r"v'",!?fr II II THE ADVERTISEMENTS IN THE MAUI PEOPLE READ THE MAUI MAUI NEWS THIS WEEK ARE NEWS BECAUSE IT GIVES THE WORTH STUDYING CAREFULLY. NEWS OF MAUI COUNTY A8 NO THE FIRMS WHO ADVERTISE IN THE MAUI NEWS ARE THE ONES OTHER PAPER DOE8. THIS IS WORTHY YOUR FULLEST CONFI. THE REASON DISCERNING AD. DENCE. VERTI8ER8 USE ITS COLUMNS. THE MAUI NEWS, FRIDAY, MAY 9, 1919. TWENTIETH YEAR NUMBER 1000. THANKS DUE TO Women Ask Vote WAILUKU SENIORS Committee On Home HUNS CONSIDER RESULT LEGISLATURE FOR Of Congress Direct WINSFIRSTSERIES Economics Is Named GAME FROM SOME GOOD BILLS Mrs. J. M. Dowsett Arrives Tonight PAIA Maui Women Who Will Uphold Maui's OF REFUSING TO SIGN To Hold Two Suffrage Meetings-- Big Reputation At The Territorial On Progressive Lines Gathering Expected At Kahu-lu- i Season Opened With Ceremony By Fair Are Already Hard At Work Several Measures Declare Treaty Terms Were Passed Farm Loan Bill Monday Afternoon Chairman Wadsworth Of Maui Fine Exhibit Promised Impossible, Anarchy Would County Fair & Racing Association Well Worth A Trial lue Sky Be Better-Chi- nese Told Not To Sign Treaty If you believe in woman suffrage, Mrs. Harry Baldwin, the Maul mem- Law Fills Big Need And Assistants if you simply curious to know ber of the general committee on home or are Which Gives Shantung To Japan -- Bolsheviki what a suffrage meeting Is like, you economics for the big Territorial Fair GAME RAN AWAY IN LAST INNING meeting at to be held in 9 WILL PROBE HOLSTEIN'S CHARGES are invited to attend a Honolulu from June At Work In British Army And Navy--Vict- ory the Knhului Comnutnjty House next to 14, returned home from Honolulu Under-Subscrib- Monday nfternoon at 2:30 o'clock. At Rain Helped Muss Things Up Both last Saturday and has already an- ed Better Pay For Teachers Laws For Loan Much Wilson Appeals that time Mrs. J. M. Dowsett, of Ho- Teams Scored Heavily In Last nounced the personnel of her sub-cor- Social Betterment, Broadening nolulu, one of tho leaders In tho votes mil tees. These are as follow: for women movement in Hawaii, will Frame Wailuku Plantation Beat Foods HOSPITAL SHIP SINKER CAPTURED Scope Of College, All' Measures purpose of telling be present for tho Saints In Preliminary Jellies, Mrs. F. G. Krauss. (By The Associated Press) That Have Very General Approval Maui women something about it. Jams, canned and preserved fruits, LONDON, May 9 The captain of a German submarine ar- Mrs. has At Lahaina First W. O. Aiken. rived here from Spain and has been placed in the Tower. It is under- Mrs. Dowsett will also speak at standing Of Junior League Teams Pickles and relishes, Mrs. C. D. By HOWARD D. CASE. stood that the commander is one who sank hospital ships. Lahaina tomorrow. She is arriving P. W. L. T. Pet. Lufkin. (Special Correspondent Maul News) she went to Fruit juices, Mrs. D. II. Case. tonight from Hilo where Asahls 2 1 0 1 1.000 HONOLULU, May 7 Several things organize the women for a vigorous Honey, Mr. D. H. Case. OF COURSE THEY'RE SQUEALING Walluku Plant. 2 1 0 1 1.000 Cakes. Mrs. have happened since the legislature campaign of education against tho J. J. Walsh. (By The Associated Press) time of the next election. It is also All-Star- s 2 1 1 0 .G00 Outlet, Miss Jean Lindsay. LONDON, May 9 A Reuters telegraph came to a rather Inglorious end at suggesting Checcc, Miss Fearn. from Berlin says that understood that she is a Chinese 2 1 1 0 .500 German opinion on is least as as the house is concern upon the Uni- Candy and candied fruits, Mrs. D. the treaty that Germany generally would rather far strong drive to be made St. Anthony 2 0 0 0 .000 ed and the latest development is At- ted Slates congress at the next ses- .... Wadsworlh. have anarchy than such slavery. The people are discussing the conse- sion with a view to getting a suffrage Last Sunday's Results Pals. Mrs. Robt. Hughes. quences of refusing to sign. Financiers are convinced that the treaty torney General Harry Irwin's letter Snap, Mrs. Sam to Speaker II. L. Holstein requesting bill passed by direct action without Wailuku Plantation, 0; St. Anthony, Baldwin. means Germany's ruin. referring it to anybody in Hawaii at l. F.ronomy menus, Mrs. W. A. Bald- enlightenment on Holstein's allega- win. tions in a letter to the press that all something like the prohibition Wailuku, 12; Paia, 9 (Seniors). bill was put into effect here. Next Sunday's Household Arts CROWN PRINCE GOES INTO BUSINESS there was an attempt at "graft" at Games (By The Associated Press) some time or other during the ses- Mrs. Dowsett will be the