NEWS 02 | 2010 Quarterly Issue Content Already adapted? Regional Activities 1 – 4 Already adapted? – From 31 May to 1 June published at the end of 2008, the German Already adapted? 1 2010, a conference on opportunities and government will produce an Adaptation Ac- German coastal associations risks of climate change in Germany was held tion Plan by April 2011 that will serve to so- 1 tackle climate change in Dessau in an attempt to answer this ques- lidify and prioritize further adaptation meas- tion. The German Federal Environment Agen- ures in Germany. The IMK in RADOST 2 cy invited representatives from associations, Action Day in Rostock businesses, public authorities and academia The topic of education developed into a 3 to discuss further steps towards developing main theme of the discussion. Many stake- Climate Alliance Kiel Bay 3 a national framework for adaptation. Basing holders made clear that the level… is launched its work on the German Adaptation Strategy …to be continued on page 2 First annual RADOST conference 3 An Introduction to the RADOST 4 advisory board Climate change on the German 4 Baltic Sea coast International Activities 5–6 Dinner Dialogue on America’s 5 Climate Choices Global Oceans Conference 2010 6 Publications 6–7 Events 8 German coastal associations ments in long-lasting beach projects, the tackle climate change management of beaches and surround- ing areas as well as additional costs due Interview with Andreas Kuhn, mayor of to storm damages. In order to preventa- Zingst and head of the Mecklenburg- tively adapt to climate change, we need Western Pomeranian association of information on the possible effects and coastal communities outcomes for our region. For example, the issues of how and when higher tem- One of the greatest challenges today is to peratures may lead to a collapse of the make the global phenomenon of climate marine ecological system and whether change both understandable and possible we must prepare for increased algae lev- to act upon at the regional, local and per- els interest are of vital interest for us. An- sonal level. RADOST project leader Dr. Grit Which climate change issues are particu- other related question is how currents in Martinez discussed adaptation activities larly of interest to the beach communities the Baltic Sea will change in the future. on the German Baltic coast with Andreas in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania? Where is sand carried away and where is Kuhn, mayor of Zingst and head of the it washed up? And last but not least, will Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania associa- There are several issues: building on the we have to… tion of coastal communities. coastal cliffs and promenades, invest- …to be continued on page 2 Regional Activities …continuation of „Already adapted?“ The IMK in RADOST What services does the IMK provide? of awareness of the issue of climate The IMK offers regularly updated infor- change adaptation must be further in- What is the IMK? mation on hydrodynamic parameters creased on the municipal level and among The Internal Monitoring Network – Coast that is used by the flood emergency ser- the general public. In the working group (Internes Messnetz Küste – IMK) is an en- vices control center in case of flooding. It on implementation, it was made clear that vironmental information system of the also collects data for documentation and a willingness of municipal decision makers Staatliches Amt für Umwelt und Natur makes it available for external users. In to participate in the implementation of ad- Rostock (State Agency of Environment addition, it provides long-term data on aptation measures is absolutely necessary. and Nature) that has recorded important water levels, wind conditions and the Dialogue events in communities, like those environmental data for 12 years. state of the sea to support the assess- conducted through RADOST, were point- ment of coastal processes as ed out as being particularly helpful for the well as the determination of successful implementation of adaptation building dimensions. measures. These dialogues should provide basic information by highlighting key mes- What role does the IMK sages. In addition, good practice examples play in RADOST? are particularly helpful in promoting an As part of the RADOST project, understanding of adaptation measures changes in the shape of sandy and in showing options for concrete im- coasts will be documented in plementation. In a joint presentation with a locally limited coastal area. other KLIMZUG projects at the “Regional This documentation will ex- market place”, RADOST representatives tend beyond the duration Peter Krost of CRM Coastal Research & of the project. This will be Management and Grit Martinez of Ecolog- What is new? done by the installation of measurement ic Institute were available for discussion. In 2009, the IMK was completely revised equipment through which measuring In particular, they provided information so that every citizen is now able to access