TH E MORNINGSIDER is the official alumni pub­ lica tion of Morningside College, Sioux City, Iowa December 1961 THE PRES IDENT'S PEN capable of giving to Morningside through a Will. Twenty years from now, the only church­ At the fall meeting of the Board of related non-tax-supported college still Trustees of Morningside College I per- carrying on a respectable educational pro­ sented a program on Wills and E states. gram, will be those institutions which are The Board adopted this program with the building significant endowment programs thought that it should be immediately put today. into operation. I want to explain this pro­ J. Richard Palmer gram briefly to you and ask you for your support and assistance. There will be quarterly mailings to a select group of at least 1,000 individuals ON THE COVER which we hope will motivate them to ask for additional information which will tell Groundbreaking exercises for the them how they can retain the use of their new Student Center were held Friday, money and yet save tax dollars by including October 20, of Homecoming weekend. Morningside College in their estate plan­ Shown holding the spade of upturned ning. Despite the constantly increasing num­ soil from the site, is President Emeritus ber of wealthy individuals, relatively few Earl A. Roadman. Others from left to are being motivated to give to tax exempt ·right are President J. Richard Palmer, organizations. Apparently people of wealth Al Buckingham, Director of Public Rela­ don't realize how little it costs to make such tions and Athletic Director, David W. bequests. In 1959 slightly more than 5% Stewart, President of the Board of of the gross estates were bequeathed to all tax exempt organizations in the United Trustees, Steve Pohlman, president of States, which shows an evidence of neglect the student body, Dave Otto, student on the part of people in leaving their council member, Alan Stone, student estates to needy causes, such as the church council member, and Harold Poppen, and college. We must see that the peop,!e admission's counselor. are inf,ormed. What I am asking you to do at this time is furnish us with names and information about individuals in your community, pos­ sibly members of your church or others in THE MORNINGSIDER the community that would be interested in A. W. Buckingham ___ __ Public Relations Morningside College. They should be of Louis Croston ----- ----------- ___ Editor Entered at the Postoffice at Sioux City, Iowa as sufficient means that they would to able to Second Class Matter under Act of Congress, August leave enough income to take care of their 24. 191 2. Published four times a year in September. December, March and June by Morningside college. family and other local interests but still be Sioux City 6, Iowa 2 THE MORNINGSIDER VOL. XX December, 1961 N o. 2 From left to right: Diane Bushyager, Elaine Arveson, Kay Pech, Queen Nancy Drommer, Judy Marsh, Jean Long, Sonja Goetsch. BEAUTY AND CHARM REIGN AT HOMECOMING Miss Nancy Drommer of Pomeroy, Iowa Iowa; and J udy Marsh and Diane Bush­ was elected the 1961 Homecoming Queen. yager of Sioux City. the coronation took place in Alle Gymna­ Nancy is a senior and majoring in m usic sium at the annual homecoming dance Fri­ education. She is a member of the student day evening, October 20th. The Queen's attendants were Elaine Arveson, Hornick council, band, choir, Mu Phi Epsilon music Iowa; Sonja Goetsch, Lu Verne, Iowa; Jean sorority, and has served as president of the Long, Fort Dodge, Iowa; Kay Pech, LeMars, women's dormitory. 3 MORNINGSIDE COLLEGE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Officers and Board Homecoming 1961 to Homecoming 1962 Alumni Officers Presi dent ___________ Dean Harrington '51 Pres. Elect ____________ James Fowler '53 Vice President Mildred Wikert Wallman '4 1 La Donna Rispalje Preston '53 Secretary ___ _____ ___ Ruth Elliott Jones '46 Treasurer _____ __________ _ Ira Gwinn '22 Executive Committee Don Stone '51 Don Kelsey '49 Don Severeide '42 Don Stone ('50), 1960-61 president of the C. C. (Cap) Maddison '28 Morningside Alumni Association .receives a Mrs. R. H. M cBride '17 plaque for his year of fine service, from the Robert Eidsmoe '52 new President Dean Harrington '51. Dean Chet Josl in '51 is Terminal manager of the Premier Trucking Service Company and Mrs. Harrington is the Alumni Trustee former Chris Booz '49. Hon ie Rogers '25 The new president assumed his duties for Virgil Gerkin '21 the year 1961-62 after being installed at Lowell Crippen '30 the annual Homecoming dinner. Richard King '41 Donald Preston ' 51 From left to right, new officers present Jean Woodford Stone, ('45), Don Stone, for a picture were Jim Fowler, Don Preston, ('51 ), Chris Booz Harrington, Dean Harring­ Mildred Wikert Wallman, LaDonna Rispalje ton '51, LaDonna Rispalje Preston '53, Don Preston, and Dean Harrington . Preston '51. 