¦ ' " ' ' * V - . - - . ' JSOM oft lOEIKm C0ME8- ^^^ _ _ - s- . iJ?" SRJi 1 118 iahibitants of Kir k- P03FMNT . WMM *i*j«B«eOTent^ *^ of thePenn yPostage gas^^ JDeenttuwwra niQ - W©daesday%vening, Jan, 22, a rexy curiou s position. Be- Half-past Six. 4ebvered *e lattjrs in that district fuBed to charge A Tery few hours had elapsed, after the dispatch *» jhei distancero f-tw* or thre eMles from Huddera- of my last onnmuiiication, in the past week, when «eW 4d., whichi after the reAJ etion in the postage a droomstwiee occurred ia the district «f Bethnal J& ^'.fe^SgW-Mj before tbe inha ^tante Green, which has ever since kept the of the conntrj yfi£#*will have to pay for those metropolis in who^re morefortuM*e to live in a -railed £ate of agitatioa, according to tie degret the town; inquiry WM made at the Post Office , and the answer of ioibrmafie& possessed by tbe parties who read or mm was, bear of the that Greenwood did not belong to iffair. The daily papers will hare made; AND LEEDS GINi|AL IDViiTISEIL the General Post Office : but at thn •>«»<> t;».« ^w you friij gUttamtedwkh the transactions that hare theletters to deliver for that district. Inquiry is tak«a ptoK a public ; bat, as there are always "two aboutjtp be mail*whether it is consistent that they ri*e»to» 1 Id. more the qnerti^," it will be a« well to remind yon;l YOL. III. Re 115. SATURDAY , JAfpRF 25, 1840. should be charg^ after reduction, than thatta the very first communication to the Northern "" ^ SgfJ ^ T ' " was paid befori. Something is wrong either with St», I mentioned that a great number of the police the Post Office or with Greenwood, as the General force regain clothes Acctiojj Extraordinary.—Russell and Peel ings of the Court attracted little attentioagT Severalpt ad imppieeting, and I heardhim call out to be firm and MAWCHESTER. P«St OiBce regulationsare to the following effect:— , , were to be seen round the have the leasure of informing the public, of the prisoners for the minor offences of ^tas r yt locahty cfeesen by the p that th>y mmt aad not to be afraid. I beard JosephWilliams TTR/N -nTTT f iV 1?IWP Ct>TVXrt?t»io If paid, when posted, for all letters whether sent Convention, as their place of have received instructions from a gbeat house and riot have traversed till the next J^pUes; muMHOut for the head of the . TURN-OUT' OF FINE SPINNERS. meeting ; it will be important to police, as he- wished to by the general or local posts, not to exceed haif an to hear this fact in offer for sale on the l<t of April, 1840, at the Cro"n the sudden manner in which some of ttaftuaaiiE^jJMp'some explanatien fronvhim. The greater part (From the Manchester^ ounce, Id.; and so on in proportion mind, from what fcaa fflowed. On tie verj pubtic-house , Guardian of Wednesday.} ; but if not paid day of , near Constitution Hill, that magni- minated, or were abondoned is not th^e4$pi9 *]jjK$er mon were then in the room. I took charge of when posted, double the rate is charged. Now, we the meating in Betinal Green, Mr. Keesom , the fitent pile of building bitherto used as courts of prising feature in this strangely-managed aflair^-iSBf«itranoeto the platform, and wonld not allow . A .turn-out of the spinners of the finer sorts of see from that chairman ' . , Greenwood has charged first 2d. for , spent at least two hours in finding out jnstice, and known as Westminster Hall, Era. iv to twist,, in fift een or sixteen the busi- iw.ww ijjf&i»r8on come down, until I received ordeis of the : largest spinning the letter, ¦-^ ¦~-'~ . and 3d. for himself.—Correspondent. > tbe readence ©f ihe reporter to the Northern Star , nessformerlv transacted there being removed to the ^ fip&tmy superintendant. Neesom and Williams mills in Manchester, took place on Monday morning and left with him a note to this effect. House of Commons. A very fine old copv of FINAL EXAMINATION AT BOW-^TREEl wrae on the platform, and I 6a«v the rush:whichthe last. It ib by no means easy to obtain specific in- Exhibition op Abt.