Seattle nivU ersity ScholarWorks @ SeattleU The peS ctator 2-12-1976 Spectator 1976-02-12 Editors of The pS ectator Follow this and additional works at: http://scholarworks.seattleu.edu/spectator Recommended Citation Editors of The peS ctator, "Spectator 1976-02-12" (1976). The Spectator. 1491. http://scholarworks.seattleu.edu/spectator/1491 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by ScholarWorks @ SeattleU. It has been accepted for inclusion in The peS ctator by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks @ SeattleU. SEATTLE Stephens left for unknownreasons Spectator by John Sutherland Bill Stephens,former business UNIVERSITY manager, resigned unexpectedly Vol. XLIV, No. 17 <*@*wo Thursday, February 12, 1976, Seattle, Washington and for personal reasons,accor- ding to University ad- ministrators. Stephenshasrefus- ed to comment toTheSpectator. John Lawlor, S.J., S.U. ad- plant ministrative assistant to the No specifics on budget president,said, "The resignation unexpectedly. tobemadeincuttingback," were released. Parks said came No reason by John Sutherland have was stated inhis written resigna- No specific areas in plant she continued. seasonal fluctuations result in the help being increased and tion. You'll have toask Stephens management's budget have been Parks said if she had been himself." overspent, according to Dr. responsiblefor puttingresources decreased. VirginiaParks,vicepresidentfor into plant managementshe may things differently. INRESPONSE to a question DR.VIRGINIA Parks, newly business and finance. have done appointed vice president for Revenue is still cominginand "Weare relookingat thedirec- about the source of funding for to the administration offices business and finance, said "Bill Bill Stevens expenditures still have to be tion to go, the efficient way resignation accounting go," she explained. renovations, Parks said the Stephens' was not made. The final asked for, he was not fired." won't be known untilthe end of She emphasized expenditures money came from general-fund Joe Gardiner,now director of within resources. Money from plant Sheadmitted somepeoplehad plantmanagement,saidhe didn't the year,she said. would change budget complained about Stephensbut Parks was responding to a limitations. "We are going to management was not involved want to speculate on why JoeGardiner, have an efficiently run plant. exceptfor the timeplant workers said the physical plant always Stephensresigned."Idon'tknow comment madeby gets majority of complaints. If plant management, However, doesn't mean were on the job. a why he resigned," he com- director of in that a person parks in the wrong The Spectator two weeks ago. things were not efficiently run Stephens took outside con- mented. before." parking space or the plumbing' tracts on the work. Nofinal cost isn't working, the blame always AT THE time Gardiner said, figures in yet, she said. THE PRESIDENT'S cabinet were are falls on plant management, she met last week to consider issuing "We're (plant management)run- IN JANUARY students pointed ning into budgetary problems. released from plant- Gardiner was asked to specify out. a formal statement on Stephens' Stephens (former business management jobs because the theareasin which thebudget was resignation. It decided to say manager) overexpended his continued rate of their salaries overspent. nothing because there wasn't budget in several areas, so it's would have resulted inoverspen- "I'm not free at this time to Ryantakes anything tosay,Lawlor explain- difficult to improve on ding the budget, Parks said. make a statement," he said. He ed. maintenance in several areas "We cut the number of furtherexplainedhe wascurrent- Currently Gardiner is in because we're left with a budget studentsonmyrecommendation ly meeting with Parks to deter- charge of operations while Dan limitation." along with that of John Lawlor. minethe exactfinancial situation brief leave Mahoneyis responsible for per- Parks did say that if spending Stephens carried out that deci- of plant management. Edmund G. Ryan, S.J., S.U. sonnel, duties formerly under at as sion." president, has been advised to Stephens' jurisdiction. continued the same rate moneyoriginally put in earlier in the year, the budget Onesolution to the problemis Some rest by his physicians due to It this setup works well,anew to of work- onearea was used in other areas. physical exhaustion, according business manager will not be would be overspentby theend of increase the amount early money available to It's still too to make con- to Lawlor,S.J. hired. the year. study clusions, Gardiner said. John "More money was spent in students in plant management. Ryan willbe at aJesuit retreat "I'm optimistic the current certain areas than Ithought There is also the possibility of Parks commented, "I have house until March 15. plan will work well," Lawlor should have been," she com- qualifying more students for greatconfidence inJoe Gardiner Lawlor, as executive vice said. He added no permanent mented. work-study, Parks suggested. and Dan Mahoney and the jobs president, will act as president decision will be made until June Non-student personnel also they're doing." until Ryan returns. 