THE U D D E R Novmbmr 1963 .50 (FOR SALE TO ADULTS ONLY) in th is issum : Lesbian Lyrics NOVEMBER 1963 VOLUME 8 NUMBER 2 purpose of the i f i e L a d d ê ^ Published monthly by the Daughters of Bflltls, Inc., e 5100- pioflt corporation, 1232 Morkot Streot, Suite 108, Son Fran­ ^ B IIIT IS cisco 2, Californio. Telephone: UNderhIII 3 — 8196. NATIONAL OFFICERS, DAUGHTERS OF BILITIS, INC. President— Vice President—Marty Elliott Recording Secretary—Margaret Heinz Corre$^on<;/ing JTecre/ary— Barbara Gittings Ptt6/ic Relations Director^ Meredith Grey ................................... Treasurer—Ev Howe THE LADDER STAFF Editor— Bitrbara Gittings Ficlion and Poetry Editor—Agatha Maihys Art Editor— Ksxhy Rogers ©'Ed^cloo oi * . .«i«c, »i* P"“'“l" '“P"“ " °" f ' Æ , Los Angeles ReporterSten Russell ologlcl, pkyslold^eirtl and sociological aapcc«», to ooabU her Chicd£A —jMfl Sand to understand herself and make her adjustment to society m RroAuciion— Joan Oliver its social, civic and economic implications— this to be accomp­ Circulation Manager—Cleo Glenn lished by establishing and maintaining as complete a library as THE LADDER is regarded as a sounding board for various possible of both fiction and non-fiction literature on the sex poinls of view on Ihe homophile and related subjects and ^ant theme; by sponsoring public discussions on does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the organixatlon. iects to be conducted by leading members of the legal, PSY^hi t tic, religious and other professions; by advocating a mode of be­ havior and dress acceptable to society. contents ©Education of the public at large through acceptance first of the individual, leading to an eventual breakdown of erroneous taboos LiviNQ Propaganda - bv Marilyn barrow..........................................* and prejudices; through public discussion meetings aforemen New s Abo ut Re s ea r c h s t u d y .............................................................................^ tinned; through dissemination of educational literature on the Le s b ia n a - BY Ge n e Damon...............................................................................® homosexual theme. Th e Ga y c o f f e e Cl u b - b y J o j i Ha z e l ............................................................11 E L L IS and t h e Ch est n u t s - by J . Se e l e y ..................................................>3 ©Participation in research projects by duly authorized and respon­ Le s b ia n l y r ic s - b y Barba ra St e p h e n s ................ .....................................I” i 8 sible psychologists, sociologists and other such experts directed Cr o ss-Cu r r e n t s ................................................................................................... towards further knowledge of the homosexual. Le t t e r t o a G i r l viho Sa id I L o v e y o u - b y J a n F r a s e r ........................19 O Investigation of the penal code as it pertains to the homosexual, ORAhlATIC ARTS - BY ROBIN RICHARDS........................................................... 22 proposal of changes to provide an equitable handling of cases Re a d e r s r e s p o n d ........................................................................ ............................. involving this minority group, and promotion of these changes through due process of law in *e state legislatures. COVER BY CRICKET COPYRIGHT 1963 BY DAUGHTERS OF B IL IT IS , iNC., SaN FRANCISCO, CAL. the other hand, living a lie does little good. There has Living to be some middle ground between these t "0 extremes, es­ pecially for those of us who want to be respectable c iti­ zens in our communities. What does it benefit my people if I am moral and upright, if my appearance in this guise Propaganda Is assumed to be heterosexually oriented? This is living a l i e . by M arilyn Barrow In my city 1 know many homosexuals who are respectable members of the community. None of them, however, would allude to being homosexual except with other homosexuals. Every person has some prejudices directed against some In that sense, they are respectable liars. I am not, of other person or persons. Prejudices can be numerous In course, advocating a wholesale announcement - it does not an individual or very few - but they exist In all of us. have to be this way. Some are against ethnic groups, eoonomie classes, phys­ ical or mental defects, etc. Some have ludicrous causes, Everyone knows that Monty Is a homosexual in the organiza­ very unreasoning, i.e ., "The first blue-spotted person I tion where he works, A new employee is told this within met offended me; therefore, I hate all blue-spotted a month of arriving. However, Instead of sneers or innu­ people." Silly? Yes, but not vary uncommon, endo, the information is always told with