Bryant University Bryant Digital Repository Douglas and Judith Krupp Library Special Booster (1925-1929) Collections 12-1926 Volume 4, Number 4, December 1926 Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.bryant.edu/booster Recommended Citation "Volume 4, Number 4, December 1926" (1926). Booster (1925-1929). Paper 16. https://digitalcommons.bryant.edu/booster/16 This Newsletter is brought to you for free and open access by the Douglas and Judith Krupp Library Special Collections at Bryant Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Booster (1925-1929) by an authorized administrator of Bryant Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. fll'llllllllllil 1111 III I11111111 11111111 I1111 11111 I111111111111 11111111 111111111111"111111111 11111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111.111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~ I THE BOOSTER ' CHRISTMAS NUMBER Volume Four DECEMBER, 1926 Number 4 ':111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111.,11111111111111111111111111111111 1111111 lIIililll 11111111 1III 11111111 11 111111111111111- 1 1111111111111111111111111111111111111IlIlnlllllllllllllll l llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll 11111i1111~~ REJOICE! IT'S CHRISTMAS! YES, HE'S SOME MAN! ET the bells which peal today echo in HE may w~ar a last year's straw hat; his L your heart. Let the loye whic]] is in fingernaIls may need manicuring; his your heart come out. N one of us is vest may hang a little loose and his without a heart. None of us is without love. pants r.nay bag at the knee; his face may And all of us have Christmas. :-;11 ow. IP:?S of a second day's growth, and This is the world's greatest day. Can­ the tm dmner-bucket he carries may be full not each one of us in some way make it great of dents and doughnuts; but that is no rea­ personally ~ J n all of us th ere is an inner Ron WIlY you should call him "the old man." urge for good. About us is humanity to He's your father. whom and upon whom that good may be ex­ For years and. years he has been rustling pressed. The anniversary is sacred. Shall around to get thmgs together. Never once ,ye not observe it, not only in a spirit of joy­ has h~ failed to do the rig-ht thing for you. ou thanksgiving, but with rededication to He thmks you are the greatest child on earth unselfishnes8, love of man, love of God ~ bar nope, even though you plaste; ,'hat i Chri , tma~ ~ What does it mean your hall' back, wear smart clothes smoke to us? To many of us, it is nothing more cig-arettes, and fail to bring home 'a cent. than ten day. vacation and a general pasRing He IS the man who won the love and life­ aronnd of preRent~. Chl'i, tmas to them partnership of the greatest woman on earth means a holiday only-one dav to be cele­ -your mother. Yes, he is "some man," and brated in a mtl11 degree-then hack to the not" the old man." unceasing work. If you win as great a life-partner as he Everyone, of cour. e, knows the first mes­ dId you will have to go some. Let it be sage of Christmas. ,Ve all realize that giv­ resolved then, that from now on you will call ing' presents is an old custom. How many of hjm father and not "the old man." ns count the presents we are to receive, be­ fore we decide to give. We are wrong. We should give withough thought of what we CHECK UP ON YOURSELF are. to receive. That is the spirit of ClJnst~:;ts. It means a season of generosity and glVmg when people forget themselves AS t1?e new )~ear approaches we should be­ and think of what they can do to make others gm to Hunk of the progress which we happy. The Ohristmas spirit draws the stray have made during; the year 1926. We memhers of tbe family home for the holI­ . houlcl take an hour off or so from our reg­ days, for Christmas i:-; more of a llOliday to ular routine and sit down in some quiet spend at home tllan is any other. Rej'oice place nnd b:we a very private and confiden­ and be happy! It ';-; Chri:-tma !-E. R. J. tial chat with our inner self. ,Ye RllOUld ask ourself what improve­ CHRISTMAS SHOPPING ments our character has made. What de­ fects have developed ~ What progress we E' I~RY year there is a bigger assortment have made morally, mentally and physically. of articles suitable to be used as If not, WIlY noH If so, why so ~ We should gifts. Clever production managers "take stock," of ourself and make out a men­ have studied the wants and needs tal" inventorv and statement" sheet. With of the public and have caused the thjs informatlo'n in our minds we can make intro~uction of thousands of original prod­ a constructive program of activity that we ucts m the past few years. Managers of gift believe will benefit us. YIf e can take note shops have contributed to the gift market of our faults and seek to cure them. How do hundreds of other articles. you like the idea ~ It will surely prove suc- A few years ag'o florists supplied only cessful if given a trial.