Integrated Report 2020 CONNECTIONS THAT INSPIRE Content Statement of Responsibility [GRI 102-50] This document contains true and sufficient information about the business activities carried out by Red de Energía del Perú (ISA REP) during 2020. Notwithstanding the responsibility of the issuer, the undersigned parties take responsibility for its content in accordance with applicable legal provisions. Bernardo Vargas Carlos Mario Caro Sánchez Chairman of the Board General Manager [GRI 102-51, 102-52, 102-54] “This report is prepared on an annual basis, with 2019 as the latest reporting year” “This report has been prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards: Core option”. Message from the Chairman [GRI 102-14] Dear Shareholders, 2020 will be remembered as a historic year, not 2019, in revenue and amortization, shows an EBITDA growth only by our organization, but by the entire world of 2.7% for 2019 maintaining net profit for similar values, only due to the enormous challenge generated by the changed by income tax, associated with higher revenue. Addi- spread and control of COVID-19. tionally, at the end of 2020, assets amounted to USD 502.01 MM and equity of USD 170.41 MM. Meanwhile, the risk rating Despite the various changes in all economic sectors, ISA REP carried out by specialized agencies confirmed the strength and proved its success, transforming its processes, to continue financial soundness of ISA REP, keeping the AAA rating for its offering the quality service that millions of Peruvians needed bond issues in Peru. during this period, thus contributing to their development and well-being. In 2020, ISA REP put Expansion No. 20 project into commercial operation, with an investment of USD 26.6 MM, which increased Therefore, I am pleased to share with you the results of ISA the reliability of the transmission system in various parts of the REP management during 2020, which show excellent financial country. In this way, the company maintains its position as one and operational performance, as well as fulfillment of relevant of the most important players in the transmission of high volt- milestones, which reaffirm our leadership in the electricity sec- age energy in the country, with a total network availability of tor and our purpose of generating CONNECTIONS THAT IN- 99.71%. SPIRE with our stakeholders, despite the uncertainty. On the other hand, during 2020 we understood that we had At the financial level, ISA REP ended 2020 with a Net Profit of to join forces with the State, academia, researchers and other USD 46.21 MM and EBITDA of USD 122.8 MM, which, after private sector companies, to bring help to those who were the removing the extraordinary events that occurred in fiscal year 4 [GRI 102-14] most affected by Covid19 in our society. For this reason, we de- strated during 2020 by concluding the RPA’s development, the ployed the “We are All One” humanitarian campaign, through use of augmented reality glasses to monitor our operation and which we have invested more than USD 600 thousand. Among implementation of the BIM methodology in the design of trans- our contributions are the delivery of food and health kits to the mission projects. These are milestones that I am convinced are most vulnerable communities. Also, encouraged by Peruvian proof that the future, despite the current restrictions, is very talent and its innovation capacity, we financed the construc- promising. tion of 100 mechanical ventilators to strengthen the service of intensive care units (ICU) in hospitals of Peru; and, we con- On the other hand, I thank the contractors and suppliers of the tributed to the research of cheaper and more accessible rapid company, who faced a year of many changes together with us. molecular tests. However, we worked jointly to continue delivering quality ser- vice to the country. I thank ISA REP employees who have demonstrated resilience and adaptability during this challenging year, which are key ca- With total transparency, we deliver this document to you with pabilities of those who are part of Grupo ISA. Despite the abrupt the firm conviction that you will find in it the necessary informa- changes of working from home in a complete virtual manner that tion to contextualize the management of ISA REP in the year we have all experienced, they have more than proven that we 2020. have the best talent in the market at the company. This fact is ratified as we were selected in the Great Place to Work ranking Sincerely, as one of the best industries to work with during 2020 in Peru. Likewise, our talent has consolidated its passion to innovate and transcend the transformation of the sector. This was demon- Bernardo Vargas Chairman of the Board - ISA REP 5 2020 Milestones We were recognized by the Ministry of the Environment for our excellent practices in favor of the environment. We invested more than half a million dollars to help fight the COVID-19 health emergency. For the Jaguar