EASTMAN, Ga.—(ANP)—Otho Wiggins, a local white hood my humble apologies for being such a poor shot with a causing them to flee for their lives, í occurrence. farmer, apologized publicly here last week to a mob of hood­ rifle. i : -aj THANKS MEMBERS "What bravery must be stored in a mob of white men ed and robed men upon whom he had fired for attacking a “Hope to see you soon. In his letter, he thanked the "dear members of the who will go to a person’s home regardless af race or creed, Negro employe. Wiggins' didn’t apologize for firing upon “Your neighbor, Otho Wiggins.” , * hooded order” for the visit “you paid my farm on Jhe night drag him from his bed and beat him!". them,, hut for “missing.” Wiggins' clash with the hooded mob came early this of March 2.” ' . - , In a letter published in the “Letters to the Editor” col­ month when a tenant farmer, Jessie Lee Goodman, was at­ “Since you have become the ones who have taken the law Two middle-aged white farmers hate been arrested in umn of the white weekly Eastman Times-journal, he said, tacked and flogged becayse of an alleged theft of oil. Wig­ into your own hands, 1 don't suppose your wives and chil­ connection with the case. They are freed on $1,000 bonds “I extend to you loyal members of the hooded brother- gins appeared on the scene and threw some shot at tjie mob, dren will suffer nervoiisneBji or loss of sleep from such an’ on charges of assault and battery and shooting at another. TUESDAY EDITION VOLUME 1«, NUMBER 77 MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, TUESDAY, MARCH 21, 1950 PRICE MV! CENTI ! Mississippi Paves Way $42,000,000 FOR EDUCATION House Moves To Erase NAACP Board \ * .. Inferior" Training Asks Strong •BY.nv JAMESIUILV 'B. LaFOllRCHEI «MIlDCnP JACKSON - (ANP) Racial discrimination in Mi* FEPC Bill sissipjjj at last appears to be on the run, and from all indica- tioha-proponents of a bigoted muasure were made to take GEORGIA BOUND! — Troopers from Georgia | Class Fred I. Leary, Atlanta; Private First Class low when the House committee voted last1 Wednesday, the Does Not Question and members of the 80th Airbone Anti Aircraft Thomas R. Corley, Atlanta; Private First Class sum of $42,000,000 to begin the eradication of "inferior” Battalion of the 82nd Airbone Division, receive Donald W. Giles, Savannah; Private First Class education. - *t a final briefing on Their weapon before leaving iWiltiom 1? Britton, Blackshear; and Private First Solons' Support No doubt remains now, but tlial ----------- -------- the bill which has already cleared Fort Bragg for Camp Stewart, Georgia. Troopers Class Rufus T. Johnson, Atlanta. These men will Of Final Measure the senate, will move family1 toward 2 Memphians Off returning to their home state are: Sergeant First undergo a fifteen day training period beginning consummation sometimelie thisthus week. > • Class Samuel D. Dalton, Atlanta; Private First the 17th of this month. However, there are some Mons NEW YORK—The United States who demand more money for white For 80th Airborne Senate is called upon "to proceed teachers. The prevailing opinion is Mrs. L. H. Twigg forthwith to pass the McOrath that these contenders will be silenc­ Tour Of Georgia bill," in a resolution adopted by ed when the time arrives. the Board of Directors of the Na­ , I Two*wu raciupmaiisMemphians willwm leave rwiFort To Direct AKA Hit tional Association for the Advance- It was pointed out that salaries Bragg, North Carolina, this week ment of Colored People. for while teacher are not provided with the 80th Airborne Anti-Air­ Drama'All My Sons' "Anything short of the McGrath because, as sponsors of the bill ex­ craft Battalion, a unit of the tam- Local Alpha Kappa Alpha women 1 bill <S. 1728) with its enforcement plained In the senate, that would ed 82nd Division, for a fifteen day are busy making plans for presen­ powers will be a disappointment to make the equalization move a far tour of intensive training at Camp Stewart, Georgia tation of “All My Sons,” written by the membership of the NAACP and heavier financial burden. A bill was haw They are'Paratrooper Pfc Willie BY ROBERT E. JOHNSON And LERONE BENNETT Arthur Miller The play will be held a notice to us that the Bennie does killed last week, which would ’ at the W C Handy Theater. April not Intend to pass a forthright, cost the state »46,600,000, Kites, son qf Luther Estes, 518 Lane ATLANTA, Georgia - (SNS) - afld pfc Eddje Smith, son of Mr». 20 and 21, at 815 p. m ’honest FEPC bill," the resolution As finally constructed, after con- Wait)dr B. Houseu.^inittcd slayer of the Rev. John states. ferences of legislature leaders with Alberta Walton. 