ANNO XII Numero 3/2004 Supplemento a Taurus 5/2004 Spedizione in A.P. 70% Filiale di Perugia Taxe Perçue ANNO XII Numero 3/2004 Supplemento a Taurus 5/2004 Spedizione in A.P. 70% Filiale di Perugia Taxe Perçue Marchigiana cows - Altopiano del Voltigno Pescara ANABIC Associazione Nazionale Allevatori Bovini Italiani da Carne 4TH WORLD CONGRESS President: Francesco Lemarangi 5 OF ITALIAN BEEF CATTLE BREEDS Director: PRELIMINARY PROGRAM Paolo Canestrari TAURUS INTERNATIONAL A HIGH NOTE FOR THE CHIANINA Editorial Manager: 6 Paolo Canestrari AT THE AUTUMN AUCTIONS Editorial Secretary: Bernadetta Sensi 8 PONTE PRESALE 2004 With the contribution of: Roberta Guarcini, Francesco Filippini, Matteo Ridolfi, Lucio Migni, Giannetto Guerrini, Maurizio Kovacevich, CHIANINAS Andrea Valigi, Andrea Gaddini, 11 IN CITTÀ DI CASTELLO Falvio Forabosco. Translations by: Itaca Servizi Linguistici, Bastia Umbra BIBBONA 2004… Matteo Ridolfi 13 THE JUDGE’S DECISION Pictures by: Gaetano Panza, APA Arezzo, CHIANINA Roberta Guarcini, Archivio ANABIC. 16 RETURNS TO TRESSA PrePress: Ciab Digital Color “A FEATHER IN THE CAP”… Printing: Tipolitografia Grifo - Perugia 19 OF THE MARCHIGIANA BREED Editorial office, subscriptions office, advertisement: SENSORY ANALYSIS OF MEAT: ANABIC THE EVALUATION OF TASTERS 06070 - San Martino in Colle 21 Tel. 075 6079201 Fax 075 607598 e-mail: [email protected] MARCHIGIANA Internet: www.anabic.it 26 IN THE STATES Perugia - Italy Bibliography about the Italian works is available at ANABIC 30 - IRISH DELEGATION VISITS ANABIC - JAPANESE COOKS VISIT ANABIC CONTENTS April 29 th • May 1st 2005 4th World Congress NEWS of Italian Beef Cattle Breeds PRELIMINARY PROGRAM Friday April 29th, 2005 Part I (Posters set-up by 9.30 am) 4.00 - 7.00 pm 8.30 am Visit of Gubbio Organizing Secretariat Opening 10.30 - 11.00 am Registration of participants Posters Discussion 9.00 pm Gala Dinner 9.45 am-12.30 pm 11.00 - 11.30 am Authorities' Welcome and Coffee break SOCIAL PROGRAM Opening Ceremony During the Congress Sessions will 11.30 am- 1.30 pm be held special Tours for accompany- 1.00 - 2.00 pm "Genetics and Improvement" ing persons with visits to the main Work Lunch Part II Historical and artistic sights of Umbria and shopping in the most 2.00 - 4.30 pm 1.30 - 2.30 pm important manufactures shops. "The Italian Meats: from Genetics Work Lunch to valorization of the Product" Friday April 28th, 2005 Speech of National Association of 2.30 - 4.30 pm 8.30 am - 4.30 pm Italian Beef Cattle Stockbreeders; "Production and management" Visit of Perugia 5 Ministry of Agricultural Politics; Part I Saturday April 30th, 2005 Consortium for safeguarding of PGI 8.30 am - 4.30 pm "Young White Beef of the Central 4.30 - 5.00 pm Visit of Assisi and Spello Apennines"; 3A-PTA Agricultural Coffee break and Food Technological Park of POST-CONGRESS TOURS Umbria 5.00 - 7.00 pm Visit of ANABIC and Zoo-technical "The Italian Beef Cattle in the "Production and management" Tours of the areas of the Chianina, World" Part II Marchigiana and Romagnola Speech of the National Association Cattles. Visit to the most famous of Cattles 8.30 pm Farms, Artificial Insemination Part I Typical Products Dinner Centers and Slaughter-Houses. Maremmana and Podolica tours will 4.30 - 5.00 pm Sunday May 1st, 2005 be scheduled on request. Coffee break Scientific Session 8.30 - 10.30 am Monday 2nd -Thursday 5th 5.00 - 7.00 pm "Quality and Market" May, 2005 "The Italian Beef Cattle in the Part I World" Umbria and Toscana - Chianina's Speech of the National Association 10.30 - 11.00 am Cattle of Cattles Posters Discussion Marche - Marchigiana's Cattle Part II Emilia Romagna - Romagnola's 11.00 - 11.30 am Cattle 9.30 pm Coffee break Dinner offered by Centro For any infomation please contact: Agroalimentare dell'Umbria 11.30 - 13.30 am - Roberta Guarcini (Authority for promotion of the typ- "Quality and Market" Tel. 075.6070025 ical Umbrian products) Part II Fax. 075.607598 e-mail: [email protected] Saturday April 30th, 2005 13.30 am - 2.00 pm - Francesco Filippini Scientific Session Conclusions Tel. 075.6070013 Fax. 075.607598 8.30 - 10.30 am 2.00 - 3.00 pm e-mail: [email protected] "Genetics and Improvement" Work Lunch ANABIC - www.anabic.it Taurus International • 3/2004 Taurus A HIGH NOTE FOR THE CHIANINA AT THE AUTUMN AUCTIONS Antonio Vagniluca* for artificial insemination and only 4 for natural insemination, confirming a considerable quality On 21, 22 and 23 September the usual autumn level. Also worthy of mention, alongside the auctions were held at the Genetic Centre for the pedigrees full of important families, is the mor- three specialized breeds, with the offering of a phological correctness of the bulls being auc- large selection of breeding