Cahill Says Crime Battle Is Lagging SEE STORY BELOW Sunny but Cold THED/WI FINAL Sunny but quite cold today. ) Red Bank, Freehold 7*" Clear and cold tonight Fair, (^ Long Branch/ and milder tomorrow. EDITION Montnouth County's Home Newspaper for 92 Years VOL. 93, NO. 104 RED BANK, N. J., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1969 • 26 PAGES 10 CENtS KiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiBiiiiiiii Apollo 12 Coming Home By HOWARD BENEDICT follow an orbit that could be several hours themselves and the treasure gathered on the SPACE CENTER, Houston (AP) — Apollo shorter, moon to the command ship. 12's moon voyagers head for home today after "We'll check on that. Stand by, we'll see They awakened after only five hours rest photographing future astronaut landing sites in what we can work out," Mission Control an- because of the importance of the photography. the rugged lunar highlands. swered. "OK, 12, we're thinking on that one." Before Apollo 12's launching last Friday, Gor- "Attaboy," said Conrad. don told newsmen "the strip photography is one Charles "Pete" Conrad Jr., Richard F. Gor- of the most important things we're going on this don Jr. and Alan L. Bean awoke shortly after At 3:49 p.m. they plan oto trigger Clipper's flight for future missions." midnight EST to conduct several hours of lunar big engine to blast themselves.' out of mcon Six cameras are used, four of them placed surface photography from the orbiting com- orbit to start the three-day quarter-million-mile side-by-side on a common mount, each fitted mand ship Yankee Clipper. trip back to their home planet. They splash down with a different type of film and filter. Another , At 2:23 a.m. EST Apollo 12 changed course in the Pacific at 3:57 p.m. Monday, ending man's camera is fitted with a 500 millimeter lens, and slightly to bring the spacecraft in line for better second expedition to the lunar surface. the sixth has an 18 millimeter lens. photographing of the future landing sites. Conrad and Bean were tired after a long Gordon said the four mounted cameras will "You're looking good," Mission Control said day that started with a four-hour, one-mile be triggered every 20 seconds "to give us com- . afterwards. scientific expedition on the Ocean of Storms and plete strip photography across the illuminated Conrad then asked if "that hot engine of ours ended with the deliberate crash of their lunar surface of the moon from one minute after sun- didn't by any chance buy us enough gas to come ferry Intrepid on the moon, In between, they rise to one minute prior to sunset." home a day early, did it?" blasted off the moon, executed a flawless iyr The other cameras are concentrated on three If enough fuel remained Apollo 12 could hour rendezvous to linkup with Gordon in the sites considered highly desirable for future Apollo shorten its trip home by boosting its speed to Yankee Clipper command ship. Then transferred landings because of their scientific interest. CONFERENCE AT JUSTICE — New Jersey's governor- elect, Rep. William T. Ca- KiII. R-N. J., left, confers yesterday with Attorney General John VN. MitchaH in Alleged Payoffs Probed Mitchell's office at the Department of Justice. If was the first of several sessions Cahfll says he will hold to discuss organized crime in New Jersey. (AP Wirephoto) NEWARK (AP) — Alleged Augelli said Fallon did not Essex County grand jury in- he knew Anthony LeMort. An illicit payoffs to Mayor Hugh have to answer was whether vestigation, into the activities Anthony LeMort 'used to be J. Addonizio and Other city- the Constrad Co., a firm that of the mayor and other city the Newark director of pub- officials are being investi- does construction work for officials. The mayor at the lic utilities and is now execu- gated here by a Justice De- Newark, has paid $14,000 in county probe balked at an- tive director of the Newark Caliill Says Some Areas partment strike force investi- three checks to the Genola swering questions about his Municipal Utilities Authority. gating organized crime. Co., a Long Branch contract- summer home and other af- The judge told him he did The investigation was ing firm, for renovations on fairs. not have to answer whether made public yesterday when Mayor Addonizid's $59,000 Augelli. directed Fallon to $16,000 was used to make an accountant who had taken New Shrewsbury summer tell the federal grand jury cash payments to municipal 'Hamper' Crime War the 5th Amendment before a home. • • •'•'.'' whether he was the comptrol- officials. federal grand jury was It was revealed during the ler' for Constrad, an Oldwick Fallon was directed to an- swer whether he was the ac- WASHINGTON (AP) - ministration in Trenton, Ca- The primary purpose of the brought into the federal open court session that Lar- firm, from 1966-68. GoV.