devices will be placed at different water on the RADOST implementation project its information online at www.imk-mv.de depths. The data gained can then also “Mariculture”. Mariculture may benefit or by telephone. be retrieved from the IMK. from a broader spectrum of species and increased productivity of cultivated spe- cies due to climate change. Plants from We hope for suggestions and innovative ap- NOTE: extractive mariculture could be used to a proaches to protecting our treasured Baltic The German Spa Association (Deutscher much greater extent than they are today coast. We know that we must treat nature Heilbäderverband e.V.) together with the and marketed to great profit. CRM is using with care and we do this in our own interest. German Weather Service (DWD) have al- marine biotechnology for products such as However, we are asking the relevant state ready reacted to climate change. The DWD cosmetics from algae. authorities to make decisions that encour- will publish a new bioclimate map which age maintaining and developing attractive takes climate change into account. …continuation of „German coastal associa- tourist beaches, as long as they are proven tions tackle climate change“ not to damage the local environment. deal with more intense cliff break-offs, The spa and resort communities depend on and if so, what can we do to counteract tourism, as in Zingst, for example, where this? We also are extremely interested in 90% of the employment is either directly economically efficient strategies for algae or indirectly involved in tourism. So “na- disposal. ture conservation at any cost” should be avoided. Tourism and nature are dependent The project RADOST supports local upon each other and must have a balanced stakeholders in pilot regions on the relationship. German Baltic coast in dealing with cli- mate change. You chose to have a part- Thank you very much for this interview, nership with RADOST. Why? Mr. Kuhn. 2 Action Day for school Climate Alliance Kiel Bay children “Everyone can is launched and named as protect the climate” winner at the competition “Come enjoy the sea” On 26 May 2010, RADOST gave a presenta- tion in Rostock as part of the wide variety Since 23 March 2010, the Baltic Tourism central train stations of Kiel and Eckern- of activities offered at the day of action for Network for Climate Change Adaption is förde and the beaches of the participating school children “Everyone can protect the now officially called the “Climate Alliance regions. In so doing, traffic will be reduced climate”– (“Schüler StAUNen”). Kiel Bay” (KBKB). The new name more and regional tourism will be encouraged. accurately describes the region, which in- cludes the coastal areas between Eckern- A particular challenge for the Climate Alli- förde and Hohwacht. In the future, the ance is the issue of beach management in local authorities hope to combine efforts the face of climate change. Various issues to tackle climate change with adaptation concerning tourism, nature conservation measures and make a name for themselves and coastal protection are to be addressed Rostock school children at the action day. as a climate-friendly tourist region. The in the overall concept “ZuM Strand”, in Along with the opening of the exhibit “Eve- Climate Alliance Kiel Bay is an implemen- which a symposium will take place. ryone can protect the climate”, the presen- tation project within RADOST. The project tation of the contributions to the “Schüler was initiated by Prof. Dr. Horst Sterr of the StAUNen” competition was at the center Geographic Institute at the University of of the event. The programme was comple- Kiel and by Wilfried Zurstraßen, mayor of mented by information stands and contri- the municipality of Schönberg. butions from numerous stakeholders active in the field of climate protection. Already there is success to report on: In the competition “Lust op dat Meer” (Come en- The Minister of Agriculture, Environment joy the sea), the projects “Bäderbus” (resort The damages to tourist infrastructure caused by coastal and Consumer Protection of Mecklenburg- bus) and “ZuMStrand” (ZukunftsManage- erosion, as seen here in Laboe, pose great challenges to Western Pomerania, Dr. Till Backhaus; the ment Strand - Future Beach Management) these communities. head of the State Agency of Environment submitted by KBKB were among the five In addition, the Climate Alliance Kiel and Nature (StAUN) of Rostock, Hans- projects selected. Bay now has its own homepage (www. Joachim Meier (member of the RADOST klimabuendnis-kieler-bucht.de). From July advisory board); and the competition part- In order to make tourist mobility more cli- on, partners, press, locals and tourists will ners, in the presence of the mayor of the mate-friendly, a bus (with bike racks) will be able to get an overview of the current city Rostock, Roland Methling, awarded the be set up in the summer season to provide climate-friendly offers and adaptation strat- best submissions.
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