2146 Clayton. Ladsnn, hiit brother-inilw; and Sandra Ladson, his ten-year Mrs L H Twigg will direct the In the view of the Board, the Gov. Fielding Wright, the 142,000,00 Both men will engage with hia Peeves play again this year There will be McConnell bill Is a “toothless farce program includes $3,000,000 to start battalion in Army Field old niece,hulked'talked to the World Thursday. He admittedudmittod tests that are designed to deter­ two main reactions for the hoal oildesigned to defeat the purpose for equalizing Negro and white teach- ' Memphis and Midsouth people who4 whlcN the nriirln.i PowellPnw.il hill waswm pUnoing-lo commil piiias4iiurdtrj»t.lhe Ladaun. household, whlcfl original bill ers’ pay, »2,000,000 to improve Negro mine tlip. eUlaiancv of, an airborne anti-afrtftft battalion in fleld ope. but said the direct sluyihg of fill niece was a mistake. have visited the AKA productions offered.” The resolution, adopted at schools, and 11.000,000 for Improved rations and to deliver fire, in a in the past. One will be in the form the regular monthly meeting on Negro student transportation. At the same time, Sheriff A. B made an exit into the pillow of the1 of an expression of affectionate March 13. Indicates that the “only ,mlnimum of time on aerial attack* (Bud) Foster, of Fulton county, dis­ bed where her body was found. gratitude for the ability, enthusl- constructive purpose." the McCon­ ingIng forces. Ex-enemies may not recover pro< *■ closed that her received a letter (Glancing downward at a popularr asm. and charm Mrs Twigg has nell bill can serve Is "to keep the With the completion of the Camp from Houser allegedly revealing a magazine in which he said he wasi displayed in making the plays a issue alive before the Senate." perty by naturalization. Stewart field exercise, they will re- murder plot. Interviewed in Grady reading an article. “A Simple Act ofI source of pleasure and education While condemning the McConnell MRS. HATTIE MAE TURNER. j turn to their permenent station at Hospital. Houser admitted writing Justice," the suspect then recalledI The other will be a wish that she bill, the resolution asserts: "We do CAIRO "SUICIDE"—This picture of Mrs. Hattie Mae Turner, of Cairo, Fu» Bragg and prepare for thMr the letter and that the handwriting his childhood days in Charlotte, hiss may enjoy every happiness in this not question the good taith of those 4ta|lf■ MAUI Ga., accused of the murder of,her husband, thrw children and a P«rt. with the 82nd Airborne Di- was his, but said that his plan had native home. work We all know that drama is i congressmen who were for a strong ■■Ilf b NIlVV been foiled. ... j very close to her heart Mrs Twigg neighbor, was taken in jail the day before she allegedly commit-; VI ■ ■ ■■ vision, in "Exercise Swarmsr,” the "They weren’t happy days after (Continued On Back Page) Division spring field maneuver The letter received by Sheriff Fos­ | has given her time and energy to | ted suicide by slashing her throat with a broken soft drink bottle. my father. died," he remembered. which is scheduled to take plaoe compile a service record of unusual ter was dated March 13, 1950, and Reports are that investigators have found fingerprints on the al­ during the latter part of April or He then told of lying placed in an1 value She is able to do this by vir-j was postmarked March 15. 1950. It leged "suicide" weapon which do not correspond! with the deceas­ first part of May orphan home at the age of 12 along1 tue of the fact that she has had Family Service was delivered to the official Thurs- with his brother. George, and left1 years of experience in the field of ed womb's. Cairo neighbors have expressed belief that the. | day morning, March 15. It was ad- there until 1945. when he ran away woman did not commit the murders for which she was indicted. dressed and headed: l ; drama I Annual Meeting CIGARET8 « from the Oxford. N. C. orphanage. "A Confession To Mrs Twigg has more than ordi­ The case remains a mystery.-fSadler Photo). - Manufacturers turned out a ree- Houser then recalled his attempt | ! ord total of 382.000.000,000 cigarets .City Court House nary knowledge of the importance LeMoyne,Mar. 27th to reunite with his family of "five of drama and its possibilities in , in 1949. which took about 80 per- Atlanta, Ga." sisi#»ptid one,-to«Urtr Mle Jalked I Assuring reporters that he had Memphis Her charming persona­ s The Annual meeting of Family cent of the American tobacco crop. of some grievance he had over the lity and her great love for this field Service of Memphis which carries Extensive Program Mapped By --------------------------- ~---— g.
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