'ouDundlllll .errrC'sarcads,t\eu ? s? paqucsapereq sI Eg etutso.rdstql fpnls requn; pertnbeJsnlels Jnuouoxel s111nqbr11xe uun)'y(btl1DDpod(totdslru,olpaITI?sE^\llluqlpols.lpuleqs'eII?JlsnVtuelsei6 ;o uorBe.r,{el.reqruryeql uro{ srriC,etslsord u papjoceJ(266I) releeqrt (^1al^a.ruI'uoxl() ?IPrsnV ' 'solsads '&olujal I€Iuac olur spuelxe bll I (bq I) Dpod&lcorq C euo ?ll€l]snv urelseld puu uJaquoN aql'pu?lsueeno uJelsea\ur sdordno {1co: uo sle)lJltll eul,\ snonplcep qll,t pelslJossu ,(ypnsn a:e puu cg,{qdoqt11ere salcadsturumruar eq; 'sBIJJelEuerls sE ol peleJar ,{luouuloc pu? cr1,(qdrde-ruroqaru11se:oJuru xelduroc ur pa:elunocua.{l1uenboqeJe l{5rq,{\'salrods uutpnsny u:otsee pue u?aurnD,r{eN ?nde4 eq; 'eqz4sny pueuautng,talq endeduI JncJouoltes slql ut satcedseq; 'a1qe1:o.,'run pa,rordsEq (6861) ^\oqJ Jo luorut€oJlerolC eqiss (sserdul lr ra uoxrc :sserdur uoxrq :666I uoxlq) pesl^er Sureq.{IluornJ ar€ oatltuo^lory 'tcesow?ysotpaqlur uxu1eql 'ow8rlsotp'ua?qns snc!! pw sncld ue?qnsszrid atpuI 'J 'q 'e696l 'soFes'suogtasqns rncco sarcedsueqzrlsny;o fluofuu eq1 (p T rau:oJ) seuesqnspue 'suonces olq pepl^rpqns JaqUnJoJu qcrq,\l "br11 ('dwg) sflrotlor{S puz 'bq,1 DaJtsocDutoLld 'bq 'sr?rid 'Eraue8qns l ( dsuo) ow?lisotn rnoJ olq pepT^rpsr snua8eq; uuolcr6 ldecxa se1e1s 'apt,,rrpgo.,*r pu€lurutuI? ur ?lpl1snV roJ pepJoreJeJe selceds euru-,4grq; sercedsggZ ,(leluulxoJddu "'I Jo lslsuoc ol pelpu{lse sr puE uonnqlDsrp pctdon-uud e suq (e?ataol I) sflru snuo8 eql uo!pnporlul 'pepr,rordere f8oloru,(tepua snl€ls uolt€^-resuoJ 'uorlJnpoJder ',(3o1oca 'uorlnql4slp uo seloupuz suuogeq1 o1 {e4 y rxnlueunpulu? Jo aluesqu:o eluasardeqt Jo srseqoql uo polprluereJJlparu puu 'uoxl( 'lououndulu'l 'pezrvEocer I'q rsolrdJ ouDund!ll C pueouoltnd! ll eresru:og omtr lrquq etursordBe^sq ol auo,(1uoeql pue uoqces eql ur uox€l lsalleurs aq1 3u1eq '1cups1p slouoludy1y snclg '{J"d IEuort"NJeArUdee;q eqt puz arnunun;l punorusluarudrucsa euolspuus aql ol palcplsarsl selcads cnfqdoqll srql .&olueJ uaquoN aqlJolcrJlsrqre^r1 slJolcr1 eqt pu? EllEJtsnV uJetse1\Jotcrrsrq raurpjeols?g aql rxo{ paqucsapsl JeuJoJoralpuD^low 'tcas ow31tsoln snue8qns ul soloads^{au u 'uoxrq'yqouoludlnlsnttt'i002)rgr-Lsr:(t)tl risltr N ,tolural uraquoNeql puE ellpltsnv 'uoxro u:a1sa16;ouorSa: ,(elJaqur) aql uro{ sarceds.reu ? :(e?ec€soyl) ouo1lndry1\ snrrC t ( lreJFqv 'puplsueeno'elll^su^\ol I I8t yll?Isnv ',(Ish^run ',{Sotorg 'seruerrs {ooJ saulEl Frrdo{ Jo looq.S }u€ld IEJrdorI uoxr( 'f el€( ,{.ro11.r.ra;u.raqlroN eql puBellurlsny uralse1l '(aEorgro\\I) Jouol8ar faFaqutly aqt u|o{ salcads^rau B Duoltndy|4snng (tOOZ)ngn-Lgtt(OCt 01strjtN 458 Nurtsia Vol. 13, No. 3 (2001) Materials and methods Twenty sevenspecimens from acrossthe distributional rangeof F. lilliputiana were examined. Descriptionsare based on materialreceived on loan from the following Herbaria:AD' CANB' DNA' JCT,NSW, andPERTH. Many ofthe specimensreceived were sterile, and ifreproductive organswere presentthey wereusually few in number. Measurementsof the vegetativeand flolal organsreplesent the meanof threeorgans and areaccurate to t 0.1 mm. Measurementsof the vegetativeOrgans wele takenfrom driedmaterial. The syconiaweremeasured from spiritedmaterial preserved