PIiESS IN ITORMATION D E PAR]'M t.iN-I- GOVT RNMENT OF tlANCl-ADESH DI-IAKA Vlost [.lrgent Florn: PlO. PID. Dhalta liur': []anglacloot. All Missions I'rax: 9540553/954002(r VISG: 225l2020-21 E-rnai I : rriddlrakalliqnriri l.cor:r l)ate: Sunclar,. ltt April 202 I Web : wwr.v.pressintbrnr. gor,'. htl News Brief The historic MLrjibnagar Day rvas observed yesterday on a lirnited scale by maintairring health gLridelirres in tlre wal<e o1'the second r.vave of coronavirus pandemic. The ruling Awami League, its associnte bodies. polilical iind social organizations paid tributes to Father of the Nation BangabandhLr Sheilth Mujibur llalrrran on this occasion. Tributes rvere paicl to BangabandhLr by.placing wreaths at his poftrait on Bangabarrcllru Illtaban prenrises at Dhanmondi road number 32 here this morning. On behalf of Prime Minister' Sheil<h llasinu. AL serrior leaders paid tributes 1o BangabanclhLr by placing wreaths at his portlait. LiLrcration Wal Al'lairs Minister A I( M Nlozanrrnel HaclLre said, Ilefazat-e-lslarn will not be sparecl in iinv wal lol carrying out violence on Vlarch 26-27. '['hey have hLrrt the spirit of the t,iberation War by taliing slilir(l against tlrc s1atc. thet'cltrle, lail trials r.l,ould bc errsurecl, he saicl.'['he Ministet r]]ade the rernallts alicr' parinu honritgc to the poltrait ol'llrc Iiallrer ol'the Nation on tlre oocasior.r of hislot'ic Mujibnagar Da1, at Dhartnroncli i2 in Dhal<a yesterday. Road'l ransport and Bridges Minister Obaidul Quader said, facing the second wave of the coronavirLrs pandemic ancl resistirrg commllnai evil forces are uow two nrajor challenges before the government. l'he Nlinister"saicl this while talking to repofiers aften paying tributes to Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheilih l\,lujibul l{ahnran on the oocasion of the historic Mujibnagar Day at DhiiumoniJi 12 irr Dhal<a. Ile said the g()vcnurent has no lack o1'sincelity in facing the coronavirus panclenric as the govelnment is uraliing all-oLrt striiles to coulaiu the spreacl olthe virus.'l'he entire world is in troLrble to face the pandernic ancl it is not ner,r, in Banglaclc'sh. Ire said, adding that Bangladesh stays conrparatively better than many coirntries. So, contairrirr-s the sprearl ol'llte coronavirLrs is very tough and a rnatter of nla.jor challenge. he said. Inlllnrrtion itud Broadcasting Miuister Dr. I-lasan Mahnrucl atter placiug wreath at the portrait of Fathcr' ot titc Natiori said, []N[) clocs not obsetve the historic Mujibnagar Day thorrgh its founcJcr Ziaur Rahnttur cliil a 'lai'a .]riir oi -100 tntlrrthl-r, rrnclcr tlte NIrr.j ibrragar govelnrr)cnt. [l:xplessirrg l-ilnt rlctclntination to tal'c the eountr'\ altcatl rl'itlt a non-conrlrLrnal spirit. Dr. Hasan Malirnrrcl sairl, on tlie day'ol golden.irrbilee ol thc Iirt'tna(iori ol'thc fllst so\/cninreul ol'Ilangladesh, tlris is our plcrlgc that rve rvill tal<c the country lbrrvarcl as r rror)-coiunrirrlrl slalc b_rr delcatiug all evil [broes. l,ttcul (iovcnurent Nlinister Md.'t'azirl Islam said. trntil tlrc clcclion o1'1he postponed Ulrion Parishacl r:otrsi:ilrrertev rs Ireld" 1l'tc crrrrent clrairnran-rr.rembels rvill concluct other irctivities inclirding clistribLrtion ol' lorrelrtntellI relief activiticrs. ln adcJition. the Minister clirected all corrcerned to monitor the ongoing tlcvclopnrcnt activitics ol'the Ministr'1i r,,,., the progress oltlre project Lrsing digitai device. The Minrster rnaclc lhe'call r,rlrile exchanging views r,vith all the Directors and Deputy Dilectols alrcl Local govenu.nents virtLrally l'r'rirn his r-esidcnce in Diral<a yesterday. [)cspile its high clernand in