additions. "Monty is a wonderful guy, he's worked here 27 years and T/hat do prejudioes boll down to? Simply a dislike, mis­ everyone loves him," This is really true. He is feminine trust or fear of anything alien to individual experience. enough in appearance so that hiding his homosexuality We are conditioned Into prejudice by our parents, or are would be d ifficu lt. By admitting it and taking some kid­ affected by public opinion; and sometimes, with homosexu­ ding and being a "good guy" and a "wonderful worker" he ality in particular, the prejudice is a reflection of fear is unquestionably the most popular employee. He is living of personal Involvement, ^ihen prejudice Is toward a propaganda of a very constructive kind. group, it Is directed at the stereotype image of the group. Thus every male homosexual is a limp—wristed fag­ In the same organization there is Jack, a very c asculine got and every female homosexual a stomping bull-dike. fellow, who is quite easily spotted as gay. He takes the opposite tack, is witty and knife-tongued - and loathed. The homosexual organizations are working to combat preju­ Jack is b rillian t, handsome, a good viorker, but he is a dice and concommitant legal injustices. Even allowing for damaging kind of livin g propaganda. a miraculous legal success in the next few decades, this would hardly lessen the individual prejudice. Indeed, it In my office there are fifteen women and three male super­ would undoubtedly inorease it somewhat. Just as the recent visors, The work is a form of public relations, and the legal strides for Negroes have created much h o stility. Job requires initiative and literacy. Almost everyone in the office has had some college. An educated group of If the firs t blue-spotted person I met hadn't been so un­ fa irly young women are likely to be pre-disposed to liber­ pleasant I doubt if I would dislike them so much, even al attitudes toward sexual variation. They are "sharp" though my mother warned me against blue-spotted people, and hard to fool, and in school everyone made fun of blue-spotted people. I am the only Lesbian in the room, and there are apparent­ And so with every one of us, we are livin g propaganda. ly no others with tendencies in this direction. Everyone Everyone we meet who knows we are gay, and likes and res­ in the room (1 am sure) knows that 1 am homosexual. Each pects us. Is a potential weapon for our struggle. reacts differently depending on his individual personality. The flamboyant Lesbian, free-wheeling exponent of the artificial gay life , is hardly a good public image. On News About TO son>e I ao> a Joke, likeable perhaps, but a t h e l e s s . To m ost, I a“ ^ ® J Research Study Most of them oome to me with questions about the work. some of them fear me (I have a bad temper), like me, and for all exoept one or two I am ^ e ir reasonably intimate oontaot with a homosexual. AS OF THE TIME THE LADDER ViENT TO PRESS, 180 PERSONS HAD RECEIVED QUESTIONNAIRES FROM DOB IN CONNECTION WITH THE RESEARCH STUDY There are humorous and even embarrassing moments. But I BEING CONDUCTED BY DR, RALPH GUNDUCH AND THE POSTGRADUATE CENTER know that for the most part these people have a more FOR Men t a l Hea lt h of New York. Of t h is n um ber, 83 had a lrea d y liberal attitude because of this working situation. RETURNED THEIR COMPLETED QUESTIONNAIRES TO NEW YORK. Since I live a reasonably aooeptable life , ergo, per aps others like me do also. The head of the offioe automat­ ViE AS WELL AS Or , GLNDLACH ARE GRATIFIED AT THE RESPONSE TO OUR ica lly invited my roommate to the Christmas party, just as the married women brought husbands and the unmarried REQUEST, AND WISH TO THANK ALL THOSE WHO HAVE PARTICIPATED SO FAR. their boyfriends. I have privately been asked many ques­ May we ASK THOSE WHO HAVEN'T YET RETURNED THEIR QUESTIONNAIRES TO tions, ranging from the very serious to the very humorous. PLEASE GET THEM IN AS SOON AS PO SSIBLE! AND THOSE OF YOU WHO HAVE The offioe wag torments me continuously with innuendo, to NOT YET APPLIED, WE HOPE YOU WILL HELP RAISE THE NUMBER OF PARTIC­ get a laugh, in which I more than happily join, since she IPANTS THIS MONTH, BY SENDING IN ONE OF THE COUPONS YOU RECEIVED is my favorite in the offioe. Some months ago, when the WITH THE SEPTEMBER OR OCTOBER LADDER. ( IF YOU DCN'T WISH TO HAVE movie "West Side Story" was showing here, I arrived at YOUR NAME USED AT ALL, WHY NOT USE A PEN-NAME, ASKING US TO MAIL work one morning to have the wag pop her head into my YOUR QUESTIONNAIRE IN CARE OF SOME FRIEND WHO SUBSCRIBES TO THE cubicle and serenade me with this paraphrase: "I feel LADDER?) RBIEMBER IN ANY CASE THAT NO NAME EVER GOES TO THE RE­ pretty, I feel pretty, I feel pretty and witty and gay.
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