The Sewanee Mountain VOL. XXVI No. 36 Thursday, October 7, 2010 Published as a public service for the Sewanee community since 1985. Public Invited to SAS Dedication of Street Dance Vice-Chancellor’s Installation, Wade Hall for the Sciences Kicks Off Campus Honorary Degrees on Founders’ Day The public is invited to the St. to monitor energy and resource use Celebration On Tuesday, Oct. 12, during the recognized. Andrew’s-Sewanee School dedication is available at <www.sasweb.org/ annual Founders’ Day Convocation in The convocation is the centerpiece The University of the South will All Saints’ Chapel beginning at 12:30 of a series of events in October cel- of the Wade Hall for the Sciences on about-sas/sustainability>, as is more host a street dance to kick off the Saturday, Oct. 9 at 1:30 p.m. on the information about the school’s other p.m., John M. McCardell Jr. will be ebrating McCardell’s installation and campus celebration of Founders’ Day. installed as the 16th vice-chancellor will include the convocation address lawn of Wade Hall. The Rev. William sustainability efforts. The party will be held from 7 to 9 p.m. S. Wade, retired head of school for SAS students and faculty have and president of the University of by Vice-Chancellor McCardell; the on Friday, Oct. 8, on the lawn between the South. Two honorary degrees awarding of honorary degrees to the whom the building is named, will be been enjoying the natural light, duPont Library and Spencer Hall. The in attendance, as will the two lead do- bright classroom spaces and beauti- will be awarded, and new members Most Rev. John Sentamu, Archbishop Nashtones <www.nashtones.com> of the Order of Gownsman will be of York, and Emory Thomas, Regents nors on the project, Doug Campbell, ful campus vistas afforded by the will provide music, and student and SMA’59, of Naples, Fla., and Doug building since they moved in at the Professor of History Emeritus at the local organizations will offer food for University of Georgia; and the confer- Ferris of Memphis, both trustees of beginning of the school year. Now is sale. The community is invited. The the school. the opportunity for the general public ral of gowns on new members of the event is part of the “Cornerstone for Order of Gownsman, the University’s The $2.1 million, 8,200 sq. ft. to celebrate this innovative new space, Tomorrow” celebration around the facility includes naturally lit science tour the facility and learn about its society recognizing outstanding aca- installation of John McCardell as the demic achievement. classrooms and laboratories. A link cost-effective green design. University’s 16th vice-chancellor and to the building’s real-time dashboard With the theme “Cornerstone president. for Tomorrow,” installation events include academic, cultural and social Fall 2010 Deer Pre-Cull Begins Texas Avenue opportunities for the University and For the 11th consecutive year, the perimeter zones. Pre-cull maps of the broader communities. These include University plans to hold a two-phased areas will be printed in the Messenger Closed the commemoration, 150 years to deer cull on the Domain for the pur- and displayed at duPont Library, the Texas Avenue in front of the Uni- the day, of the laying of the original poses of herd management, ecosystem SPO and the bulletin board at the versity’s Fowler Center will be closed, cornerstone, which will take place on balance and community safety. The Sewanee Market. beginning at 5 p.m. on Monday and Louisiana Circle, site of the original phases consist of a fall pre-cull and a The following trails will remain Tuesday, Oct. 11 and 12. It will reopen University cornerstone, on Sunday, Christmas break cull. open at all times: Tennessee Avenue, later each evening. The detour will be Oct. 10, at 10 a.m. Attendees will then This year, the pre-cull will occur on Rails-To-Trails bike path, entire Pe- around Louisiana Circle, rejoining process to All Saints’ Chapel for the Cel- the following dates: Oct. 9–10,16–19 rimeter Trail, Bridal Veil Falls trail, Texas Avenue at Allen Gipson Lane. ebration of Holy Eucharist at 11 a.m. and 23–24; Nov. 6–7, 20–21, 24 and Piney Point trail, Beckwith’s Point trail, The Most Rev. John Sentamu (Continued on page 7) 26–28; and Dec. 4–5 and 11–12. Hunt- Caldwell Rim trail, Solomon’s Temple Latin American ing will begin at sunrise and end at trail in Thumping Dick Hollow. Bow sunset on these dates. There will be no hunters will be located at least 100 Music Oct. 8 Council Elects Hurst to Campus hunting between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. yards from trails and fi re lanes. Laura Fuentes y Calicanto, a Latin Master Plan Committee During the pre-cull, hunting will In an effort to increase the number American