Mars Workshop on Amazonian Climate 2018 (LPI Contrib. No. 2086) 4020.pdf MORPHOLOGY AND IN-SITU MEASUREMENTS OF PATTERNED GROUND IN THE HAUGHTON IMPACT STRUCTURE AND IMPLICATIONS FOR MARS J.P. Knightly1, J.D.A. Clarke2, S. Rupert3, and V.F. Chevrier1, 1Arkansas Center for Space and Planetary Sciences, 346 Arkansas Ave., Fayetteville, AR 72701 ([email protected]), 2Mars Society Australia, 3Mars Society USA. Introduction: Periglacial patterned ground is a morphological expression that has been observed in permafrost environments on Earth and Mars. While a combination of orbital and surface observations sug- gest that patterned ground on Mars today is driven primarily by dry processes (i.e. sublimation or thermal contraction) [1][2], some workers have proposed that wet processes (i.e. freeze-thaw) could have occurred in the past during periods of high-obliquity [3]. There is an extensive track record of analog field work that has examined patterned ground in regions of Antarctica [1][4] and Svalbard [5] to draw comparisons to both contemporary and high-obliquity processes on Mars. We have found that while other workers have looked at Tables 1 and 2 – Summarized description of each study site the patterned ground in HIS [6], it has not been thor- and averages from in-situ measurements. oughly examined with the intent of informing on proc- mud and surface material from the Allen Bay Forma- esses during high-obliquity on Mars. tion consists of dolomitic gravels and cobbles. The periglacial landscape inside the 23 km-wide Patterned Ground: Several types of patterned Haughton Impact Structure (HIS) on Devon Island, ground were observed over the course of M160, how- Nunavut, Canada provides a unique setting among ever due to mission-planning constraints only five sites Earth-Mars analogs for observing patterned ground were selected for detailed study. A summary of each formed by an active wet layer. We discuss observa- site can be found in Table 1. Of note, Sites 2-4 repre- tions collected over the 2017 summer field season dur- sent non-sorted, hummocky patterned ground that were ing the Mars 160 simulation (M160) of the various selected specifically for having surface morphologies types of patterned ground encountered at HIS. Obser- similar to the Phoenix landing site [2]. vations included monitoring the temperature and mois- Temperature and soil moisture dataloggers were ture content of the active layer, assessing the grain-size deployed to the permafrost active layer contact at Site distribution of selected patterned ground morpholo- 1 on July 19 and were retrieved on August 14 prior to gies, and the potential implications of these results in departure from the island. A portion of the results is assessing martian patterned ground on Mars for evi- presented in Figure 1. Most notably, the datalogger dence of past wet active layers. output details the diurnal variations in temperature Geological Setting: The HIS is thought have throughout the period and demonstrate that the soils in formed during an impact event approximately 39 Mya the active layer remained saturated at around 37.5 and has remained well preserved despite several peri- mg3/mg3 water content, which is estimated to be the ods of glaciation [7]. The intracrater environment pro- saturation limit of the soil. vides both morphological and stratigraphic analogs to In-situ measurements were collected at each study features observed on Mars that have proposed liquid site (Table 2) including soil pH, electrical conductivity, water origins. These features include gullies around the and temperature that were measured from the sidewall crater rim, intra-crater channels, crater floor lake sedi- of trenches excavated at each site. The active layer- ments, and an assortment of periglacial features includ- permafrost boundary was found to range between 0.3- ing patterned ground, solifluction lobes, and ther- 0.7 meters below ground surface and active layer tem- mokarst. peratures ranged from 0 C at the permafrost contact up The three primary geological units that encompass to 7 C near the surface. The moisture content of the the study area are the Neogene-aged Haughton Forma- soil at each site is near predicted saturation limits for tion and the Ordovician/Silurian aged Upper and each soil type, reinforcing that patterned grounds fea- Lower members of the Allen Bay Formation [7]. Sur- tured in this study are undergoing modification through face outcrops of the predominantly lacustrine Haugh- wet periglacial processes in the modern-era. ton Formation consist of post-impact silt, sand, and Mars Workshop on Amazonian Climate 2018 (LPI Contrib. No. 2086) 4020.pdf A B C Figure 2 – A) HiRISE image of sorted polygons on Mars creating circular pattern around topographic low. B) HiRISE photo of patterned ground forming at the terminus of a gulley. C) GoogleEarth image of stream networks flow- Figure 1 – Active layer soil moisture and temperature ing into polygonal ground in the HIS. measurements recorded from the center (Probe 1) and mar- tionally possible under a warmer climate on Mars, gin (Probe 2) of a patterned ground feature. such as during periods of high obliquity. Discussion Alteration by liquid water is thought to Conclusion Through in-situ observations and an have shaped some of the features observed in intrac- analysis of samples collected at 5 patterned ground rater environments on Mars, including evidence sug- sites on Devon Island, the current modification of pat- gesting that volatiles can be released and brought terned ground in the HIS through wet-periglacial proc- closer to the surface during impact [8]. Post-impact esses was confirmed. Similarities in the morphological gullies as well as polygonal terrain and other perigla- context of features on Mars could allow the HIS pat- cial landforms that frequently form through aqueous terned ground to serve as an analog for wet-periglacial processes on Earth are found to occur in Martian cra- processes during high obliquity periods on Mars. ters [4][9]. Soare et al [9] have suggested that while References: [1] Levy J.S. et al. (2008) Antarctic dry-periglacial processes can explain many of the pat- Science, 20(06), 565. [2] Mellon M.T. et al. (2009) terned ground landforms on Mars, the context of some JGR, 114. [3] Kreslavsky M.A. et al. (2008) Planetary polygonal landscapes in low-lying regions and the and Space Science, 56, 289-302. [4] Levy J. et al. presence of nearby channels and gullies suggest forma- (2009) Icarus, 201, 113-126. [5] Ulrich M. et al. tion mechanisms via liquid water may occur. (2011), Geomorphology, 134(3-4), 197-216. [6] The patterned ground inside the HIS was found to Hawkswell J.E. et al. (2018), LPS XLIX, 2899. [7] Os- be at or near the saturation thresholds for local soil and inski G.R. et al. (2005) Meteoritics and Planetary Sci- thus wet-periglacial processes are thought to be the ence, 40, 1759-1776. [8] Barlow NG et al (2003), JGR, primary mechanism driving patterned ground evolution 108(E8). [9] Soare R.J. et al. (2014) Icarus, 233, 214- today. In context with the intracrater environment, 228. many of the patterned ground and large-scale polygons Acknowledgments: We would like to thank the occurred in close proximity to fluvial channels, snow Mars Society for monetary support and Robert Zubrin meltwater slope streaks, and gullies. The contextual for his vision and direction to make Mars 160 possible. association of polygons and other patterned grounds We would also like to thank Paul Sokoloff in his role with fluvial features and gullies are also common in as Co-PI for his assistance in helping navigate the lo- the Argyre and Elysium regions of Mars, among others gistical and regulatory process throughout M1602. A (Figure 2). Therefore, we propose that our results from portion of this research was carried out on Inuit-owned studying patterned ground in the HIS can be utilized as land (IOL) and we thank the Qikiqtani Inuit Associa- an analog for wet-periglacial processes that are condi- tion for granting us an IOL access permit during the summer of 2017. .
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