-elect William T. CahiU hill, said, "No." He said he meeting, Cahill explained, courtroom of U.S. District ry Leff, a member of the But the judge also told him countant for United Consul- of~New Jersey said yesterday was referring to "certain lo- was to open lines of communi- Judge Thomas A. Augelli. special strike force, was con- he did not have to answer a tants and United Sales and some cities and counties in cal areas," and Would not cation between the governor's Charles Fallon of Middle-, ducting the closed grand jury question by Leff on whether Engineering, two related the Garden State are ham- elaborate further. office u and the Justice De- town, the accountant, was questioning of Fallon. A fed- part of H5,000 was paid by firms. The principal owner of pering the war on organized He described his discus- partment. ' .. '.: brought into open- court by eral official later confirmed Constrad to city officials for the firms, is Ray Buck, ac-' s cording to the federal offi- crime by withholding full co? sions at the Justice Depart- Earlier in the'tiay, the gov- U.S. Atty. Frederick B. La- that the strike force was whom it did work. '-.* : operation with the Justice De- ment as being fruitful and cey, who1 hoped Augelli would playing a major role in the Augelli also told Fallon he cial. The official would not go partment, helpful. ernor- elect met separately instruct .the accountant to investigation. did not have Jio respond to into detail about the two with the state's Republican Cahill made the remark at They "certainly en- answer all questions. But "Give all the credit to whether he told* two Internal firms. : »• O^WS cpnference following couraged me to believe that congressional delegation and' •Augelli instructed Fallon to Leff," said the official, who Revenue Service agents that Augelli, told Fallon he did meetings with Atty. Gen. beginning in January we can then with Rep. Petej-.W, jftft. answer only the questions asked not to be identified. the $15,000 was for whiskey fqr not have to answer why Con- John N. Mitchell and FBI Di- make efforts to begin elimi- dino, dean of the entire-dele- that would not incriminate The questions put to Fal- customers and employes. strad paid United $20,000. Mayor Addonizio could not rector J> Edgar Hoover. nating organized crime in gation and the senior Demo- him. : lon had been asked him once - Fallon also was told he did be reached for comment.' The congressman, who New Jersey," he said. crat. Among the questions before, at' a closed special' not have to answer whether takes office Jan. 20, made Cahill met for an hour with CahiU said he asked the war on crime a key campaign Mitchell and Asst. Atty. Gen. congressmen, particularly the issue. He declined to name Will R. Wilson who heads the Republicans, to suggest names or say where he thinks, Criminal Division, He later names of qualified persons to a lack of cooperation exists. met with Hoover for 30 min- work for his administration. There are "certain areas utes. Goldberg Unveils Tax Plan where he thinks a lack of co- Mitchell and Wilson, he In other areas, he said he operation exists, said, committed themselves is opposed to redistricting the There are "certain areas to complete cooperation with state until after the 1970 cen- By JANET STAIHAR sector would experience a equalization requirement." the statute exempts property - residential cities of Jersey where both the FBI and the his administation. sus is completed, and that he ATLANTIC CITY (AP) — slight tax increase if the Goldberg said New Jer- in the area," the proposal City, Bayonne, North Ber- Justice Department are not Hoover, after noting that opposes any effort to cut A proposal to reduce the tax plan were approved. sey's residential tax require- stipulates. gen, Kearny and Harrison getting what they consider to New Jersey has more Cosa back on government-financed burden on New Jersey Goldberg introduced the ments are making home No Harm Seen would be specially hard hit. be the best of cooperation" in Nostra families than any oth- construction projects as homeowners by at least 20 plan at the annual Confer- ownership increasingly, diffi- . "No municipality can be Since 1962, Goldberg said, their drive on organized er state, assured him of total urged by President Nixon to per cent was unveiled yester- ence of New Jersey Mayors cult and in many cases im- hurt by the proposed law," New Jersey's residential prop- crime," CahiU said. FBI cooperation, in intensify- help curb inflation. day by former U.S. Supreme here.
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