-E. R. J. Jerusalem cherry trees and pieces of mistle­ toe; but they now ~ive us a large variety of red and green creatIons. Other business men WE have now a. more or less new field in have branched out in the same way. This which to show our school spirit. It is broadening of merchandising- policies has The BooRter. Some have exerted much rendered Christmas shopping a great deal initiative to get it; some are working hard more interesting to select gifts but perplex­ to keep it. ~Thy not change that "some" ing to-decide what we want.-A. J. K. to "all." Page Two THE BOOSTER Merry School News Happy Christmas New ~ear MRS. FRANCES G. ALLISON B-S STUDENTS HOLD THANKS- COLLEGE PLANS BIG PROGRAM LECTURES TO SECRETARIAL GIVING CELEBRATION COMMENCEMENT DEPARTMENT Distinguished Speaker to Deliver Dramatic Club Has Charge of Enter­ Opening Address Urges Students to Read Good Books tainment P reparations to Begin Soon Mrs. Frances G. Allinson, former Good Time Enjoyed by All Dean of the Women's College of Bryant-Stratton College plans to Brown University, and a member of The student body of Bryant-Strat­ hold one of the biggest commence­ the Providence School Committee, ton College held its annual Thanks­ lectured before the Secretarial De­ giving entertainment on Wednesday, ment programs this year, . th1!-t ~~s partment of Bryant-Stratton College ever been attempted be~ore ill e November 24, 1926. The program on Thursday, Nov. 18 .. 1926. Her lec­ was opened ,vith a few appropriate annal'S of the college. ThIS announcd~­ ture which was very interesting, was ment was made recently by the 1- remarks made by Mr. Jenison. The rectors of the college. entitled "Our Appreciation of Books." Bryant-Stratton College Orchestra 'J1he date has llOt yet been offiCIal­ Mrs. Allinson said that technique played two selections which were well ly announced, but it was made known and personality was something which received by the students. that these exercises would be held could easily be acquired by reading Miss Anna Knowlton, a member of during the latter part of August. good books. She mentioned the fact the Teacher-Training Department, Negotiations are already underway that a keen appreciation of books was rendered several solos which received for obtaining the use of the AI,hee the key to the higher standards of considerable applause from the stu­ Theatre for this particular occaSIOn. living. She went on to stress and dent body. Miss KnOWlton is a tal­ urge the students to read more books, ented entertainer, and deserves praise It was also stated that an outstand­ and become more familial' with good ing statesman or a disti~guished edu­ for the creditable showing made by cator of national prommence would literature. her upon this occasion. The students and the me~bcrs of deliver the commencement addr~ss. The next number on the program the Faculty who heard Mrs. Allison consisted of an original Thanksgiv­ All students who have satIsfac­ speak take this opportunity to thank torily completed the course of stu~y ing sketch entitled, "Priscilla Mul­ her for the excellent lecture which lens, Then and Now," by Miss Jean­ prescribed for any Degree ~ourse ~n she gave, and hope to have the pleas­ botJh Day and E'lening se~sIOn~, WIll nette Carroll of the Faculty. This ure of hearing her again in the near was given by Miss Eileen Kelleher be entitled to take part m thIS .oc­ future. It is interesting to note at casion. Those who gradu~te durmg and Miss Elizabeth Tierney. Both this time that Mrs. Allinson has re­ are members of the Dramatic Club, the present year :will receIve a card cently become a member of the Ad­ certifying graduatIOn, and the degre.e a newly formed student organization. visory Board of Bryant-Stratton Col­ This sketch was; well presented, and will be retained by the college untIl lege.-B. N. commencement. both Miss Kelleher and Miss Tierney The question of caps and gowns MIDYEAR TERM OPENS are to be commended upon their has already become a topic of much FEBRUARY 7, 1927 splendid showing. discussion among the students of the The program came to an end with Business Administration Department, Evening Division Term Opens Tues­ the rendering of a solo by Miss Mary and ver y soon the results will be an­ day, February 1st.
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