—The public Exhibition of " Mr. Neesom's com M&gna Chftrta and several low of Acts of Par- OF THE TWELVE CHARTISTS, WHO" Kftfle made towards the door, but 1 believe tlwy formation as to the cause or causes of this strike at Art, Ac., which is fixed to open on Monday, the pliments to Mr. , and , 2nd apprises him that there will be a meeting to-ni liament %nU be sold as waste pap er, being op no WER E TAKEN INTO CUSTODf ON *« stopped from going ont. The prisoners Spnrr a time, of all others, tbe least suited for such a de- of March, is now fast progressing. The tem- ght at fuutheb monstration on the part porary bnilding adjoining to the Philosophical Hall eight o'clock , at the Trades' Ha'I , Abbey street r*B. May be viewed until tha day oi THURSDAY LAST, AT THE TftABB3^ pi Joseph Williams were also on the platform. I of the operatives. We be- , s_ale by tickets, ¦whicn may be procured on applica- HALL. BETHNAL-GREEN. SP«*hed them as they came down, and no resistance lieve, however, that the real origin is to be traced is nearly completed, and large quantities of rare spe- Bethnal Green, at which place Mr. N, would be " cimens gladjo j see tion to Lord John Rucsell, at the office , or Sir **¦made. I did not find any offensive weapons to the dissatisfactionand discontent which have ex- have already arrived. The Committee are him." Robert Peel, at his private On Tuesday, Charles Hodson Neeiom, Richard isted for some using every exertion to make it residence (for the Spurr , Joseph Williams «&*» the persons who were on the platform except a time, and which have been increasing one of the choicest T/hsIwnterwas not at home in time to attend the present), Privy Garden*.—Ttmes of Thursday. , Daniel Byroe, Thomas Spanish knife of late on the part of the masters of the Exhibitions which has taken place. »t its opening, Clarke, Thomas RennarcJ, Thomas Hope, William' , which I found upon David Williams. smaller *W and on proceediBg thither , l«Mraot say positively that either Hope or Williams mills, and more especially of those whose work is Mr. Power.—Jfii. Power, the fe»~ljpflt which hare been made W ilking, David William*, John Cherry, Thomaa Assistant Poor public, met hw Evans w«n oh the platform. ^.'Sergeant Barker was with done by old and inferior machinery. In those Law Commissioner, finished the examinations of obser&SoB. I» it likely that any man who eon- , and George Livings, were placed at tb« bar. in the of mills in which the machinery is new, " charged with having been foHnd at an illegal $&*^d I remained hall for upwards two extensive, evidence-on Friday last, having occupied two whole teapWM being the president of a meeting where " QUEEN AND COUNTRY," AND THE PRO- Wpr*. I saw several women and of the most improved construction, the men are «^ ort4cconut,bf Mrs. meeting, somo of them with arms in their poipto- ' and little boys in the Ainsworth, who had beea " illegal •cta were to, take place, wo»ld lake socb GRESS OF THE REVOLUTION. sion. gutetj. I observed several weapons on the floor enabled to get more wages even at low rates, than on elected by the Board of Guardians as Matron over pana-jtoprwgjce the afterthe room was cleared. the defective machinery they could earn at high ©ot Workhouse. ? attendttee'of a reporter ? bnt The Parliamentary Session of 1840 Mr. Hobler appeared on behalf of the Connnia- Such a mass of evidence of the awiaas ibis j there were on that occasion not lesi has opened,— -ISrwfl-examined by prices. This inequality of condition, both in the cruelty which she practised when she was there a session which, in all probability, is oaetined to. «ioner* of Police to arrange the evidence and con- Mr. Prendergast—I should masters and men oelore than tairty of the police in tfee body of the meeting, duct tbe inquiry. My that about'fift y o» sixty of our men entered the , was sure to be productive of dis- , has ho tfoobt convincedhim that she is not a mark one of the most memorable epochs«» the his- sat'gfaction and murmuring. The masters possess- nt peraon for the situation. in ©rdiaary workug men's clothiBg ; doubtless for tory of this country/* Mr. PrendergaKt, barrister, appeared for Joseph >•?• .: I -was arnrtd with a cutlass giyself, but I We understand she tet'BS pause for a moment to ' ing inferior and defective machinery are constantly says heririendB are advising her to resign. She had the purposeof milking any ebuliition on the part contemplate the picture within doors an4- without Williams, Hope, and Wilkins, and Mr. H. |}.- one c'r*wu > an(^ that was npon Joseph - of warm-hearted or . Robert» solicitor of Chiles-place, S5t« complaining of the low rate of wages which the better take their advice, and save the trouble of a indignant Englishmen, as well " While her Majesf y," says » courtly contemporary, , , Temple Bar, cqih«b others pay ; jasd flhuf turn-out may probably be qaid turthe* axposition. as t» deposit tbe "arms ," which latght give aeolonr " was waiting for the gentlemen of the 'House'of ducted tbe defence for the rott of the priwner^ | ^frfffftotes was closely questioned by Mr.
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