International Month, we organized to- gether with the Ministry of the Environment and other In Alliance with Pontificia Universidad Católica del partners, the “Reconnecting with the jaguar” event. Perú, we delivered 100 MASI mechanical ventilators to the ICUs that most needed them in the country. We reaffirm the excellence of our processes through the renewal of our SIG+ System. Through an agreement with Universidad Peruana Cayeta- no Heredia, research on rapid molecular tests was financed, among other contributions. Grupo ISA and Construcciones El Cóndor created Intercon- exiones Viales to participate in the highway infrastructure sector in Peru and Colombia. The Conexión Jaguar program and the implementa- Start of construction of the improvement and expansion proj- tion of the Medical Oxygen plant for Chanchamayo ect of Instituto Superior Tecnológico Peruano ‘Luis Felipe de obtained first places in two categories of the 2020 las Casas Grieve’. The project is carried out in consortium Sustainable Development Award from the National with MINSUR and will benefit 1,200 students. Society of Mining, Oil and Energy. Likewise, our cam- paigns We Are All One and Together against COVID: Economic Reactivation were awarded second places. We were recognized by Pacífico Seguros for our “Com- mitment to Health and Safety Risks Management at Work in the Company”. We conducted the first internal HACKATHON to promote The Regional Energy Integration Commission recog- purposeful innovation within the organization. nized our management in Occupational Health and Safety. We are one of the 7 companies in the sector recognized from among 83 companies from 15 coun- tries. ISA REP Figures 99.71 % 92 % of our 0 COMPLAINTS suppliers are LOCAL NETWORK availability due to corruption cases dollars in of our 99.73 % EMPLOYEES 600,000 SOCIAL have received training on anti-corruption INVESTEMENT 0 FATALITIES +28,000 hours of TRAINING in our operations for our employees 7 1 Our Value Proposal The energy we transport contributes to help in the fight against COVID-19 in order to allow more Peruvians stay at home and take care of themselves. Alberto Amaya, Maintenance Planning Specialist Our Value 1 Proposal 1.1. Who are we? [GRI 102-1, 102-7] We are Red de Energía del Perú S.A. (ISA REP), a leading company in the energy sector, dedicated to the construction, operation and maintenance of high voltage electric power transmission lines in 21 regions of Peru. ISA REP was born in 2002 after winning an international tender to operate the transmission lines awarded as a concession by the Peruvian State. ISA REP manages two important companies in the sector: Consorcio Transmantaro (ISA CTM), the company re- Interconexión Eléctrica ISA Perú (ISA Perú) was creat- sponsible, since 1997, for the concession of the Man- ed in 2001 to undertake for 32 years the concession of taro-Socabaya power transmission line, which links the the Oroya-Carhuamayo-Paragsha-Vizcarra 220 kV and Central-Northern Interconnected System with the South- Aguaytía-Pucallpa 138 kV electrical transmission lines, ern Interconnected System of Peru. It was the first com- with their corresponding substations. pany in the energy sector in Latin America to issue green As part of its expansion strategy, in 2020 it acquired the bonds. company Orazul Energy Group, owner of Etenorte and Eteselva, which operate six transmission lines with a total of 746 km. 9 Our Value Proposal Our Value 1 Proposal We are part of ISA Group OPERATIONS IN [GRI 102-8] 6 COUNTRIES ISA is a multi-Latin business group with IN SOUTH AMERICA AND CENTRAL AMERICA more than 53 years of experience and background engaged COMPANIES in electric power, roads, telecommunications and ICT busi- 51 ISA, PARENT COMPANY OF THE GROUP AND 50 SUBSIDIARIES HOLDINGS IN 14 COMPANIES nesses, contributing to the quality of life of millions of people in Colombia, Brazil, Chile, Peru, Bolivia, Argentina and Central America, through the work of its nearly 4 thousand employees 4352 EMPLOYEES in its 51 companies. OF THE MANAGEMENT 30% TEAM ARE WOMEN The group develops its business based on technical excel- lence, efficient provision of its services, creation of sustainable ENERGÍA ELÉCTRICA value for its stakeholders and society in general, leveraged by innovation and digital transformation, supported by the best VÍAS corporate governance and ethics practices. TELECOMUNICACIONES Y TIC ISA and its companies are committed to mitigating and adapt- 47,358 km and ing to climate change, the rational use of resources, devel- 95,120 MVA of transmission opment of programs that generate a positive impact on the infrastructure in operation environment, comprehensive development of the communi- 1,053 km of 65,612 km and highways in ties where they operate, quality, reliability and availability of the 114,017 MVA including operation 54,137 km of fiber participation of ISA in services they provide.
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