animals: 5 tioned. Another pleasant note comes from the Marchigiana, 13 Chianina, and 8 Romagnola. presence of the Rizzato farm, of Rovigo, making As can be seen, it was the Chianina that its debut among the owners of the animals being appeared in greater number, confirming, at the auctioned, confirming the growing distribution end of testing, the indications of the experts in of the breed. The average BSI of the 9 bull calves charge of the incoming selections, with whom suitable for artificial insemination was 126.3, we feel it is proper to agree on this fine result. and the list of their fathers included the likes of Even if with a lower number of animals, the Dazzo, Mandrillo, Giove and Leonardo. The top Marchigiana also presented itself well, propos- price, not only of the autumn but of all times, ing 5 sires, 2 of whom qualified for artificial equal to 9,250 euro, met the rosiest forecasts, insemination and the remaining 3 suitable for and was obtained by Poldo di Maria Bianca, a 6 natural insemination. son of Giove and Franca, maternal brother of Compliments go to the farm of the Mattei Lio, purchased by the Tognoloni farm of brothers of Montegrimano (Pesaro-Urbino), Gubbio, to whom the Association expresses its which saw two of its animals, both sons of most heartfelt compliments. Poldo, with his 88 Impero, prove to be suitable for artificial insem- points at the morphological evaluation, is a bal- ination and command the best prices. The top anced synthesis of production performances, price was obtained by Picasso, a stand-out for with a 119.5 BSI, type and pedigree depth. We his BSI of 141.5 and ADG of 1,408 grams. This hope this animal can soon be signed with an animal, of a considerable length and striking artificial insemination centre. muscle development, was purchased for 4,350 Another Giove son obtained the second price. euro by Giuseppe Larghetti of Frontino (Pesaro- This is Pottino, whose mother is of the Benso Urbino). The second highest price was obtained line, bred in Siena by Gino Pecci and purchased by Pindaro, a paternal brother of the previous for 5,500 euro by the Dante farm of Ferrara. bull, who boasts in his pedigree, on his mother’s This fine animal, evaluated with 88 points, was side, the “degli Azzoni” line of Macerata. This muscular and correct, with wide transverse animal, powerful and correct, touched an ADG diameters. Worthy of note is his test ADG of of 1,900 grams and appeared at the auction with 2,034 grams, with a Growth Index of 121.7. a BSI of 120.6. Pindaro was purchased for 3,750 Two other animals, both from Arezzo, obtained euro by Vincenzo Russano of Crotone, who has the noteworthy knockdown price of 4,550 euro. already purchased sires tested at the Genetic These are Pallone di Pergo, bred by Giovanni Centre in the past. Next comes the knockdown Pucci, and Pascià delle Fonti, from the Vanni price for Plutonio of Ancona, a son of Lotar with Eugenio e F.lli farm. The first opened the auc- mother Mirino, bred by Aldina Cola and pur- tion and proved qualified for artificial insemina- chased by Rosilio Zamponi of Apiro (Macerata). tion with a BSI of 138.6 and an even higher This bull calf, standing out for his muscle devel- Growth Index, equal to 142. Muscular and opment and dimensions, qualified for natural solid, with extremely correct limbs, Pallone has insemination with a BSI of 111.3 and a Muscle behind him a dam of the Bello line of Development Index of 131.8. The average prices Fontarronco, and was purchased by Mauro of the remaining animals, both qualified for nat- Pastorelli of Perugia. ural insemination, were around 2,700 euro. Pascià delle Fonti, son of the well-known With regard to the Chianina, auctioned the sec- Mandrillo, also boasts origins similar to ond day, the lots were subdivided into 9 suitable Pallone’s on his mother’s side, and appeared at Taurus International • 3/2004 Taurus the auction among the animals suitable for artifi- for the 3 groups up for auction, none was rejected at cial insemination with BSI and Growth Index the end of the test. This confirms the choices made equal, respectively, to 134.6 and 132.3, and an by the experts on the incoming candidates and with ADG of 1,902 grams. The animal was purchased them must be shared the merit of the brilliant result by the Mengozzi farm of Pisa. Just 50 euro lower of the auction. was the price obtained by Poseidone, son of Dazzo The protagonist of the concluding auction was the with mother Ferotto, bred in Rovigo by Enzo Romagnola, with 8 animals, 3 of which qualified for Rizzato, a recent but passionate breeder of this artificial insemination and the remaining 5 for nat- breed, with his first outgoing calf.
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