he was promi­ of every department concerned. their many Rolla friends in all good -- nent in uhe Hast. H. H. ARMSBY, Student Advisor, wishes. PAGE TWO. THE MISSOURI MINER. i SOPHS VICTORS IN CLASS FIGHT' ~a ll y and the 'movements of the ba:ll When the Freshies J3nd Sophs lined are e~si l y followed on a miniature up for the annual class fracas on gridiron. The line-ups of both teams LONG MOTOR CO Monday, Sept. 22, the Frosh had a are shown on either side of the sli ght advla\~.t~,ge in numbers. The scoreboard and the player carrying "Freslh men were at a disadvantage, the ball, number of the down, yards Ihowever, since they had spent the' to gaj,n, etc, are shown very realis- previous night on the frosty terra fir­ "tiQally. fORD, LINCOLN, FORDSON ma of the Fair' Grounds, in company It is expected that this scoreboard will be a valuable asset to all the M. with the Senior Coruncil. They were Sales and Service also handicapped by various alnd sun· S. M. students and Miner rooters. It dry of their classmates b eing A. W. has already proven a success in over 0, L.
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