in 807oethanol. The snecieshas been seenin its naturalhabitat. Taxonomy Ficuslilliputiana D.J.Dixon, sp. nov. Speciesaffinis Fico brachypodae(Miq ) Miq. a quo distinguiturhabito prostrato. Zypas.'hills to the Eastof HiddenValley CaravanPark, Kunununa, 15"46'5' 128"45'E'Western Australia,18 October 199?, D.J. DixonPHD4Z3 & I. Champion(holo: PERTH; iso: BRI' DNA). Diminutivelithophytic shrub ta 45 cm high, spreadingto 100 cm diam Twigs glabrousor puberulouswith ascendinghyaline hairs, glabrescent, L€aves altemate. Stipule 10.0-23'5 mnlong; glabrousor puberulouswith ascendinghyaline hairs, glabrescent.Petiok 2 5-16.0 rnm long' 0.5-1.5mm wide,glabrous or puberulouswith ascendinghyaline hairs. Inmina 8.0-46,6rnrnlong' 6.G40.5 mm wide, obovate,ovate, oblong, elliptic or narrowlyelliptic; basecordate, rounded or obtuse;apex rounded, obtuse oracute; abaxial surface glabrous, or puberulousto pilosewith ascending hyalinehairs; adaxial surface glabrous or puberulousto pilose,often with ascendinghyaline hairs concentratedaround base, glabrescent. Leafvenation: basal veins indistinct, 33.0"-90.0"; lateral veins l7-46pairs,51.0"-78.0". Syconia spheroid to obloid,5.'t-11.5 mmlong,5.3-13.0mmdiam., yellow' orange,red, purple ormaloon, glabrous orminutely puberulous to puberulouswith ascendinghyaline hairs,glabrescent, sometimes punctate; ostiole lffftadiate. Basal bracrs 3, imbricate,caducous or occasionallypersistent, glabrous or puberulousto pilose,with ascendinghyaline hzirs, Peduncle 1.0-7.0mm long,glabrous or puberulouswith ascendinghyaline hairs. Interfloralbracts pteserj't Femalefloretsembedded in wallofreceptacle, sessile orpedicellate; tepals 3 or4; stigmasimple. Male /roretr interspersedwith the female and gall florets, sessileor pedicellate;tepals 3 or 4; anther 1, dehiscencecrescentic. Gall florets sessileor pedicellate;tepals 3 or 4. Note.There are two forms,which are distinguished as the key below. Key to the forms of Ficus lilliputiana l. Leavesand other parts glabrous...... .......a. f. lilliputiana l. Leaveshairy, other parts variously hairy.................... b. f. pilosa a. Ficus lilliputiana D.J. Dixon f. lilliPutiana All partsglabrous. (Figure l) 'Dunaru1ltl snrry Jo ad,{totoq aql I .rn8ld 'uo{t tiIo3 '6uolspu8suo elAqdoqlll 6letsord t$oloN '€,rnununl 'u6d ua^6l6c 40ll!A uepplH eql lo ls6s'qliou eqt ol slltH rlucrol r€upJeg $s: ierl€l]6nv uj9t6a,u :lat trtd p{ra eta}s ig?,02t :6'rot S,9!"S | :rnl rroxtc |o xeo 166| xg| :el8o uordureqS i '8 ezt oHd uoxlo f o lolro oc eualtndlllll I utlxlo f o euellndlltll sh.!J SvrJVUOt,l (I9fl urnuaqraH^ttsr8^!$n {ooc ieuet - xl \.,arjel ( *rl;"d,l)tl,"''1 jo "d[1"111 llOlMol'ltlv '|uoxrc'fC IN pup Vnd Jo uorBar XoFoqrurt aql ulo{ scpods t^au e'ouDund1ll\ rrrrj rvaylJr'.aVol. 13. No. I {2001) Specimensexamined. WESTERN AUSTRALIA; EAST GARDNER DISTRICT: Hidden Valley' 3.2kmEofKununurra,15"43S, 128'48E,lJuly 1976,A.C. Beauglehole AC854182 (PERTH);Hidden ValleyNational Park, Kununurra, 15'455, 128"45E, 18 July 1988,D.F. Bloxell& J. tffrigley881057 (NSW);nearKimberleyResearchStation,OrdRiver,12Apr. 1958,N.T.Burbidge s.n (AD);LakeArgyle off accessroad to OrdRiverDam,16"055 128"45E,23 Oct. 1997,D.J.DixonPHD450 & L Champion (JCT);hills to the E of HiddenValley CaravanPark, Kununurra, 15"465' 128%58 18 Oct. 1997' D.J. DixonPHD4Z}& I. Charnpion(ICT); 14.7kmESEof Kununurraoff VictoriaHighway' 15"495, 128'51E,23Oct.1997 , D.J. DixonPIID456& I. Champion(JCT); Hidden Valleyjust E of Kununurra, 14465, 128458,24 Apl 1977, A.S. George14539 (PERTH); Carlton Gorge on Ord River, 15'575, 128'46E,2IJuneL995,K.F.Kenneally 11624 (PERTH);Hidden Valley, Kunununa, 15%3S, 128%8E 31l{ay 1915,P. Olkrenshaw16?? (CANB); HiddenValley, nearKunununa, 15"465' 128'44E, 18Apr. 198?,R.I7.Pzrdie3300 (CANB);Hidden Valley, Kununurra, 15%5S, 128%6E, 15 June 1984' M. Rankin2945(DNA). NORTHERNTERRITORY; VICTORIA RIVER DISTRICT: Keep River' 15%75'129"028'23 Sep. 1975.A.5.Milchell s.n. (DNA). b. Ficuslilliputiana f. pilosaD.J. Dixon,l nov. 'x Formas,proxima affin\s f. lilliputianae,sed ab ea semper differt a puberulisad trichomata pilosa I hyalinapraesentibus in foliis. Iypas: hills off the roadnorth-east of HiddenValley CaravanPark, Kununurra, l5%3S 128"44E' WestemAushalia, 2l Octoberl997,D."L DixonPHD447 &I' Champion(holo:PERTH;iso; BRI'DNA) leaveswithboth surfaces of thelamina minutely puberulous to pilosewith ascendinghyaline hairs. (Figures2, 3) Specimensexamined. WESTERN AUSTRALIA;EAST GARDNER DISTRICT: Martin's Gap,E of Ord River,15"375 128"52E, 14 Apr. 1956,N.T. Burbid.le5156(CANB);Lake Argyleoffaccess road to Ord RiverDam, 16"055, 128%5E, 23 Oct.1997,D.J.DixonPHD449 & I. Chanpion(JCT):hills to theE ofHiddenValley Caravan Park, Kunununa, 15%65, 128"45E, 18 Oct. 1997,D J. DixonPHD4Zl & I. Charnpion(JCT); Hidden Valley, 3,3 km E of Kunununa' 15"475,128'46E' 9 Aug. 1981' K.F.Kenneally1690 (PERTH);Kelly's Knob, Mirima (HiddenValley) National ParknearKunununa, NEKimberley,23J une1989, K.F, Kenneally 10939 (PERTH);8 km N of Kunununa,15'47 S ' 12844F,, I Oct.1g7g, Petheram 477 (DNA);Hidden Valley, 15%65, 128'45E,22 At:g.1988' K Atll935 (NSW). NORTHERNTERRITORYIVICTORIARIVERDISTRICT:GunandalngWalk,l0kmN ofCockatoo Lagoon,Keep River National Park, 15"535, 129'03E, 26 June1984, KF. Kenneallys'n' (PERTH). Distributionand ecology. Both forms of F. lilliputiana have a limited and totally sympatric distribution(Figure 4). The speciesis restrictedto the sandstoneescarpments of the north-eastern Kimberleyregion of WestemAustralia and the adjacentKeep River NationalPark of theNorthem Territory. Ficuslilliputianais a lithophytefound growing only in rockcrevices (Figure 3). In some casesboth forms of this speciesoccut next to oneanother in the samerock creviceand have been collectedand presented as the same helbarium specimen. The PERTH specimen, Kenneally 11624, collectedfrom CadtonGorge on theOrd River is a mixtureof bothforms' Floweringperiod. Fertileplants have been collected from April to October.However, as further materialis collectedI expectthat reproduction will proveto be continuoustbroughout the yearto supportthe reproduction of lhe pollinatorwasp. '(r .dgd 069r qtoauuaxrl'X uorJonp?uehl FreSreI,{,{q u^\srq (ull! I I?qep.s) sFrou aPuroJ - a:(urtuI r?qepcs) lelog apul _ c:(uIu-I0z lgq '1 algcs)qcu?rq .. C :seuoc,{s,fie txe qll^]\3l^1r - g :(uru Z leq eFcs)sauoc(s ' '7
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