I hereby give notice that an Ordinary meeting of the Catchment Operations Committee will be held on: Date: Wednesday, 11 June 2014 Time: 10.00am Venue: Tararua Room Horizons Regional Council 11-15 Victoria Avenue, Palmerston North CATCHMENT OPERATIONS COMMITTEE AGENDA MEMBERSHIP Chair Cr MC Guy Deputy Chair Cr JJ Barrow Councillors Cr LR Burnell, QSM Cr DB Cotton Cr EB Gordon (ex officio) Cr RJ Keedwell Cr PJ Kelly JP Cr GM McKellar Cr DR Pearce Cr PW Rieger QSO JP Cr BE Rollinson Cr CI Sheldon Michael McCartney Chief Executive Contact Telephone: 0508 800 800 Email: [email protected] Postal Address: Private Bag 11025, Palmerston North 4442 Full Agendas are available on Horizons Regional Council website www.horizons.govt.nz Note: The reports contained within this agenda are for consideration and should not be construed as Council policy unless and until adopted. Items in the agenda may be subject to amendment or withdrawal at the meeting. for further information regarding this agenda, please contact: Julie Kennedy, 06 9522 800 CONTACTS 24 hr Freephone : [email protected] www.horizons.govt.nz 0508 800 800 SERVICE Kairanga Marton Taumarunui Woodville CENTRES Cnr Rongotea & Hammond Street 34 Maata Street Cnr Vogel (SH2) & Tay Kairanga-Bunnythorpe Rds, Sts Palmerston North REGIONAL Palmerston North Wanganui HOUSES 11-15 Victoria Avenue 181 Guyton Street DEPOTS Levin Taihape 11 Bruce Road Torere Road Ohotu POSTAL Horizons Regional Council, Private Bag 11025, Manawatu Mail Centre, Palmerston North 4442 ADDRESS FAX 06 9522 929 Catchment Operations Committee 11 June 2014 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Apologies and Leave of Absence 5 2 Public Speaking Rights 5 3 Supplementary Items 5 4 Members’ Conflict of Interest 5 5 Confirmation of Minutes Catchment Operations Committee meeting, 9 April 2014 7 6 River and Drainage Engineering Report Report No: 14-113 13 Annex A - Schedule of Completed Works - April/May 39 7 Eastern Manawatu Scheme Audit (PRD 05 02) Report No: 14-114 49 Annex A - Eastern Manawatu Scheme Audit 2014 53 8 Lower Whanganui River - South Spit & Scheme Scope Issues (PRD 05 36) Report No: 14-115 77 9 Manawatu River - Foxton Loop Issues Update (PRD 04 03) Report No: 14-116 81 Annex A - Report No. 10-72 86 Annex B - Report No. 12-26 93 Annex C - Aerial Photomap 109 10 Waiterere Coastal Models Update (PRD 08 07) Report No: 14-117 111 Annex A - Waikawa South Supplementary Report - May 2014 115 11 Issues Arising from Annual Ratepayer Meetings April / May 2014 (PRD 05 00) Report No: 14-118 121 Annex A - Issues Arising April / May 2014 123 12 Sustainable Land Use Initiative (SLUI) Report No: 14-119 133 Annex A - SLUI Target Farms 141 Annex B - SLUI Overview and Plan Progress 142 Annex C - SLUI Mapped Priority Land 143 Annex D - SLUI Implementation Progress 144 Page 3 Catchment Operations Committee 11 June 2014 13 Regional Land and Coast Report No: 14-120 145 14 Whanganui Catchment Strategy Report No: 14-121 149 15 Sediment Modelling Report for 2012-13 Report No: 14-122 153 16 Prioritisation and Implementation of the Sustainable Land Use Initiative (SLUI) Report No: 14-123 157 17 Members’ Questions 18 Public Excluded Section 18.1 Procedural motion to exclude the public 161 PX1 Confirmation of Public Excluded Meeting held on 9 April 2014 PX2 Committee to consider whether any item in the Public Excluded minutes can be moved into the public domain, and define the extent of the release. PX3 Members’ Questions Page 4 Catchment Operations Committee 11 June 2014 AGENDA 1 Apologies and Leave of Absence At the close of the Agenda no apologies had been received. 2 Public Speaking Rights Notification to speak is required by 4pm on the working day prior to the meeting. Further information is available on www.horizons.govt.nz\Council\ or by phoning 0508 800 800. Petitions/Deputations Deputations: Written notice (fewer than 150 words) concerning the nature of the deputation must be lodged with the Chief Executive at least 2 working days before the date of the meeting and subsequently approved by the Chairperson. Petitions: Written notice to the Chief Executive is required at least 2 working days before the date of the meeting. Further information is available on www.horizons.govt.nz\Council\ or by phoning 0508 800 800. 