THE SUMMERLAND REVIEW FRIDAY, MARCH 1, 1929 VOL. XX.—No. 9 OLD-TIES HÂVE WONDERFUL INTERESTING AD EQUIPMENT ORDERE " NIGHT WITH PROG QUERY GETS HEAVY TRACTOR AND BIG GRADÌ Plontv nf^a Gift of Roses," and received Apple Price Makes Con• Tractor • to be Two - ton Reuest for Trees from 1 r lenty pi, encore. Speakers Put in gcnerous sumer Sit Up and Machine—Grader Has '•• Not Very Favorably . Real Humor and Good •F. H. Latimer, of Penticton Ask Why Big Blade Considered Mr. F. H. Latimer was introduced Thought by the chairman as one who has \ CONSUMER PAYS At Tuesday's council meeting members seemed to think- tfc put his foot on places in.Summer- there was a .'bigger list of items for MR. LATIMER TELLS HOW land that even J. M. Robinson has was a ticklish thing to do to DOUBLE PRICE discussion than there was time to trees from this spot,: as: it se SUMMERLAND GOT K.V.R. not been over. 'Mr. Latimer said _ complete and the meeting was ad- that he came to the'.Okanagan in to arouse considerable .oppo, 1891, to survey part of Vernon. He Quaiity of Summerland, journed at 7 p.m. until Wednesday when anything of that nature All Last'Year's Officers to got part way down from Sicamous, n ( ne done. Mr. Powell said the * .'Fruit Get. s Complimen, j t ;! wit^th? the^, irrigatio, n work •foTr ?^this ' Serve Another on the boat the Red Star. He was r should receive special considei not sure how long it took him. At m tngiand . ; year were taken up, including the in any case. A committee wa Year that time there was. but one road — ~ ! purchase of road equipment, discus- pointed to look into the .mat •A subscription for two cbpi down the lake, and that went to Fruit growers are not the only : S., ^Son^nvSViS lolS - Auld Lang Syne started the eve• Okanagan Mission, running along a municipal paper were autho persons asking embarrassing ques- i. Settlement land and the Summer- j to be sent to the municipal ning's program at the Old Timers' the west side of the lake. In his 1 tions about the "sellings price of ap- \ land Development Company's lands and exchanged among the J references to the development ; of night in Ellison Hall, on Friday, th the towns in the valley he said pies, and it is apparent that the | ^t Require water. , hers of the council., It was de with T. G. Beavis to lead the sing• that where West Summerland now n pital boa d advisable to keep , posted on: consumers are taking, an interest' ^^J?^/^ , ^, £ other municipalities in the • pre ing, and then the presi lent, R. H.is , was then an Indian reserve. The ask in what thp nrnriurpr it trpttinp fnr ed that the COUnCll pass the were doing and, when . nece English; who was in the chair for Garnètt Valley was developed after Jabor - 1 usual $1,000 grant for 1929* It was that. He recounted how Mr. Jas Summerland could co-operate the evening, made a/very few, but r ^vr'n- Wilson Tpppiwdi ipt-' explained that the.other alterna- them. - • J-.v appropriate remarks, saying, in Ritchie found out that the K.V.R. was intending to pass Summerland. along ^^aSta?xitoi ^K^S-nS A request was presented'' part: "It affords me.much pleasure Mr. Ritchie then persuaded • Mr, it. Both letters appear below £atL^* ^^i?0^8^ ^ Kelowna for a grant to the 1 to see so. many Old Timers here. Latimer to go out and see if he G atory there, as' was done: last 'rand are of interest to those in the ^A^ T L +^ I hold in my hands a lengthy pro• could locate a possible line for thè The. council seemed favorable * .„J railway to follow, which he did, T £1 . • . years, it- .amounted to the same decided to ask the. opinion o gram—the longest yet—and so I tota1 and the and Mr. Ritchie took' this plan to r SJ -ThP."Review- • i ' grant saved consid- medical health '• officer.:' - ..Sun have not prepared a speech but erable the company and, as a result, Sum TbP* w^osed letter mav be of bookkeeping and bother. The land had last year made mor just intend to intersperse a few mérland has that railway. He con strument has over 200 parts, and y of it than most of the other i Hamilton tained disinfectant soap. The han• ^-fm,,,;^^^mryo n ™»rt0« ! amount was met by monthly in- X remarks as we-go along." when the bow is fitted on to the ^v "l ¥M&"' stalments. The council passed the cipalities and did not contribv sidered that Mr Ritehie should get street, Bradford, .with. his. walking dle of the stick has the opening Here is my reply: H. R. Peake, _nTl1.rjhnt.:nr. stick'and folded up, it completes a contmut much. A He then called on Mr. Alex Ste• full credit for this'endeavor. , ' •. • '. • • . • • .