Bosque ISSN: 0304-8799 [email protected] Universidad Austral de Chile Chile Spyroglou, Gavriil; Radoglou, Kalliopi Effect of pre-treatments on the germination of jasmin box (Phillyrea latifolia) seeds in Greece Bosque, vol. 38, núm. 2, 2017, pp. 347-355 Universidad Austral de Chile Valdivia, Chile Available in: http://www.redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=173152521012 How to cite Complete issue Scientific Information System More information about this article Network of Scientific Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal Journal's homepage in redalyc.org Non-profit academic project, developed under the open access initiative BOSQUE 382 347-355, 2017 DOI 10.407/S0717-92002017000200012 Eect o pre-treatments on the germination o jasmin box (Phillyrea latifolia ) seeds in Greece Efecto de tratamientos previos sobre la germinación de semillas de Phillyrea latifolia en Grecia Gavriil Spyroglou a, Kalliopi Radoglou b a Hellenic Agricultural Organization DEMETER, Forest Research Institute, Thessaloniki, Greece. Corresponding author b Democritus University of Thrace DUTH, Department of Forestry and Management of the Environment and Natural Resources, Pantazidou str 193, 82 00 N. Orestiada, Greece, phone 30 25520 41171, kradoglo fmenr.duth.gr, radoglou fri.gr SUMMARY The ma or problem in seedlings production of asmin box Phillyrea latifolia is the poor and irregular germination due to seed dormancy. The ob ective of the present study was to evaluate methods of seed pre-treatments to increase germination. The effect of different solutions of KOH and NaOH, wood ash lye, GA 3 and cold or arm stratication on germination ere evaluated. Sets o our replicates of 25 seeds were soaked for 24 hours in KOH and NaOH solutions of 0.2, 0.5, 1 and 2 , in wood ash lye solutions of 33, -1 -1 , 133, 1, 532 g L and in GA 3 solutions of 250, 500, 1000, 2,000, 3,000 mg L . A control set of seeds was imbibed in water for 48 hours. All sets ent through zero, to, our and si months o cold - C or arm C stratication. The seeds ere incubated in petri dishes lled ith moistened sand, at to alternating temperatures and C ith a light period o hours. From the results e conclude that Chemical pre-treatments ith OH and ash le and arm stratication increased germination to . -1 Treatment ith ater and arm stratication also increased germination to . Treatment ith mg L GA 3 and six months arm stratication increased germination to hile higher concentrations had a negative eect. Cold stratication did not break dormancy. Optimum germination temperature in a growth chamber was 15-20 °C, while temperature at 20-30 °C inhibited germination. Key words dormanc breaking, seed germination, stratication, le solutions, gibberellic acid . RESUMEN Un problema en la producción de plantas de labiérnago Phillyrea latifolia es la irregular y ba a germinación debido al letargo de las semillas. El ob etivo del presente estudio fue evaluar tratamientos previos a las semillas para aumentar su capacidad germinativa. Se -1 evaluó el efecto de soluciones de KOH y NaOH 0,2, 0,5, 1 y 2 , le ía de ceniza de madera 33, , 133, 1, 532 g L y GA 3 250, 500, 1.000, 2.000, 3.000 mg L -1 estraticación en río o en caliente. Conjuntos de cuatro repeticiones de semillas se sumergieron durante 24 horas en las soluciones. Adicionalmente, se aplicó un tratamiento control con unto de semillas embebidas 48 horas en agua. Todos los conjuntos pasaron por , , meses de estraticación en río - C o temperatura ambiente C. Las semillas, en placas de Petri con arena húmeda, se incubaron a dos temperaturas alternantes 20/15 y 30/20 °C con un periodo de luz de 1 horas. Se concluó que los tratamientos con OH lejía de ceniza de madera la estraticación cálida aumentaron signicativamente la germinación hasta el . Tratamientos con agua estraticación caliente tambin aumentaron la germinación a . El tratamiento -1 con 250 mg L GA 3 seis meses estraticación cálida aumentó la germinación hasta el , pero las concentraciones más altas tuvieron efecto negativo. La temperatura de germinación en la incubadora fue 15-20 °C. La alta temperatura de incubación 20-30 °C la estraticación ría - C resultaron en nula germinación. Palabras clave ruptura del letargo, germinación de semillas, estraticación, soluciones de lejía, ácido giberlico . INTRODUCTION play an important role in the ecology of ma uis vegetation. The genus Phillyrea belongs to the Oleaceae family and One of the typical species of the Mediterranean ma uis comprises two species, P. latifolia and P. angustifolia L.. is the asmin box Phillyrea latifolia L.. It is an evergreen The rst species gros across the eu-Mediterranean zone, broad-leaved bush or small tree up to 5 m high Dimopou- all over Greece, while the second does not occur