Original Papers 1067 Antihyperlipidemic Effects of Rhapontin and Rhapontigenin from Rheum undulatum in Rats Fed a High-Cholesterol Diet Authors Sung-Pil Jo1, Jeong-Keun Kim2, Young-Hee Lim 1,3 Affiliations 1 Department of Public Health Science (BK21 PLUS Program), Graduate School, Korea University, Seoul, Republic of Korea 2 Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Korea Polytechnic University, Shihung-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea 3 Department of Laboratory Medicine, Korea University Guro Hospital, Seoul, Republic of Korea Key words Abstract rhapontin and rhapontigenin can be used as po- l" Rheum undulatum ! tent antihyperlipidemic agents. l" Polygonaceae Rhapontin was purified from a methanol extract l" methoxylated stilbene from the roots of Rheum undulatum, and rhapon- l" antihyperlipidemic effect tigenin was produced by an enzymatic transfor- Abbreviations l" high‑cholesterol diet mation of rhapontin. Rats were fed a high-choles- ! terol diet to induce hyperlipidemia, followed by ALT: alanine aminotransferase oral treatment with rhapontin or rhapontigenin AST: aspartate aminotransferase (1–5 mg/kg/day). Rhapontin and rhapontigenin HCD: high-cholesterol diet treatment resulted in a significant (p < 0.05) HDL‑C: high-density lipoprotein cholesterol dose-dependent decrease in the serum lipid level, HE: hematoxylin and eosin while the high-density lipoprotein cholesterol LDL‑C: low-density lipoprotein cholesterol level increased slightly compared with the exper- RHA: rhapontin imental control. Furthermore, rhapontin and rha- RHG: rhapontigenin pontigenin treatment improved the pathological TC: total cholesterol characteristics of the degenerating fatty liver in TG: triglyceride high-cholesterol diet-induced hyperlipidemic VLDL‑C: very low-density lipoprotein rats dose-dependently. Aspartate aminotransfer- cholesterol ase and alanine aminotransferase levels in rha- pontin- and rhapontigenin-treated hyperlipi- Supporting information available online at demic rats were not significantly different from http://www.thieme-connect.de/products those in the control. These results indicate that received April 8, 2014 revised July 21, 2014 accepted July 29, 2014 Introduction benes enhance those bioactivities [9,10]. Rhapon- Bibliography ! tigenin (3,3′,5-trihydroxy-4′-methoxystilbene) is DOI http://dx.doi.org/ Hyperlipidemia, an increase in the blood lipid lev- an aglycone of rhapontin (3,3′,5-trihydroxy-4′- This document was downloaded for personal use only. Unauthorized distribution is strictly prohibited. 10.1055/s-0034-1382999 Published online August 15, el, is the leading cause of cardiovascular disease methoxystilbene-3-O-glucoside), which is iso- 2014 and death worldwide. Reducing the LDL‑C level lated from the roots of Rheum undulatum L. from Planta Med 2014; 80: in individuals with hyperlipidemia decreases the the family Polygonaceae (l" Fig. 1) [11]. Rhaponti- – 1067 1071 © Georg Thieme risk of cardiovascular disease [1]. By contrast, genin is a methoxylated stilbene with anticancer, Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York · ‑ ISSN 0032‑0943 HDL C lowers the risk of cardiovascular diseases antioxidative, and anti-inflammatory effects [12, by reversing cholesterol transport, inhibiting 13]. Rhapontigenin is much more potent than Correspondence LDL‑C oxidation, and decreasing platelet aggreg- rhapontin in inhibiting thrombosis and allergic Prof. Young-Hee Lim Department of Public Health ability [2,3]. Statins are widely prescribed as lipid reactions [14]. To increase the bioactivity of rha- Science (BK21 PLUS Program) lowering agents; however, they can elicit serious pontin isolated from a methanol extract from the Graduate School side effects such as myopathy and hepatocytotox- roots of Rheum undulatum [15,16], rhapontigenin Korea University Seongbuk-gu icity [4,5]. Therefore, the development of new is prepared from rhapontin by an enzymatic Seoul 136–703 agents for lowering blood lipid levels is needed. transformation [17]. In this study, RHA and RHG Republic of Korea Stilbenes are well-studied compounds that pos- were investigated for their antihyperlipidemic ac- Phone: + 8229402815 Fax:+8229402819 sess anticancer, antioxidative, and anti-inflam- tivity, and the results were compared with simva- [email protected] matory activities [6–8], and methoxylated stil- statin, a well-known hypolipidemic drug. Jo S-P et al. Antihyperlipidemic Effects of… Planta Med 2014; 80: 1067–1071 1068 Original Papers Fig. 1 Structures of rhapontin (A) and rhaponti- genin (B). Treatment group % ΔWeight on day 28 Relative liver weight Average daily diet Table 1 Effects of the high-cho- consumption (g/day) lesterol diet and simvastatin, rha- I 141.7 ± 14.5a, b 2.8 ± 0.3a 15.3 ± 1.4 pontin, or rhapontigenin treat- II 155.8 ± 17.0b 4.4 ± 0.8c, d 15.9 ± 2.9 ment on body weight, relative liver III 147.4 ± 14.8a, b 4.0 ± 0.7d 15.5 ± 2.6 weight, and