30. "WE'RE CURRENTLY looking closely at expenditures Fine arts option in the plant area.Some decisions Majority official notice chairmen call forreconsideration All classes are cancelled by Nathalie Weber acceptedthis proposal which was the core, but I don't think it shouldbeexpanded to 70credits Monday,Feb. 16,inhonor of A majority of members of the announced on Jan. 26as a new shouldreplace oneof the English and would like reconsideration George Washington's birth- executive committee of the regulation for students of both literatures or a survey course in of Power's decision. day. This year marks the College of Arts and Sciences Arts and Sciences and Nursing, history. In a high-class liberal "I think it would bebest thatit 144thanniversaryofhis birth. voted ten for,sixagainst andone to take effect spring quarter. arts college,you should have at go through the academic coun- abstaining last Wednesday to The department chairmen least oneEnglish lit.ona college cil," Reichmann said. accept arts as part of an within Arts and Sciences ex- levelandanoverview ofhistory." Returning must fine students re- option to the core requirements pressed various views on the Goodwin said he favored ex- JAMES ROYCE, S.J., apply for financial aid for the for that College only if five institution of regulation. panding thecorecredits from the strongly favors the addition of 1976-77 academic year. The credits were added to the core. Objections seem to be based present65 required credits to 70. finearts but not at theexpenseof application deadline for re- vote, on academic council is an English literature. turning April 1, Regardlessof this James the effect of deletion of the The students is Powers, S.J., dean of Arts and present literature requirement, advisory body consisting of "Somehow, I just can't 1976. Sciences, sustained his original each department's flexibility, representatives from the schools, stomach the thought ofa student Returning students must to faculty body graduating from this University SFS, proposal to add fine arts as an and a desire see more in- senate and student file a PCS or a S.U. option to English literature or vestigation into finding alter- of S.U. It deals with academic without a literature course," application for aidandabasic standards, long-range academic said. application. history core requirements natives in order to include fine Royce grant Files must without expanding the number arts. planning and goals, graduation Alexander McDonald, S.J., be complete in the financial of core credits. requirements and curriculum. English chairman, said, "A very aid office by April 1toensure JAMES GOODWIN,S.J.,so- James Reichmann, S.J., vital question is 'Can we say we maximum consideration for GUPPY, aca- ciologychairman, said, philosophy chairman, agrees provided a liberal arts aid. WILLIAM "Iwould have demic vice president, originally like toseeit(finearts)included in that the core requirements education to a person who graduates without any literature?'" McDonald said the decision is based on a matterof priorities. Tender Land' operetta to perform at S.U. John R. Talevich,journalism S.U.s production of Aaron opinion, will play the lead role. (Continued on page 3) Copland'soperetta,"The Tender Thirty-five S.U. students are Land" is unique in several ways. involved in the operetta. They The performance is scheduled will play the lesser roles,sing in for Feb. 25,26,27and March2,4 the chorus and handle the Candidate and 6 in Teatro Inigo, campus technical work. playhouse. Richard Wilson, part-time WILSON pointed out the forum Fri. S.U. fine arts faculty member students have a unique learning A meet-the-candidate forum anddirector of the operetta,said opportunity working with the for all persons running in the S.U. asked for and received professional performers. ASSU winter elections is specialpermission fromCopland "This performance opens the scheduled for 2 p.m. tomorrow to perform the production with University and fine arts depart- in Tabard Inn. onlypianoaccompaniment.This ment so that it can be observed Candidates for ASSU ex- has never been done before, he and hopefully taken in by the ecutive positions, judicial board said. community of artists in the and senate seats willpresenttheir ANOTHER added dimension Greater Seattle area," Wilson platforms. A question and to the production is the use of said. It also follows S.U.s answer period will follow. Free professional people in the lead president's plan for getting in- refreshments will be served. roles. They have donated their volved with the community, he All candidates must attend. time, Wilson commented. He added. The event is sponsored by the explainedthemajor rolesrequire Veteran's club. much skill,more than found on Wilson is looking for a good A totalof 25 personsare vying the college level. crowd response to the produc- for the various positions.
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