4 "M" CLUB The food line at the "M" Club lunc,heon gets rapt attention from the "first in line". Recognizable in the photo are Merle Shafen- berg '21 of Hinton, Dwight Hauff '28, of Sioux City, Bud Brockm.an, Coach, Max Hughes . 28 and Darrell Murray '59. We don't remember if in this picture Nathan "Rabbit" Goldberg '30 is bowing, getting up, or in the process of sitting down. At any rate Harold "Buck" Bollman '35 is amused. Bob Hansen is displaying the "Obe" Wenig Memo·rial Plaque. This plaque, in memory of Obe Wenig, all time great athlete and former coach at Morningside, has spaces for the next twenty years for the names of t,hose men chosen by t.he coaching staff as the most improved basketball player each year. Bob Hansen '51 was the "M" Club luncheon chairman. Russell "Pete" Knudsen '27, and Charlie Bach '27 were recipients of "M" Club blan- kets at the luncheon. Knudsen and Bach were star .half-backs for Morningside. Knud­ sen first presented a blanket to Bach and after accepting, Bach presented one to Knud­ sen. Knudsen is Superintendent of the Natural Gas Pipe Line Plant at Dakota City, Nebraska; and Bach is manager for Sears and Co. of the Minneapolis area stores. 5 HOMECOMING 1961 Homecoming 1961 was a colorful event on the campus October 20th and 21st. Events started Thursday evening with the traditional bon fire on Bass Field, crowning of the fresh­ man queen a nd a pep rally. Ground breaking ceremonies for the new Student Center were held Friday morning at the convocation hour, followed by the annual alumni workshop. ( see page 8 ) Friday evening following the alumni work­ shop, a dinner was held at Grace Church, open to a lumni and faculty. The speaker was R alph Beerman ('35 ) of D akota City, Ne­ braska republican representative in the U nited States Congress. The annual Homecoming dance and cor­ onation of Miss Morningside, 1961 was held Friday evening in Allee Gymnasium. Darrel Warner and his orchestra provided the music. Nancy Drommer of Pomeroy, Iowa was Miss Sherry Read, of Algona, was crowned crowned Queen by Presiden t P almer. Morn­ freshman queen during Morningside college ingside's tradition is that the identity of the Homecoming festivities. Queen be kept secret until the actual moment The co ronation ceremony was held Thurs­ of the coronation. Male students only are al­ day, October 19, at the annual pep rally and lowed to vote. bon fire on Bass Field. Saturday morning Saturday morning's feature was the parade. October 21 , she was :honored in the Home­ As is now the custom, it formed for a per­ coming parade. formance at the east end of Morningside Ave­ Freshman queen attendants were Rita nue, proceeds to Cecelia Park and reassem­ Noehren of Harlan, Susan Buckingham, Jean bles in downtown Sioux City to parade there. Langlas, Belle Plaine, Iowa, and Marge Free- man, Cylinder, Iowa. At noon on Sa turday the "M" Club lunch­ Sherry is majoring in business administra­ eon was held in Allee Gymnasium. This is tion at the college. a booster organization and membership is not limited to letter winners,. H arold Bollman, president of the " M " Club presided . Sorority reunion luncheons were held at noon at the Biltmore R esta urant. K appa Pi Alpha (formerly Alpha Delta Pi a nd Pieria), D elta Zet a (formerly K appa Z eta Sigma (for­ merly and Atheneauim) sororities participated. The play " private Life of the Master Race", by Brecht, was presented by the drama de­ partment in the afternoon. The annual H omecoming dinner was held in the dining room of Dimmitt Hall that evening, a t which time the Alumni Associa­ tion officers for 1961-62 were installed. Don Stone presided until he had installed the new officers. Morningside was defeated by State College of Iowa (formerly Iowa State Teachers) in Winning first prize for floats in the Home­ the Homecoming game 43 to 27. com ing parade was the one entered by Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity (formerly Alpha Coffee and doughnuts were served to a lum­ Tau Delta and before that, Othonian). The ni and friends after the game in the drawing Theme of International Highlights was w ell room of Dimmitt H all. carried out by the float. 6 NEW INTERNATIONAL HOUSE Shown at the entrance of the new inter­ national House upon the occasion of a ribbon cutting ceremony symbolizing its opening are several foreign students along with Dr. Uemura, head of the Philosophy department and Professor Ray Nelson, coordinator of th e African Student Program. INTERNATIONAL HOUSE OPENS A ribbon cutting ceremony, symbolizes the opening of the International House, held at two o'clock on Saturday afternoon was a part of the Homecoming program.
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