guitarist and vocalist, will be archery only—with no exceptions. of deer taken, two changes have been perform at a coffee house event in At the Sept. 27 Sewanee Community rezoning that allowed smaller lots and Hunting will be conducted in large (Continued on page 5) the University’s Ayres Multi-Cultural Council meeting, a landmark decision mixed commercial-residential use in Center, located on 14 Willie Six Rd., by Vice-Chancellor John McCardell the downtown area. on Friday, October 8, from 8 to 10 p.m. resulted in the election of council The Fowler Center was expanded, “Half Moon Mountain Magic” Will Fuentes has a lovely voice and creates representative Michael Hurst to serve and McClurg Dining Hall and Spencer Help Preserve the Fiery Gizzard beautiful music on the traditional on the steering committee engaged in Hall were built. A master plan update is Chilean and South American instru- updating the Campus Master Plan for underway, and Forester said he antici- “Half Moon Mountain Magic” Yeatman will welcome everyone and the University. pates that residence halls will be on the will give everyone on the Plateau the thank the Mountain’s many environ- ments that complement the poetry in the lyrics. In response to issues raised by the front burner for current planners. chance to be a wizard for the Fiery mental supporters. Sponsored by the Sewanee Leaseholders’ Association at Professor David Haskell, Sewanee Gizzard on Oct. 15, 5–9 p.m, in the Friends of South Cumberland State Her songs, sung in the native voices of South and Central America, its Aug. 23 meeting, Jerry Forster, Uni- (Continued on page 6) DuBose Conference Center pavilion Recreation Area (FSCSRA), the fund- versity chief fi nancial offi cer, discussed in Monteagle. Special children’s raiser seeks to help the Land Trust for capture the magic of Andean and Caribbean music. land use and campus master plan events will be held from 5 to 6 p.m. Tennessee raise the last $620,000 of activity since 1992. “The Domain 2020 Sewanee Woman’s Admission is free. $8.1 million to purchase and preserve Come out and enjoy a lovely eve- ning of music. Stirling’s will provide Plan of 1992” anticipated population In keeping with the evening’s wiz- 6,200 acres of the western bluff of Fi- growth of 1,040 to 1,300 by 2020 and Club Birthday ard theme, children are encouraged ery Gizzard Cove and more than a mile the coffee and tea. The event is free The Sewanee Woman’s Club will and open to the public. made recommendations for a more to dress as a character from Harry and a half of the Fiery Gizzard Trail. residential campus. meet on Monday, Oct. 11, in St. Mary’s, Potter or come as an environmen- Sewanee. A social begins at 11:30 a.m. ONN MMOOUUNNTTAAI Forster mentioned several unpopu- tally friendly wizard of any kind. INN Lease Committee lar residential development concepts followed by the noon luncheon. Club A children’s costume parade with Be a GG that were not pursued, including devel- members and guests will celebrate IICC Agenda Deadline prizes will take place on the main their 80th year with a special presen- Wizardizard opment along Tennessee and Kentucky stage at 6 p.m. forfor Fieryiery The next meeting of the Lease avenues and in the Lake Cheston and tation of the club since 1930. The club A special children’s tent, open Gizzardizzard Committee is scheduled for Wednes- Lake Dimmick areas. In contrast, the appreciates the help of John Tilford from 5 to 6 p.m., will have fortune day, Oct. 20. Agenda items are due in Wiggins Creek development is enter- in University archives in gathering tellers, face painting and “Critters the Offi ce of the Superintendent of ing phase three, and the Parson’s Green information from each decade of Leases in Carnegie Hall by 4:30 p.m. of Fiery Gizzard”—snakes, turtles, development was accomplished by (Continued on page 6) A possums and more—introduced FRIDAYFRF IDAY R on Wednesday, Oct. 13. OCT.OCT 1515 S by wildlife rehabilitator Margaret n sor of INSIDE Matens. ed nds THE SEWANEE MOUNTAIN by Frie Letters; Serving; Senior menus..........2 Four popular area bands are BIRTHS; Election information...........3 MESSENGER donating their magical talents: Baz- Fiery Gizzard is a particularly beau- OBITUARY: Stewart; CCJP peace vigil; P.O. Box 296 zania, Peckerwood (appearing under tiful part of the South Cumberland Church news; Join St. Augst guild.....4 Sewanee, Tennessee 37375 their new name, Broad Mountain State Recreation Area. Fiery Gizzard Deer Cull map; Blue Monarch grads...5 Snowden dedication; Climate change Brewgrass), the Fiery Gizzard String Trail is a 17-mile, one-way trail fea- work party; Fowler ctr closings..........6 Band and Sarah Mallory.
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