in Greece los et al. 2013. It grows in the peri-Mediterranean coun- Dimopoulos et al. 2013. tries and, specicall in Greece, in dr maquis sites and as Phillyrea latifolia is a species of ecological and econo- understory shrub in Aleppo pine and oak forests Dimo- mic importance. It can be used as plant for soil protection poulos et al. 2013. As all evergreen, sclerophyllus shrubs in reforestations, suitable for landscape restorations becau- 347 BOSQUE 382 347-355, 2017 Effect of pre-treatments on the germination of asmin box se o its drought tolerance and eas resprouting ater res, the germination ability of different shrubs, including P. la- as an ornamental shrub or small tree and nall it can be tifolia groing in Eskiehir province, Turke. cultivated for the medicinal use of the leaves and fruits Phillyrea latifolia, as a species belonging to Oleaceae Gucci et al. , ceda and Gltekin . family, produces fruits drupes that contain oily substan- The seeds of P. latifolia germinate very irregularly ces such as fat acids in the endocarp as well as in the endos- and with long delay if they are not submitted to some pre- perm similar to the fruits of olive trees Barclay and Earle treatment Bachiller 1991. Traditional methods in nurse- 1974, Royal Botanic Gardens Kew 201. In the past, fruits ries usually give bad results in terms of low percentage and of this species were harvested and consumed by people as long-time germination Cantos et al. 2001. They usually wild olives Pieroni and Pachaly 2000. These substances, present double dormancy due to the impermeability of the among other inhibitors, might also be responsible for the seed coats because of hardness of the coat, the oily subs- physiological dormancy the seeds present and prevent ger- tances that may prohibit the water penetration and embryo mination. As it was mentioned before, P. latifolia is a spe- physiological dormancy Bachiller 1991, Takos and Efthi- cies of growing ecological and economic importance. Re- miou 2002. However, Mira et al. 2015 found that the cently, it has been suggested to be included, among other Phillyrea spp. seeds imbibe water and thus do not present broadleaves, in the reforestations for biodiversity enhan- morphological dormancy. This type of double dormancy cement; although the dicult and irregular germination it can be overcome by combining immersion in different presents makes it ineligible by the nurseries. Having this chemical solutions, such as acids and pre-chilling at 2-4 °C in mind as a general aim, we thought that in order to break for a certain period Gordon et al. 1991, García Fayos et dormancy and to improve the germination capacity of this al. 2001, ISTA 2008. In nature the fruits of P. latifolia are species, it would be useful to treat these seeds with diffe- dispersed by birds and other fruit eating animals Herrera rent lye solutions in order to neutralize the fat acids contai- et al. 1994. ith the ingestion of the fruits the seeds are ned in the endocarp and subse uently, with cold at 2-4 °C sub ected to a chemical pre-treatment by the hydrochloric or arm at C stratication in moist sand to remove the acid and other enzymes of the animals ingestion system, inhibitors that might be present in the embryo. hence the hard seed coat structure changes Traveset et al. More specicall, the aims o this stud are to evaluate 2001. The inhibitor substances that are contained in the the effect of lye solutions, of hormone GA 3, as well as of endosperm can be removed b stratication on orest oor cold or arm stratication and incubation temperatures on and seeds germinate more easily in the spring. dormancy breaking and to improve seed germination of P. There is a number of studies that are concerned with latifolia seeds for successful plant production. the ecology and germination of the seeds of the genus Phi- llyrea . Most of them have been carried out in Spain and METHODS few in Turkey. Traveset 1994 studied the effect of ga- lling insects on the reproductive output of P. angustifolia Seed collection. The fruits of P. latifolia were collected in South-eastern Spain. Herrera et al. 1994 studied the from Kassandra, Chalkidiki, Northern Greece, 39° 59 fruit removal by birds, seed rain, post dispersal seed preda- 50 N, 23° 30 14E and 190 320 m a.s.l. by hand in tion, seed germination and seedlings emergence, survival November 2012. The fruits were collected from 50 diffe- and establishment of P. latifolia in South-eastern Spain. rent mother trees and from all sides of the crown, packed The effect of high temperatures 70 and 120 °C on the in plastic bags and transferred to the nursery where clea- germination of P. latifolia was investigated by Raimon and ning and drying was carried out.
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