India. Dhalia hopes that Nerry Delhi will sLrppiy the rest of the O.rlbrd- ,\straZcnccu C()ViD-19 i,acciue doses produced by Serunr Institute o1'Inclia to 13angladesh as agreed betr,veen tirc tn'o countrics u,ith otlrcroptions open. Foreign Mirrister Dr. A K Abdul Morren told tiNB in an intervierv. lie said thal Ilarrglaclesh leceived 3.2 rnillion doses of vaccine as tr gift fionr India bLrt the consignment of 5 rnillion closcs lhat rvas scheclulecl to alrive in Marclr fl'om lnciia is yet to coute. I'hc sove'rnnterrt ictl [-r], I'rirne N4inister Sheilih Hasina is impleruenling the goals of the MLtlibnagar ,)()\1cl"nnrcni. ifislicric: rtrid I-ivesti'reli. Ministcr S Nl I{ezirir I l(alirn rvhilc viltiuilll, nr.1,1r".ting a cliscirssion r)r'tirnize(l [r-5' thc l)it'o.jptrt ci islrict acltlirtistration ()n thc occirsiorr o1'llic lrisloric Vl rrjrbnagar Day l-r rtnt his rusi,.icncc iti tire capilal r"estelrla-\,alscr said, [)rirnc Nl inistcr Slreikh llasina is ivtllliirrg trrelessly tcl establish thc basic huntan rights o1'all the people of Bangladeslt irrespective of'religion, caste ancl creccl lrv ll'eeins tlrcnr frorn exploitation and cleprivation. Cot,ernnteltt rvill ntortitor tlie irnplelnenlatiorr of 11gqr price ol [,rquef iecl Petlolcunt (-ras lixcci ltv thc Ban,,laclesh Energy Regulatorv Cotttmission. Ertergy ancl IVIineral l(esoulccs Serrior Secletarrr rnacle t!rc I)0rt,er Magazinc \/esterda),. Prcsiclent Mcl. Abrltrl illrnriri rutcl Prituc Ministcl slreil<h Hasina" irr seltaratc conclolencc rlrcssases cxplessecl deelr shocl< ancl sot'row at tlre death of ernirtetit Bangla fllrrr actress. clirector aurl litrntcr'lVlcruber ol' Parliatncnt Sarah [3egLrrr Kaboli.'l'he two-tirne Natiorral Filrn Arvard-rvinning personalitl,breathecl hcr last o1' losing battle against the COVID-19 outbreal< at the age of 70 at a city hospital in the early hours of []'r'idar,. Sarah BegLur Kabori was laicl to lter eternal rest at the Banani graveyard in tlre city tbllorving her nanraz-c- .janaza there after Zohr prayers. TribLrtes and coltclolettces continue to pour in for Sarah Begurn l(abori. Irnrnediatell, alter hel clernise. people 1rom all rvalks o1'lil'e as rvell as difiererrt political palties and leaders expressed their shoclt ancl sent conclolences. Besides, iu separate coudolence nressages, Speaker Dr. Shirin Sharntin ChaLrdhLrry ancl Deputv Speaker Advocate Md. Irazle ltabbi Miah condolecl the death of the veterau actress. Iloacl 'l'ransporl and Brid-tles Minister Obaidul QLrader attd Inforrnation and Broaclcasting Minister Dr. Hasarr Mahmud also expressed deep shock at the cleath of the trvo-tirne National [iilrrr Awarcl-r,r,iultinq llelsonalitt, A nunrher ol' cabinet rnernbers expressed deep shocl< at her death. '['he country yesterdal,recorded 101 COVID-19 cleaths, tal<ing the death toll to 10.28]. With 3.47i fl-esh cases. the tally ol'iul'ections surged to 7,15, 252" At the sante tilne recovery collnt rose to 60.8U,15. DCIIS disclosed tltis inlbrrnatiott itt a press release yesterclay. l'lre number oI vaccine receivers grven the lirst dose ol'vacciue rose to 56,99,042, rvhile a total of Il,5l,l6l;reople received the seconcl close ol'the vaccinc. Asntartya6Zt,O+,SO: peoplegotregisterecl Lrntilyesterdaytotal<eCOVID-I9vaccines, lxlIlSsourcessaici. Professor Dr. TareqLre Shaursur tr{ehnran, a renor,vned political analyst ancl retirerl prof'essor of International Relations Department of .lahangiluagar University, passed away at his resiclence at Uttara irt Dhalia yesterday. , J'?;a2-t Surat hr Sarker Principal lrrforrnation Ol'fi cer Phone- 954609 I.
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