average daily food IV 143.4 ± 10.7a, b 3.7 ± 0.3b, c, d 17.2 ± 3.1 consumption in rats. V 148.8 ± 9.3a, b 4.2 ± 0.4b, c, d 16.0 ± 2.8 VI 143.4 ± 12.0a, b 4.1 ± 0.4c, d 17.2 ± 2.5 VII 137.9 ± 6.5a, b 3.9 ± 0.4b, c 15.7 ± 2.7 VIII 143.1 ± 21.1a, b 3.5 ± 0.3b 16.5 ± 2.8 IX 130.5 ± 7.5a 3.9 ± 0.6b, c, d 16.5 ± 2.1 Group I, normal diet + 10 mL/kg/day distilled water; group II, HCD; group III, HCD + 1 mg/kg/day simvastatin; group IV, HCD + 1 mg/kg/ day RHA; group V, HCD + 2.5 mg/kg/day RHA; group VI, HCD + 5 mg/kg/day RHA; group VII, HCD + 1 mg/kg/day RHG; group VIII, HCD + 2.5 mg/kg/day RHG; and group IX, HCD + 5 mg/kg/day RHG; a, b, c, d Means in the same column not sharing a common superscript are significantly (p < 0.05) different between groups 5 mg/kg/day, the serum lipid level was similar to that of the HCD‑fed rats treated with simvastatin at 1 mg/kg/day. High levels Results and Discussion of LDL‑C, TC, and VLDL‑C contribute to the development of car- ! diovascular disease. In the present study, although the HDL‑C lev- RHA, RHG, or simvastatin (positive control) was orally adminis- el in HCD‑fed rats treated with RHG increased slightly, there was tered to HCD‑fed rats for four weeks (Table 1S, Supporting Infor- no significant change in the HDL‑C level in all HCD‑fed rats. This mation). The percent changes (%Δ) in body weight were not sig- observation indicates that methoxylated stilbenes, particularly nificantly reduced except in HCD‑fed rats treated with RHG at RHG, may possess cardioprotective potential. The results from se- 5 mg/kg/day (l" Table 1). The %Δ body weight significantly rum lipid analysis in HCD‑fed rats treated with methoxylated (p < 0.05) decreased in HCD‑fed rats treated with RHG at 5 mg/ stilbenes indicate that the RHG aglycone was more effective than kg/day compared with the HCD‑fed control. The relative liver its glycosylated RHA counterpart in the reduction of serum lipid weight increased in HCD‑fed rats compared with the water-treat- levels. ed control; however, it decreased in HCD‑fed rats treated with The oral administration of rhaponticin (rhapontin) (125 mg/kg) RHA and RHG compared with rats fed the normal diet. Daily food from rhubarb rhizomes reduced the serum lipid level in KK/Ay di- consumption was similar in all groups, indicating that the test abetic mice [18]. Compared to the previous report, the oral ad- compounds did not suppress appetite. ministration of remarkably low concentrations of rhapontin (2.5 To investigate the antihyperlipidemic effect of RHA and RHG, the and 5 mg/kg) from R. undulatum showed a hypolipidemic effect serum lipid level was measured in HCD-induced hyperlipidemic in HCD‑fed rats. A polyphenolic stilbenoid, resveratrol, shows This document was downloaded for personal use only. Unauthorized distribution is strictly prohibited. rats after treatment. The TC and LDL‑C levels in HCD‑fed rats in- beneficial effects on the prevention of dyslipidemia by activating creased 2.0- and 5.8-fold, respectively, compared with the water- cholesterol 7α-hydroxylase and increasing the bile acid pool size treated control; however, the serum lipid level decreased in [19]. Furthermore, pterostilbene (3,5-dimethoxy-4′-hydroxystil- HCD‑fed rats treated with RHA or RHG dose-dependently, indi- bene) lowers serum lipoprotein and cholesterol levels in hyper- cating the efficacy of RHA and RHG in preventing the elevation cholesterolemic hamsters by acting as a peroxisome prolifera- of the serum lipid level under experimentally-induced hyperlip- tor-activated receptor α (PPARα) that plays a central role in lipid idemia (l" Table 2). Although there was a slight increase in the homeostasis [20]. Pterostilbene also shows a higher hypolipi- HDL‑C level in HCD‑fed rats treated with RHG, the significant dif- demic effect than resveratrol. RHA and RHG showed inhibitory ference in the HDL‑C level was not shown after RHG treatment. activities against 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A The serum TC level was significantly (p < 0.05) lower in HCD‑fed (HMG‑CoA) reductase and squalene synthase, which are key en- rats treated with RHG than that in the HCD‑fed control. The se- zymes in the cholesterol biosynthesis pathway [21]. In addition, rum TC levels in HCD‑fed rats treated with RHA or RHG at 5 mg/ although RHG, a methoxylated stilbene aglycone, contains more kg/day were reduced by 21.0% and 33.6%, respectively, compared hydroxyl groups and one less methoxyl group than pterostilbene, with the HCD‑fed control. Furthermore, although there was an it may show the same antihyperlipidemic mechanism. Further increase in the HDL‑C level in HCD‑fed rats treated with RHG at Jo S-P et al. Antihyperlipidemic Effects of… Planta Med 2014; 80: 1067–1071 Original Papers 1069 Table 2 Effect of the high-cholesterol diet and simvastatin, rhapontin, or rhapontigenin treatment on the serum lipid level in rats.
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