3 Supplementary Items To consider, and if thought fit, to pass a resolution to permit the Committee/Council to consider any further items relating to items following below which do not appear on the Order Paper of this meeting and/or the meeting to be held with the public excluded. Such resolution is required to be made pursuant to Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended), and the Chairperson must advise: (i) The reason why the item was not on the Order Paper, and (ii) The reason why the discussion of this item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting. 4 Members’ Conflict of Interest Members are reminded of their obligation to declare any conflicts of interest they might have in respect of the items on this Agenda. Page 5 Catchment Operations Committee 11 June 2014 Minutes of the third meeting of the ninth triennium of the Catchment Operations Committee held at 10.00am on Wednesday 9 April 2014, in the Tararua Room, Horizons Regional Council, 11-15 Victoria Avenue, Palmerston North. PRESENT Crs MC Guy (Chair), JJ Barrow, LR Burnell QSM, DB Cotton (from 10.07am), EB Gordon (ex officio) (from 10.10am), RJ Keedwell, PJ Kelly JP, GM McKellar, DR Pearce, PW Rieger QSO JP. IN ATTENDANCE Chief Executive Mr M McCartney Group Manager Operations Mr AD Cook Committee Secretary Mrs JA Kennedy ALSO PRESENT At various times during the meeting: Dr N Peet (Group Manager Strategy & Regulation), Mr G Cooper (Manager-Land), Mr A Kirk (Environmental Programme Coordinator- Land), Ms K Ritani (Communications Manager), Mr W Gordon (IT Team Leader), Mr J Jamieson (Environmental Management Officer – Soil), Mr P Blackwood (Manager Investigations & Design), and a member of the press. The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting. APOLOGIES COP 14-16 Moved Rieger/Pearce That the Committee: receives apologies from Crs Sheldon (Leave of Absence), B Rollinson, and D Cotton (lateness). CARRIED During discussion of Item No. 10, Sustainable Land Use Initiative, the Chairman noted an apology from Mr G Strachan (Ministry of Primary Industries). PUBLIC SPEAKING RIGHTS There were no requests for public speaking rights. SUPPLEMENTARY ITEMS There were no supplementary items to be considered. MEMBERS’ CONFLICTS OF INTEREST There were no conflicts of interest declared. Page 7 Catchment Operations Committee 11 June 2014 CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES COP 14-17 Moved Rieger/McKellar That the Committee: confirms the minutes of the Catchment Operations Committee meeting held on 12 February 2014 as a correct record, and notes that the recommendations were adopted by the Council on 25 February 2014. CARRIED RIVER AND DRAINAGE ENGINEERING REPORT (PRD 01 02) Report No 14-64 This item reported on progress with river and drainage activities for the period of 1 February 2014 to 31 March 2014. Mr Cook (Group Manager Operations) took Members through his report and responded to questions of clarification and provided further information as required. He depicted a range of photographs, maps and videos in support of the activities. Cr Cotton joined the meeting at 10.07am. Mr Cook and the Chief Executive responded to questions of clarification about the unavoidable disturbance to private property when undertaking capital works and the need to negotiate Land Entry Agreements. Mr Cook reported on an increased expectation, in some instances, for compensation for individual property production losses. Cr Gordon joined the meeting at 10.10am. Mr Cook commented on the significant distraction and legal costs to Horizons Regional Council (HRC) arising from proceedings taken against HRC and the New Zealand Transport Agency in respect of the regular flooding of a rural residential property on State Highway 57 near Levin. He said the settlement finally agreed to, subsequent to the proceedings being dismissed, was very similar to that offered twelve months earlier. COP 14-18 Moved Rieger/Burnell That the Committee recommends that Council: a. receives the information contained in Report No. 14-64 and annexure. CARRIED TERMS OF REFERENCE - SCHEME LIAISON COMMITTEES (PRD 05 00) Report No 14-58 This item sought the Committee’s endorsement of amended Terms of Reference (TOR) for Scheme Liaison Committees. In introducing the item, Mr Cook (Group Manager Operations) stressed that the proposed amendments were to better reflect the manner in which the Scheme Liaison Committees participated in the overall operation of schemes. Discussion on this item was paused to allow time for copies of the current version of the TOR to be provided for comparison purposes. Page 8 Catchment Operations Committee 11 June 2014 BURKES PUMPSTATION UPDATE (PRD 04 09 & PRD 07 12 57) Report No 14-59 This item updated the Committee on progress with the Design and Build contract for the Burkes Pumpstation. Mr Cook (Group Manager Operations) updated Members on the revised programme for progress with the new pumpstation. COP 14-19 Moved Keedwell/Barrow That the Committee recommends that Council: a. receives the information contained in Report No. 14-59 and annexure. CARRIED TERMS OF REFERENCE - SCHEME LIAISON COMMITTEES (PRD 05 00) Report No 14-58 – (Continued) Members were provided with the current TOR for comparison to the amended version. Mr Cook responded to questions of clarification about committee membership requirements. COP 14-20 Moved Gordon/Kelly That the Committee recommends that Council: a. receives the information contained in Report No. 14-58 and annexure; b.
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