guest of Asahis vs. Chinese at 1:15 p. nl. Dresses, Miss Olive Lindsay. A. in Lahaina, e 9 sion of the house. If charges Mrs. W. Collins while Lahaina vs. Kahului-Puunen- (Sen Holokus, Mrs. Kepoikal. WASHINGTON, May The crown prince is engag- these of over Made arc correct, the attorney-genera-l and of the Dowsotts Makawao iors) at 3:15. and trimmed hats, Mrs. M. ed in pottery manufacturing in Holland, according to advices which to the names of thoso Sunday. It all Wailuku, Sunday on B. Hair. is would like have request last he a large investor in a company operating on the island of if apparent founda- At the of Mrs. Dowsett, the the local diamond. The curtain-raise- r Lauliala and Haw'n. Ohio hats, Mrs. involved; without W. Wicringcn. tion, Mr. Irwin believes the public Kahulul meeting has been called by between tho Saints and Walluku II. Field. indica- Embroidery, should bo so informed in order that Mrs. Will. J. Cooper. Present Plantation was won by tho later, G to Mrs. F. W. Hardy. complete exoneration may bo accord- tions are that there is considerable 4, and the opening game of the Sen Crochet work, Mrs. James Wight. WILSON APPEALS FOR VICTORY LOAN ed the lower chamber solons. Interest among Maui women and also lor League between Paia and Wailu Knitting, Mrs. C. P. Dumey. (By The Associated Press) To quote from Mr. Irwin's letter to among a good many men in the mat- leu resulted in a victory for the home Tatting, Mrs. II. W. Wells. WASHINGTON, May 9 President Wilson has issued through Speaker Holstein: ter, and that the meeting will be well boys, 12 to 9. Because thero is but little time left attended. Secretary Glass an appeal that Americans make the Victory loan a "The statements, If made by you, There was a treat in store for tho for getting the Maul exhibits ready, popular indicate a knowledge on your part of At Lahaina Miss Becky Ihihi, has great crowd of fans when Chairman the committee makes an appeal to great thanks offering. among h a criminal conspiracy existing been working up interest the adsv.-ort- of the Athlotlc Commit' the women of Maul as follows: tween members of legislature for women of West Maul in the Saturday tee of the Maul County Fair & Rac anyone SAYS AUSTRIA the meeting. "Will having anything on WILL NOT TIE TO GERMANY the purpose of unlawfully extorting ing Association, announced that Ca hand, that would come under the En- (By Tho Associated Press) money from ertaln persons or corpora leb Burns, assistant manager of the try List, published in last week's BASEL, May 9 The majority faction of the Austrian national territory. I be- Wailuku Sugar Co., Jack Walsh, man Maui tlons in the cannot News, please notify some mem- assembly has decided to renounce the idea of union with Germany in lieve you would publish these state- ager of the Kahulul Store, and Dr. ber of the above committee. As En- ments unless you had sufficient facts Health Comes Before Weisbaum, would start the 1919 sen tries close May 31st, time is short, the interests of Austria and world peace, says a Vienna report. in your possession to warrant such lor season on its journey. and the ladies would be very grateful publication. Paia took tho field with Burns and CHINESE TOLD NOT TO SIGN Roads-Ways- on for volunteer contributions. Of PEACE TREATY Will Prosecute If True Good Weisbaum doing battery duty. Then, course quality and not quantity, is to (By Tho Associated Press) a individual by "These constitute a charge of the certain the name of bo desired." PARIS, May 9 The Chinese peace delegates have been instruc-e- d gravest nature against members of from Peking not to sign the peace To (Continued on Page Nine.) treaty because of the Kiaochau the legislature and are so publicly Health Board Expert Finds Much and Shantung settlement terms. made and of a nature so grave that Alien On Pilot Boat thi3 department government Praise And Some Things To Con- of the PAGE TO RESIGN REASON NOT feels Impelled to request you to fur- demn On Maui Say School San- Mat Artist Would Like Cause Of Investigation STATED nish us with the facts In your posses- (By The Associated Press) sion which form the basis of these itation Is Disgrace Match With Maui Man PARIS, May9 It is staled 'in high quarters that Ambassador charges. If John Bunker (real name un- Page, in Rome, will resign with the conclusion of peace. ''If. the conspiracy outlined in your known), pilot opera interview actually was formed, and "Maui is all right has a lot of the Japanese boat things, Louis M.
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