„ Esq., London, Eng. Thanks for ^ ; for sound. Hardwood, parts are walking stick. Mr. Hamilton was ; s for the p k •Plans that had not prev ven to read letters from Old .Tim• Mr. Granville Morgan was. next stick violin, which he has made your letter and . kind appreciation '^ , ^ • , ers, now/absent. In his list of cor• called, and gave a, comic song that from the wood of a box which con made from wool skewers. The in- 18 months making it. A t f SQme the been filed for the.;Garnett;:v! of Summerland apples packed by k £fc m k settlement. All dam were presentedby (Ehj respondents there appeared Jack appealed to the crowd, who insist J me, and I am glad to reply to .'_ ° • • • • • • • _ Woods, of Vernon; G. A. McWil- ed on an encore by most hearty Latimer and were bordered:fib your query. These were Fancy S.S.B. Land Rates; Again liams and Cliff, Price Ellison, Alex and deserved,-applause. 1 Moreland, H. G. Estabrook and Rev. Yellow Newtowns, shipped' from • Soldier . Settlement land-.: Dr. Andrew's Remarks Vancouver early in December, and' were again up, arising out.of; Hood. He read Jack Logie's letter Dr. Andrew spoke next and re• PEACHLAND UNION FIGURES and one sent by Geo. Ross from were sold at- auction in London at ply to the council's request t ferred, among other interesting P 1 eleven shillings and 'sixpence, for W.C; Kelley, K.C;; •forihisi;©! Field, B.C. ' •;'•' things, to the difficulty one met ;, Mr. T. G. Beavis followed with a which you paid a retailer twenty- \ S0CIÂTI0N as to the collection", of :rates.'': with in going to Penticton in the five shillings,' £. very handsome j fore action is taken?the-mat solo appropriate in theme, on the early days. - There were reasons, TS JUMP subject of a happy reunion in a profit between the dealer and re-1 again referred to him. It im• even then, for going to Penticton, : probable that the j municipality Cornish town. , '•'•;-, he said. One could take the trip taller.-: • V.'X:-:V • '-MA' '.•:.• 'M', '-<IM\ Mr. Kelley Was Speaker These apples 'cost to deliver at | not agree to giving Mr. Grai on the. Rattlesnake, the little : 'boat deed till back rates are paid The president then. called upon that < plied back and forth along RIHERÌCER auction. as follows: All freight, port, DOWN BY Li and auction charges, six shillings, the council is not going to', Mr. W. C. Kelley, K.C., to speak. this end of the lake, or hire a team To give a proper setting for his j antotald , sixpencenine shillings; boxes;, packinleft;,fogr andthe ': H„.:. C. Mellór Outlines Plans a precedent against it to be ,< ^'remarks" MV kelley 'started j from Mr. • R. H. English and ..drive i ^ The additional package charges grower, two shillings and sixpence, lished. " • \ :'« ^^^^^'2^^^^*^ miles over the benches.I.C oots Fear His Threatening wiring, two shillings and sixpence; for Conducting Work of seventeen miles over the benches. to be levied by the Peachland from eleven shillings and sixpence Another 'claim ' against rived in Heaven, and found so He referred to the fact that he Posture and Leave Hat• St. Andrew's Church union make the future, operation received. Sincerely ' yours, M. G. Ellison Hail Settlement lands .is the ca many there he didn't expect to see, had brought in the first Ford, and chery Fish of the union somewhat uncertain, Wilson. back, rates, and it was decidec and so many absent lie was sure he said it was a real Ford, too. When Has Unusual Service it was intimated today. While •Mr. Peake's letter reads: WILL HOLD COMBINED the water should be refusec would see there, which about de• the bad roads came, he had no the unión itself - has a good state• M. G. ^Vilsoh Esq.,. suflW IN OrTORFR year unless the rates dùécwer» chains, and he got Billy Shields MANY FISH TAVIfS Summerland, B.C. 3J1UW UH u( iUB scribed the evening's gathering, as ment insofar as its internal op• • - ""lA date was set, and .the c he saw, it. He affirmed that there to make a substitute, which he very „ITir" T ^S^KS The annual service of the.CS.E.T. erations are concerned, there are .Dear Sir: .:''.,.'?•.••••'.;'. • .v- . ... intends to hold to this. Peri: was ah attractiveness about the humorously described as turning the PUT IN .OKANAGAN movement in the United, church at very slight results for the grower.
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